{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, CPP #-}
{-# OPTIONS -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Interface.TV.OFun
-- Copyright   :  (c) Conal Elliott 2006
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  conal@conal.net
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  MultiParamTypeClasses
-- 'Output' transformations, as a deep arrow.

module Interface.TV.OFun (OX,OFun, wrapO{-,wrapAO-}) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

import Control.Arrow
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 610
                      hiding (pure)

import Control.Compose (ContraFunctor(..))

import Data.FunArr
import Control.Arrow.DeepArrow
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609 && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 612
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)

import Interface.TV.Output
import Interface.TV.Input
-- import Interface.TV.Misc

-- | Output functions.
type OX dom ran a b = Output dom ran a -> Output dom ran b

-- | Output functions as a 'DeepArrow'
newtype OFun dom ran a b = OFun (OX dom ran a b)

-- TODO: consider generalizing from "->" in IFun?

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 609
instance Category (OFun dom ran) where
  id              = idA
  OFun g . OFun f = OFun (g . f)

instance Arrow (OFun dom ran) where
  -- (a->b) -> OFun dom ran a b
  arr = error "Interface.TV.OFun: no 'arr' method"
        -- We could use the following definition instead.
        -- const $ OFun (const OEmpty)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 609
  -- OFun dom ran a b -> OFun dom ran b c -> OFun dom ran a c
  OFun f >>> OFun g = OFun (f >>> g)

  -- OFun dom ran a a' -> OFun dom ran (a,b) (a',b)
  first (OFun f) = OFun (firstO f)

  -- OFun dom ran b b' -> OFun dom ran (a,b) (a,b')
  second (OFun f) = OFun (secondO f)
  -- Or, as recommended in DeepArrow.
  -- second f = swapA >>> first f >>> swapA
  -- As recommended
  f &&& g = dupA >>> f *** g

instance DeepArrow (OFun dom ran) where
  idA      = OFun id
  dupA     = postFun "dup" dupO
  fstA     = postFun "first half" fstO
  sndA     = postFun "second half" sndO
  funF     = postFun "funF" funFO
  funS     = postFun "funS" funSO
  funR     = postFun "funR" funRO
  swapA    = postFun "swapped" swapO
  curryA   = postFun "curried" curryO
  uncurryA = postFun "uncurried" uncurryO

  result   (OFun ox) = OFun (resultO   ox)
  -- argument (OFun ox) = OFun (argumentO ox)

instance FunArr (OFun dom ran) (Output dom ran) where
  toArr ofun = OFun (applyO ofun)
  OFun ox $$ o = ox o

-- Alter any outer titles before transforming
retitle :: (String -> String) -> OX dom ran a b -> OX dom ran a b
retitle re ofun (OTitle str o) = OTitle (re str) (retitle re ofun o)
retitle _  ofun o = ofun o

-- Alter by appending a comment
posttitle :: String -> OX dom ran a b -> OX dom ran a b
posttitle post = retitle (++ (" -- " ++ post))

-- Convenient wrappers
-- reFun :: (String->String) -> OX dom ran a b -> OFun dom ran a b
-- reFun re = OFun . retitle re

postFun :: String -> OX dom ran a b -> OFun dom ran a b
postFun post = OFun . posttitle post

-- Why don't we do postFun for 'result'?  Because we get funny titles when
-- composing (like "reverse -- result" for reverse composed with itself).
-- Maybe more experience will tell that automatic retitling is a bad idea
-- in general.  Wait & see.

---- Output transformers

resultO :: OX dom ran b b' -> OX dom ran (a->b) (a->b')
resultO ox ab = OLambda a (ox b)
  where (a,b) = asOLambda ab

-- argumentO :: OX dom ran a' a -> OX dom ran (a->b) (a'->b)
-- argumentO ox ab = 

applyO :: Output dom ran (a->b) -> OX dom ran a b
applyO o = const b where (_,b) = asOLambda o

firstO :: OX dom ran a c -> OX dom ran (a,b) (c,b)
firstO f ab = OPair (f a) b where (a,b) = asOPair ab

secondO :: OX dom ran b c -> OX dom ran (a,b) (a,c)
secondO f ab = OPair a (f b) where (a,b) = asOPair ab

dupO :: OX dom ran a (a,a)
dupO a = OPair a a

fstO :: OX dom ran (a,b) a
fstO ab = a where (a,_) = asOPair ab

sndO :: OX dom ran (a,b) b
sndO ab = b where (_,b) = asOPair ab

funFO :: OX dom ran (c->a,b) (c->(a,b))
funFO gb = OLambda c (OPair a b)
    (g,b) = asOPair gb
    (c,a) = asOLambda g

-- Try this style
-- funFO' :: OX dom ran (c->a,b) (c->(a,b))
-- funFO' gb = OLambda c (OPair a b)
--   where
--     ((c,a),b) = first asOLambda (asOPair gb)

funSO :: OX dom ran (a,c->b) (c->(a,b))
funSO ag = OLambda c (OPair a b)
    (a,g) = asOPair ag
    (c,b) = asOLambda g

funRO :: OX dom ran (a->b->c) (b->a->c)
funRO abc = OLambda b (OLambda a c) 
   (a,bc) = asOLambda abc
   (b,c)  = asOLambda bc

swapO :: OX dom ran (a,b) (b,a)
swapO ab = OPair b a where (a,b) = asOPair ab

curryO :: OX dom ran ((a,b)->c) (a->b->c)
curryO o = OLambda a (OLambda b c)
  where (ab,c) = asOLambda o
        (a ,b) = asIPair ab

uncurryO :: OX dom ran (a->b->c) ((a,b)->c)
uncurryO o = OLambda (IPair a b) c
  where (a,bc) = asOLambda o
        (b, c) = asOLambda bc

-- For now leave lAssocA and rAssocA as default.

---- Other functions

-- | Like @wrapF@, but for outputs and reversed orientation.
-- Specialization of 'wrapAO'.
wrapO :: (Functor dom, ContraFunctor ran) =>
         (b'->b) -> (a->a') -> OX dom ran (a->b) (a'->b')
wrapO outer inner ab = OLambda (fmap inner ia) (contraFmap outer ob)
   (ia,ob) = asOLambda ab

-- Then we get an elegant definition of @interactRSOut@:

-- interactRSOut dflt = wrapO show (readD dflt) interactLine