TaskMonad-1.0.0: A collection of tools which can be used to access taskwarrior from xmonad.

CopyrightMax Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE)
MaintainerMax Magorsch <max@magorsch.de>
Safe HaskellNone



TaskMonad.Utils bundles a number of help functions that can be used to interact with the taskwarrior command line application.



getTaskwarriorTaskList Source #


:: String

A filter that is applied, e.g. "+INBOX" or "status:pending". Please refer to the taskwarrior documentation for further information.

-> [String]

A list of properties that should be retrieved for each task, e.g. ["id", "description", "tags"]

-> IO [[String]]

A filtered list of tasks that contains the specified properties of each task

Returns a filtered list of tasks that contains the specified properties of each task

getTaskwarriorIds Source #


:: String

A filter that is applied, e.g. "+INBOX" or "status:pending". Please refer to the taskwarrior documentation for further information.

-> String

The category of properties that should be returned, e.g. "ids" or "tags"

-> IO [String]

A filtered list of all properties that belong to the specified category

Returns a filtered list of all properties that belong to a given category. For example

getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "tags"

returns a list of all tags of the pending tasks. Likewise

getTaskwarriorIds "status:pending" "ids"

returns the ids of all pending tasks.

isTWReport :: String -> Bool Source #

Checks whether a given taskwarrior command is a report or not

defaulttwreports :: [String] Source #

A list containing all taskwarrior reports. For further information, please refer to https://taskwarrior.org/docs/report.html

execCommand :: MonadIO m => String -> m () Source #

Executes a shell command.

execCommandWithOutput :: FilePath -> String -> IO String Source #

Executes an executable with args and returns the output.

twicon :: [[Bool]] Source #

The Taskwarrior icon