{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances , DeriveDataTypeable , FlexibleInstances , UndecidableInstances , MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {- | Implements full text indexation (`indexText`) and text search(`contains`), as an addition to the query language implemented in `Data.TCache.IndexQuery` it also can index the lists of elements in a field (with `indexList`) so that it is possible to ask for the registers that contains a given element in the given field (with `containsElem`) An example of full text search and element search in a list in combination using the `.&&.` operator defined in "indexQuery". before and after the update of the register @ data Doc= Doc{title :: String , authors :: [String], body :: String} deriving (Read,Show, Typeable) instance Indexable Doc where key Doc{title=t}= t instance Serializable Doc where serialize= pack . show deserialize= read . unpack main= do 'indexText' body T.pack 'indexList' authors (map T.pack) let doc= Doc{title= \"title\", authors=[\"john\",\"Lewis\"], body= \"Hi, how are you\"} rdoc <- atomically $ newDBRef doc r0 <- atomically $ `select` title $ authors \``containsElem`\` \"Lewis\" print r0 r1 <- atomically $ `select` title $ body \``contains`\` \"how are you\" print r1 r2 <- atomically $ `select` body $ body \``contains`\` \"how are you\" .&&. authors `containsElem` "john" print r2 atomically $ writeDBRef rdoc doc{ body= \"what's up\"} r3 <- atomically $ 'select' title $ body \`'contains'\` \"how are you\" print r3 if r0== r1 && r1== [title doc] then print \"OK\" else print \"FAIL\" if r3== [] then print \"OK\" else print \"FAIL\" @ -} module Data.TCache.IndexText(indexText, indexList, contains, containsElem) where import Data.TCache import Data.TCache.IndexQuery import Data.TCache.Defs import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as T import Data.Typeable import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import Data.Bits import System.Mem.StableName import Data.List((\\)) import GHC.Conc(unsafeIOToSTM) import Control.Concurrent(forkIO) import Data.Char import Control.Concurrent(threadDelay) import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8(pack, unpack) import Debug.Trace (!>)= flip trace data IndexText= IndexText { fieldType :: !String , lastDoc :: Int , mapDocKeyInt :: M.Map String Int , mapIntDocKey :: M.Map Int String , mapTextInteger :: M.Map T.Text Integer } deriving (Typeable) instance Show IndexText where show (IndexText t a b c d)= show (t,a,b,c,d) instance Read IndexText where readsPrec n str= [(IndexText t a b c d, str2)| ((t,a,b,c,d),str2) <- readsPrec n str] instance Serializable IndexText where serialize= pack . show deserialize= read . unpack instance Indexable IndexText where key (IndexText v _ _ _ _)= "IndexText " ++ v instance IResource IndexText where keyResource = key writeResource =defWriteResource readResourceByKey = defReadResourceByKey delResource = defDelResource readInitDBRef v x= do mv <- readDBRef x case mv of Nothing -> writeDBRef x v >> return v Just v -> return v add ref t key w = op ref t setBit w key del ref t key w = op ref t clearBit w key op refIndex t set ws key = do mindex <- readDBRef refIndex let mindex'= process mindex ws writeDBRef refIndex $ fromJust mindex' where process mindex []= mindex process mindex (w:ws)= case mindex of Nothing -> process (Just $ IndexText t 0 (M.singleton key 0) (M.singleton 0 key) (M.singleton w 1)) ws Just (IndexText t n mapSI mapIS map) -> do let (docLocation,n', mapSI',mapIS')= case M.lookup key mapSI of Nothing -> let n'= n+1 in (n', n' , M.insert key n' mapSI , M.insert n' key mapIS) -- new Document Just m -> (m,n, mapSI,mapIS) -- already indexed document case M.lookup w map of Nothing -> --new word process (Just $ IndexText t n' mapSI' mapIS' (M.insert w (set 0 docLocation) map)) ws Just integer -> -- word already indexed process (Just $ IndexText t n' mapSI' mapIS' $ M.insert w (set integer docLocation) map) ws -- | start a trigger to index the contents of a register field indexText :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -- ^ field to index -> (b -> T.Text) -- ^ method to convert the field content to lazy Text (for example `pack` in case of String fields). This permits to index non Textual fields -> IO () indexText sel convert= addTrigger (indext sel (words1 . convert)) where -- | trigger the indexation of list fields with elements convertible to Text indexList :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -- ^ field to index -> (b -> [T.Text]) -- ^ method to convert a field element to Text (for example `pack . show` in case of elemets with Show instances) -> IO () indexList sel convert= addTrigger (indext sel convert) where indext :: (IResource a, Typeable a,Typeable b) => (a -> b) -> (b -> [T.Text]) -> DBRef a -> Maybe a -> STM() indext sel convert dbref mreg= f1 -- unsafeIOToSTM $! f where f= forkIO (atomically f1) >> return() f1= do moldreg <- readDBRef dbref case ( moldreg, mreg) of (Nothing, Just reg) -> add refIndex t (keyResource reg) . convert $ sel reg (Just oldreg, Nothing) -> del refIndex t (keyResource oldreg) . convert $ sel oldreg (Just oldreg, Just reg) -> do st <- unsafeIOToSTM $ makeStableName $ sel oldreg -- test if field st' <- unsafeIOToSTM $ makeStableName $ sel reg -- has changed if st== st' then return () else do let key= keyResource reg let wrds = convert $ sel oldreg let wrds'= convert $ sel reg let new= wrds' \\ wrds let old= wrds \\ wrds' del refIndex t key old add refIndex t key new return() where [t1,t2]= typeRepArgs $! typeOf sel t= show t1 ++ show t2 refIndex= getDBRef . key $ IndexText t u u u u where u= undefined -- | return the DBRefs of the registers whose field (first parameter, usually a container) contains the requested value. containsElem :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) => (a -> b) -> String -> STM [DBRef a] containsElem sel wstr = do let w= T.pack wstr let [t1, t2]= typeRepArgs $! typeOf sel let t= show t1 ++ show t2 let u= undefined mr <- withSTMResources [IndexText t u u u u] $ \[r] -> resources{toReturn= r} case mr of Nothing -> return [] Just (IndexText t n _ mmapIntString map1) -> case M.lookup w map1 of Nothing -> return [] Just integer -> do let mns=map (\n ->case testBit integer n of True -> Just n; _ -> Nothing) [0..n] let wordsr = catMaybes $ map (\n -> M.lookup n mmapIntString) $ catMaybes mns return $ map getDBRef wordsr words1= filter ( (<) 2 . T.length) . T.split (\c -> isSeparator c || c=='\n' || isPunctuation c ) -- | return the DBRefs whose fields include all the words of length three or more in the requested text contents contains :: (IResource a, Typeable a, Typeable b) =>( a -> b) -- ^ field to search in -> String -- ^ text to search -> STM [DBRef a] contains sel str= case words str of [] -> return [] [w] -> containsElem sel w ws -> do let rs = map (containsElem sel) $ filter (\t -> length t >2) ws foldl (.&&.) (head rs) (tail rs)