{-| Module : WeakSets Description : Homogeneous sets are sets which can contain only one type of values. They are more flexible than Data.Set because they do not require the objects contained to be orderable. Copyright : Guillaume Sabbagh 2022 License : LGPL-3.0-or-later Maintainer : guillaumesabbagh@protonmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Homogeneous sets are sets which can contain only one type of values. They are more flexible than Data.Set because they do not require the objects contained to be orderable. The datatype only assumes its components are equatable, it is therefore slower than the Data.Set datatype. We use this datatype because most of the datatypes we care about are not orderable. Inline functions related to homogeneous sets are written between pipes @|@. Function names should not collide with Prelude but should collide with Data.Set. -} module HomogeneousSet ( -- * Set datatype and smart constructor Set, -- abstract type, the smart constructor is `set` set, -- the smart constructor for `Set` -- * Set related functions setToList, isIncludedIn, cardinal, isIn, (|&|), (|||), (|*|), (|+|), (|-|), (|^|), powerSet, filterSet, setToMaybe, maybeToSet, catMaybesToSet, mapMaybeToSet, -- * Function datatype and smart constructor AssociationList(..), Function, -- abstract type, the smart constructor is `function` function, -- the smart constructor for `Function` -- * Function related functions functionToSet, domain, image, (|$|), (|!|), findWithDefault, (|.|), memorizeFunction, ) where import Data.List (intercalate, nub, nubBy, intersect, union, (\\), subsequences) import Data.Maybe -- | A homogeneous set is a list of values. -- -- The only differences are that we don't want duplicate elements and we don't need the order of the list elements. -- -- To force these constraints, the `Set` constructor is abstract and is not exported. The only way to construct a set is to use the smart constructor `set` which ensures the previous conditions. data Set a = Set [a] -- | The smart constructor of sets. This is the only way of instantiating a `Set`. -- -- If several elements are equal, they are kept until the user wants a list back. set :: [a] -> Set a set xs = Set xs instance (Show a) => Show (Set a) where show (Set xs) = "(set "++show xs++")" -- | Return a boolean indicating if a `Set` is included in another one. isIncludedIn :: (Eq a) => Set a -> Set a -> Bool (Set []) `isIncludedIn` _ = True (Set (x:xs)) `isIncludedIn` (Set ys) | x `elem` ys = (Set xs) `isIncludedIn` (Set ys) | otherwise = False instance (Eq a) => Eq (Set a) where x == y = x `isIncludedIn` y && y `isIncludedIn` x instance (Eq a) => Semigroup (Set a) where (Set xs) <> (Set ys) = set $ xs <> ys instance (Eq a) => Monoid (Set a) where mempty = Set [] instance Foldable Set where foldr f d (Set xs) = foldr f d xs instance Functor Set where fmap f (Set xs) = Set $ f <$> xs instance Applicative Set where pure x = Set [x] (<*>) (Set fs) (Set xs) = Set $ fs <*> xs instance Monad Set where (>>=) (Set xs) f = Set $ xs >>= (unsafeSetToList.f) -- | Transform a `Set` back into a list, the list returned does not have duplicate elements, the order of the original list holds. setToList :: (Eq a) => Set a -> [a] setToList (Set xs) = nub xs -- | Gives the underlying list of a set without removing duplicates, this function is not exported. unsafeSetToList :: Set a -> [a] unsafeSetToList (Set xs) = xs -- | Size of a set. cardinal :: (Eq a) => Set a -> Int cardinal = length.setToList -- | Return wether an element is in a set. isIn :: (Eq a) => a -> Set a -> Bool isIn x = (elem x).unsafeSetToList -- | Return the intersection of two sets. (|&|) :: (Eq a) => Set a -> Set a -> Set a (|&|) (Set xs) (Set ys) = Set $ xs `intersect` ys -- | Return the union of two sets. (|||) :: Set a -> Set a -> Set a (|||) (Set xs) (Set ys) = Set $ xs ++ ys -- | Return the cartesian product of two sets. (|*|) :: Set a -> Set b -> Set (a,b) (|*|) (Set xs) (Set ys) = Set $ [(x,y) | x <- xs, y <- ys] -- | Return the disjoint union of two sets. (|+|) :: Set a -> Set b -> Set (Either a b) (|+|) (Set xs) (Set ys) = Set $ [Left x | x <- xs] ++ [Right y | y <- ys] -- | Returns the cartesian product of a set with itself n times. (|^|) :: (Num a, Eq a) => Set a -> a -> Set [a] (|^|) _ 0 = Set [[]] (|^|) s n = (:) <$> s <*> (s |^| (n-1)) -- | Return the difference of two sets. (|-|) :: (Eq a) => Set a -> Set a -> Set a (|-|) (Set xs) (Set ys) = Set $ xs \\ ys -- | Return the set of all subsets of a given set. powerSet :: Set a -> Set (Set a) powerSet (Set xs) = Set $ Set <$> subsequences xs -- | Filter a set according to a condition. filterSet :: (a -> Bool) -> Set a -> Set a filterSet f (Set xs) = Set $ filter f xs -- | Set version of listToMaybe. setToMaybe :: Set a -> Maybe a setToMaybe = listToMaybe.unsafeSetToList -- | Set version of maybeToList. maybeToSet :: Maybe a -> Set a maybeToSet x = Set $ maybeToList x -- | Set version of catMaybes. catMaybesToSet :: Set (Maybe a) -> Set a catMaybesToSet = set.catMaybes.unsafeSetToList -- | Set version of mapMaybe. mapMaybeToSet :: (a -> Maybe b) -> Set a -> Set b mapMaybeToSet f = set.(mapMaybe f).unsafeSetToList -- | A function of homogeneous sets. It is a set of pairs (key,value) such that their should only be one pair with a given key. -- -- It is an abstract type, the smart constructor is `function`. data Function a b = Function (Set (a,b)) deriving (Eq) instance (Show a, Show b) => Show (Function a b) where show (Function al) = "(function "++show al++")" -- | An association list is a list of pairs (key,value). type AssociationList a b = [(a,b)] -- | The smart constructor of functions. This is the only way of instantiating a `Function`. -- -- Takes an association list and returns a function which maps to each key the value associated. -- -- If several pairs have the same keys, they are kept until the user wants an association list back. function :: AssociationList a b -> Function a b function al = Function $ Set $ al -- | Transform a function back into its underlying association list. functionToSet :: (Eq a) => Function a b -> Set (a,b) functionToSet (Function (Set al)) = Set $ nubBy (\x y -> (fst x) == (fst y)) al -- | Return the domain of a function. domain :: Function a b -> Set a domain (Function al) = fst <$> al -- | Return the image of a function. The image of a function is the set of values which are reachable by applying the function. image :: Function a b -> Set b image (Function al) = snd <$> al -- | Apply a function to a given value. If the function is not defined on the given value returns `Nothing`, otherwise returns `Just` the image. -- -- This function is like `lookup` in Data.Map for function (the order of the argument are reversed though). (|$|) :: (Eq a) => Function a b -> a -> Maybe b (|$|) (Function (Set [])) _ = Nothing (|$|) (Function (Set ((k,v):xs))) x | x == k = Just v | otherwise = (Function (Set xs)) |$| x -- | Unsafe version of `(|$|)`. -- -- This function is like `(!)` in Data.Map for function. (|!|) :: (Eq a) => Function a b -> a -> b (|!|) (Function (Set [])) _ = error "Function applied on a value not in the domain." (|!|) (Function (Set ((k,v):xs))) x | x == k = v | otherwise = (Function (Set xs)) |!| x -- | Apply a function to a given value, if the value is in the domain returns the image, otherwise return a default value. -- -- This function is like `findWithDefault` in Data.Map for function (the order of the argument are reversed though). findWithDefault :: (Eq a) => Function a b -> b -> a -> b findWithDefault (Function (Set [])) d _ = d findWithDefault (Function (Set ((k,v):xs))) d x | x == k = v | otherwise = findWithDefault (Function (Set xs)) d x -- | Compose two functions. If the two functions are not composable, strips the functions until they can compose. (|.|) :: (Eq a, Eq b) => Function b c -> Function a b -> Function a c (|.|) f2 f1 = Function $ Set [(k,(f2 |!| (f1 |!| k))) | k <- (setToList.domain $ f1), f1 |!| k `isIn` (domain f2)] -- | Memorize a Haskell function on a given finite domain. memorizeFunction :: (a -> b) -> Set a -> Function a b memorizeFunction f (Set xs) = Function $ Set [(k, f k) | k <- xs]