module Bio.StockholmFont
) where
import Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont
import qualified Data.Text as T
linLibertineFontTuple :: (String, Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont.PreparedFont Double)
linLibertineFontTuple = loadFont' "linLibertine" linLibertineString
linLibertineFont :: Graphics.SVGFonts.ReadFont.PreparedFont Double
linLibertineFont = snd linLibertineFontTuple
linLibertineString :: T.Text
linLibertineString = T.pack "<metadata>\nCreated by FontForge 20161107 at Thu Dec 1 13:50:30 2016\n By egg\nLinux Libertine by Philipp H. Poll,\nOpen Font under Terms of following Free Software Licenses:\nGPL (General Public License) with font-exception and OFL (Open Font License).\nCreated with FontForge (\nSept 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011,2012\n</metadata>\n<defs>\n<font id=\"LinLibertine\" horiz-adv-x=\"1437\" >\n <font-face \n font-family=\"Linux Libertine\"\n font-weight=\"400\"\n font-stretch=\"normal\"\n units-per-em=\"2048\"\n panose-1=\"2 0 5 3 0 0 0 0 0 0\"\n ascent=\"1638\"\n descent=\"-410\"\n x-height=\"883\"\n cap-height=\"1325\"\n bbox=\"-207 -487 2587 1741\"\n underline-thickness=\"81\"\n underline-position=\"-281\"\n unicode-range=\"U+0020-024F\"\n />\n <missing-glyph />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"space\" unicode=\" \" horiz-adv-x=\"512\" \n />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"exclam\" unicode=\"!\" horiz-adv-x=\"589\" \nd=\"M295 1348q43 0 75.5 -37t32.5 -113q0 -59 -7 -115.5t-20.5 -135.5t-21.5 -144q-12 -96 -18 -183.5t-8 -134.5t-4 -55q-4 -41 -29 -41t-29 27q-2 12 -6 77.5t-11 152.5t-16 157q-6 63 -26.5 188t-20.5 207q0 76 33 113t76 37zM186 88q0 45 32 77t77 32t76.5 -32t31.5 -77\nt-31.5 -76.5t-76.5 -31.5t-77 31.5t-32 76.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"quotedbl\" unicode=\""\" horiz-adv-x=\"688\" \nd=\"M440 874q-53 326 -53 345q0 37 31 69.5t74 32.5q72 0 71 -68l-67 -370zM182 872q-53 326 -53 345q0 37 30.5 69.5t73.5 32.5q72 0 72 -68l-67 -370z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"numbersign\" unicode=\"#\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M571 502l37 235h-231l-39 -235h233zM686 737l-39 -235h195l-15 -109h-192l-62 -364h-77l55 364h-229l-60 -364h-76l58 364h-191l17 109h192l37 235h-190l16 109h190l60 366h78l-62 -366h234l57 366h78l-60 -366h197l-16 -109h-195z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dollar\" unicode=\"$\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M424 751l24 433q-83 -1 -144.5 -65t-61.5 -144q0 -134 182 -224zM488 548l-27 -499q112 1 172.5 61.5t60.5 174.5q0 109 -55 166.5t-151 96.5zM760 1198q27 -133 35 -246q-14 -12 -64 -12q-30 97 -75.5 157.5t-132.5 79.5l-26 -458q16 -6 49 -19t46 -18\nq262 -113 262 -332q0 -90 -48 -173t-130 -134q-92 -57 -219 -61l-10 -173q-18 -10 -75 -10l10 184q-60 4 -144.5 23t-139.5 19q-31 125 -39 288q31 16 62 6q53 -235 265 -265l29 522q-19 7 -34 14q-276 119 -277 334q0 143 101 231.5t246 93.5l9 163q27 10 76 10l-9 -174\nq71 -4 132.5 -24.5t100.5 -25.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"percent\" unicode=\"%\" horiz-adv-x=\"1304\" \nd=\"M887 170q0 -131 90 -131q78 0 129 99.5t51 197.5q0 49 -16.5 78.5t-33.5 38t-36 8.5q-72 0 -128 -97.5t-56 -193.5zM774 201q0 127 81 225t194 98q74 0 125 -42t51 -144q0 -121 -72 -242t-188 -121q-88 0 -139.5 69t-51.5 157zM745 1067q82 0 173.5 26.5t134.5 84.5\nl65 -33l-839 -1170l-70 31l735 1024q-98 -39 -219 -39q-90 0 -164 43q6 -23 6 -51q0 -119 -72.5 -240.5t-189.5 -121.5q-88 0 -138 68.5t-50 154.5q0 135 81 230t191 95q41 0 81 -15t56 -36q110 -51 219 -51zM227 815q0 -72 28 -101.5t62 -29.5q78 0 130.5 98.5t52.5 198.5\nq0 125 -88 125q-72 0 -128.5 -97.5t-56.5 -193.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ampersand\" unicode=\"&\" horiz-adv-x=\"1443\" \nd=\"M512 692q-150 -82 -203 -168t-53 -205q0 -141 66.5 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-25.5h-334v-328q0 -18 -23.5 -34.5t-45.5 -16.5q-33 0 -33 31v348h-358q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h338v326z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"comma\" unicode=\",\" horiz-adv-x=\"450\" \nd=\"M213 195q61 0 98 -55.5t37 -147.5q0 -102 -71.5 -174t-170.5 -90q-18 18 -18 49q74 18 127 72.5t53 91.5q0 55 -73 63q-90 14 -91 90q0 43 31 72t78 29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"hyphen\" unicode=\"-\" horiz-adv-x=\"692\" \nd=\"M555 457h-442q-31 0 -31 39q0 29 16.5 56.5t34.5 27.5h449q29 0 28 -41q0 -20 -18.5 -51t-36.5 -31z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"period\" unicode=\".\" horiz-adv-x=\"450\" \nd=\"M117 88q0 45 31.5 77t76.5 32t77 -32t32 -77t-32 -76.5t-77 -31.5t-76.5 31.5t-31.5 76.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"slash\" unicode=\"/\" horiz-adv-x=\"661\" \nd=\"M600 1323l-485 -1444h-84l485 1444h84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"zero\" unicode=\"0\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M475 1178q-39 0 -73.5 -25t-68.5 -84t-54.5 -185t-20.5 -304q0 -528 211 -529q18 0 38.5 6t48.5 23.5t53.5 57.5t41.5 100q35 127 35 421q0 383 -119 484q-39 35 -92 35zM467 -20q-122 0 -208 86q-84 83 -131.5 227t-47.5 309q0 291 117.5 469t277.5 178q150 0 250 -133\nq139 -184 139 -495q0 -170 -39 -301.5t-101 -202t-128 -104t-129 -33.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"one\" unicode=\"1\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M590 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-205 4 -250 4q-84 0 -285 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q119 4 159 36t40 151v668q0 119 -41 118q-55 0 -178 -51q-25 16 -31 55q287 133 402 205q12 0 12 -10q-6 -47 -6 -274v-711z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"two\" unicode=\"2\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M125 958q0 102 104.5 196.5t264.5 94.5q139 0 242.5 -78.5t103.5 -232.5q0 -74 -31 -139.5t-66.5 -107.5t-107.5 -111l-207 -199q-152 -152 -152 -248h365q55 0 86 43t57 154q39 8 60 -11q-4 -143 -49 -323q-94 4 -160 4h-359l-170 -4q0 98 46.5 189t187.5 235l152 149\nq168 170 167 361q0 133 -54 190.5t-124 57.5q-102 0 -152 -39t-50 -86q0 -10 8 -28.5t8 -20.5q8 -29 8 -43q0 -31 -33.5 -56.5t-62.5 -25.5q-33 0 -57.5 23t-24.5 56z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"three\" unicode=\"3\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M440 1178q-37 0 -75.5 -10.5t-78.5 -48.5t-40 -97q0 -106 -80 -107q-33 0 -51.5 23t-18.5 47q0 31 19.5 71t60.5 86t122 76.5t185 30.5q145 0 224 -80q64 -65 64 -162q0 -86 -48 -150.5t-168 -121.5l2 -4q115 -18 202 -96t87 -227q0 -195 -135.5 -311.5t-325.5 -116.5\nq-102 0 -198.5 39.5t-96.5 97.5q0 25 27.5 48t58.5 23q49 0 88 -53q2 -2 9.5 -13t10.5 -15.5t10 -13.5t13 -13t17.5 -11.5t23.5 -10.5t28.5 -5t35.5 -2q33 0 70.5 14.5t81.5 46t73 101.5t29 166q0 264 -269 264q-63 0 -98 -4l-10 66q142 20 232 110.5t90 177.5q0 93 -49 139\nt-122 46z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"four\" unicode=\"4\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M555 1038q-156 -213 -391 -589h391v589zM881 449q31 0 30 -33q0 -18 -19.5 -41t-39.5 -23h-141v-188q0 -33 5 -52.5t26.5 -28.5t33.5 -11t57 -7q14 -2 21 -2q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-131 4 -223 4q-111 0 -242 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q110 8 137 30q29 23 29 71v188\nh-418q-63 0 -80 86q317 498 555 789q18 23 33 22h66l4 -4q-4 -18 -4 -198v-598h170z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"five\" unicode=\"5\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M653 387q0 160 -65.5 235.5t-171.5 75.5q-129 0 -260 -49l69 590q119 -10 221 -10q123 0 336 22l15 -8l-33 -139q-125 -12 -215 -12q-70 0 -240 18l-41 -342q84 33 201 33q166 0 266.5 -110.5t100.5 -266.5q0 -195 -122 -321t-313 -126q-94 0 -192 47.5t-98 106.5\nq0 31 23.5 53.5t53.5 22.5q55 0 105 -66q2 -4 12 -17t14.5 -19.5t14.5 -16.5t18 -15t20.5 -12.5t26 -9.5t29.5 -2q94 0 159.5 97.5t65.5 240.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"six\" unicode=\"6\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M277 629q-17 -82 -17 -160q0 -242 66.5 -331t179.5 -89q80 0 133 84t53 244q0 45 -11 91t-35.5 95t-76 81t-123.5 32q-97 0 -169 -47zM296 703q97 44 193 45q195 0 284 -93.5t89 -240.5q0 -158 -98 -297.5t-281 -139.5q-68 0 -129 20.5t-124.5 71t-101.5 155t-38 251.5\nq0 274 191 496q170 199 448 280q25 -14 25 -53q-189 -71 -299.5 -203t-158.5 -292z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"seven\" unicode=\"7\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M348 1096q-39 0 -66.5 -9.5t-59.5 -50.5t-52 -118q-31 -4 -66 6q39 256 41 327q0 6 9 6q8 -2 34.5 -15t67.5 -13h422q82 0 158 22l32 -24q-221 -541 -458 -1247l-140 -7l-16 15q152 338 461 1108h-367z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eight\" unicode=\"8\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M479 1178q-88 0 -138 -49.5t-50 -122.5q0 -57 27.5 -107.5t115.5 -107.5l64 -39q164 121 164 243q0 78 -44.5 130.5t-138.5 52.5zM805 993q0 -88 -79 -162.5t-173 -121.5l145 -88q160 -96 160 -289q0 -131 -106.5 -241.5t-292.5 -110.5q-166 0 -265.5 82.5t-99.5 236.5\nq0 141 119 246q71 62 165 112l-52 33q-180 113 -181 277q0 121 95.5 201.5t248.5 80.5q147 0 231.5 -71.5t84.5 -184.5zM463 51q94 0 170 52.5t76 187.5q0 164 -179 272l-96 58q-115 -76 -159 -165t-44 -157q0 -125 73 -186.5t159 -61.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"nine\" unicode=\"9\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M688 598q17 82 17 160q0 242 -67 331t-179 89q-80 0 -133.5 -84t-53.5 -244q0 -45 11.5 -91t36 -95.5t75.5 -81t123 -31.5q98 0 170 47zM669 524q-97 -44 -194 -45q-195 0 -284 93.5t-89 240.5q0 158 98.5 297t280.5 139q68 0 129.5 -20.5t125 -70.5t101 -154.5\nt37.5 -251.5q0 -274 -190 -496q-170 -199 -448 -281q-25 16 -25 54q189 71 299.5 203t158.5 292z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"colon\" unicode=\":\" horiz-adv-x=\"483\" \nd=\"M143 727q0 45 32 77t77 32t76.5 -32t31.5 -77t-31.5 -77t-76.5 -32t-77 32t-32 77zM143 147.5q0 45.5 32 77t77 31.5t76.5 -31.5t31.5 -77t-31.5 -77t-76.5 -31.5t-77 31.5t-32 77z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"semicolon\" unicode=\";\" horiz-adv-x=\"483\" \nd=\"M143 727q0 45 32 77t77 32t76.5 -32t31.5 -77t-31.5 -77t-76.5 -32t-77 32t-32 77zM252 195q61 0 98 -55.5t37 -147.5q0 -102 -71.5 -174t-170.5 -90q-18 18 -18 49q74 18 127 72.5t53 91.5q0 55 -74 63q-90 14 -90 90q0 43 31 72t78 29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"less\" unicode=\"<\" horiz-adv-x=\"1126\" \nd=\"M283 489l649 -237q20 -23 20 -57.5t-20 -44.5l-799 290q-29 45 0 99l799 288q20 -10 20 -44.5t-20 -57.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"equal\" unicode=\"=\" horiz-adv-x=\"1126\" \nd=\"M950 633h-796q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h803q29 0 29 -35q0 -16 -19 -41.5t-37 -25.5zM950 293h-796q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h803q29 0 29 -35q0 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196.5t-198 113.5t-204.5 40q-121 0 -234.5 -42\nt-209 -123t-153.5 -218t-58 -311q0 -98 19.5 -196.5t69.5 -200t124.5 -178.5t196.5 -126t274 -49q242 0 411 135l27 -37q-109 -82 -213 -124t-264 -42q-360 0 -584.5 223.5t-224.5 557.5q0 330 246.5 562t593.5 232q328 0 542.5 -192.5t214.5 -480.5q0 -94 -30.5 -181.5\nt-95 -166t-184.5 -127t-280 -48.5q-74 0 -73 84q0 33 30 129l-4 2q-63 -106 -138 -158.5t-134 -52.5q-72 0 -125 28t-77.5 70t-36 80.5t-11.5 75.5q0 211 152.5 369t324.5 158q51 0 97.5 -24.5t60.5 -63.5l10 49l109 26l30 -10l-122 -528q-27 -121 -27 -137z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"A\" unicode=\"A\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172\nq16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"B\" unicode=\"B\" horiz-adv-x=\"1204\" \nd=\"M391 1126v-376h152q291 0 291 235q0 141 -80 205.5t-185 64.5q-90 0 -125.5 -11t-44 -33t-8.5 -85zM391 680v-438q0 -98 34 -138.5t136 -40.5q215 0 292 73t77 202q0 150 -99.5 246t-298.5 96h-141zM303 1321q37 0 129 2t127 2q440 0 440 -315q0 -80 -56 -154t-138 -115\nv-4q143 -41 229 -131t86 -229q0 -72 -24.5 -135.5t-79.5 -121t-160.5 -91t-251.5 -33.5q-98 0 -186 2t-113 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q160 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"C\" unicode=\"C\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M731 -20q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344q-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5\nq31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 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-10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"F\" unicode=\"F\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M580 662h-191v-412q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-143 4 -264 4q-123 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h523q54 0 96 8q7 0 8 -6q22 -118 45 -297\nq-27 -10 -64 -10q-25 80 -53.5 123t-92 71.5t-167.5 28.5h-92q-70 0 -92.5 -24.5t-22.5 -106.5v-369h191q125 0 153.5 24.5t32.5 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t35.5 -10q-4 -106 -5 -177q0 -78 5 -180q-10 -10 -35 -10t-33 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49 42.5t-124.5 18.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"G\" unicode=\"G\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25\nq-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"H\" unicode=\"H\" horiz-adv-x=\"1495\" \nd=\"M1266 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153v407h-701v-407q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-86 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q156 -4 264 -4q111 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-328h701v328q0 123 -32 152.5t-147 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q180 -4 265 -4q98 0 266 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"I\" unicode=\"I\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"J\" unicode=\"J\" horiz-adv-x=\"659\" \nd=\"M463 1071v-860q0 -104 -18.5 -184t-55.5 -137.5t-63.5 -86t-71.5 -67.5q-102 -88 -240 -88q-45 0 -99 30.5t-54 79.5q0 31 32.5 59.5t57.5 28.5q57 0 81 -52q26 -54 83 -54q41 0 75.5 26.5t66.5 128t32 271.5v905q0 123 -35 152.5t-164 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq205 -4 285 -4q90 0 246 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-98 -4 -128 -34.5t-30 -151.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"K\" unicode=\"K\" horiz-adv-x=\"1304\" \nd=\"M391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q184 -4 264 -4q78 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-360q95 8 162 80l338 360q31 33 39 54.5t-8.5 31.5t-34 13t-53.5 7q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q152 -4 231 -4q68 0 195 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-53 -4 -85 -10t-80 -31.5t-94 -72.5l-301 -309q-72 -74 -71 -101q0 -20 26 -51\nl449 -532q29 -35 62.5 -54.5t56 -23.5t61.5 -9q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -207 4q-29 0 -110 -4q-8 0 -11 12q-8 57 -73 142l-322 405q-59 74 -170 78v-383z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"L\" unicode=\"L\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129\nq150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"M\" unicode=\"M\" horiz-adv-x=\"1718\" \nd=\"M1357 238l-52 856h-5l-460 -1084q-16 -31 -29 -30q-18 0 -31 30l-424 1063h-4l-78 -821q-8 -96 16.5 -138t119.5 -51q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -193 4q-53 0 -176 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q84 7 114 47t39 138l82 844q10 113 -10 136t-129 29q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nl297 -4l420 -1040q10 -27 16.5 -27t18.5 29l434 1038l268 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-101 -6 -124 -33t-16 -114l61 -862q3 -49 5.5 -73t10 -48.5t15 -33t27 -16.5t40 -10t59.5 -4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -223 4q-68 0 -219 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5\nq40 2 57 3.5t37 8.5t25.5 15t10.5 30.5t4 46.5t-4 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"N\" unicode=\"N\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5\nt31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"O\" unicode=\"O\" \nd=\"M678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5\nt187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"P\" unicode=\"P\" horiz-adv-x=\"1107\" \nd=\"M387 1135v-478q37 -10 156 -10q152 0 228.5 75t76.5 236q0 178 -78 243t-205 65q-178 0 -178 -131zM213 1071q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q164 -4 264 -4q41 0 141.5 7t139.5 7q133 0 229 -34.5t143 -91t66.5 -108.5t19.5 -106q0 -72 -24.5 -140.5\nt-76.5 -133t-151.5 -104t-232.5 -39.5q-102 0 -166 20v-348q0 -121 39 -150.5t170 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-205 4 -295 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Q\" unicode=\"Q\" \nd=\"M678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-144 -205 -399 -249q-135 -38 -268 -135q22 3 40 3q129 0 317 -91q162 -78 255 -77q117 0 178 75l35 -24\nq-117 -168 -295 -168q-68 0 -134.5 18t-108 37.5t-101.5 54.5q-149 85 -242 85q-33 0 -72 -26q-42 -45 -77 -95l-80 41q14 24 36 47q128 154 312 250q-241 29 -399 205t-158 446q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"R\" unicode=\"R\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"S\" unicode=\"S\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M808 1292q28 -141 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93t54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5t83 -32.5q71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186t-140 -144\nq-108 -67 -253 -67q-97 0 -203.5 23.5t-164.5 23.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55t-71 38.5t-78 31q-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5t275.5 98.5\nq117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"T\" unicode=\"T\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M717 250q0 -123 34.5 -152.5t163.5 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-205 4 -284 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v788q0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168q-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16\nh176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45q-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-782z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"U\" unicode=\"U\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5\nv-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"V\" unicode=\"V\" horiz-adv-x=\"1335\" \nd=\"M918 1257q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q168 -4 223 -4q57 0 180 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-46 -5 -79 -20t-56 -45.5t-35 -54t-31 -70.5l-424 -1044q-18 -47 -49 -48q-29 0 -47 48l-404 1048q-44 113 -73.5 146t-110.5 40q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q135 -4 213 -4q84 0 248 4\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-103 -11 -122 -41.5t18 -121.5l326 -834h10l323 821q39 84 18.5 126t-126.5 50z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"W\" unicode=\"W\" horiz-adv-x=\"1947\" \nd=\"M1659 1157q6 18 6 32.5t-4 25t-16.5 17.5t-22.5 11t-29.5 7t-33 4t-35.5 3q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 225 -4q59 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-78 -4 -115.5 -34.5t-60.5 -89.5l-412 -1104q-18 -53 -46.5 -53.5t-47.5 55.5l-235 680q-20 57 -29 57q-12 0 -35 -51\nl-305 -686q-25 -55 -53 -56q-27 0 -45 56l-385 1108q-27 80 -50.5 97t-95.5 21q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q119 -4 191 -4q102 0 237 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-63 -4 -90.5 -20t-11.5 -66l299 -905l9 -2l265 600q18 41 19 72q0 18 -15 63l-47 136q-41 115 -172 122\nq-8 8 -8 33t8 35q131 -4 205 -4q88 0 256 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-29 -2 -42 -4t-35.5 -10t-26.5 -19.5t-11.5 -34t9.5 -54.5l281 -865l7 -2z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"X\" unicode=\"X\" horiz-adv-x=\"1351\" \nd=\"M1102 209q63 -88 102 -114.5t105 -31.5q10 -10 10 -33.5t-8 -33.5q-123 4 -209 4q-82 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q82 4 89 27t-41 84l-252 361q-16 23 -29 22q-10 0 -31 -29l-270 -378q-31 -53 -13.5 -67.5t93.5 -19.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-164 4 -215 4\nq-61 0 -185 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q74 6 126.5 33t101.5 94l303 406q20 27 20 47.5t-28 61.5l-292 415q-60 85 -99 108.5t-109 28.5q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4q82 0 233 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-82 -4 -88.5 -26.5t40.5 -84.5l226 -335q16 -23 25 -23\nq16 0 33 25l252 358q31 51 12 66.5t-92 19.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 215 -4q61 0 184 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-74 -6 -125 -33.5t-102 -93.5l-281 -362q-20 -27 -20 -61q0 -23 32 -68z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Y\" unicode=\"Y\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260q0 55 -8 83t-35 75l-269 452q-50 85 -86 109t-106 28q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5\nq-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l238 -419q14 -25 23 -26t22 22l226 428q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5t-80.5 -99.5l-245 -442q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Z\" unicode=\"Z\" horiz-adv-x=\"1236\" \nd=\"M1128 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 409 585t388 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10q35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88.5 2t61.5 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93\nq-319 -412 -768 -1063q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57.5 77t49.5 104q27 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"bracketleft\" unicode=\"[\" horiz-adv-x=\"729\" \nd=\"M221 -395v1835h434q8 -10 8.5 -30.5t-8.5 -31.5q-145 -10 -204.5 -31.5t-76 -60.5t-16.5 -137v-1251q0 -76 6.5 -110t38 -63.5t87 -40t165.5 -18.5q8 -10 8.5 -30.5t-8.5 -30.5h-434z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"backslash\" unicode=\"\\\" horiz-adv-x=\"587\" \nd=\"M113 1430l471 -1528h-90l-471 1528h90z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"bracketright\" unicode=\"]\" horiz-adv-x=\"729\" \nd=\"M508 1442v-1835h-434q-8 8 -8 30.5t8 30.5q145 10 204.5 31.5t76 60.5t16.5 138v1251q0 76 -6.5 109.5t-38 63.5t-87 40t-165.5 18q-8 8 -8 31t8 31h434z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"asciicircum\" unicode=\"^\" horiz-adv-x=\"1060\" \nd=\"M530 1214l-208 -505h-93l260 622h86l259 -622h-93z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"underscore\" unicode=\"_\" horiz-adv-x=\"995\" \nd=\"M975 -225q12 -12 12 -45t-12 -45h-955q-12 12 -12 44.5t12 45.5h955z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"grave\" unicode=\"`\" horiz-adv-x=\"802\" \nd=\"M365 1432l143 -258q12 -25 12 -50q0 -8 -9 -15t-22 -7q-16 0 -59 41l-233 223l4 23q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"a\" unicode=\"a\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40\nq6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"b\" unicode=\"b\" horiz-adv-x=\"1009\" \nd=\"M356 743q-35 -31 -34 -86v-512q78 -96 147 -96q141 0 215 113.5t74 296.5q0 147 -66.5 248.5t-161.5 101.5q-100 0 -174 -66zM342 807q102 92 229 92q141 0 252 -112.5t111 -290.5q0 -229 -141.5 -372.5t-311.5 -143.5q-120 0 -180 50q-17 14 -28.5 13.5t-27.5 -18.5\nq-15 -17 -48 -50q-31 0 -45 25q8 39 8 145v1000q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -13 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-377q0 -28 20 -10z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"c\" unicode=\"c\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M815 186q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140q0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24q-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5\nq141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"d\" unicode=\"d\" horiz-adv-x=\"1036\" \nd=\"M707 254v389q0 47 -6.5 66.5t-28.5 44.5q-63 74 -166 73q-123 0 -191 -102q-59 -84 -59 -272q0 -180 67.5 -278.5t157.5 -98.5q80 0 193 98q33 29 33 80zM684 103q-150 -123 -256 -123q-162 0 -255 120.5t-93 315.5q0 219 141 360q129 123 307 123q31 0 68 -9t63.5 -17.5\nt28.5 -8.5q18 0 19 19v262q0 66 -3.5 98.5t-26 48t-34.5 16.5t-68 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-928q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 72 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 10t-18.5 -7z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"e\" unicode=\"e\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281\nq90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"f\" unicode=\"f\" horiz-adv-x=\"634\" \nd=\"M358 250q0 -127 26 -153.5t146 -33.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-143 4 -251 4q-82 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q90 6 117 36t27 151v549h-142q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 47 41h105v82q0 223 109.5 346t252.5 123q123 0 184 -44q66 -49 66 -104q0 -31 -28.5 -57.5\nt-55.5 -26.5q-53 0 -82 66q-20 53 -48 74.5t-75 21.5q-162 0 -162 -365v-116h222q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -47 -26h-191v-549z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"g\" unicode=\"g\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193q0 -92 86 -145.5t160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3\nq-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85q-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124\nt-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224t245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"h\" unicode=\"h\" horiz-adv-x=\"1101\" \nd=\"M342 586v-336q0 -87 10.5 -123.5t32.5 -47.5t79 -16q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-115 4 -202 4q-90 0 -225 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5q51 4 73.5 9t41.5 24.5t23.5 53.5t4.5 100v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 26 -21\nq-8 -82 -8 -215l-2 -461q0 -25 17 -4q2 3 3 4q150 166 349 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -72 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -217 4q-94 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-37 74 -109 74\nq-139 0 -262 -121q-35 -38 -35 -86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"i\" unicode=\"i\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M184 1227q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -68 34t-31 73zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"j\" unicode=\"j\" horiz-adv-x=\"557\" \nd=\"M203 1227q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM231 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70\nq-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5t10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"k\" unicode=\"k\" horiz-adv-x=\"1048\" \nd=\"M176 250v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 286 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-714q66 9 139 63q74 55 164 168q10 12 16.5 25.5t10.5 31.5t-14.5 31.5t-59.5 15.5q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q94 -4 201 -4q84 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33\nq-143 -14 -215 -90l-180 -186q-8 -8 -9 -21q0 -10 15 -29l270 -339q37 -47 75 -62.5t101 -24.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-82 4 -168 4q-45 0 -127 -4q-8 0 -8 10q-4 33 -86 144l-149 200q-33 44 -66 67q-27 9 -88 11v-178q0 -121 19.5 -150.5t86.5 -36.5\nq10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-94 4 -186 4q-84 0 -219 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q90 6 113.5 35t23.5 152z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"l\" unicode=\"l\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"m\" unicode=\"m\" horiz-adv-x=\"1617\" \nd=\"M348 733q2 -27 25 0q147 166 311 166q78 0 134 -42.5t71 -107.5q5 -20 22 -1q143 151 338 151q125 0 168 -84t43 -242v-323q0 -123 21.5 -151.5t109.5 -35.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-115 4 -211 4q-106 0 -209 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q84 6 105.5 36t21.5 151v360\nq0 98 -30.5 140.5t-91.5 42.5q-147 0 -271 -136q2 -25 2 -82v-325q0 -123 20.5 -151.5t100.5 -35.5q8 -10 8 -33.5t-8 -33.5q-102 4 -201 4q-106 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q86 6 106.5 35t20.5 152v356q0 186 -135 187q-98 0 -221 -121q-35 -37 -35 -86v-336\nq0 -85 12 -122t34 -48t81 -17q9 -9 9 -33.5t-9 -33.5q-123 4 -207 4q-98 0 -221 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q90 6 115 36t25 151v399q0 86 -24 108.5t-110 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -23 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"n\" unicode=\"n\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86\nv-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"o\" unicode=\"o\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248\nq0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"p\" unicode=\"p\" horiz-adv-x=\"1062\" \nd=\"M358 678q-33 -41 -32 -90v-373q0 -54 8.5 -74t40.5 -49q48 -43 145 -43q82 0 141.5 34t90 92t44 119.5t13.5 131.5q0 168 -70.5 273.5t-173.5 105.5q-43 0 -104.5 -38t-102.5 -89zM319 754q2 -31 23 -9q137 154 281 154q154 0 258 -125t104 -293q0 -240 -151 -387\nq-121 -115 -302 -114q-100 0 -178 31q-16 8 -22 6t-6 -21v-221q0 -123 27.5 -152t140.5 -35q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -248 4q-86 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153v874q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 24 -16\nq10 -24 16 -135z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"q\" unicode=\"q\" horiz-adv-x=\"1030\" \nd=\"M659 754q-67 75 -161 75q-119 0 -184.5 -100t-65.5 -264q0 -111 28.5 -191.5t75.5 -122.5t95.5 -61.5t97.5 -19.5q83 0 135 27q19 10 24 21t5 40v471q0 39 -10.5 65.5t-39.5 59.5zM709 -227v227q0 31 -10 32t-46 -21q-55 -32 -157 -31q-203 0 -313.5 139t-110.5 305\nq0 203 123.5 339t310.5 136q139 0 231 -60q19 -11 29 -6t31 33q29 39 43 39q31 0 30 -51v-1081q0 -123 25 -152t123 -33q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-86 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 4 123 33t25 152z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"r\" unicode=\"r\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100q-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4\nq-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"s\" unicode=\"s\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92q-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5\nt-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272q0 -72 -34 -125.5t-87 -81t-104.5 -39.5t-100.5 -12q-100 0 -186 22q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"t\" unicode=\"t\" horiz-adv-x=\"647\" \nd=\"M88 879h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18q-8 -82 -8 -216v-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58q31 -2 36 -35q-121 -135 -276 -135q-158 0 -158 202v617\nh-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"u\" unicode=\"u\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5\nq139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"v\" unicode=\"v\" horiz-adv-x=\"1017\" \nd=\"M666 815q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 35.5q102 -4 188 -4q61 0 143 4q10 -10 10.5 -35t-10.5 -33q-78 -7 -109.5 -39t-65.5 -112l-273 -641q-20 -47 -49 -48q-35 0 -51 43l-262 648q-34 86 -61 113t-103 36q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 35.5q123 -4 190 -4q72 0 207 4\nq10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-77 -10 -86.5 -37t22.5 -100l148 -395q25 -63 38 -65.5t38 58.5l165 402q33 78 18 104.5t-97 32.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"w\" unicode=\"w\" horiz-adv-x=\"1529\" \nd=\"M416 815q-71 -4 -82.5 -34t20.5 -103l164 -422q14 -35 21.5 -43t14.5 1t21 46l144 363l-13 32q-17 43 -27 64t-28.5 46t-42.5 36t-59 14q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q123 -4 180 -4q82 0 205 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -92.5 -29.5t17.5 -95.5l177 -448q12 -32 21 -31t24 39\nl172 426q14 34 17.5 52t-1.5 40t-35 33t-85 14q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 209 -4q66 0 147 4q10 -10 10.5 -35t-10.5 -33q-72 -4 -108 -39.5t-65 -107.5l-267 -650q-16 -43 -47 -43t-49 41l-211 508l-207 -504q-20 -45 -49 -45q-31 0 -49 41l-268 662q-33 81 -62 105.5\nt-100 31.5q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 35.5q106 -4 186 -4q84 0 207 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 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0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33\nq-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l182 -426q25 -58 49 -2l203 469q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-150 -324 -362 -836q-43 -102 -84 -176z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"z\" unicode=\"z\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M145 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13q-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7\nq29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"braceleft\" unicode=\"{\" horiz-adv-x=\"567\" \nd=\"M365 1130l16 -339q6 -127 -47 -187.5t-168 -93.5v-8q113 -47 167 -118t48 -189l-16 -306q-6 -123 43 -198.5t120 -75.5q8 -8 8.5 -24.5t-8.5 -24.5q-166 0 -242.5 71.5t-68.5 262.5l12 348q6 209 -200 233q-25 25 0 49q104 10 152 75t48 153l-12 377q-10 313 311 313\nq8 -10 8.5 -24.5t-8.5 -24.5q-37 -10 -60.5 -22.5t-53 -40t-41.5 -79t-8 -127.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"bar\" unicode=\"|\" horiz-adv-x=\"419\" \nd=\"M256 -475h-90v1905h90v-1905z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"braceright\" unicode=\"}\" horiz-adv-x=\"567\" \nd=\"M195 -119l-17 340q-6 127 47.5 187.5t167.5 93.5v8q-113 47 -167 117.5t-48 189.5l17 305q6 123 -43.5 199t-120.5 76q-10 8 -10.5 24.5t10.5 24.5q166 0 242.5 -71.5t68.5 -262.5l-12 -348q-6 -209 200 -234q25 -25 0 -49q-104 -10 -152 -74.5t-48 -152.5l12 -377\nq10 -313 -311 -313q-10 10 -10.5 24.5t10.5 24.5q37 10 60.5 22.5t53 40t42 78.5t8.5 127z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"asciitilde\" unicode=\"~\" horiz-adv-x=\"919\" \nd=\"M53 428q20 104 96 183t166 79q66 0 154 -65q92 -68 147 -68q53 0 112.5 34t90.5 103q25 0 35 -12q-29 -100 -82 -159.5t-91 -73t-73 -13.5q-66 0 -155 68q-88 66 -150 65q-55 0 -117.5 -42t-97.5 -107q-19 0 -35 8z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni00A0\" unicode=\" \" horiz-adv-x=\"512\" \n />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"exclamdown\" unicode=\"¡\" horiz-adv-x=\"589\" \nd=\"M295 -469q-43 0 -76 37t-33 113q0 59 7.5 115.5t20.5 135t22 144.5q12 96 18 183t8 134t4 56q4 41 28.5 40.5t29.5 -26.5q2 -12 6 -78t11 -153t15 -156q6 -63 26.5 -188.5t20.5 -206.5q0 -76 -32.5 -113t-75.5 -37zM403 790.5q0 -45.5 -31.5 -77t-76.5 -31.5t-77 31.5\nt-32 77t32 77t77 31.5t76.5 -31.5t31.5 -77z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"cent\" unicode=\"¢\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M475 1251h74v-198q134 -2 212 -53t78 -131q0 -42 -30 -64t-66 -22q-66 0 -74 70q-3 29 -8 48t-17 40.5t-36 33t-59 14.5v-713q12 -1 21 -1q134 0 234 128q30 -4 41 -27q-64 -106 -136 -149.5t-160 -46.5v-207h-74v209q-158 17 -245.5 131t-87.5 291q0 175 98 295.5\nt235 147.5v204zM475 298v682q-76 -25 -121 -112.5t-45 -220.5q0 -127 45.5 -219t120.5 -130z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"sterling\" unicode=\"£\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M152 614q-12 0 -13 15v22q0 16 12.5 29.5t36.5 13.5h93v41q0 127 39.5 218t128.5 177q117 121 272 121q49 0 106.5 -25.5t57.5 -74.5q0 -39 -23.5 -61.5t-60.5 -22.5q-31 0 -74 39q-51 47 -102 47q-72 0 -121 -90t-49 -223v-146h254q16 0 16 -12v-41q0 -27 -49 -27h-221\nq-2 -287 -154 -428q86 0 145.5 -15t84 -32.5t61.5 -33t82 -15.5q145 0 211 90q27 -4 37 -22q-39 -82 -113 -131.5t-172 -49.5q-92 0 -184.5 61.5t-182.5 61.5q-82 0 -82 -51q0 -35 -23.5 -53.5t-58.5 -18.5q-31 0 -52 16.5t-21 41.5q0 45 104 102q84 61 114 170t30 268v39\nh-129z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"currency\" unicode=\"¤\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M221 625q0 -121 69.5 -205t182.5 -84q111 0 181.5 84t70.5 203q0 121 -73.5 204.5t-174.5 83.5q-111 0 -183.5 -83.5t-72.5 -202.5zM473 244q-127 0 -233 78l-93 -115l-88 88l117 92q-86 104 -86 236q0 135 86 237l-113 90l80 86l99 -110q106 76 231 75q131 0 236 -79\nl100 118l84 -88l-119 -96q82 -100 82 -233q0 -127 -80 -232l113 -94l-78 -82l-98 109q-108 -80 -240 -80z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"yen\" unicode=\"¥\" horiz-adv-x=\"952\" \nd=\"M391 260v14h-289q-12 0 -12 15v26q0 39 49 39h252v148h-289q-12 0 -12 12v25q0 16 12.5 29.5t36.5 13.5h244l-219 448q-59 125 -164 135q-8 10 -8 35t8 33q131 -4 184 -4q51 0 183 4q10 -8 10 -32.5t-10 -35.5q-59 0 -71.5 -12t9.5 -66l219 -450h4l158 360\nq51 113 48 137.5t-79 30.5q-8 10 -8 35t8 33q131 -4 162 -4q6 0 137 4q8 -10 7.5 -33.5t-11.5 -34.5q-80 -8 -101.5 -29.5t-74.5 -138.5l-188 -415h264q16 0 16 -13v-39q0 -29 -51 -28h-250v-148h285q16 0 16 -12v-39q0 -29 -51 -29h-250v-14q0 -131 36 -161.5t173 -35.5\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-217 4 -293 4q-86 0 -299 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q137 4 173 35t36 162z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"brokenbar\" unicode=\"¦\" horiz-adv-x=\"432\" \nd=\"M266 1380v-741h-100v741h100zM266 330v-742h-100v742h100z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"section\" unicode=\"§\" horiz-adv-x=\"968\" \nd=\"M256 850q-92 93 -92 227q0 109 85 190t234 81q135 0 210 -68t75 -139q0 -78 -74 -78q-61 0 -84 84q-18 68 -48 102.5t-91 34.5q-72 0 -119 -47t-47 -119q0 -143 187 -244q8 -4 53 -27.5t58 -31.5t54 -31.5t56.5 -39t47.5 -42t45 -51t30.5 -56.5t23.5 -69t6 -77\nq0 -179 -153 -304q92 -93 92 -227q0 -109 -85 -189.5t-235 -80.5q-135 0 -209.5 67.5t-74.5 139.5q0 78 73 77q61 0 84 -84q18 -68 48 -102.5t92 -34.5q72 0 119 47t47 119q0 143 -187 244q-8 4 -53 27.5t-58.5 31.5t-54.5 32t-56 39t-47 41.5t-45 51.5t-30.5 56.5t-24 68.5\nt-6.5 78q1 179 154 303zM670 185q86 76 86 165q0 55 -20.5 103.5t-41 78t-73 68.5t-76 53.5t-90.5 53.5q-97 56 -156 104q-86 -78 -86 -166q0 -55 20.5 -103t41 -78t72.5 -69t75.5 -53t91.5 -53q96 -55 156 -104z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dieresis\" unicode=\"¨\" horiz-adv-x=\"776\" \nd=\"M102 1178q0 41 29 69.5t68 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-68 29t-29 68zM449 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"copyright\" unicode=\"©\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M899 442q-35 -53 -99.5 -92t-142.5 -39q-123 0 -208 72q-111 92 -111 240q0 125 74 207q94 105 250 106q63 0 107 -6t71.5 -14.5t40.5 -10.5q4 -74 0 -170q-14 -8 -41 -8q-31 84 -69 123t-118 39q-74 0 -126 -57.5t-52 -194.5q0 -113 57.5 -189.5t143.5 -76.5\nq115 0 184 102q21 -6 39 -31zM657 47q-242 0 -414.5 171t-172.5 409q0 240 174 408.5t413.5 168.5t413.5 -169t174 -408.5t-174 -409.5t-414 -170zM657 1139q-215 0 -360 -148.5t-145 -363.5q0 -213 146 -363.5t359 -150.5q211 0 358.5 150.5t147.5 363.5\nq0 215 -146.5 363.5t-359.5 148.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ordfeminine\" unicode=\"ª\" horiz-adv-x=\"628\" \nd=\"M393 1028q-129 -33 -176 -64.5t-47 -80.5q0 -84 92 -84q55 0 131 67v162zM481 733q-35 0 -57.5 24.5t-28.5 55.5q-53 -47 -89 -63.5t-85 -16.5q-66 0 -112 40t-46 104q0 123 211 176l119 30q0 170 -110 170q-51 0 -81 -15t-30 -40q0 -18 4 -26.5t4 -24.5q0 -14 -13 -28.5\nt-40 -14.5q-23 0 -38 14.5t-15 36.5q0 57 71.5 103.5t141.5 46.5q217 0 217 -234v-153q0 -117 28 -117q14 0 25 10q23 -8 21 -33q-42 -45 -97 -45z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"guillemotleft\" unicode=\"«\" horiz-adv-x=\"1112\" \nd=\"M319 440q121 -137 261 -348q-8 -35 -50 -39q-209 225 -378 375v25q170 150 378 374q41 -4 50 -39q-140 -211 -261 -348zM688 440q121 -137 260 -348q-8 -35 -49 -39q-209 225 -379 375v25q170 150 379 374q41 -4 49 -39q-139 -211 -260 -348z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"logicalnot\" unicode=\"¬\" horiz-adv-x=\"1226\" \nd=\"M1022 203v459h-940q-14 51 0 90h1051v-549q-62 -23 -111 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni00AD\" unicode=\"­\" horiz-adv-x=\"692\" \nd=\"M555 457h-442q-31 0 -31 39q0 29 16.5 56.5t34.5 27.5h449q29 0 28 -41q0 -20 -18.5 -51t-36.5 -31z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"registered\" unicode=\"®\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M770 758q0 104 -102 104q-37 0 -59.5 -20.5t-22.5 -48.5v-154h86q49 0 73.5 25.5t24.5 93.5zM539 907q14 0 69.5 2t77.5 2q102 0 148.5 -47t46.5 -106q0 -57 -33 -96t-84 -56l98 -168q35 -59 88 -49q12 -12 8 -35q-35 -14 -73 -14q-80 0 -125 78l-98 164q-10 8 -76 8\nv-115q0 -49 15 -64.5t67 -19.5q6 -6 6 -24.5t-6 -24.5q-74 4 -129 4q-57 0 -131 -4q-6 6 -6.5 24.5t6.5 24.5q51 4 66 19.5t15 64.5v303q0 49 -15 64.5t-66 19.5q-6 6 -6.5 24.5t6.5 24.5q74 -4 131 -4zM657 47q-242 0 -414.5 171t-172.5 409q0 240 174 408.5t413.5 168.5\nt413.5 -169t174 -408.5t-174 -409.5t-414 -170zM657 1139q-215 0 -360 -148.5t-145 -363.5q0 -213 146 -363.5t359 -150.5q211 0 358.5 150.5t147.5 363.5q0 215 -146.5 363.5t-359.5 148.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"macron\" unicode=\"¯\" horiz-adv-x=\"813\" \nd=\"M645 1083h-500q-25 0 -24 31q0 20 13 40t32 20h500q29 0 28 -29q0 -20 -15.5 -41t-33.5 -21z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"degree\" unicode=\"°\" horiz-adv-x=\"546\" \nd=\"M408 1040q0 57 -35 102.5t-98.5 45.5t-99.5 -44t-36 -104q0 -57 37 -99t98 -42q59 0 96.5 43t37.5 98zM70 1042q0 86 60 146.5t144 60.5t143.5 -60.5t59.5 -146.5q0 -84 -59.5 -144t-143.5 -60t-144 60t-60 144z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"plusminus\" unicode=\"±\" horiz-adv-x=\"1126\" \nd=\"M512 1065q0 18 25.5 36.5t42.5 18.5q35 0 34 -28v-353h361q29 0 29 -34q0 -16 -18.5 -42t-37.5 -26h-334v-328q0 -18 -23.5 -34.5t-45.5 -16.5q-33 0 -33 31v348h-358q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h338v326zM948 76h-794q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h801\nq29 0 29 -35q0 -16 -19 -41.5t-37 -25.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"two.superior\" unicode=\"²\" horiz-adv-x=\"628\" \nd=\"M150 1202q-18 0 -36 15.5t-18 33.5q0 53 55.5 105.5t163.5 52.5q90 0 156 -40t66 -130q0 -66 -44 -121t-139 -123q-104 -76 -135 -184h170q23 0 41.5 11.5t32.5 38t21.5 40.5t19.5 47q33 0 49 -10q-14 -113 -39 -193h-422q0 125 176 261q78 63 110 109t32 122\nq0 111 -103 111q-80 0 -98 -43q-4 -10 -4 -31v-29q-8 -43 -55 -43z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"three.superior\" unicode=\"³\" horiz-adv-x=\"628\" \nd=\"M381 1278q0 37 -23.5 53.5t-54.5 16.5t-63.5 -13.5t-42.5 -36.5q-2 -4 -6.5 -18t-7.5 -20.5t-14 -13.5t-28 -7q-18 0 -29.5 8t-14.5 16.5t-3 12.5q0 23 19.5 50.5t76 55t138.5 27.5q80 0 127 -31.5t47 -89.5q0 -82 -105 -139q61 -6 112.5 -52t51.5 -128q0 -104 -80 -170\nt-205 -66q-58 0 -128 22.5t-70 65.5q0 20 15.5 32.5t35.5 12.5q43 0 61 -35q18 -37 95 -36q59 0 104 34.5t45 122.5q0 125 -153 125q-8 0 -41 -4q-14 18 -4 55q145 21 145 150z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"acute\" unicode=\"´\" horiz-adv-x=\"698\" \nd=\"M358 1440q12 4 29 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -23l-236 -223q-39 -39 -61 -39q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 19q0 20 24 57z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni00B5\" unicode=\"µ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M696 123q-127 -143 -299 -143q-90 0 -133 47q-27 0 -26 -19q0 -72 34.5 -198.5t34.5 -165.5q0 -59 -24.5 -91t-63.5 -32q-33 0 -75 38t-42 95q0 49 16.5 155.5t16.5 174.5q0 27 -9 126t-9 164v385l-23 220q29 0 94.5 9t83.5 11q6 -131 7 -197v-401q0 -229 149 -229\nq78 0 156 45t116 102v660q31 0 91.5 9t70.5 11v-651q0 -59 3 -91t23.5 -59.5t59.5 -27.5q31 0 50.5 16t21.5 16q6 0 15 -10t9 -20q0 -8 -21.5 -28.5t-66.5 -42t-92 -21.5q-147 0 -164 143h-4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"pilcrow\" unicode=\"¶\" horiz-adv-x=\"1232\" \nd=\"M752 1176v-1506q0 -78 82 -78q84 0 84 78v1506q0 78 -84 77q-82 1 -82 -77zM836 1321q266 0 362 4l4 -4v-39q0 -14 -16 -16l-53 -4q-63 -4 -88 -22.5t-25 -63.5v-1506q0 -45 24.5 -63.5t88.5 -22.5l53 -4q16 -2 16 -16v-39l-4 -4q-98 4 -362 4q-262 0 -363 -4l-4 4v39\nq0 14 14 16l56 4q63 4 86.5 23.5t23.5 62.5v914q-27 -6 -65 -6q-227 0 -347 102t-120 305q0 135 100 237.5t289 102.5q88 0 201 -2t129 -2z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"periodcentered\" unicode=\"·\" horiz-adv-x=\"512\" \nd=\"M256 408q-43 0 -77 33.5t-34 76.5t34 77t77 34t77 -34t34 -77t-34 -76.5t-77 -33.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"cedilla\" unicode=\"¸\" horiz-adv-x=\"1107\" \nd=\"M618 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-12 12l82 197h70l-52 -137q25 6 54 6q63 0 104 -35t41 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -152 35q0 33 21 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 75.5 21.5t28.5 60.5q0 71 -68 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"one.superior\" unicode=\"¹\" horiz-adv-x=\"628\" \nd=\"M276 1270q-31 0 -116 -31q-20 16 -21 55q129 47 240 115q23 12 37 0v-489q0 -39 7 -61.5t24.5 -34t34 -14.5t46.5 -5q16 -31 0 -60q-61 2 -172 3q-135 0 -196 -3q-18 29 0 60q51 2 76.5 8t47 31.5t21.5 75.5v266q0 51 -5.5 67.5t-23.5 16.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ordmasculine\" unicode=\"º\" horiz-adv-x=\"714\" \nd=\"M80 879q0 125 78 202.5t209 77.5q127 0 198.5 -77.5t71.5 -190.5q0 -109 -75 -189.5t-210 -80.5q-115 0 -193.5 74.5t-78.5 183.5zM350 1106q-74 0 -112.5 -59.5t-38.5 -147.5q0 -86 45 -155.5t131 -69.5q53 0 98 43t45 141q0 121 -45 184.5t-123 63.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"guillemotright\" unicode=\"»\" horiz-adv-x=\"1112\" \nd=\"M793 440q-121 137 -261 348q8 35 50 39q209 -225 379 -374v-25q-170 -150 -379 -375q-41 4 -50 39q140 211 261 348zM424 440q-121 137 -260 348q8 35 49 39q209 -225 379 -374v-25q-170 -150 -379 -375q-41 4 -49 39q139 211 260 348z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"onequarter\" unicode=\"¼\" horiz-adv-x=\"1351\" \nd=\"M1141 1231l84 -17l-938 -1341l-86 16zM1081 393q-62 -76 -126.5 -168t-73.5 -119h200v287zM1081 -12v49h-243q-57 0 -39 58q5 11 20 34q73 118 229 301q34 40 73 63q4 2 29 3q38 0 38 -21v-369h115l-13 -69h-102v-49q0 -57 22.5 -73.5t81.5 -20.5q16 -31 0 -60\nq-61 2 -159.5 2t-159.5 -2q-18 29 0 60q66 4 87 19.5t21 74.5zM270 1169q-31 0 -116 -30q-20 16 -21 55q129 47 240 115q23 12 37 0v-490q0 -39 7 -61.5t24.5 -33.5t34 -14t46.5 -5q16 -31 0 -60q-61 2 -172 2q-135 0 -196 -2q-18 29 0 60q51 2 76.5 8t47 31.5t21.5 74.5\nv266q0 51 -5.5 67.5t-23.5 16.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"onehalf\" unicode=\"½\" horiz-adv-x=\"1351\" \nd=\"M1090 1231l86 -17l-940 -1341l-84 16zM883 295q-18 0 -36 15.5t-18 33.5q0 53 55.5 105.5t164.5 52.5q90 0 155.5 -40t65.5 -130q0 -66 -44 -121t-139 -123q-104 -76 -135 -184h170q23 0 41.5 11t32.5 38t21.5 41t19.5 47q33 0 49 -10q-14 -113 -39 -193h-422\nq0 125 176 260q78 63 110 109.5t32 122.5q0 111 -103 110q-80 0 -98 -43q-4 -10 -4 -30.5v-28.5q-8 -43 -55 -43zM274 1169q-31 0 -116 -30q-20 16 -21 55q129 47 240 115q23 12 37 0v-490q0 -39 7 -61.5t24.5 -33.5t34 -14t46.5 -5q16 -31 0 -60q-61 2 -172 2\nq-135 0 -196 -2q-18 29 0 60q51 2 76.5 8t47 31.5t21.5 74.5v266q0 51 -5.5 67.5t-23.5 16.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"threequarters\" unicode=\"¾\" horiz-adv-x=\"1351\" \nd=\"M1151 1231l84 -17l-938 -1341l-86 16zM377 1174q0 37 -23.5 53t-54.5 16t-63.5 -13t-42.5 -36q-2 -4 -6.5 -18.5t-7.5 -20.5t-14 -13t-28 -7q-18 0 -29.5 8t-14.5 16t-3 12q0 23 19.5 50.5t76 55.5t138.5 28q80 0 127 -32t47 -89q0 -82 -105 -140q61 -6 112.5 -52\nt51.5 -128q0 -104 -80 -169.5t-205 -65.5q-58 0 -128 22.5t-70 64.5q0 20 15.5 33t35.5 13q43 0 61 -35q18 -37 95 -37q59 0 104 35t45 123q0 125 -154 125q-8 0 -40 -4q-14 18 -5 55q146 21 146 150zM1090 397q-62 -76 -126.5 -168t-74.5 -118h201v286zM1090 -8v49h-244\nq-57 0 -38 58q5 11 19 34q73 118 230 301q34 40 73 63q4 2 28 3q38 0 38 -21v-368h115l-13 -70h-102v-49q0 -57 22.5 -73.5t81.5 -20.5q16 -31 0 -60q-61 2 -159.5 2t-159.5 -2q-18 29 0 60q66 4 87.5 19.5t21.5 74.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"questiondown\" unicode=\"¿\" horiz-adv-x=\"890\" \nd=\"M657 -293q0 39 -12 53.5t-12 49.5q0 33 24.5 52t55.5 19q33 0 58.5 -20.5t25.5 -67.5q0 -100 -105 -184q-92 -80 -254 -80q-156 0 -250 85t-94 224q0 57 18.5 106.5t59.5 91.5t67.5 64.5t77.5 59.5q86 63 107 102q29 55 29 150v90q0 20 34 20q33 0 33 -20v-94\nq0 -199 -143 -330q-61 -57 -87 -108.5t-26 -123.5q0 -102 54.5 -175.5t140.5 -73.5t142 31.5t56 78.5zM596 790.5q0 -45.5 -32 -77t-77 -31.5t-76.5 31.5t-31.5 77t31.5 77t76.5 31.5t77 -31.5t32 -77z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Agrave\" unicode=\"À\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M582 1675l247 -172q31 -23 31 -43q0 -12 -9 -21t-22 -9q-31 0 -88 24l-315 129q64 61 156 92zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4\nq-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8\nt11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Aacute\" unicode=\"Á\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M854 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4\nq-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5\nt2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Acircumflex\" unicode=\"Â\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M772 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5\nt27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Atilde\" unicode=\"Ã\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M864 1530q35 0 55.5 21.5t41.5 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11.5t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17.5q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -76.5q-39 -6 -56 11q47 201 164 200q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13t27 -14t29 -20.5t24.5 -17.5\nq51 -39 106 -39zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41\nl422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Adieresis\" unicode=\"Ä\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M395 1446q0 41 30 69.5t68.5 28.5t68.5 -28.5t30 -69.5t-30 -69.5t-68.5 -28.5t-68.5 28.5t-30 69.5zM881 1446q0 41 28.5 69.5t69.5 28.5t69.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5t-28.5 -69.5t-69.5 -28.5t-69.5 28.5t-28.5 69.5zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5\nt46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5\nt-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Aring\" unicode=\"Å\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l461 1088q-54 18 -89.5 64t-35.5 101\nq0 70 54.5 122t126 52t125.5 -51t54 -123q0 -49 -28.5 -91.5t-74.5 -64.5l407 -1130q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5\nt2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5zM735 1571q-47 0 -72.5 -31t-25.5 -78q0 -45 26.5 -76.5t71.5 -31.5t72 31.5t27 76.5q0 49 -27 79t-72 30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"AE\" unicode=\"Æ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1771\" \nd=\"M555 625h324v553q0 43 -11 47zM879 250v295h-365l-199 -383q-6 -20 -9 -34.5t10.5 -25t25.5 -17.5t35.5 -11t41 -6t40.5 -5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-31 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q76 6 122 34t91 112l498 932q33 47 5 79.5t-128 36.5q-8 8 -8 33\nt8 35l236 -4h286h361q53 0 100 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -67 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-150 50h-215q-35 0 -54 -25.5t-19 -64.5v-410h186q125 0 153.5 24.5t32.5 115.5q10 10 35 10t33 -10q-4 -123 -4 -177q0 -37 4 -180q-8 -10 -32.5 -10t-35.5 10q-4 55 -12 79\nt-49 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-494q0 -88 73 -88h279q195 0 268 268q37 8 72 -10q-25 -162 -76 -342q-164 4 -262 4h-438q-166 -2 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ccedilla\" unicode=\"Ç\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M752 -197q-53 0 -93 -12l-12 12l73 177q-158 2 -282.5 54.5t-202.5 142.5t-118.5 206.5t-40.5 251.5q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344q-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416\nq0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-188 -246 -459 -273l-44 -120q25 6 53 6q63 0 104 -35t41 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -152 35q0 33 21 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 75.5 21.5t28.5 60.5q1 71 -67 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Egrave\" unicode=\"È\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M502 1673l248 -172q31 -23 30 -43q0 -12 -9 -21.5t-21 -9.5q-31 0 -88 25l-316 129q64 61 156 92zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453\nq0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6\nq16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Eacute\" unicode=\"É\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M717 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5\nt89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297\nq-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ecircumflex\" unicode=\"Ê\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M645 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79\nt-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4\nh522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Edieresis\" unicode=\"Ë\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M664 1550q0 39 28.5 69t69.5 30t69.5 -30t28.5 -69t-28.5 -68.5t-69.5 -29.5t-69.5 29.5t-28.5 68.5zM276 1550q0 39 30 69t69 30t68.5 -30t29.5 -69t-29.5 -68.5t-68.5 -29.5t-69 29.5t-30 68.5zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177\nq0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821\nq0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Igrave\" unicode=\"Ì\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M203 1673l248 -172q31 -23 30 -43q0 -12 -9 -21.5t-21 -9.5q-31 0 -89 25l-315 129q64 61 156 92zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5\nt-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Iacute\" unicode=\"Í\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M430 1677q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -25q-31 0 -31 31q0 23 31 43zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Icircumflex\" unicode=\"Î\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M338 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34\nt31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Idieresis\" unicode=\"Ï\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M399 1550q0 39 30 69t69 30t68.5 -30t29.5 -69t-29.5 -68.5t-68.5 -29.5t-69 29.5t-30 68.5zM12 1550q0 39 29 69t70 30t69.5 -30t28.5 -69t-28.5 -68.5t-69.5 -29.5t-70 29.5t-29 68.5zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4\nq-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Eth\" unicode=\"Ð\" horiz-adv-x=\"1435\" \nd=\"M391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-487h199q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-180v-416zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5\nt206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v338h-178q-23 0 -23 28q0 16 12.5 34t26.5 18h162v403q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nq164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ntilde\" unicode=\"Ñ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M854 1526q35 0 55.5 21.5t40.5 84.5q33 2 56 -12q-41 -203 -179 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-28.5 11.5t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-26 17.5q-63 39 -110 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -76.5q-39 -6 -56 11q47 201 164 200q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t25.5 -17\nq51 -39 106 -39zM1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627\nq0 -72 6.5 -109.5t31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ograve\" unicode=\"Ò\" \nd=\"M623 1677l247 -172q31 -23 31 -43q0 -12 -9 -21t-22 -9q-31 0 -88 24l-315 129q64 61 156 92zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436\nq-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Oacute\" unicode=\"Ó\" \nd=\"M793 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5\nt-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ocircumflex\" unicode=\"Ô\" \nd=\"M750 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674\nq0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Otilde\" unicode=\"Õ\" \nd=\"M840 1526q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11.5t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17.5q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58 -22.5t-36 -76.5q-39 -6 -55 11q47 201 164 200q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17\nq52 -39 107 -39zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203\nq285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Odieresis\" unicode=\"Ö\" \nd=\"M199 1446q0 41 29.5 69.5t68.5 28.5t68.5 -28.5t29.5 -69.5t-29.5 -69.5t-68.5 -28.5t-68.5 28.5t-29.5 69.5zM1036 1446q0 41 29 69.5t70 28.5t69.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5t-28.5 -69.5t-69.5 -28.5t-70 28.5t-29 69.5zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5\nq0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"multiply\" unicode=\"×\" horiz-adv-x=\"1126\" \nd=\"M631 594l252 -250l-72 -72l-250 250l-250 -250l-73 72l251 250l-251 252l73 72l250 -252l250 252l72 -72z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Oslash\" unicode=\"Ø\" \nd=\"M221 -27q-27 0 -48 20.5t-26 45.5l106 130q-177 183 -177 466q0 307 170 510t459 203q234 0 404 -125l101 125q29 0 49.5 -18.5t24.5 -43.5l-102 -126q182 -186 182 -486q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-222 0 -390 124zM678 1274\nq-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -213 88 -369l661 813q-135 160 -343 160zM1077 1031l-658 -814q138 -164 339 -164q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 234 -90 396z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ugrave\" unicode=\"Ù\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M565 1675l248 -172q31 -23 31 -43q0 -12 -9.5 -21t-21.5 -9q-31 0 -88 24l-315 129q63 61 155 92zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11\nq-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Uacute\" unicode=\"Ú\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M829 1677q88 -41 127 -106l-294 -119q-57 -25 -87 -25q-31 0 -30 31q0 23 30 43zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4\nt277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ucircumflex\" unicode=\"Û\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M754 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5\nt-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5\nt-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Udieresis\" unicode=\"Ü\" horiz-adv-x=\"1366\" \nd=\"M662 -20q-61 0 -121 11t-126.5 46t-116.5 88t-83 146.5t-33 211.5v588q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-127.5 34.5q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q152 -4 245 -4q72 0 174 4q20 0 21.5 -31.5t-12.5 -36.5q-49 -8 -73 -50t-24 -136v-520q0 -92 3 -140.5t28 -121t76 -123.5q102 -102 244 -103\nq123 0 202.5 44.5t115.5 125t47 155.5t11 179v504q0 98 -21.5 137t-76.5 49q-23 16 -18.5 42t32.5 26q27 0 71 -2t67 -2q76 0 198 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-98 -4 -124.5 -33.5t-26.5 -152.5v-467q0 -303 -113.5 -463.5t-408.5 -160.5zM475 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5\nt68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM770 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Yacute\" unicode=\"Ý\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M737 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -30 30q0 23 30 43zM690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260q0 55 -8 83t-35 75l-269 452q-50 85 -86 109\nt-106 28q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l238 -419q14 -25 23 -26t22 22l226 428q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5\nt-80.5 -99.5l-245 -442q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Thorn\" unicode=\"Þ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1079\" \nd=\"M375 981v-596q31 -10 145 -10q299 0 299 327q0 168 -75.5 235t-186.5 67q-102 0 -182 -23zM375 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -264 4q-66 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -32 152.5\nt-146 33.5q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q205 -4 264 -4q66 0 266 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-8q147 8 184 8q135 0 229.5 -36t139.5 -95t63.5 -116.5t18.5 -121t-24.5 -128t-77 -127t-151 -101.5t-227.5 -39q-100 0 -155 19v-76z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"germandbls\" unicode=\"ß\" horiz-adv-x=\"1107\" \nd=\"M188 250v541q0 25 -24 24h-105q-10 10 1.5 39t29.5 29q59 0 78.5 17.5t19.5 76.5q0 121 42 213t107.5 141t134.5 74t134 25q147 0 229.5 -72t82.5 -156q0 -74 -40 -142.5t-86.5 -109.5t-136.5 -108v-4q82 -53 129 -90t112 -99.5t96.5 -136.5t31.5 -158q0 -162 -89 -268\nt-230 -106q-117 0 -165 57t-48 139q0 25 19 48.5t44 23.5q57 0 57 -62q0 -18 -8 -42.5t-8 -34.5q0 -29 19.5 -43.5t38 -16.5t51.5 -2q53 0 99 71.5t46 200.5q0 250 -318 492v27q115 88 165.5 160.5t50.5 177.5q0 86 -40 136t-120 50q-76 0 -126 -38t-72.5 -109.5t-31 -142.5\nt-8.5 -167v-655q0 -119 18.5 -148.5t80.5 -38.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-94 4 -179 4q-100 0 -223 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q92 4 116.5 34t24.5 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"agrave\" unicode=\"à\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M401 1374l144 -258q12 -25 12 -49q0 -8 -9 -15.5t-22 -7.5q-16 0 -59 41l-234 224l5 22q63 47 133 47q14 0 30 -4zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86\nq-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12\nq37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"aacute\" unicode=\"á\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M500 1374q12 4 28 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221\nq0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33\nq29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"acircumflex\" unicode=\"â\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M473 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 228 287q36 8 65 0zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86\nq-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12\nq37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"atilde\" unicode=\"ã\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M580 1174q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -75.5q-39 -6 -55 10q47 201 164 201q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13.5t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17.5\nq52 -38 107 -38zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5\nq0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"adieresis\" unicode=\"ä\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M170 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM516 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5q0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5\nt109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5\nt232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"aring\" unicode=\"å\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M430 1300q-47 0 -72.5 -30.5t-25.5 -77.5q0 -45 26.5 -77t71.5 -32t71.5 32t26.5 77q0 49 -26.5 78.5t-71.5 29.5zM250 1192q0 70 54 122t126 52t126 -51t54 -123q0 -70 -53 -122t-127 -52q-72 0 -126 52t-54 122zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225\nq0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5\nq-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ae\" unicode=\"æ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1406\" \nd=\"M543 786q-43 45 -133 45q-66 0 -112 -22.5t-46 -65.5q0 -31 6 -41q6 -12 6 -36q0 -27 -21.5 -47.5t-58.5 -20.5q-82 0 -82 92q0 88 99.5 148.5t228.5 60.5q203 0 283 -143q104 143 291 143q156 0 239.5 -68.5t83.5 -136.5q0 -88 -42 -138t-167 -78.5t-358 -31.5\nq0 -141 81 -253.5t193 -112.5q139 0 244 123q23 -2 41 -33q-45 -86 -130 -138t-183 -52q-86 0 -156 28.5t-94.5 51t-59.5 61.5q-14 12 -21 9t-28 -24q-125 -127 -274 -126q-127 0 -193 36q-100 57 -100 193q0 61 36.5 119.5t92.5 91.5q122 72 401 92q-1 206 -67 274z\nM610 440q-204 -16 -307 -92q-76 -56 -76 -129q0 -70 43 -111.5t127 -41.5q49 0 115 52t88 113q10 49 10 209zM762 518q236 2 322.5 39t86.5 131q0 51 -50 97t-120 46q-100 0 -163.5 -88t-75.5 -225z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ccedilla\" unicode=\"ç\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M467 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-13 12l75 178q-170 15 -265.5 135.5t-95.5 309.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140q0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24q-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5\nq141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29q-67 -110 -141.5 -156t-166.5 -50l-44 -117q25 6 53 6q63 0 104.5 -35t41.5 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-157.5 -43q-72 0 -151 35q0 33 20 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 76 21.5t29 60.5q0 71 -68 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"egrave\" unicode=\"è\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M430 1374l143 -258q12 -25 13 -49q0 -8 -9.5 -15.5t-21.5 -7.5q-16 0 -59 41l-234 224l4 22q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178\nq-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eacute\" unicode=\"é\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M553 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131\nq-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ecircumflex\" unicode=\"ê\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M510 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178\nq-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"edieresis\" unicode=\"ë\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M203 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM549 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49\nq-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"igrave\" unicode=\"ì\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M203 1374l143 -258q12 -25 12 -49q0 -8 -9 -15.5t-21 -7.5q-16 0 -60 41l-233 224l4 22q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"iacute\" unicode=\"í\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M334 1374q12 4 28 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5\nt-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"icircumflex\" unicode=\"î\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M289 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151\nv399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"idieresis\" unicode=\"ï\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M-8 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM338 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eth\" unicode=\"ð\" horiz-adv-x=\"995\" \nd=\"M508 53q92 0 163.5 90t71.5 314q0 156 -32 272q-78 98 -207 98q-74 0 -127 -34.5t-80 -91t-39 -116t-12 -124.5q0 -174 75.5 -291t186.5 -117zM70 426q0 125 44 222t113.5 148.5t141 77t139.5 25.5q84 0 156 -29q-63 154 -183 301l-223 -149l-45 65l215 146l-33 33\nq-66 68 -139 120l33 44q111 -59 217 -146l217 146l45 -66l-199 -133l37 -37q309 -309 309 -709q0 -246 -128 -375.5t-314 -129.5q-180 0 -291.5 137t-111.5 309z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ntilde\" unicode=\"ñ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M709 1174q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -75.5q-39 -6 -55 10q47 201 164 201q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13.5t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17.5\nq52 -38 107 -38zM377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121\nq-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ograve\" unicode=\"ò\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M459 1374l143 -258q12 -25 12 -49q0 -8 -9 -15.5t-21 -7.5q-16 0 -60 41l-233 224l4 22q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307z\nM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"oacute\" unicode=\"ó\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M553 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827\nq-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ocircumflex\" unicode=\"ô\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M549 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133\nt-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"otilde\" unicode=\"õ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M623 1174q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -75.5q-39 -6 -55 10q47 201 164 201q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13.5t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17.5\nq52 -38 107 -38zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248\nq0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"odieresis\" unicode=\"ö\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M248 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM594 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143\nq147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"divide\" unicode=\"÷\" horiz-adv-x=\"1126\" \nd=\"M462 792.5q0 37.5 27 64.5t64.5 27t64 -27t26.5 -64.5t-26.5 -64t-64 -26.5t-64.5 26.5t-27 64zM462 243.5q0 37.5 27 64.5t64.5 27t64 -27t26.5 -64.5t-26.5 -64t-64 -26.5t-64.5 26.5t-27 64zM948 463h-794q-31 0 -31 33q0 23 16.5 46t34.5 23h801q29 0 29 -35\nq0 -16 -19 -41.5t-37 -25.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"oslash\" unicode=\"ø\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M848 930q49 0 63 -47l-85 -105q123 -130 122 -340q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-160 0 -271 89l-104 -126q-25 0 -41 15t-20 38l108 131q-102 124 -102 293q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q145 0 247 -70zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -107 36 -207l387 469\nq-74 98 -196 98zM725 655l-392 -476q77 -128 210 -128q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q1 170 -47 282z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ugrave\" unicode=\"ù\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M449 1374l143 -258q12 -25 12 -49q0 -8 -9 -15.5t-22 -7.5q-16 0 -59 41l-233 224l4 22q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211\nv-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0\nq-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uacute\" unicode=\"ú\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M608 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 23 57zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372\nq0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120\nq-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ucircumflex\" unicode=\"û\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M539 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13\nq-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81\nq-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"udieresis\" unicode=\"ü\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M252 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM598 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5q0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393\nq0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211\nv-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"yacute\" unicode=\"ý\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M645 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l7 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 23 57zM418 -328q-84 -147 -199 -147q-41 0 -68.5 21.5t-27.5 54.5q0 27 25.5 57.5t64.5 30.5q10 0 27.5 -3t31.5 -3q70 0 103 59q49 100 80 188q25 70 -29 193l-232 539\nq-39 91 -68.5 118t-92.5 35q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q82 -4 166 -4q80 0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l182 -426q25 -58 49 -2l203 469q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33\nq-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-150 -324 -362 -836q-43 -102 -84 -176z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"thorn\" unicode=\"þ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1028\" \nd=\"M330 590v-389q0 -46 7 -64t28 -35q61 -52 143 -53q147 0 207.5 108.5t60.5 268.5q0 223 -106 330q-49 49 -119 49q-66 0 -143.5 -59.5t-77.5 -155.5zM172 1145q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 286 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-391\nq0 -33 6 -35.5t29 21.5q108 110 235 110q145 0 246.5 -126t101.5 -292q0 -236 -147 -383q-119 -119 -287 -118q-80 0 -145 26q-4 2 -10.5 5t-9.5 5t-8 2t-7 -4t-3 -12t-1 -22v-205q0 -123 27.5 -152t140.5 -35q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-176 4 -248 4q-57 0 -229 -4\nq-8 8 -8.5 32.5t8.5 34.5q96 4 121.5 34t25.5 153v1370z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ydieresis\" unicode=\"ÿ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M287 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM633 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM418 -328q-84 -147 -199 -147q-41 0 -68.5 21.5\nt-27.5 54.5q0 27 25.5 57.5t64.5 30.5q10 0 27.5 -3t31.5 -3q70 0 103 59q49 100 80 188q25 70 -29 193l-232 539q-39 91 -68.5 118t-92.5 35q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q82 -4 166 -4q80 0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l182 -426q25 -58 49 -2\nl203 469q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-150 -324 -362 -836q-43 -102 -84 -176z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Amacron\" unicode=\"Ā\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M946 1511h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 43t31 23h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4\nq-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8\nt11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"amacron\" unicode=\"ā\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M659 1061h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -16 -43.5t-34 -23.5zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221\nq0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33\nq29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Abreve\" unicode=\"Ă\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M1012 1647q-8 -104 -90 -168t-189 -64q-115 0 -192.5 62.5t-85.5 169.5h57q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t75.5 91.5h58zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5\nt27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"abreve\" unicode=\"ă\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M201 1325q16 -82 77.5 -133t143.5 -51t144.5 49t76.5 135l55 -25q-18 -127 -99 -201.5t-177 -74.5q-109 0 -182.5 72.5t-94.5 203.5zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32\nq-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5\nt19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Aogonek\" unicode=\"Ą\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M1436 -276q-86 -133 -226 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 68 54 143t143 115h-58q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5l-113 -297q-2 -20 -6 -35.5\nt11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-102 0 -174 -77t-72 -155\nq0 -96 103 -96q41 0 68.5 18.5t68.5 59.5q27 1 39 -22zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"aogonek\" unicode=\"ą\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M942 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 111 171 239q-54 7 -76 36.5t-32 80.5h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5\nt-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-46 -45 -118 -65q-80 -68 -115 -117.5t-35 -108.5q0 -96 102 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t39.5 24.5t44 42q27 1 39 -22zM600 477\nl-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Cacute\" unicode=\"Ć\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M803 1677q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -25q-31 0 -31 31q0 23 31 43zM731 -20q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344q-179 0 -327 -182\nq-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 -276z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"cacute\" unicode=\"ć\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M520 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 23 57zM815 186q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140q0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24\nq-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ccircumflex\" unicode=\"Ĉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M770 1657q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM731 -20q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10\nq-104 344 -448 344q-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 -276z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ccircumflex\" unicode=\"ĉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M489 1352q76 -123 224 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q36 8 65 0zM815 186q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140\nq0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24q-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Cdotaccent\" unicode=\"Ċ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M623 1542q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM731 -20q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344\nq-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 -276z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"cdotaccent\" unicode=\"ċ\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M367 1229q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 68.5 -33.5t29.5 -72.5q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -67.5 33t-30.5 74zM815 186q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140q0 -43 -32 -67\nt-68 -24q-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ccaron\" unicode=\"Č\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M682 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM731 -20q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q147 0 287.5 -45.5t161.5 -47.5q31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344\nq-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 -276z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ccaron\" unicode=\"č\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M414 1028q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM815 186q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q145 0 229 -54t84 -140q0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24\nq-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Dcaron\" unicode=\"Ď\" horiz-adv-x=\"1435\" \nd=\"M596 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-983z\nM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5t206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nq164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dcaron\" unicode=\"ď\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M1030 1430q55 0 89 -45.5t34 -104.5q0 -66 -55.5 -136.5t-153.5 -80.5l-10 35q59 12 94 56t35 85q0 43 -29 43q-94 0 -94 78q0 27 23.5 48.5t66.5 21.5zM707 254v389q0 47 -6.5 66.5t-28.5 44.5q-63 74 -166 73q-123 0 -191 -102q-59 -84 -59 -272q0 -180 67.5 -278.5\nt157.5 -98.5q80 0 193 98q33 29 33 80zM684 103q-150 -123 -256 -123q-162 0 -255 120.5t-93 315.5q0 219 141 360q129 123 307 123q31 0 68 -9t63.5 -17.5t28.5 -8.5q18 0 19 19v262q0 66 -3.5 98.5t-26 48t-34.5 16.5t-68 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21\nq-8 -82 -9 -215v-928q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 72 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 10t-18.5 -7z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Dcroat\" unicode=\"Đ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1435\" \nd=\"M391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-485h250q27 -4 27 -26q0 -16 -15 -34.5t-32 -21.5h-230v-416zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5\nt206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v338h-162q-25 5 -24 27q0 16 12.5 33.5t30.5 21.5h143v401q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nq164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dcroat\" unicode=\"đ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1036\" \nd=\"M707 254v389q0 47 -6.5 66.5t-28.5 44.5q-63 74 -166 73q-123 0 -191 -102q-59 -84 -59 -272q0 -180 67.5 -278.5t157.5 -98.5q80 0 193 98q33 29 33 80zM684 103q-150 -123 -256 -123q-162 0 -255 120.5t-93 315.5q0 219 141 360q129 123 307 123q31 0 68 -9t63.5 -17.5\nt28.5 -8.5q18 0 19 19v209h-304q-25 5 -24 27q0 16 12.5 33.5t30.5 21.5h284q-1 50 -5.5 76.5t-20.5 40t-31.5 16.5t-54.5 5q-12 1 -19 1q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-20h121q27 -4 27 -26q0 -16 -14.5 -34.5t-32.5 -21.5h-101v-826\nq0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 72 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 10t-18.5 -7z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Emacron\" unicode=\"Ē\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M768 1526h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 42.5t31 22.5h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453\nq0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6\nq16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"emacron\" unicode=\"ē\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M690 1061h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 42.5t31 22.5h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131\nq-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ebreve\" unicode=\"Ĕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M852 1645q-8 -104 -90 -168t-189 -64q-115 0 -192.5 62.5t-85.5 169.5h57q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t76.5 91.5h57zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79\nt-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4\nh522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ebreve\" unicode=\"ĕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M246 1327q16 -82 77.5 -133t143.5 -51t144.5 49t76.5 135l55 -24q-18 -127 -99 -202t-177 -75q-109 0 -182.5 72.5t-94.5 204.5zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178\nq-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Edotaccent\" unicode=\"Ė\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M446 1542q0 43 32 75t75 32t74.5 -32t31.5 -75t-31.5 -74.5t-74.5 -31.5t-75 31.5t-32 74.5zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453\nq0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6\nq16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"edotaccent\" unicode=\"ė\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M369 1227q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178\nq-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Eogonek\" unicode=\"Ę\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M1020 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -181 152q0 68 54 143t143 115h-68h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297\nq-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5\nt89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342h-19q-102 0 -174 -77t-72 -155q0 -96 103 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t39.5 24.5t44 42q27 1 39 -22z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eogonek\" unicode=\"ę\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M764 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -181 152q0 111 173 240q-21 -2 -46 -2q-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140 24.5t114 85.5q35 -2 43 -32q-70 -91 -160 -136\nq-105 -88 -147 -141.5t-42 -116.5q0 -96 103 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t39.5 24.5t44 42q27 1 39 -22zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ecaron\" unicode=\"Ě\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M549 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453\nq0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6\nq16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ecaron\" unicode=\"ě\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M408 1026q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131\nq-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Gcircumflex\" unicode=\"Ĝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M784 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -32 -43q-133 61 -218 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -28 43q84 63 207 199q36 23 79 0zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5\nq-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57\nq-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"gcircumflex\" unicode=\"ĝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M504 1350q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193\nq0 -92 86 -145.5t160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85\nq-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224\nt245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Gbreve\" unicode=\"Ğ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M999 1651q-8 -104 -90 -168t-188 -64q-115 0 -192.5 62.5t-86.5 169.5h58q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t75.5 91.5h57zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5\nq-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57\nq-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"gbreve\" unicode=\"ğ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M229 1319q16 -82 78 -133t143.5 -51t144 49t77.5 135l55 -25q-18 -127 -99 -201.5t-177 -74.5q-109 0 -182.5 72.5t-94.5 203.5zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193\nq0 -92 86 -145.5t160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85\nq-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224\nt245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Gdotaccent\" unicode=\"Ġ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M623 1542q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432\nq0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465\nq0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"gdotaccent\" unicode=\"ġ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M369 1227q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193\nq0 -92 86 -145.5t160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85\nq-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224\nt245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Gcommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ģ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M768 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131\nt-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237\nq0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"gcommaaccent\" unicode=\"ģ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M467 1047q-57 0 -92 45t-35 104q0 76 47 135q59 74 170 88q10 -10 10 -41q-80 -16 -118.5 -56t-38.5 -81q0 -12 1 -18t6 -8.5t9 -2.5t17.5 1t25.5 1q55 0 78.5 -25.5t23.5 -58.5q0 -29 -27.5 -56t-76.5 -27zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99\nt24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193q0 -92 86 -145.5t160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25\nq-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85q-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248\nq-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224t245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Hcircumflex\" unicode=\"Ĥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1495\" \nd=\"M1266 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153v407h-701v-407q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-86 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q156 -4 264 -4q111 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-328h701v328q0 123 -32 152.5t-147 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q180 -4 265 -4q98 0 266 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821zM791 1651q90 -109 210 -199q-10 -33 -32 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -220 -125q-23 14 -28 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"hcircumflex\" unicode=\"ĥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1101\" \nd=\"M695 1360q69 -129 201 -301q-18 -30 -47 -37q-106 78 -185 174q-100 -117 -188 -174q-28 7 -45 37q140 181 205 301q34 8 59 0zM342 586v-336q0 -87 10.5 -123.5t32.5 -47.5t79 -16q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-115 4 -202 4q-90 0 -225 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5\nq51 4 73.5 9t41.5 24.5t23.5 53.5t4.5 100v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 26 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215l-2 -461q0 -25 17 -4q2 3 3 4q150 166 349 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -72 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -217 4q-94 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-37 74 -109 74q-139 0 -262 -121q-35 -38 -35 -86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Hbar\" unicode=\"Ħ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1495\" \nd=\"M1266 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153v407h-701v-407q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-86 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v799h-133v69h132q-5 89 -39 112t-138 27q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q156 -4 264 -4q111 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-104 -4 -138 -27t-39 -112h698q-5 89 -38.5 112t-138.5 27q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q180 -4 265 -4q98 0 266 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-104 -4 -138 -27t-39 -112h117v-69h-118v-799zM1092 1049h-701v-306h701v306z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"hbar\" unicode=\"ħ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1101\" \nd=\"M342 586v-336q0 -87 10.5 -123.5t32.5 -47.5t79 -16q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-115 4 -202 4q-90 0 -225 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5q51 4 73.5 9t41.5 24.5t23.5 53.5t4.5 100v835h-127v80h127q-1 53 -5 81.5t-20 43t-32 17.5t-55 5q-12 1 -19 1q-23 23 -12 61\nq182 14 287 56q27 0 26 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-29h356v-80h-356l-2 -352q0 -25 17 -4q2 3 3 4q150 166 349 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -72 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -217 4q-94 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37\nt21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-37 74 -109 74q-139 0 -262 -121q-35 -38 -35 -86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Itilde\" unicode=\"Ĩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M436 1524q35 0 55.5 21.5t40.5 84.5q33 2 56 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11.5t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17.5q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -76.5q-39 -6 -56 11q47 201 164 200q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13t27 -14.5t29 -20.5t24.5 -17\nq51 -39 106 -39zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5\nt-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"itilde\" unicode=\"ĩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M377 1174q31 0 49.5 21.5t37.5 84.5q29 3 49 -12q-17 -95 -57.5 -149t-102.5 -54q-12 0 -23.5 3.5t-25 11.5t-22 14.5t-24.5 19t-23 16.5q-57 39 -99 39q-34 0 -52.5 -22t-32.5 -76q-34 -7 -50 10q43 201 147 201q16 0 31 -3.5t30.5 -13t24 -15t26.5 -20.5t21 -18\nq47 -38 96 -38zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Imacron\" unicode=\"Ī\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M522 1526h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821\nq0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"imacron\" unicode=\"ī\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M450 1061h-413q-11 0 -17 12t-6 25q0 20 13 42.5t27 22.5h415q12 0 19 -11.5t7 -23.5q0 -20 -14 -43.5t-31 -23.5zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ibreve\" unicode=\"Ĭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M584 1649q-8 -104 -90 -168t-189 -64q-115 0 -192.5 62.5t-85.5 169.5h57q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t75.5 91.5h58zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5\nq115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ibreve\" unicode=\"ĭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M58 1331q15 -82 70 -133t129 -51t129.5 49t69.5 135l50 -24q-16 -126 -89.5 -201.5t-159.5 -75.5q-97 0 -163.5 73.5t-85.5 203.5zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36\nt25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Iogonek\" unicode=\"Į\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M555 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 68 54 143t143 115h-42q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-8 0 -24 0.5t-24 0.5q-102 -1 -173.5 -78t-71.5 -155q0 -96 103 -96q41 0 68.5 18.5t68.5 59.5q27 1 39 -22z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"iogonek\" unicode=\"į\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M530 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 68 54 143.5t143 114.5h-31q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-14 0 -21 1q-102 -1 -173.5 -78t-71.5 -155q0 -96 102 -96q41 0 69 18.5t69 59.5q26 1 38 -22zM184 1227q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -68 34t-31 73z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Idotaccent\" unicode=\"İ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M199 1542q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5\nt-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dotlessi\" unicode=\"ı\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"IJ\" unicode=\"IJ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1224\" \nd=\"M1042 1071v-860q0 -104 -18 -184t-55 -137.5t-63.5 -86t-71.5 -67.5q-102 -88 -240 -88q-45 0 -99.5 30.5t-54.5 79.5q0 31 33 59.5t57 28.5q57 0 82 -52q26 -54 82 -54q41 0 76 26.5t66.5 128t31.5 271.5v905q0 123 -34.5 152.5t-163.5 33.5q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35\nq205 -4 284 -4q90 0 246 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-98 -4 -128 -34.5t-30 -151.5zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ij\" unicode=\"ij\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M756 1227q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM784 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70\nq-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5t10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493zM184 1227q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -68 34t-31 73z\nM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Jcircumflex\" unicode=\"Ĵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"659\" \nd=\"M403 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -32 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -220 -125q-23 14 -28 43q84 63 207 199q36 23 79 0zM463 1071v-860q0 -104 -18.5 -184t-55.5 -137.5t-63.5 -86t-71.5 -67.5q-102 -88 -240 -88q-45 0 -99 30.5t-54 79.5q0 31 32.5 59.5t57.5 28.5\nq57 0 81 -52q26 -54 83 -54q41 0 75.5 26.5t66.5 128t32 271.5v905q0 123 -35 152.5t-164 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q205 -4 285 -4q90 0 246 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-98 -4 -128 -34.5t-30 -151.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"jcircumflex\" unicode=\"ĵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"557\" \nd=\"M231 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70q-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5\nt10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493zM342 1348q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Kcommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ķ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1304\" \nd=\"M721 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -17 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -87 80q0 37 29 62.5t74 25.5zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q184 -4 264 -4q78 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-360q95 8 162 80l338 360q31 33 39 54.5t-8.5 31.5t-34 13t-53.5 7q-10 8 -10.5 33\nt10.5 35q152 -4 231 -4q68 0 195 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-53 -4 -85 -10t-80 -31.5t-94 -72.5l-301 -309q-72 -74 -71 -101q0 -20 26 -51l449 -532q29 -35 62.5 -54.5t56 -23.5t61.5 -9q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -207 4q-29 0 -110 -4q-8 0 -11 12\nq-8 57 -73 142l-322 405q-59 74 -170 78v-383z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"kcommaaccent\" unicode=\"ķ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1048\" \nd=\"M545 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -17 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -64 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 29 62.5t74 25.5zM176 250v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 286 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215\nv-714q66 9 139 63q74 55 164 168q10 12 16.5 25.5t10.5 31.5t-14.5 31.5t-59.5 15.5q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q94 -4 201 -4q84 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-143 -14 -215 -90l-180 -186q-8 -8 -9 -21q0 -10 15 -29l270 -339q37 -47 75 -62.5t101 -24.5q10 -10 10 -34.5\nt-10 -32.5q-82 4 -168 4q-45 0 -127 -4q-8 0 -8 10q-4 33 -86 144l-149 200q-33 44 -66 67q-27 9 -88 11v-178q0 -121 19.5 -150.5t86.5 -36.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-94 4 -186 4q-84 0 -219 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q90 6 113.5 35t23.5 152z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"kgreenlandic\" unicode=\"ĸ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1062\" \nd=\"M358 250q0 -121 18.5 -149.5t88.5 -37.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-176 4 -186 4q-57 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 281 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -9 -233v-177q65 11 134 62q74 55 163 168\nq10 12 16.5 25.5t10.5 31.5t-14.5 31.5t-59.5 15.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q152 -4 201 -4q27 0 178 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-143 -14 -215 -90l-180 -186q-8 -8 -8 -21q0 -10 14 -29l270 -339q37 -47 75 -62.5t101 -24.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -168 4t-126 -4\nq-6 0 -9 10q-12 43 -86 144l-149 200q-33 44 -66 67q-26 9 -82 11v-178z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Lacute\" unicode=\"Ĺ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M393 1677q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -25q-31 0 -30 31q0 23 30 43zM305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"lacute\" unicode=\"ĺ\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153zM416 1735q88 -41 127 -107\nl-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 31q0 23 31 43z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Lcommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ļ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M567 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"lcommaaccent\" unicode=\"ļ\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153zM270 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128\nq0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Lcaron\" unicode=\"Ľ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M819 1430q55 0 89 -45.5t34 -104.5q0 -66 -55.5 -136.5t-153.5 -80.5l-10 35q59 12 94 56t35 85q0 43 -29 43q-94 0 -94 78q0 27 23.5 48.5t66.5 21.5zM305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"lcaron\" unicode=\"ľ\" horiz-adv-x=\"593\" \nd=\"M543 1430q55 0 89 -45.5t34 -104.5q0 -66 -55.5 -136.5t-153.5 -80.5l-11 35q59 12 94 56t35 85q0 43 -28 43q-94 0 -94 78q0 27 23.5 48.5t66.5 21.5zM195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944\nq0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ldot\" unicode=\"Ŀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M592 686q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5\nt-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ldot\" unicode=\"ŀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M436 737q0 39 29 70t70 31q37 0 66.5 -30t29.5 -71q0 -39 -28 -67.5t-68 -28.5q-45 0 -72 28.5t-27 67.5zM195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5\nq-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Lslash\" unicode=\"Ł\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M635 920l37 -62l-281 -161v-474q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v347l-170 -97l-37 63l207 118v390\nq0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-291z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"lslash\" unicode=\"ł\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M498 897l34 -61l-176 -103v-483q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153v389l-148 -86l-35 59l183 107v426q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56\nq27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-380z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Nacute\" unicode=\"Ń\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M784 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -30 30q0 23 30 43zM1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006\nq0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5t31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"nacute\" unicode=\"ń\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M643 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l7 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 23 57zM377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4\nq-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ncommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ņ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M733 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5t31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5\nt10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ncommaaccent\" unicode=\"ņ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M535 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-157.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -64 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 29 62.5t74 25.5zM377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5\nt-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5\nt8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ncaron\" unicode=\"Ň\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M678 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5\nv-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5t31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45\nq-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ncaron\" unicode=\"ň\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M504 1030q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5\nt8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5\nt-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"napostrophe\" unicode=\"ʼn\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M147 1430q55 0 89 -45.5t34 -104.5q0 -66 -55 -136.5t-154 -80.5l-10 35q59 12 94 56t35 85q0 43 -28 43q-94 0 -95 78q0 27 23.5 48.5t66.5 21.5zM403 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 56 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5\nq-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -25 158q-39 74 -108 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-123 4 -205 4q-102 0 -225 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5\nq96 8 119.5 36t23.5 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 24 -16q12 -25 17 -156q-1 -27 24 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Eng\" unicode=\"Ŋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1484\" \nd=\"M373 1325q27 0 26 -20q-8 -82 -8 -215v-38q3 0 7.5 3.5t7.5 7.5l4 4q199 281 434 281q184 0 291 -125q131 -154 131 -549v-443q0 -135 -40 -242.5t-80 -154.5t-99 -98q-104 -88 -240 -88q-45 0 -99.5 30.5t-54.5 79.5q0 31 33 59.5t57 28.5q23 0 39.5 -8t23.5 -16\nt16 -23.5t14 -21.5q27 -37 71 -37q41 0 76 26.5t66.5 128t31.5 271.5v528q0 313 -86 439q-70 100 -225 100q-139 0 -342 -242q-30 -36 -37 -77v-664q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-205 4 -264 4q-66 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5\nq115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q205 -4 264 -4q33 0 70 4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eng\" unicode=\"ŋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M358 733q0 -25 19 0q150 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-330q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-116 -199.5q-84 -70 -225 -70q-37 0 -75 23.5t-38 64.5q0 27 24 52.5t42 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16 -10l13.5 -10.5t12.5 -12.5t10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5\nt20 387.5v405q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 20.5 -149.5t102.5 -37.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-172 4 -202 4q-57 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58\nq160 20 258 59q16 0 25 -16q16 -37 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Omacron\" unicode=\"Ō\" \nd=\"M938 1526h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 42.5t31 22.5h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436\nq-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"omacron\" unicode=\"ō\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M737 1061h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827\nq-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Obreve\" unicode=\"Ŏ\" \nd=\"M1004 1649q-8 -104 -90.5 -168t-188.5 -64q-115 0 -192.5 62.5t-86.5 169.5h58q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t75.5 91.5h58zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170z\nM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"obreve\" unicode=\"ŏ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M268 1321q16 -82 78 -133t143.5 -51t144 49t77.5 135l55 -25q-18 -127 -99 -201.5t-178 -74.5q-109 0 -182.5 72.5t-93.5 203.5zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133\nt-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ohungarumlaut\" unicode=\"Ő\" \nd=\"M1030 1622q0 -27 -14 -41l-203 -172q-6 -6 -16 -6q-8 0 -17.5 7t-9.5 20q0 9 8 22l121 223q14 25 47 25q41 0 62.5 -24.5t21.5 -53.5zM762 1632q0 -27 -14 -39l-181 -165q-17 -15 -28 -15q-27 0 -27 25q0 12 5 22l112 226q14 25 55 24q27 0 52.5 -22.5t25.5 -55.5z\nM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5\nt187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ohungarumlaut\" unicode=\"ő\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M813 1251q0 -25 -14 -39l-234 -225q-4 -4 -12 -4t-18.5 8t-10.5 19q0 6 2 8l160 285q14 25 49 24q31 0 54.5 -23.5t23.5 -52.5zM543 1264q0 -20 -11 -33l-208 -248q-6 -6 -17 -6q-29 0 -28 27q0 4 2 6l131 299q12 29 53 28q33 0 55.5 -21t22.5 -52zM84 420q0 203 113 336\nq122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"OE\" unicode=\"Œ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1779\" \nd=\"M729 66h27q59 0 79.5 18t20.5 63v1029q0 47 -20.5 61t-79.5 14h-72q-170 0 -287.5 -139t-117.5 -442q0 -295 136 -449.5t314 -154.5zM733 -4q-285 2 -466 188.5t-181 466.5q0 285 173 478.5t452 193.5q143 -2 233 -2h160h526l29 -285l-55 -6q-12 76 -64.5 142.5\nt-126.5 66.5h-309q-74 0 -74 -65v-424h211q51 0 71.5 20.5t33.5 69.5l14 61q0 16 14 17h45q6 0 6 -9q-2 -23 -9 -89t-7 -105q0 -23 16 -197l-4 -6h-47q-16 0 -16 14l-12 64q-10 47 -33 68.5t-72 21.5h-211v-533q0 -68 74 -67h317q170 0 224 258l55 -10l-53 -328h-705z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"oe\" unicode=\"œ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1593\" \nd=\"M838 715q55 82 142 133t187 51q176 0 263.5 -102.5t87.5 -288.5h-594q-2 -18 -2 -62q0 -96 30.5 -171.5t75.5 -116.5t88 -61.5t76 -20.5q66 0 143.5 27.5t122.5 74.5q27 -2 45 -31q-123 -168 -334 -167q-236 0 -344 182q-121 -182 -336 -182q-186 0 -302.5 125.5\nt-116.5 316.5q0 229 122.5 353t305.5 124q141 0 214 -48t126 -136zM246 485q0 -184 68.5 -309t203.5 -125q92 0 163 82t71 277q0 211 -84 316t-172 105q-98 0 -157.5 -60t-76 -131t-16.5 -155zM1341 588q-6 242 -178 241q-80 0 -137 -57t-74.5 -105.5t-21.5 -78.5h411z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Racute\" unicode=\"Ŕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M639 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14\nq-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"racute\" unicode=\"ŕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M494 1374q12 4 28 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 24 57zM360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100\nq-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Rcommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ŗ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M635 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -17 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -64 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 29 62.5t74 25.5zM557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120\nl259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"rcommaaccent\" unicode=\"ŗ\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M281 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-157.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -64 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 29 62.5t74 25.5zM360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32\nq-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100q-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59\nq16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Rcaron\" unicode=\"Ř\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M500 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4\nq-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40\nq14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"rcaron\" unicode=\"ř\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M358 1030q-78 127 -206 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-103zM360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100\nq-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Sacute\" unicode=\"Ś\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M578 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM808 1292q28 -142 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93t54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5t83 -32.5\nq71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186t-140 -144q-108 -67 -253 -67q-97 0 -203.5 23.5t-164.5 23.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55t-71 38.5t-78 31\nq-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5t275.5 98.5q117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"sacute\" unicode=\"ś\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92q-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5\nt-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272q0 -72 -34 -125.5t-87 -81t-104.5 -39.5t-100.5 -12q-100 0 -186 22q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283zM465 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l6 -22l-235 -224\nq-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Scircumflex\" unicode=\"Ŝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M508 1669q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM808 1292q28 -142 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93\nt54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5t83 -32.5q71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186t-140 -144q-108 -67 -253 -67q-97 0 -203.5 23.5t-164.5 23.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55\nt-71 38.5t-78 31q-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5t275.5 98.5q117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"scircumflex\" unicode=\"ŝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92q-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5\nt-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272q0 -72 -34 -125.5t-87 -81t-104.5 -39.5t-100.5 -12q-100 0 -186 22q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283zM432 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35\nq-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 228 287q36 8 65 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Scedilla\" unicode=\"Ş\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M451 -197q-53 0 -93 -12l-12 12l74 178q-74 3 -169.5 24.5t-154.5 21.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55t-71 38.5t-78 31q-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5\nt275.5 98.5q117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30q28 -142 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93t54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5t83 -32.5q71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186\nt-140 -144q-97 -61 -227 -67l-44 -117q25 6 54 6q63 0 104 -35t41 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -152 35q0 33 21 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 75.5 21.5t28.5 60.5q1 71 -67 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"scedilla\" unicode=\"ş\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92q-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5\nt-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272q0 -67 -29.5 -118.5t-77.5 -79.5t-96 -42t-97 -18l-44 -117q25 6 53 6q63 0 104 -35t41 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -151 35q0 33 20 53q78 -29 119 -28\nq47 0 75.5 21.5t28.5 60.5q0 72 -67 71q-53 0 -92 -12l-13 12l74 178q-71 4 -141 21q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Scaron\" unicode=\"Š\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M440 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM808 1292q28 -142 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93t54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5\nt83 -32.5q71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186t-140 -144q-108 -67 -253 -67q-97 0 -203.5 23.5t-164.5 23.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55t-71 38.5t-78 31\nq-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5t275.5 98.5q117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"scaron\" unicode=\"š\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92q-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5\nt-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272q0 -72 -34 -125.5t-87 -81t-104.5 -39.5t-100.5 -12q-100 0 -186 22q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283zM346 1028q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184\nq78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -208 -266h-103z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Tcedilla\" unicode=\"Ţ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M633 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-13 12l82 197q-70 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v788q0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168q-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16h176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291\nq-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45q-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-782q0 -123 34.5 -152.5t163.5 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-164 3 -235 4l-51 -137q25 6 53 6q63 0 104 -35t41 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -151 35q0 33 20 53\nq78 -29 119 -28q47 0 75.5 21.5t28.5 60.5q1 71 -67 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"tcedilla\" unicode=\"ţ\" horiz-adv-x=\"647\" \nd=\"M344 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-12 12l74 178q-131 17 -132 201v617h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18q-8 -82 -8 -216v-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518\nq0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58q31 -2 36 -35q-100 -113 -231 -132l-45 -120q25 6 53 6q63 0 104.5 -35t41.5 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-157.5 -43q-72 0 -151 35q0 33 20 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 76 21.5t29 60.5q0 71 -68 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Tcaron\" unicode=\"Ť\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M567 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM717 250q0 -123 34.5 -152.5t163.5 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-205 4 -284 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v788\nq0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168q-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16h176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45q-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-782z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"tcaron\" unicode=\"ť\" horiz-adv-x=\"765\" \nd=\"M545 1430q55 0 89 -45.5t34 -104.5q0 -66 -55.5 -136.5t-153.5 -80.5l-10 35q59 12 94 56t35 85q0 43 -29 43q-94 0 -94 78q0 27 23.5 48.5t66.5 21.5zM88 879h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18q-8 -82 -8 -216v-79\nh246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58q31 -2 36 -35q-121 -135 -276 -135q-158 0 -158 202v617h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Tbar\" unicode=\"Ŧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M717 250q0 -123 34.5 -152.5t163.5 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-205 4 -284 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v407h-254q-23 0 -23 29q0 16 12.5 33.5t26.5 17.5h238v301q0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168\nq-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16h176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45q-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-295h278q25 0 25 -26q0 -18 -12.5 -36t-30.5 -18h-260v-407z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"tbar\" unicode=\"ŧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"647\" \nd=\"M88 879h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18q-8 -82 -8 -216v-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-217h205q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-186v-221q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58\nq31 -2 36 -35q-121 -135 -276 -135q-158 0 -158 202v320h-121q-23 0 -22 28q0 16 12 34t27 18h104v217h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Utilde\" unicode=\"Ũ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M846 1526q35 0 55.5 21.5t40.5 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-28.5 11.5t-24.5 14.5t-27 19.5t-25.5 17.5q-63 39 -110 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-36.5 -76.5q-39 -6 -55 11q47 201 164 200q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17\nq52 -39 107 -39zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5\nt-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"utilde\" unicode=\"ũ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M664 1174q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5t-35.5 -75.5q-39 -6 -55 10q47 201 164 201q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13.5t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17.5\nq52 -38 107 -38zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Umacron\" unicode=\"Ū\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M928 1524h-459q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11\nq-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"umacron\" unicode=\"ū\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M743 1061h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -16 -43.5t-34 -23.5zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372\nq0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120\nq-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ubreve\" unicode=\"Ŭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M991 1647q-8 -104 -90 -168t-188 -64q-115 0 -193 62.5t-86 169.5h58q12 -57 74.5 -91t146.5 -34q80 0 145.5 33.5t75.5 91.5h57zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97\nt-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5\nt-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ubreve\" unicode=\"ŭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M289 1323q16 -82 77.5 -133t143.5 -51t144.5 49t76.5 135l55 -25q-18 -127 -99 -201.5t-177 -74.5q-109 0 -182.5 72.5t-94.5 203.5zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13\nq-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81\nq-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Uring\" unicode=\"Ů\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M711 1589q-47 0 -73 -30.5t-26 -77.5q0 -45 27 -77t72 -32t71.5 32t26.5 77q0 49 -26.5 78.5t-71.5 29.5zM530 1480.5q0 69.5 54.5 122t126 52.5t126 -51.5t54.5 -122.5q0 -70 -53.5 -122t-126.5 -52q-72 0 -126.5 52t-54.5 121.5zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127\nt72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5\nt-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uring\" unicode=\"ů\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M496 1303q-47 0 -73 -31t-26 -78q0 -45 27 -77t72 -32t71.5 32t26.5 77q0 49 -26.5 79t-71.5 30zM315 1194q0 70 54.5 122t126 52t126 -51t54.5 -123q0 -70 -53.5 -122t-126.5 -52q-72 0 -126.5 52t-54.5 122zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393\nq0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211\nv-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Uhungarumlaut\" unicode=\"Ű\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M1053 1622q0 -27 -15 -41l-202 -172q-6 -6 -17 -6q-8 0 -17 7t-9 20q0 9 7 22l122 223q16 25 47 25q41 0 62.5 -24.5t21.5 -53.5zM784 1632q0 -27 -14 -39l-180 -165q-17 -15 -29 -15q-27 0 -26 25q0 12 5 22l111 226q16 25 56 24q27 0 52 -22.5t25 -55.5zM352 1071v-526\nq0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467\nq0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uhungarumlaut\" unicode=\"ű\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M866 1251q0 -25 -14 -39l-234 -225q-4 -4 -12 -4t-18 8t-10 19q0 6 2 8l159 285q14 25 49 24q31 0 54.5 -23.5t23.5 -52.5zM596 1264q0 -20 -10 -33l-209 -248q-6 -6 -17 -6q-29 0 -28 27q0 4 2 6l131 299q12 29 53 28q33 0 55.5 -21t22.5 -52zM444 -20\nq-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4\nq51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Uogonek\" unicode=\"Ų\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M1020 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -181 152q0 115 186 249q-65 -12 -143 -11q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5v-526\nq0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467\nq0 -202 -47 -340t-162 -210q-131 -108 -179.5 -165t-48.5 -125q0 -96 103 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t39.5 24.5t44 42q27 1 39 -22z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uogonek\" unicode=\"ų\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M1026 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 69 36 144.5t109 128.5q-11 48 -14 85q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -123 -277 -122q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13\nq-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-102 -12 -170 -39\nq-71 -39 -104 -112.5t-33 -145.5q0 -96 102 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t39.5 24.5t44 42q27 1 39 -22z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Wcircumflex\" unicode=\"Ŵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1947\" \nd=\"M975 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM1659 1157q6 18 6 32.5t-4 25t-16.5 17.5t-22.5 11t-29.5 7t-33 4t-35.5 3q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 225 -4q59 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -34.5\nt-10 -33.5q-78 -4 -115.5 -34.5t-60.5 -89.5l-412 -1104q-18 -53 -46.5 -53.5t-47.5 55.5l-235 680q-20 57 -29 57q-12 0 -35 -51l-305 -686q-25 -55 -53 -56q-27 0 -45 56l-385 1108q-27 80 -50.5 97t-95.5 21q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q119 -4 191 -4q102 0 237 4\nq10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-63 -4 -90.5 -20t-11.5 -66l299 -905l9 -2l265 600q18 41 19 72q0 18 -15 63l-47 136q-41 115 -172 122q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q131 -4 205 -4q88 0 256 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-29 -2 -42 -4t-35.5 -10t-26.5 -19.5t-11.5 -34t9.5 -54.5\nl281 -865l7 -2z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"wcircumflex\" unicode=\"ŵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1529\" \nd=\"M784 1350q76 -123 224 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q36 8 65 0zM416 815q-71 -4 -82.5 -34t20.5 -103l164 -422q14 -35 21.5 -43t14.5 1t21 46l144 363l-13 32q-17 43 -27 64t-28.5 46t-42.5 36t-59 14\nq-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q123 -4 180 -4q82 0 205 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -92.5 -29.5t17.5 -95.5l177 -448q12 -32 21 -31t24 39l172 426q14 34 17.5 52t-1.5 40t-35 33t-85 14q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 209 -4q66 0 147 4q10 -10 10.5 -35t-10.5 -33\nq-72 -4 -108 -39.5t-65 -107.5l-267 -650q-16 -43 -47 -43t-49 41l-211 508l-207 -504q-20 -45 -49 -45q-31 0 -49 41l-268 662q-33 81 -62 105.5t-100 31.5q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 35.5q106 -4 186 -4q84 0 207 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ycircumflex\" unicode=\"Ŷ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M639 1655q90 -109 211 -199q-10 -33 -33 -43q-133 61 -217 125q-96 -70 -219 -125q-23 14 -29 43q84 63 207 199q37 23 80 0zM690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260\nq0 55 -8 83t-35 75l-269 452q-50 85 -86 109t-106 28q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l238 -419q14 -25 23 -26t22 22l226 428q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4\nq10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5t-80.5 -99.5l-245 -442q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"ycircumflex\" unicode=\"ŷ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M596 1352q76 -123 223 -287q-20 -29 -47 -35q-119 76 -211 170q-115 -115 -213 -170q-27 6 -45 35q156 172 227 287q37 8 66 0zM418 -328q-84 -147 -199 -147q-41 0 -68.5 21.5t-27.5 54.5q0 27 25.5 57.5t64.5 30.5q10 0 27.5 -3t31.5 -3q70 0 103 59q49 100 80 188\nq25 70 -29 193l-232 539q-39 91 -68.5 118t-92.5 35q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q82 -4 166 -4q80 0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l182 -426q25 -58 49 -2l203 469q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4\nq10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-150 -324 -362 -836q-43 -102 -84 -176z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Ydieresis\" unicode=\"Ÿ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M358 1538q0 41 29 69.5t68 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -67.5t-68.5 -28.5t-69 28.5t-28 67.5zM705 1538q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -67.5t-67.5 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260q0 55 -8 83t-35 75l-269 452q-50 85 -86 109t-106 28q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l238 -419\nq14 -25 23 -26t22 22l226 428q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5t-80.5 -99.5l-245 -442q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Zacute\" unicode=\"Ź\" horiz-adv-x=\"1236\" \nd=\"M1128 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 409 585t388 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10q35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88.5 2t61.5 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93\nq-319 -412 -768 -1063q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57.5 77t49.5 104q27 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342zM713 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"zacute\" unicode=\"ź\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M524 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 23 57zM145 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13\nq-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Zdotaccent\" unicode=\"Ż\" horiz-adv-x=\"1236\" \nd=\"M528 1536q0 43 32 74.5t75 31.5t74.5 -31.5t31.5 -74.5t-31.5 -74.5t-74.5 -31.5t-75 31.5t-32 74.5zM1128 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 409 585t388 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10\nq35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88.5 2t61.5 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93q-319 -412 -768 -1063q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57.5 77t49.5 104q27 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"zdotaccent\" unicode=\"ż\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M338 1227q0 37 35 67.5t71 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM145 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13\nq-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Zcaron\" unicode=\"Ž\" horiz-adv-x=\"1236\" \nd=\"M573 1427q-74 92 -206 195l32 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 220 125l30 -41q-102 -78 -204 -195h-89zM1128 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 409 585t388 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10\nq35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88.5 2t61.5 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93q-319 -412 -768 -1063q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57.5 77t49.5 104q27 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"zcaron\" unicode=\"ž\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M385 1026q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM145 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13\nq-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"longs\" unicode=\"ſ\" horiz-adv-x=\"595\" \nd=\"M352 250q0 -125 27 -153.5t135 -33.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-176 4 -242 4q-43 0 -215 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q86 4 109.5 34t23.5 153v526q0 20 -5 26.5t-25 6.5h-90q-10 0 -11 10v19q0 41 47 41q84 0 84 98q0 223 98.5 338t219.5 115q102 0 170 -62\nq53 -47 53 -94q0 -31 -17.5 -54.5t-54.5 -23.5q-78 0 -94 84q-16 80 -71 80q-78 0 -110 -97.5t-32 -291.5v-721z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0180\" unicode=\"ƀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1009\" \nd=\"M356 743q-35 -31 -34 -86v-512q78 -96 147 -96q141 0 215 113.5t74 296.5q0 147 -66.5 248.5t-161.5 101.5q-100 0 -174 -66zM342 807q102 92 229 92q141 0 252 -112.5t111 -290.5q0 -229 -141.5 -372.5t-311.5 -143.5q-120 0 -180 50q-17 14 -28.5 13.5t-27.5 -18.5\nq-15 -17 -48 -50q-31 0 -45 25q8 39 8 145v910h-125q-23 0 -23 28q0 16 12.5 34t26.5 18h109v10q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -13 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-59h200q25 0 25 -27q0 -18 -12.5 -35.5t-30.5 -17.5h-182v-238\nq0 -28 20 -10z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0181\" unicode=\"Ɓ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1314\" \nd=\"M253 1260q-47 0 -79.5 -39t-32.5 -86q0 -16 7.5 -46t7.5 -47q0 -37 -21.5 -55t-50.5 -18q-31 0 -52.5 22.5t-21.5 52.5q0 98 85 189.5t224 91.5q12 0 35 -2t68 -2q43 0 128 2t120 2q440 0 440 -315q0 -80 -55.5 -154t-134.5 -115v-4q311 -90 311 -360q0 -72 -24.5 -135.5\nt-80 -121t-161 -91t-250.5 -33.5q-104 0 -184 2t-109 2q-68 0 -260 -4l-4 4v39q0 16 14 16l61 4q68 4 87.5 19.5t19.5 66.5v1031q0 83 -87 84zM506 680v-520q0 -53 33.5 -73.5t136.5 -20.5q215 0 294 71.5t79 200.5q0 150 -101.5 246t-300.5 96h-141zM506 1167v-417h151\nq295 0 295 235q0 141 -82 205.5t-186 64.5q-88 0 -126 -9t-45 -24.5t-7 -54.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0182\" unicode=\"Ƃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1193\" \nd=\"M383 682v-516q0 -57 29.5 -80t117.5 -23q115 0 195 28t119 76t55 96t16 102q0 51 -14 100t-48 101t-103.5 84t-167.5 32h-199zM297 0q-66 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -32 152.5t-146 33.5q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35\nq205 -4 264 -4h477l207 4l4 -4q33 -164 39 -350q-25 -16 -72 -10q-37 145 -85 211.5t-152 66.5h-256q-74 0 -74 -63v-412h223q100 0 181 -16.5t133.5 -47t89.5 -67.5t55 -81t26.5 -84t8.5 -83q0 -94 -46 -175t-116 -126q-80 -53 -177 -70.5t-241 -17.5q-49 0 -120.5 2\nt-102.5 2z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0183\" unicode=\"ƃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1005\" \nd=\"M313 111q49 -61 148 -62q141 0 217 112.5t76 295.5q0 154 -68 253t-164 99q-125 0 -209 -86v-612zM397 1409h412l29 -287l-64 -6q-57 223 -184 223h-277v-553q104 113 250 113q139 0 249 -117.5t110 -298.5q0 -229 -138.5 -366t-310.5 -137q-129 0 -213 71\nq-10 -16 -38.5 -43.5t-33.5 -32.5l-43 11q6 47 7 159v1039q0 82 -13.5 105.5t-48.5 25.5l-65 4q-10 0 -11 10l-4 47q197 33 387 33z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0184\" unicode=\"Ƅ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1171\" \nd=\"M383 682v-516q0 -57 29.5 -80t117.5 -23q115 0 195 28t119 76t55 96t16 102q0 51 -14 100t-48 101t-103.5 84t-167.5 32h-199zM217 965q0 90 -32.5 130t-110.5 62q-33 35 0 70q139 29 274 121q41 0 41 -21q-6 -82 -6 -215v-348h223q100 0 181 -16.5t133.5 -47t89.5 -67.5\nt55 -81t26.5 -84t8.5 -83q0 -94 -46 -175t-116 -126q-80 -53 -177 -70.5t-241 -17.5q-49 0 -119.5 2t-97.5 2l-262 -4l-4 4v47q0 14 14 16l55 5q61 4 86 25.5t25 66.5v805z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0185\" unicode=\"ƅ\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M319 133q70 -84 150 -84q139 0 216 115t77 297q0 154 -67.5 252t-166.5 98q-125 0 -209 -86v-592zM299 1430q27 0 27 -21q-6 -82 -7 -215v-406q102 111 252 111q139 0 244 -115.5t105 -296.5q0 -229 -135.5 -368t-305.5 -139q-125 0 -213 73q-14 -20 -63 -76\nq-23 0 -41 11q6 74 6 162v897q0 90 -33 130t-110 62q-33 35 0 70q139 29 274 121z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0186\" unicode=\"Ɔ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M592 1348q315 0 485 -186.5t170 -469.5q0 -160 -57 -302t-160 -236q-190 -174 -440 -174q-147 0 -287.5 45t-161.5 47q-31 170 -45 317q39 20 68 10q104 -344 448 -344q179 0 327 183q122 150 122 415q0 236 -134 423.5t-333 187.5q-143 0 -255 -52.5t-220 -171.5\nq-31 0 -47 31q211 277 520 277z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0187\" unicode=\"Ƈ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M1362 1522q39 0 56.5 -24.5t17.5 -49.5q0 -72 -103 -72q-27 0 -62 -30t-60.5 -60.5t-29.5 -30.5q31 -170 46 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-104 344 -448 344q-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q0 -236 134 -423.5t333 -187.5q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31\nq-211 -276 -520 -276q-315 0 -485 186t-170 469q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q72 0 138 -10t102 -20.5t86 -28t67 -22.5q12 118 89.5 186.5t146.5 68.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0188\" unicode=\"ƈ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1009\" \nd=\"M934 877q-16 0 -52 9t-55 9q-57 0 -92 -57q74 -53 74 -133q0 -43 -32 -67t-68 -24q-70 0 -78 74q-4 45 -13.5 70.5t-42 49t-90.5 23.5q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -176 80 -283.5t194 -107.5q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5\nq-190 0 -297.5 121.5t-107.5 324.5q0 207 129 340t291 133q109 0 185 -32q40 77 108 116t129 39q47 0 66.5 -22.5t19.5 -51.5q0 -33 -18.5 -52t-51.5 -19z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0189\" unicode=\"Ɖ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1435\" \nd=\"M391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-487h199q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-180v-416zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5\nt206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v338h-178q-23 0 -23 28q0 16 12.5 34t26.5 18h162v403q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nq164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018A\" unicode=\"Ɗ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1593\" \nd=\"M549 158q0 -53 40 -72.5t183 -19.5q545 0 545 516q0 98 -19.5 191t-63.5 182t-111.5 155t-171 105.5t-230.5 39.5q-172 0 -172 -88v-1009zM201 45q0 16 14 18l61 5q55 4 81 24.5t26 67.5v1003q0 54 -33.5 75t-82.5 16q-56 -4 -95 -32t-39 -79q0 -20 8.5 -50t8.5 -51\nq0 -33 -19.5 -51t-50.5 -18q-76 0 -76 84q0 37 17.5 80t51 87t98.5 72.5t146 28.5q8 0 56.5 -2t91.5 -2q35 0 148.5 2t185.5 2q295 0 500.5 -203.5t205.5 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-165.5 -198t-213 -97t-228 -29.5q-123 0 -236 2t-135 2q-68 0 -260 -4l-4 4v45z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018B\" unicode=\"Ƌ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1153\" \nd=\"M795 160v551h-183q-344 0 -344 -305q0 -172 94.5 -256t262.5 -84q102 0 136 20.5t34 73.5zM616 1243h-165q-82 0 -136.5 -44t-91.5 -171l-53 6l29 314q102 -27 231 -27h447l235 4v-51q0 -8 -8 -8l-62 -6q-51 -4 -66 -18.5t-15 -67.5v-1016q0 -49 19 -70.5t62 -26.5l62 -6\nq8 0 8 -10v-49q-180 4 -233 4q-68 0 -174.5 -2t-174.5 -2q-184 0 -314 93t-130 271q0 229 144.5 324.5t437.5 95.5h127v387q0 53 -25 64.5t-154 11.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018C\" unicode=\"ƌ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1046\" \nd=\"M717 254v389q0 47 -6 66.5t-29 44.5q-63 74 -166 73q-123 0 -190 -102q-59 -84 -60 -272q0 -180 67.5 -278.5t158.5 -98.5q78 0 192 98q33 29 33 80zM860 1430q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-928q0 -80 27.5 -110.5t121.5 -38.5q8 -10 8 -28.5t-8 -27.5q-172 -20 -248 -81\nq-23 -6 -39 0q-23 72 -22 120q-1 10 -8.5 10t-16.5 -7q-150 -123 -256 -123q-162 0 -255 120.5t-93 315.5q0 219 141 360q129 123 308 123q31 0 67.5 -9t63 -17.5t28.5 -8.5q18 0 19 19v407q0 29 -9.5 39t-37.5 10h-250q-72 0 -121 -67.5t-72 -155.5l-53 6l29 308\nq92 -20 217 -21h325q84 9 115 21z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018D\" unicode=\"ƍ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1003\" \nd=\"M475 49l35 -26l-16 32q285 102 284 383q0 143 -72.5 267t-203.5 124q-47 0 -88 -14t-85 -52t-71 -119t-27 -200q0 -82 50.5 -180t132.5 -164zM532 4l37 -31q190 -150 191 -243q0 -109 -80 -160t-201 -51q-139 0 -236.5 64.5t-97.5 123.5q0 39 25 57.5t53 18.5\nq57 0 105 -90q55 -106 153 -107q172 0 172 123q0 51 -172 185l-145 114q-139 109 -202.5 199t-63.5 215q0 233 136 355t318 122q186 0 299 -121t113 -305q-1 -328 -404 -469z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018E\" unicode=\"Ǝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1146\" \nd=\"M141 1321h684l267 2v-43q0 -14 -17 -14h-59q-57 0 -82 -22.5t-25 -72.5v-1024q0 -92 107 -92h59q16 0 17 -14v-45l-265 4h-159h-562l-51 328l54 10q27 -125 79 -191.5t146 -66.5h336q74 0 73 67v523h-278q-49 0 -71.5 -21.5t-33.5 -68.5l-12 -64q0 -14 -16 -14h-47l-4 6\nq16 139 16 196.5t-16 194.5q0 8 6 8h45q14 0 14 -16l14 -62q12 -49 33 -69.5t72 -20.5h278v435q0 66 -73 65h-312q-74 0 -126 -67.5t-64 -143.5l-55 6z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni018F\" unicode=\"Ə\" horiz-adv-x=\"1318\" \nd=\"M199 1071l-47 49q137 129 231 178.5t252 49.5t280.5 -59.5t193.5 -159t106.5 -217t35.5 -244.5q0 -309 -157.5 -501t-446.5 -192q-141 0 -248.5 45.5t-171 125t-98.5 176t-43 210.5h979q2 23 2 76q0 289 -130 479.5t-335 190.5q-90 0 -169 -34t-121.5 -68.5\nt-112.5 -104.5zM250 442q47 -197 152.5 -297t259 -100t254 114.5t131.5 282.5h-797z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0190\" unicode=\"Ɛ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1058\" \nd=\"M604 1348q82 0 169 -29t126 -33l39 -293l-64 -10q-33 147 -91 221t-195 74q-129 0 -209 -65.5t-80 -188.5q0 -33 8 -67.5t28.5 -73.5t52.5 -68t85 -48t121 -19h139q35 0 35 -41q0 -39 -35 -39h-198q-150 0 -215.5 -84t-65.5 -203q0 -174 82 -255t213 -81q121 0 224.5 75\nt137.5 228l62 -6l-35 -295q-20 -4 -147 -38t-224 -34q-88 0 -166.5 16.5t-155.5 54.5t-122 112.5t-45 181.5q0 154 87 250t208 129q-31 10 -61.5 29.5t-69.5 53.5t-63.5 88t-24.5 118q0 162 136 251t314 89z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0191\" unicode=\"Ƒ\" horiz-adv-x=\"976\" \nd=\"M207 166v1003q0 47 -22.5 67.5t-82.5 25.5l-61 4q-16 2 -16 14v41l4 4q193 -4 260 -4h519q54 0 96 8q7 0 8 -6q22 -118 44 -297l-59 -10q-39 121 -84 172t-151 51h-216q-74 0 -73 -70v-430h260q51 0 74.5 20.5t27.5 65.5l6 52q0 16 15 16h45l8 -8q-8 -109 -8 -185\nq0 -70 8 -178l-8 -6h-45q-14 0 -15 16l-6 52q-4 45 -26.5 61.5t-75.5 16.5h-260v-451q0 -180 -56.5 -290.5t-158.5 -192.5q-94 -80 -234 -80q-41 0 -86 30.5t-45 79.5q0 31 26.5 52.5t51.5 21.5q66 0 106 -55q27 -37 58 -37q172 0 172 426z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"florin\" unicode=\"ƒ\" horiz-adv-x=\"901\" \nd=\"M354 799h-194q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 47 41h73q98 0 113 110q27 215 107.5 328t177.5 113q111 0 164 -43.5t53 -96.5q0 -33 -17.5 -54.5t-48.5 -21.5q-72 0 -80 52q-20 104 -73 104q-23 0 -43.5 -18.5t-45 -81t-36.5 -162.5l-29 -229h227q16 0 17 -13v-41q0 -27 -47 -26\nh-209l-4 -33q-85 -676 -115 -827q-64 -323 -177 -391q-40 -24 -89 -23q-78 0 -127 40t-49 75q0 25 18 47t47 22q53 0 72 -45q4 -8 7 -26.5t10 -28.5t28 -10q51 0 86 60t54.5 176t28.5 224.5t20.5 267t19.5 242.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0193\" unicode=\"Ɠ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1476\" \nd=\"M1372 1522q39 0 56.5 -24.5t17.5 -49.5q0 -72 -103 -72q-8 0 -22 1t-18 1q-12 0 -17 -2q-78 -13 -93 -120h2.5t2.5 -1q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238\nt270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252\nt331.5 84q66 0 125.5 -9t90.5 -18.5t81 -27t68 -23.5q13 116 90 184t145 68z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0194\" unicode=\"Ɣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1263\" \nd=\"M596 -41q-41 -61 -72.5 -148t-31.5 -118q0 -80 57 -80q33 0 55.5 41t22.5 92q0 133 -31 213zM999 1171q18 47 -1 64.5t-97 26.5l-37 4q-16 0 -16 16v39l4 4q150 -4 229 -4l179 4l4 -4v-39q0 -16 -17 -16q-68 -4 -99.5 -22.5t-49.5 -72.5l-393 -1046q72 -213 71 -348\nq0 -106 -64.5 -179t-164.5 -73q-76 0 -115 45t-39 102q0 49 22.5 115t49.5 120t88 167l-387 1093q-20 55 -54 74t-96 25q-16 2 -16 16v39l4 4q139 -4 219 -4l254 4l4 -4v-39q0 -12 -16 -16l-35 -4q-55 -6 -76.5 -17.5t-21.5 -36.5q0 -18 8 -41l315 -903h7z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0195\" unicode=\"ƕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1462\" \nd=\"M610 793q-115 0 -237 -121q-35 -38 -35 -86v-336q0 -87 10.5 -123.5t32 -47.5t79.5 -16q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-172 4 -202 4q-56 0 -225 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5q51 4 73.5 9t41.5 24.5t23.5 53.5t4.5 100v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5\nq-23 23 -12 61q182 14 286 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215l-2 -461q0 -25 17 -4q2 3 3 4q88 96 161 131t157 35q223 0 223 -317v-312q0 -195 150 -194q111 0 184.5 126t73.5 283q0 242 -121 263q-86 6 -86 75q0 31 22.5 53.5t61.5 22.5q201 0 200 -389q0 -262 -99 -396\nt-236 -134q-307 0 -312 296v328q0 117 -28.5 153t-96.5 36z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0196\" unicode=\"Ɩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"593\" \nd=\"M184 1153q0 94 -14 127t-47 33l-66 4q-12 0 -12 10l-4 49q63 4 150.5 21.5t125.5 32.5q27 0 27 -21q-6 -82 -6 -215v-913q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q63 0 137 58q27 -8 37 -35q-119 -135 -246 -135q-150 0 -150 202v971z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0197\" unicode=\"Ɨ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v407h-158q-23 0 -22 29q0 16 12 33.5t27 17.5h141v334q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4\nq86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-334h156q25 0 24 -26q0 -18 -12 -36t-31 -18h-137v-407z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0198\" unicode=\"Ƙ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1304\" \nd=\"M815 981l-115 -147q-12 -14 -23 -30t-17.5 -23t-12.5 -15l-9 -12t-5 -8.5t-3 -6.5t-1 -6q0 -20 26 -51l449 -532q20 -25 40.5 -41.5t43 -24.5t36 -12t35 -6.5t25.5 -2.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-193 4 -207 4q-29 0 -110 -4q-10 0 -11 12q-6 55 -73 142l-322 405\nq-58 74 -170 78v-383q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-360q102 8 162 80l217 262q23 27 68 86t68.5 84.5t61.5 60.5t75.5 49.5t80.5 14.5q98 0 167 -49.5t69 -108.5q0 -33 -25.5 -56.5t-56.5 -23.5t-51.5 25.5t-30.5 55.5t-34.5 55.5t-61.5 25.5q-20 0 -51 -22.5t-74 -72t-75 -88t-85 -108.5\nz\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0199\" unicode=\"ƙ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1048\" \nd=\"M176 975q0 223 98.5 339t219.5 116q102 0 170 -62q53 -47 53 -94q0 -31 -17.5 -54.5t-54.5 -23.5q-78 0 -94 84q-16 80 -72 80q-78 0 -109.5 -97.5t-31.5 -291.5v-491q66 9 139 63q74 55 164 168q10 12 16.5 25.5t10.5 31.5t-14.5 31.5t-59.5 15.5q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5\nq152 -4 201 -4q27 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-143 -14 -215 -90l-180 -186q-8 -8 -9 -21q0 -10 15 -29l270 -339q37 -47 75 -62.5t101 -24.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-123 4 -168 4t-127 -4q-6 0 -8 10q-12 43 -86 144l-149 200q-33 44 -66 67q-27 9 -88 11v-178\nq0 -125 26.5 -153.5t135.5 -33.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-176 4 -242 4q-43 0 -215 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q86 4 109.5 34t23.5 153v725z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni019A\" unicode=\"ƚ\" horiz-adv-x=\"540\" \nd=\"M356 657v-407q0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153v407h-170q-23 0 -23 29q0 16 12.5 33.5t26.5 17.5h154v408q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56\nq27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-457h156q25 0 25 -26q0 -18 -12.5 -36t-30.5 -18h-138z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni019B\" unicode=\"ƛ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M713 1262l35 -62l-206 -120l193 -642q63 -213 93 -274.5t77 -61.5q76 0 127 64q31 -6 41 -33q-29 -61 -81 -108.5t-95 -47.5q-74 0 -119 64.5t-90 216.5l-145 485l-293 -743q-83 -6 -154 -25l-51 25l453 891l-27 88q-6 19 -16 50l-193 -114l-35 62l204 119\nq-81 208 -181 209q-78 0 -146 -52q-31 10 -34 35q96 141 198 142q170 0 248 -265l5 -16z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni019C\" unicode=\"Ɯ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1785\" \nd=\"M1569 238q0 -76 9 -95.5t42 -23.5l98 -10l6 -48q-217 -39 -274 -86h-47l4 175l-4 2q-184 -176 -363 -177q-88 0 -146 50.5t-75 126.5q-182 -176 -377 -177q-133 0 -184 88.5t-51 243.5v869q0 45 -24.5 63t-86.5 23l-55 4q-16 2 -16 16v39l4 4q205 -4 260 -4q51 0 252 4\nl4 -4v-39q0 -14 -17 -16l-43 -4q-63 -6 -87.5 -24.5t-24.5 -61.5v-916q0 -186 149 -186q137 0 285 147q-2 29 -2 84v871q0 45 -24.5 62t-86.5 24l-45 4q-16 2 -16 16v39l4 4q205 -4 250 -4q51 0 252 4l4 -4v-39q0 -14 -17 -16l-43 -4q-61 -6 -86.5 -24.5t-25.5 -61.5v-912\nq0 -96 41 -143t108 -47q125 0 283 151v951q0 45 -23.5 62t-87.5 24l-45 4q-16 2 -16 16v39l4 4q205 -4 250 -4q61 0 262 4l4 -4v-39q0 -14 -16 -16l-54 -4q-61 -4 -86.5 -23.5t-25.5 -62.5v-938z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni019D\" unicode=\"Ɲ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" 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47q-49 4 -73.5 30.5t-24.5 61.5q0 80 94 80q57 0 94 -53.5t37 -126.5t-36 -120t-100 -59q135 -130 134 -352q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114\nq-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A2\" unicode=\"Ƣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1828\" \nd=\"M692 1278q-168 0 -295 -154.5t-127 -453.5q0 -287 140.5 -454t349.5 -167q123 0 217 76v1040q-125 113 -285 113zM1659 -115q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -33.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-205 4 -264 4q-66 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q115 4 146.5 33.5t31.5 152.5\nv1207q0 100 -21.5 120.5t-120.5 20.5q-133 0 -162.5 -16.5t-29.5 -90.5v-1003q-166 -143 -430 -143q-272 0 -459.5 180t-187.5 475q0 301 185 507t460 206q160 0 293 -72q25 8 94 72q39 0 39 -25q29 -14 221 -14q178 0 268 39q31 0 31 -21q-6 -98 -6 -197v-1245z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A3\" unicode=\"ƣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1454\" \nd=\"M725 688q-84 141 -223 141q-121 0 -186.5 -100t-65.5 -264q0 -111 29.5 -191.5t76.5 -122.5t95.5 -61.5t97.5 -19.5q117 0 176 45v573zM1294 -227q0 -123 24.5 -152t123.5 -33q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-176 4 -228 4q-57 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q98 4 123 32\nt25 151v899q0 43 -24 63.5t-46.5 23.5t-67.5 3q-49 0 -108 -25v-631q-72 -49 -186.5 -86.5t-200.5 -37.5q-203 0 -314.5 139t-111.5 305q0 203 125 339t311 136q121 0 192 -39q63 -33 287 -33q86 0 173 39t98 39h34v-1132z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A4\" unicode=\"Ƥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1339\" \nd=\"M639 1135v-478q37 -10 156 -10q152 0 228.5 75t76.5 236q0 178 -78 243t-205 65q-178 0 -178 -131zM343 1321h208q45 0 151.5 7t128.5 7q133 0 229.5 -34.5t143.5 -91t66.5 -108.5t19.5 -106q0 -72 -24.5 -140.5t-76.5 -133t-151.5 -104t-232.5 -39.5q-102 0 -166 20\nv-348q0 -121 39 -150.5t170 -36.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -295 4q-66 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 61 -6 97t-25.5 51.5t-37 18.5t-55.5 3q-69 0 -120 -19.5t-51 -66.5q0 -20 12 -56q2 -7 6 -19t6.5 -21.5t2.5 -18.5\nq0 -38 -26.5 -62t-64.5 -24q-37 0 -65.5 24t-28.5 79q0 42 19.5 86.5t57.5 85t104.5 66.5t149.5 26z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A5\" unicode=\"ƥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1062\" \nd=\"M358 686q-33 -35 -32 -90v-381q0 -54 8.5 -74t40.5 -49q48 -43 145 -43q82 0 141.5 34t90 92t44 119.5t13.5 131.5q0 168 -70.5 273.5t-173.5 105.5q-92 0 -207 -119zM326 995v-235q0 -23 16 -6q68 68 144.5 106.5t136.5 38.5q154 0 258 -125t104 -293q0 -240 -151 -387\nq-121 -115 -302 -114q-100 0 -178 31q-16 8 -22 6t-6 -21v-221q0 -123 27.5 -152t140.5 -35q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-176 4 -248 4q-57 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153v1190q0 231 73.5 348t206.5 117q123 0 185 -44q66 -49 65 -104\nq0 -31 -28.5 -57.5t-55.5 -26.5q-53 0 -82 66q-23 59 -41 77.5t-61 18.5q-55 0 -77.5 -71t-22.5 -294z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A6\" unicode=\"Ʀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1155\" \nd=\"M1018 795q0 -117 -92 -199t-185 -104l213 -490q84 -158 193 -158l6 -41q-35 -14 -86 -14q-168 0 -266 176l-211 477q-10 23 -41 28t-166 5v-332q0 -47 25.5 -67.5t87.5 -20.5h53q16 0 16 -16v-39l-4 -4q-176 4 -258 4l-262 -4l-4 4v39q0 16 14 16h55q61 0 86 21.5\nt25 66.5v1033q0 90 -111 90h-55q-16 0 -16 16v39l4 2q178 -2 258 -2l264 2l4 -2v-39q0 -16 -16 -16h-53q-113 0 -113 -90v-52q43 2 156 2q98 0 179 -16t151.5 -52t109.5 -103.5t39 -159.5zM852 793q0 139 -88 200.5t-203 61.5q-100 0 -178 -17v-491h102q174 0 270.5 51.5\nt96.5 194.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A7\" unicode=\"Ƨ\" horiz-adv-x=\"980\" \nd=\"M199 1292q27 4 107.5 30t191.5 26q143 0 264 -100.5t121 -254.5q0 -84 -38 -152.5t-109.5 -116.5t-124 -73.5t-128.5 -54.5q-113 -45 -170 -104.5t-57 -186.5q0 -121 77 -188.5t197 -67.5q250 0 320 316l61 -7q-35 -268 -39 -358q-16 0 -44.5 5t-49.5 5q-6 0 -85 -17.5\nt-197 -17.5q-172 0 -289 120t-117 282q0 88 30 155.5t89 112.5t111.5 70.5t132.5 54.5q289 102 288 279q0 96 -63.5 162.5t-161.5 66.5q-72 0 -125 -26.5t-87 -79t-51 -94.5t-36 -107l-61 10q33 180 43 311z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A8\" unicode=\"ƨ\" horiz-adv-x=\"759\" \nd=\"M672 287l-15 -287q-18 4 -47 4q-25 0 -39 -4q-76 -20 -184 -20q-41 0 -90 12t-101.5 39.5t-86 81t-33.5 125.5q0 113 77.5 179t223.5 120q84 31 116.5 66.5t32.5 96.5q0 137 -157 138q-20 0 -46 -8.5t-59 -29t-62.5 -62.5t-43.5 -101l-49 2q2 94 20 209q102 51 240 51\nq123 0 202.5 -63.5t79.5 -165.5q0 -106 -49 -156.5t-176 -105.5q-121 -51 -167 -100.5t-46 -117.5q0 -70 58.5 -111.5t119.5 -41.5q100 0 160 59q61 66 74 193z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01A9\" unicode=\"Ʃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1212\" \nd=\"M762 1235h-463l446 -563l-2 -10l-532 -574h567q109 0 163 65.5t89 194.5q39 6 68 -10q-20 -223 -54 -338h-856l-145 -4q-6 10 -5 33.5t5 33.5q31 8 59 43l453 527l4 2l-399 545q-49 68 -115 77q-6 10 -6 34t6 32l207 -2h764q25 -119 43 -317q-33 -14 -68 -11\nq-23 70 -35 100.5t-37.5 70.5t-63.5 55.5t-93 15.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01AA\" unicode=\"ƪ\" horiz-adv-x=\"624\" \nd=\"M4 1231q0 90 62.5 144.5t156.5 54.5q117 0 173.5 -83t56.5 -294v-1026q0 -285 43 -349q29 -53 75 -53q29 0 50 53q27 59 63 60q63 0 64 -72q0 -37 -51.5 -68.5t-131.5 -31.5q-33 0 -83 19.5t-83 49.5q-47 43 -70.5 120t-26.5 140.5t-3 194.5v789q0 113 20 188\nq-51 -33 -98 -33q-100 0 -158.5 54.5t-58.5 142.5zM356 1231q0 55 -35.5 99t-99 44t-99.5 -43t-36 -100t37 -99t98 -42q59 0 97 42t38 99z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01AB\" unicode=\"ƫ\" horiz-adv-x=\"647\" \nd=\"M336 -297q-33 0 -53.5 22.5t-20.5 55.5q0 41 30 55t77 18.5t65 16.5q55 33 55 121v24q-73 -36 -149 -36q-158 0 -158 202v617h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18q-8 -82 -8 -216\nv-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58q31 -2 36 -35q-34 -39 -75 -68q6 -33 6 -67q0 -123 -76 -200t-135 -77z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01AC\" unicode=\"Ƭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1263\" \nd=\"M490 1241h-155q-171 0 -172 -86q0 -20 13 -56q2 -7 6 -19t6 -21.5t2 -18.5q0 -38 -26.5 -62t-63.5 -24t-65.5 24t-28.5 79q0 42 19.5 86t57 85t104 67t150.5 26h426q273 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q3 -136 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 114 -95 162.5t-190 48.5h-45\nq-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-782q0 -66 6.5 -100.5t32.5 -54t58 -24.5t101 -8q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-205 4 -284 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5q70 3 102 8t57.5 24.5t32.5 54t7 100.5v788q0 101 -21.5 152t-75.5 51z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01AD\" unicode=\"ƭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"727\" \nd=\"M182 965q0 231 74 348t207 117q123 0 184 -44q66 -49 66 -104q0 -31 -29 -57.5t-55 -26.5q-53 0 -82 66q-23 59 -41.5 77.5t-61.5 18.5q-55 0 -77.5 -70.5t-22.5 -294.5v-116h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58\nq31 -2 36 -35q-121 -135 -276 -135q-158 0 -158 202v617h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41h94v86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01AE\" unicode=\"Ʈ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M717 106q0 -391 112 -391q47 0 66.5 19.5t44.5 83.5q35 72 88 71q29 0 59.5 -28.5t30.5 -61.5q0 -61 -69 -112q-70 -47 -220 -47q-287 0 -286 505v893q0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168q-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16\nh176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45q-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-926z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Uhorn\" unicode=\"Ư\" horiz-adv-x=\"1413\" \nd=\"M1262 1247q-49 -4 -66.5 -41t-17.5 -135v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-80 0 -154.5 21.5t-152.5 72.5t-125 156.5t-47 252.5v588q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q205 -4 244 -4q76 0 277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5\nq-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5v-520q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q106 -102 243 -103q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 66 -6 99.5t-32.5 52t-53.5 23.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q205 -4 235 -4q127 0 165 10t38 43q0 29 -41 39q-70 16 -69 84\nq0 37 27.5 58.5t72.5 21.5q109 0 108 -172q0 -64 -47.5 -107.5t-115.5 -50.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uhorn\" unicode=\"ư\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5\nq139 -4 209 -4q31 0 56 2v2q29 4 56.5 21.5t27.5 33.5q0 41 -56 43q-49 2 -73.5 27.5t-24.5 60.5q0 80 94 80q57 0 93 -53.5t36 -126.5q0 -45 -31 -86t-92 -55q-6 -118 -6 -169v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0\nq-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B1\" unicode=\"Ʊ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1363\" \nd=\"M258 1202q-82 0 -114.5 -21.5t-41.5 -101.5h-53l14 242h197q182 0 182 -127q0 -78 -98 -309.5t-98 -333.5q0 -223 113.5 -364.5t310.5 -141.5q201 0 311.5 146.5t110.5 357.5q0 129 -53.5 267t-106.5 242.5t-53 153.5q0 55 59 82t203 27h143l14 -242h-53\nq-6 76 -38.5 99.5t-116.5 23.5q-94 0 -95 -45q0 -29 43 -96.5t95.5 -138t95.5 -174t43 -197.5q0 -225 -160 -400.5t-442 -175.5q-293 0 -448.5 165t-155.5 411q0 92 44 195.5t96 175t96 139t44 96.5q0 45 -88 45z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B2\" unicode=\"Ʋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1341\" \nd=\"M182 451v725q0 90 -110 90h-56q-16 0 -16 16v39l4 2q186 -2 266 -2l265 2l4 -2v-39q0 -16 -17 -16h-53q-113 0 -113 -90v-666q0 -104 11.5 -178t42 -141.5t94 -102.5t160.5 -35q229 0 360 172t131 498q0 61 -6 134t-24.5 179.5t-64.5 175t-114 68.5q-59 0 -67 -49\nq-2 -14 -7.5 -30.5t-25 -36t-47.5 -19.5q-25 0 -46.5 16.5t-21.5 50.5q0 72 71.5 104t145.5 32q158 0 232.5 -164t74.5 -422q0 -197 -32.5 -340t-85 -227t-132 -133.5t-159.5 -65.5t-182 -16q-106 0 -187.5 20t-151 69.5t-106.5 146t-37 235.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B3\" unicode=\"Ƴ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1312\" \nd=\"M473 891q-59 104 -91 157.5t-75 116t-72.5 88t-56.5 25.5q-57 0 -57 -43q0 -6 2 -23.5t2 -27.5q0 -74 -62 -74q-31 0 -47 21.5t-16 46.5q0 57 68.5 114.5t169.5 57.5q88 0 177 -92.5t216 -303.5l151 -256l260 482q23 39 23 57q0 16 -10.5 22.5t-40.5 6.5h-62\nq-12 0 -12 14v41l4 2q162 -2 189 -2l178 2l4 -2v-41q0 -14 -21 -14h-43q-45 0 -71.5 -19.5t-53.5 -70.5l-305 -576v-455q0 -47 26.5 -68.5t86.5 -21.5h53q18 0 19 -16v-39l-5 -4q-178 4 -258 4l-264 -4l-4 4v39q0 16 17 16h53q113 0 112 90v430z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B4\" unicode=\"ƴ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1282\" \nd=\"M856 684q-199 -440 -362 -836q-31 -74 -51.5 -115.5t-56.5 -96t-79 -81t-94 -26.5q-39 0 -79 23.5t-40 72.5q0 41 23.5 60.5t54.5 19.5q43 0 64 -29q35 -35 55 -34q31 0 153 301q16 33 16.5 63.5t-34.5 116.5l-258 600q-25 59 -49.5 79.5t-75.5 20.5q-20 0 -20 15v41l4 4\nq90 -4 151 -4l244 4l4 -6v-37q0 -16 -23 -17q-88 0 -88 -45q0 -20 13 -47l225 -528l227 520q90 203 173 310.5t175 107.5q145 0 146 -97q0 -31 -23.5 -55t-56.5 -24q-55 0 -84 28q-12 14 -49 15q-23 0 -49.5 -29t-57 -87t-49 -98t-49.5 -110z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B5\" unicode=\"Ƶ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1236\" \nd=\"M1128 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q158 236 381 547h-256q-23 0 -22 28q0 16 12 34t27 18h297q223 310 358 481q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10q35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88.5 2\nt61.5 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93q-150 -193 -375 -505h316q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-354q-193 -270 -336 -478q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57.5 77t49.5 104q27 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B6\" unicode=\"ƶ\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M145 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-87 -143 -198 -310h128q25 0 25 -26q0 -18 -12.5 -36t-30.5 -18h-163q-141 -208 -241 -333h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13q-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25\nq0 16 18 41q122 164 241 337h-177q-23 0 -23 29q0 16 12.5 33.5t26.5 17.5h216q122 182 208 326l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B7\" unicode=\"Ʒ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1245\" \nd=\"M342 1321h727q57 0 57 -29q0 -33 -30 -84l-344 -618q197 -39 300 -172t103 -314q0 -215 -177 -375.5t-421 -160.5q-90 0 -194.5 22.5t-190.5 71.5t-86 113q0 102 90 102q94 0 139 -72q106 -162 281 -161q131 0 254 147.5t123 294.5q0 115 -38 204t-98.5 137t-122 71.5\nt-118.5 23.5q-55 0 -84 -6l401 723h-510q-100 -2 -155 -87t-64 -175l-53 4l43 385q12 -2 75.5 -23.5t92.5 -21.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B8\" unicode=\"Ƹ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1245\" \nd=\"M907 1321q31 0 93.5 21.5t76.5 23.5l43 -385l-53 -6q-8 92 -63.5 177t-155.5 87h-510l399 -723q-29 6 -84 6q-57 0 -118.5 -23.5t-121 -71.5t-97 -137t-37.5 -204q0 -150 121.5 -296t254.5 -146q174 0 281 161q45 72 137 72t92 -102q0 -63 -86 -112.5t-190.5 -72\nt-194.5 -22.5q-244 0 -422 160.5t-178 375.5q0 180 103.5 313.5t302.5 172.5l-342 618q-33 57 -33 84q0 29 55 29h727z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01B9\" unicode=\"ƹ\" horiz-adv-x=\"917\" \nd=\"M649 879q43 0 43 36l45 9l66 -312l-55 -10q-25 117 -65 157t-95 40h-291l321 -582q-63 14 -120 14q-121 0 -209 -87t-88 -216q0 -164 93 -251t187 -87q117 0 166 95q35 57 107 57q59 0 59 -64q0 -53 -90 -100t-223 -47q-209 0 -331 120t-122 279q0 164 96.5 265.5\nt274.5 115.5l-268 482q-20 45 -21 59q0 27 49 27h471z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BA\" unicode=\"ƺ\" horiz-adv-x=\"917\" \nd=\"M532 444q133 -6 212 -88t79 -225q0 -82 -25.5 -140.5t-68.5 -90t-85 -50t-88 -33t-62 -26.5q-80 -51 -80 -100q0 -16 7 -41t7 -35q0 -37 -24.5 -62.5t-51.5 -25.5q-29 0 -51 19.5t-22 56.5q0 80 45 132t147 118q20 12 63.5 28.5t66 29.5t43 65.5t20.5 138.5q0 47 -8.5 87\nt-29 83t-63.5 67.5t-104 24.5q-16 0 -144 -29l314 445h-365q-68 0 -91 -25t-42 -121l-41 4l33 252q33 -4 56.5 -14t56.5 -10h536q29 0 29 -17q0 -35 -25 -69z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BB\" unicode=\"ƻ\" horiz-adv-x=\"897\" \nd=\"M125 958q0 102 104.5 196.5t264.5 94.5q139 0 242.5 -78.5t103.5 -232.5q0 -104 -48.5 -179t-154.5 -177h76q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-140l-126 -121q-152 -152 -152 -248h365q55 0 86 43t57 154q39 8 60 -11q-4 -143 -49 -323q-94 4 -160 4h-359l-170 -4\nq0 98 46.5 189t187.5 235l83 82h-198q-23 0 -22 28q0 16 12 34t27 18h261q83 87 119.5 169.5t36.5 178.5q0 133 -54 190.5t-124 57.5q-102 0 -152 -39t-50 -86q0 -10 8 -28.5t8 -20.5q8 -29 8 -43q0 -31 -33.5 -56.5t-62.5 -25.5q-33 0 -57.5 23t-24.5 56z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BC\" unicode=\"Ƽ\" horiz-adv-x=\"878\" \nd=\"M625 369q0 135 -99.5 225t-208.5 90q-96 0 -157 -22l45 389l-160 110h664l-17 -119v-4h-401l-33 -264l104 4q193 0 299.5 -112.5t106.5 -264.5q0 -201 -113.5 -313.5t-279.5 -112.5q-94 0 -185.5 44t-91.5 102q0 29 20.5 47t49.5 18q51 0 84 -57q45 -84 117 -84\nq117 0 186.5 89.5t69.5 234.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BD\" unicode=\"ƽ\" horiz-adv-x=\"878\" \nd=\"M608 283q0 98 -66.5 182t-160.5 84q-150 0 -246 -29l70 246l-121 113h625l-17 -119v-4h-401l-35 -127q143 10 178 10q143 0 230.5 -98.5t87.5 -225.5q0 -137 -86 -238.5t-269 -101.5q-96 0 -197.5 45.5t-101.5 100.5q0 29 20.5 47t49.5 18q47 0 82 -61q18 -33 56 -56.5\nt85 -23.5q96 0 156.5 59.5t60.5 178.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BE\" unicode=\"ƾ\" horiz-adv-x=\"753\" \nd=\"M152 799h-103q-8 0 -8 8v63q0 8 6 9q84 2 115 58t31 179v39l116 41v-317h226q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -47 -26h-201v-99q0 -63 28.5 -98t110.5 -65q133 -49 193.5 -116t60.5 -183q0 -72 -36.5 -126.5t-92 -82t-106.5 -41t-94 -13.5q-119 0 -199 23q-29 4 -39 4\nq-18 0 -47 -6l-14 291l55 2q6 -129 74 -197q18 -20 66 -39.5t99 -19.5q63 0 129 44t66 113q0 55 -6 83t-43 65t-115 70q-70 31 -102.5 48t-71.5 48t-53 70.5t-14 95.5v129z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01BF\" unicode=\"ƿ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1064\" \nd=\"M625 811q-59 0 -127 -37t-183 -129v-749q510 291 510 618q1 297 -200 297zM162 657q0 72 -10.5 98.5t-34.5 28.5l-88 9l-4 49q199 31 282 63q8 0 8 -6l-6 -182h6q203 182 361 182q174 0 246.5 -90t72.5 -221q0 -217 -172 -399.5t-508 -366.5v-217l-272 -74l-8 51\nq-4 16 10 19l35 10q82 25 82 123v923z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C0\" unicode=\"ǀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"378\" \nd=\"M229 -20h-79v1450h79v-1450z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C1\" unicode=\"ǁ\" horiz-adv-x=\"587\" \nd=\"M438 -20h-80v1450h80v-1450zM229 -20h-79v1450h79v-1450z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C2\" unicode=\"ǂ\" horiz-adv-x=\"679\" \nd=\"M596 662v-70h-238v-612h-79v612h-228v70h228v147h-228v70h228v551h79v-551h238v-70h-238v-147h238z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C3\" unicode=\"ǃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"589\" \nd=\"M295 1348q43 0 75.5 -37t32.5 -113q0 -59 -7 -115.5t-20.5 -135.5t-21.5 -144q-12 -96 -18 -183.5t-8 -134.5t-4 -55q-4 -41 -29 -41t-29 27q-2 12 -6 77.5t-11 152.5t-16 157q-6 63 -26.5 188t-20.5 207q0 76 33 113t76 37zM186 88q0 45 32 77t77 32t76.5 -32t31.5 -77\nt-31.5 -76.5t-76.5 -31.5t-77 31.5t-32 76.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C4\" unicode=\"DŽ\" horiz-adv-x=\"2594\" \nd=\"M391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-983zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5t206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97\nt-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q164 -4 264 -4zM1931 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41\nq-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM2486 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 408.5 585t388.5 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10q35 182 45 311q203 -16 370 -16h453q35 0 88 2t62 2q27 0 26 -22\nq0 -29 -49 -93q-319 -412 -768 -1063q-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94 60.5t57 77t50.5 104q29 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C5\" unicode=\"Dž\" horiz-adv-x=\"2232\" \nd=\"M391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-983zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5t206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97\nt-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q164 -4 264 -4zM1737 1026q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27\nq-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM1497 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 24.5 -14.5t-37.5 -75.5q-262 -432 -491 -723h272q76 2 118 35.5t83 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13q-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -48 25q0 16 19 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6\nq-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 154 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-33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-848q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129\nq150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436zM1214 1237q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -33.5t29.5 -72.5q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -68 33t-31 74zM1243 659q0 86 -23.5 109t-109.5 31q-12 35 -4 57q195 25 280 59\nq27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-116 -200.5q-84 -70 -225 -69q-37 0 -75 23.5t-38 64.5q0 27 24 52t42 25q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16 -10t13.5 -10t12.5 -12.5t10 -11.5q23 -23 64 -22q70 0 90 135t20 387v493z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01C9\" unicode=\"lj\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M690 1227q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM719 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-116 -199.5q-84 -70 -225 -70\nq-37 0 -75 23.5t-38 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t42.5 25.5q10 0 20 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13 -10.5t12.5 -12.5t10.5 -11q23 -23 63 -23q70 0 90.5 135.5t20.5 387.5v493zM195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-944\nq0 -123 26 -152.5t122 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-135 4 -228 4q-86 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q96 4 122 34t26 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CA\" unicode=\"NJ\" horiz-adv-x=\"2084\" \nd=\"M1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5\nt31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670zM1901 1071v-860\nq0 -104 -18.5 -184t-55.5 -137.5t-63.5 -86t-71.5 -67.5q-102 -88 -240 -88q-45 0 -99.5 30.5t-54.5 79.5q0 31 33 59.5t58 28.5q57 0 81 -52q26 -54 82 -54q41 0 76 26.5t66.5 128t31.5 271.5v905q0 123 -34.5 152.5t-163.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q205 -4 284 -4q90 0 246 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-98 -4 -127.5 -34.5t-29.5 -151.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CB\" unicode=\"Nj\" horiz-adv-x=\"1986\" \nd=\"M1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5t-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5\nt31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854q-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670zM1622 1227q0 37 35 67.5\nt72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM1651 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -5 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -9 -234v-432q0 -276 -37.5 -412.5t-115.5 -199.5q-84 -70 -225 -70q-37 0 -75 23.5t-38 64.5\nq0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t18 -6t16.5 -10t13 -10.5t12.5 -12.5t10.5 -11q23 -23 63 -23q70 0 90.5 135.5t20.5 387.5v493z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CC\" unicode=\"nj\" horiz-adv-x=\"1667\" \nd=\"M377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86\nv-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0zM1303 1227\nq0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM1331 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-116 -199.5q-84 -70 -225 -70\nq-37 0 -75 23.5t-38 64.5q0 27 24 52.5t42 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16 -10l13.5 -10.5t12.5 -12.5t10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CD\" unicode=\"Ǎ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M688 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5\nq-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5\nt15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CE\" unicode=\"ǎ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M387 1030q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221\nq0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33\nq29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01CF\" unicode=\"Ǐ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M250 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821\nq0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D0\" unicode=\"ǐ\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M215 1024q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5\nt-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D1\" unicode=\"Ǒ\" \nd=\"M668 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436\nq-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D2\" unicode=\"ǒ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M438 1028q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 222 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-103zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827\nq-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D3\" unicode=\"Ǔ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M668 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11\nq-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D4\" unicode=\"ǔ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M467 1028q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372\nq0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120\nq-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D5\" unicode=\"Ǖ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1366\" \nd=\"M662 -20q-61 0 -121 11t-126.5 46t-116.5 88t-83 146.5t-33 211.5v588q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-127.5 34.5q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q152 -4 245 -4q72 0 174 4q20 0 21.5 -31.5t-12.5 -36.5q-49 -8 -73 -50t-24 -136v-520q0 -92 3 -140.5t28 -121t76 -123.5q102 -102 244 -103\nq123 0 202.5 44.5t115.5 125t47 155.5t11 179v504q0 98 -21.5 137t-76.5 49q-23 16 -18.5 42t32.5 26q27 0 71 -2t67 -2q76 0 198 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-98 -4 -124.5 -33.5t-26.5 -152.5v-467q0 -303 -113.5 -463.5t-408.5 -160.5zM475 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5\nt68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM770 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM944 1638h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 43t31 23h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D6\" unicode=\"ǖ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M741 1362h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -34q0 -20 -16 -44t-34 -24zM252 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM598 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5\nq0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130\nt-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 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1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM598 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5\nq0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130\nt-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01D9\" unicode=\"Ǚ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1366\" \nd=\"M662 -20q-61 0 -121 11t-126.5 46t-116.5 88t-83 146.5t-33 211.5v588q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-127.5 34.5q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q152 -4 245 -4q72 0 174 4q20 0 21.5 -31.5t-12.5 -36.5q-49 -8 -73 -50t-24 -136v-520q0 -92 3 -140.5t28 -121t76 -123.5q102 -102 244 -103\nq123 0 202.5 44.5t115.5 125t47 155.5t11 179v504q0 98 -21.5 137t-76.5 49q-23 16 -18.5 42t32.5 26q27 0 71 -2t67 -2q76 0 198 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-98 -4 -124.5 -33.5t-26.5 -152.5v-467q0 -303 -113.5 -463.5t-408.5 -160.5zM475 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5\nt68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM770 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM686 1532q-57 80 -159 171l25 36q95 -47 167 -110q89 72 169 110l24 -36q-78 -68 -158 -171h-68z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01DA\" unicode=\"ǚ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M473 1319q-62 114 -165 240l33 24q116 -97 173 -166q62 71 177 166l32 -24q-110 -138 -168 -240h-82zM252 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM598 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5\nq0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130\nt-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01DB\" unicode=\"Ǜ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1366\" \nd=\"M662 -20q-61 0 -121 11t-126.5 46t-116.5 88t-83 146.5t-33 211.5v588q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-127.5 34.5q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q152 -4 245 -4q72 0 174 4q20 0 21.5 -31.5t-12.5 -36.5q-49 -8 -73 -50t-24 -136v-520q0 -92 3 -140.5t28 -121t76 -123.5q102 -102 244 -103\nq123 0 202.5 44.5t115.5 125t47 155.5t11 179v504q0 98 -21.5 137t-76.5 49q-23 16 -18.5 42t32.5 26q27 0 71 -2t67 -2q76 0 198 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-98 -4 -124.5 -33.5t-26.5 -152.5v-467q0 -303 -113.5 -463.5t-408.5 -160.5zM475 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5\nt68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM770 1448q0 39 28.5 67.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -67.5t-29 -67.5t-68 -28.5t-67.5 28.5t-28.5 67.5zM543 1739l190 -151q24 -19 24 -38q0 -11 -7 -19t-17 -8q-24 0 -67 21l-243 114q48 53 120 81z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01DC\" unicode=\"ǜ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M420 1557l115 -232q10 -22 10 -45q0 -7 -7.5 -13.5t-17.5 -6.5q-13 0 -47 37l-187 201l3 20q50 42 107 43q11 0 24 -4zM252 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM598 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5\nt68 -28.5t29 -69.5q0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80\nv395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122\nz\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"eturned\" unicode=\"ǝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M623 301l-371 -6q-31 0 -31 -29q0 -117 50.5 -166t119.5 -49q27 0 53.5 7.5t64.5 30t69 77.5t45 135zM86 688q-35 2 -43 33q137 178 348 178q203 0 314 -131q96 -111 96 -303q0 -217 -130 -349t-280 -132q-346 0 -346 356q0 35 39 35l545 -4q0 172 -66 280\nq-90 147 -223 148q-86 0 -140.5 -25t-113.5 -86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01DE\" unicode=\"Ǟ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M395 1446q0 41 30 69.5t68.5 28.5t68.5 -28.5t30 -69.5t-30 -69.5t-68.5 -28.5t-68.5 28.5t-30 69.5zM881 1446q0 41 28.5 69.5t69.5 28.5t69.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5t-28.5 -69.5t-69.5 -28.5t-69.5 28.5t-28.5 69.5zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5\nt46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5\nt-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5zM967 1638h-459q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 43t30.5 23h461q29 0 29 -35\nq0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01DF\" unicode=\"ǟ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M657 1364h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -34q0 -20 -16 -44t-34 -24zM170 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM516 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t68 -28.5t29 -69.5\nq0 -39 -29 -68t-68 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266\nq-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E0\" unicode=\"Ǡ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M903 1599h172q29 0 29 -30q0 -20 -14.5 -40t-32.5 -20h-170zM561 1509h-174q-25 0 -25 31q0 18 14.5 38.5t31.5 20.5h172zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5\nt-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4\nt21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5zM627 1544q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E1\" unicode=\"ǡ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M659 1362h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -34q0 -20 -16 -44t-34 -24zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180\nt245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56\nq-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5zM340 1227q0 37 35 67.5t71 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E2\" unicode=\"Ǣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1771\" \nd=\"M1362 1526h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 42.5t31 22.5h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM555 625h324v553q0 43 -11 47zM879 250v295h-365l-199 -383q-6 -20 -9 -34.5t10.5 -25t25.5 -17.5t35.5 -11t41 -6t40.5 -5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4\nq-31 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q76 6 122 34t91 112l498 932q33 47 5 79.5t-128 36.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35l236 -4h286h361q53 0 100 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -67 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-150 50h-215q-35 0 -54 -25.5t-19 -64.5v-410h186q125 0 153.5 24.5\nt32.5 115.5q10 10 35 10t33 -10q-4 -123 -4 -177q0 -37 4 -180q-8 -10 -32.5 -10t-35.5 10q-4 55 -12 79t-49 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-494q0 -88 73 -88h279q195 0 268 268q39 10 72 -10q-25 -162 -76 -342q-164 4 -262 4h-438q-166 -2 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5\nq115 4 147 34t32 153z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E3\" unicode=\"ǣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1406\" \nd=\"M934 1061h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 42.5t31 22.5h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM543 786q-43 45 -133 45q-66 0 -112 -22.5t-46 -65.5q0 -31 6 -41q6 -12 6 -36q0 -27 -21.5 -47.5t-58.5 -20.5q-82 0 -82 92q0 88 99.5 148.5t228.5 60.5\nq203 0 283 -143q104 143 291 143q156 0 239.5 -68.5t83.5 -136.5q0 -88 -42 -138t-167 -78.5t-358 -31.5q0 -141 81 -253.5t193 -112.5q139 0 244 123q23 -2 41 -33q-45 -86 -130 -138t-183 -52q-86 0 -156 28.5t-94.5 51t-59.5 61.5q-14 12 -21 9t-28 -24\nq-125 -127 -274 -126q-127 0 -193 36q-100 57 -100 193q0 61 36.5 119.5t92.5 91.5q122 72 401 92q-1 206 -67 274zM610 440q-204 -16 -307 -92q-76 -56 -76 -129q0 -70 43 -111.5t127 -41.5q49 0 115 52t88 113q10 49 10 209zM762 518q236 2 322.5 39t86.5 131q0 51 -50 97\nt-120 46q-100 0 -163.5 -88t-75.5 -225z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E4\" unicode=\"Ǥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432q0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v182h-231q-25 5 -25 28q0 16 13 33.5\nt30 20.5h213v49q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-49h137q27 -4 26 -26q0 -16 -14.5 -34.5t-32.5 -21.5h-116v-106q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170\nq-289 0 -467 184t-178 465q0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E5\" unicode=\"ǥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85q-113 0 -186 43q-37 -51 -37 -119\nq0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -23 -5 -45h68q27 -4 27 -26q0 -16 -14.5 -34.5t-32.5 -21.5h-80q-64 -105 -216 -166t-323 -61q-135 0 -229 54t-96 173h-52q-25 5 -24 27q0 16 12.5 33.5t30.5 21.5h46q38 103 154 172\nq-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224t245.5 87q127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23zM854 -178q-2 36 -24.5 61t-79.5 58q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3\nq-45 0 -82 11q-59 -71 -63 -158h647zM834 -260h-620q22 -71 99.5 -111.5t139.5 -40.5q121 0 230.5 40.5t150.5 111.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Gcaron\" unicode=\"Ǧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M700 1427q-74 92 -206 195l32 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 220 125l30 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432\nq0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465\nq0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"gcaron\" unicode=\"ǧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M399 1040q-78 127 -206 267l40 26q145 -106 218 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -26q-137 -154 -209 -267h-103zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193q0 -92 86 -145.5\nt160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85q-113 0 -186 43\nq-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224t245.5 87\nq127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E8\" unicode=\"Ǩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1304\" \nd=\"M666 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l30 -41q-102 -78 -204 -195h-88zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821\nq0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q184 -4 264 -4q78 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-360q95 8 162 80l338 360q31 33 39 54.5t-8.5 31.5t-34 13t-53.5 7q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q152 -4 231 -4q68 0 195 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-53 -4 -85 -10t-80 -31.5t-94 -72.5l-301 -309q-72 -74 -71 -101q0 -20 26 -51l449 -532q29 -35 62.5 -54.5t56 -23.5t61.5 -9q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -207 4q-29 0 -110 -4q-8 0 -11 12q-8 57 -73 142l-322 405q-59 74 -170 78v-383\nz\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01E9\" unicode=\"ǩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1048\" \nd=\"M586 1319q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -185q78 80 221 185l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-102zM176 250v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 286 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215v-714q66 9 139 63q74 55 164 168q10 12 16.5 25.5\nt10.5 31.5t-14.5 31.5t-59.5 15.5q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q94 -4 201 -4q84 0 178 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-143 -14 -215 -90l-180 -186q-8 -8 -9 -21q0 -10 15 -29l270 -339q37 -47 75 -62.5t101 -24.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-82 4 -168 4q-45 0 -127 -4q-8 0 -8 10\nq-4 33 -86 144l-149 200q-33 44 -66 67q-27 9 -88 11v-178q0 -121 19.5 -150.5t86.5 -36.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-94 4 -186 4q-84 0 -219 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q90 6 113.5 35t23.5 152z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01EA\" unicode=\"Ǫ\" \nd=\"M1090 -276q-86 -133 -226 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 117 194 255q-77 -18 -161 -17q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5q0 -256 -127 -436q-74 -105 -181 -170q-144 -118 -194.5 -176t-50.5 -128q0 -96 102 -96\nq29 0 53.5 11.5t40 24.5t44.5 42q27 1 39 -22zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01EB\" unicode=\"ǫ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M782 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 111 171 239q-18 -1 -34 -1q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-61 -59 -142 -88q-93 -79 -131 -130t-38 -112q0 -96 102 -96\nq29 0 53.5 11.5t40 24.5t43.5 42q27 1 39 -22zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01EC\" unicode=\"Ǭ\" \nd=\"M934 1460h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 43t31 23h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24zM1090 -276q-86 -133 -226 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 117 194 255q-77 -18 -161 -17q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5\nq0 -256 -127 -436q-74 -105 -181 -170q-144 -118 -194.5 -176t-50.5 -128q0 -96 102 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t40 24.5t44.5 42q27 1 39 -22zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01ED\" unicode=\"ǭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M735 1061h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM782 -276q-86 -133 -225 -134q-180 0 -180 152q0 111 171 239q-18 -1 -34 -1q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5\nt141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-61 -59 -142 -88q-93 -79 -131 -130t-38 -112q0 -96 102 -96q29 0 53.5 11.5t40 24.5t43.5 42q27 1 39 -22zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5\nt-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01EE\" unicode=\"Ǯ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1245\" \nd=\"M563 1427q-74 92 -207 195l33 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 219 125l31 -41q-102 -78 -205 -195h-88zM342 1321h727q57 0 57 -29q0 -33 -30 -84l-344 -618q197 -39 300 -172t103 -314q0 -215 -177 -375.5t-421 -160.5q-90 0 -194.5 22.5t-190.5 71.5t-86 113q0 102 90 102\nq94 0 139 -72q106 -162 281 -161q131 0 254 147.5t123 294.5q0 115 -38 204t-98.5 137t-122 71.5t-118.5 23.5q-55 0 -84 -6l401 723h-510q-100 -2 -155 -87t-64 -175l-53 4l43 385q12 -2 75.5 -23.5t92.5 -21.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01EF\" unicode=\"ǯ\" horiz-adv-x=\"851\" \nd=\"M352 1024q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 222 184l39 -27q-137 -154 -209 -266h-103zM260 219l344 590h-297q-119 0 -172 -193l-53 7q29 174 31 282h51q8 -27 53 -26h416q27 0 59.5 3t55.5 6l22 3q27 0 27 -12q0 -10 -45 -86l-310 -512q156 0 259.5 -85\nt103.5 -241q0 -184 -120 -310t-306 -126q-119 0 -206 66.5t-87 123.5q0 31 16.5 52.5t49.5 21.5q68 0 90 -70q16 -43 57 -83t96 -40q88 0 166 89.5t78 242.5q0 156 -51 222.5t-172 66.5q-18 0 -121 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F0\" unicode=\"ǰ\" horiz-adv-x=\"557\" \nd=\"M231 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70q-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5\nt10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493zM246 1042q-78 127 -207 267l41 26q145 -106 217 -184q78 80 221 184l39 -26q-137 -154 -209 -267h-102z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F1\" unicode=\"DZ\" horiz-adv-x=\"2639\" \nd=\"M2531 -4q-204 4 -259 4h-746q-39 0 -39 31q0 25 16 47q164 244 409 585t388 523q16 23 16 37q0 18 -20 18l-432 -8q-113 -2 -177.5 -55.5t-97.5 -161.5q-27 0 -61 10q35 182 45 311q203 -16 371 -16h452q35 0 88 2t62 2q27 0 26 -22q0 -29 -49 -93q-319 -412 -768 -1063\nq-16 -29 -16 -41q0 -31 51 -28l395 8q80 2 136.5 20.5t94.5 60.5t57 77t50 104q29 0 64 -10q-42 -174 -56 -342zM391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-983\nzM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5t206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5t-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35\nq164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F2\" unicode=\"Dz\" horiz-adv-x=\"2267\" \nd=\"M1544 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 24.5 -14.5t-37.5 -75.5q-262 -432 -491 -723h272q76 2 118 35.5t83 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13q-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7\nq29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12zM391 172q0 -55 42 -80.5t181 -25.5q117 0 207 23.5t168 78.5t120 159.5t42 254.5q0 125 -30.5 239.5t-96.5 215t-184.5 159.5t-276.5 59q-172 0 -172 -100v-983zM303 1321q33 0 144.5 2t193.5 2q295 0 501 -203.5t206 -490.5q0 -180 -62.5 -310.5\nt-166 -198t-213 -97t-228.5 -29.5q-123 0 -237.5 2t-135.5 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q164 -4 264 -4z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F3\" unicode=\"dz\" horiz-adv-x=\"1828\" \nd=\"M1130 899q55 -20 121 -20h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723h273q76 2 117.5 35.5t82.5 119.5l29 60q39 0 61 -13q-23 -154 -65 -278l-639 6q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7\nq29 154 31 264q0 12 12 12zM707 254v389q0 47 -6.5 66.5t-28.5 44.5q-63 74 -166 73q-123 0 -191 -102q-59 -84 -59 -272q0 -180 67.5 -278.5t157.5 -98.5q80 0 193 98q33 29 33 80zM684 103q-150 -123 -256 -123q-162 0 -255 120.5t-93 315.5q0 219 141 360\nq129 123 307 123q31 0 68 -9t63.5 -17.5t28.5 -8.5q18 0 19 19v262q0 66 -3.5 98.5t-26 48t-34.5 16.5t-68 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-928q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0\nq-18 72 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 10t-18.5 -7z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F4\" unicode=\"Ǵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1402\" \nd=\"M879 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM772 1348q100 0 177 -18.5t141.5 -43t107.5 -31.5q39 -174 47 -315q-35 -14 -67 -12q-23 78 -49.5 131t-74.5 106.5t-126 81t-185 27.5q-186 0 -328.5 -172t-142.5 -432\nq0 -141 54.5 -279.5t171 -238t270.5 -99.5q236 0 317 78v313q0 57 -35.5 74t-131.5 25q-8 10 -8.5 36.5t8.5 36.5q180 -4 253 -4q84 0 183 4q10 -10 10 -36.5t-10 -36.5q-49 -4 -71.5 -25.5t-22.5 -73.5v-237q0 -31 32 -57q-199 -170 -571 -170q-289 0 -467 184t-178 465\nq0 215 103.5 383t261 252t331.5 84z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F5\" unicode=\"ǵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1024\" \nd=\"M580 1374q12 4 28 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 24 57zM653 571q0 127 -51 196t-147 69q-164 0 -164 -218q0 -57 6 -99t24.5 -86t58.5 -67.5t101 -23.5q172 0 172 229zM270 -20q-63 -76 -63 -193q0 -92 86 -145.5\nt160 -53.5q96 0 186 25t152.5 78t62.5 123q0 39 -22.5 65.5t-81.5 61.5q-63 35 -248 34q-10 0 -61.5 -3t-88.5 -3q-45 1 -82 11zM909 793q-39 0 -57 36q-16 25 -41 25q-18 0 -44 -16.5t-38 -32.5q88 -90 88 -213q0 -143 -101.5 -228t-244.5 -85q-113 0 -186 43\nq-37 -51 -37 -119q0 -59 39 -88t92 -29l61 4q82 10 138 10q217 0 299 -67q90 -74 90 -166q0 -106 -87 -189.5t-217.5 -124t-271.5 -40.5q-137 0 -231 55t-94 178q0 147 167 248q-94 47 -94 158q0 55 24.5 113.5t65.5 92.5q-106 102 -106 230q0 137 104.5 224t245.5 87\nq127 0 213 -57q37 49 98.5 76.5t106.5 27.5q41 0 67.5 -21.5t26.5 -54.5q0 -31 -23.5 -54t-52.5 -23z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F6\" unicode=\"Ƕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1843\" \nd=\"M1051 270v387h-668v-510q0 -47 24.5 -65.5t88.5 -22.5l53 -4q16 -2 16 -16v-39l-4 -4q-176 4 -258 4l-262 -4l-4 4v39q0 14 14 16l55 4q61 4 86 24.5t25 63.5v1029q0 45 -25.5 63t-85.5 23l-55 4q-16 2 -16 16v39l4 4q178 -4 258 -4l264 4l4 -4v-39q0 -14 -16 -16l-53 -4\nq-61 -4 -87 -23.5t-26 -62.5v-433h668v433q0 45 -25 63t-86 23l-53 4q-18 2 -19 16v39l4 4q178 -4 258 -4l265 4l4 -4v-39q0 -14 -17 -16l-53 -4q-61 -4 -86.5 -23.5t-25.5 -62.5v-912q0 -94 49 -141t127 -47q113 0 195.5 127t82.5 282q0 246 -125 269q-86 8 -86 75\nq0 31 22.5 53.5t61.5 22.5q203 0 203 -395q0 -260 -107.5 -395t-246.5 -135q-162 0 -252 75.5t-90 214.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F7\" unicode=\"Ƿ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1105\" \nd=\"M659 1247q-68 0 -141.5 -49t-189.5 -166v-897q119 100 192.5 169t158.5 165t127 192.5t42 192.5q0 201 -43.5 297t-145.5 96zM328 1120q111 106 200.5 167t178.5 61q326 0 325 -412q0 -94 -41 -193.5t-101.5 -181.5t-160.5 -180t-187 -169t-214 -169v-430l-285 -76\nl-14 51q-4 16 10 19l41 12q82 25 82 123v1329q0 94 -14.5 127t-47.5 33l-65 4q-12 0 -12 10l-5 49q190 14 289 54q27 0 27 -21q-6 -74 -6 -207z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F8\" unicode=\"Ǹ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1431\" \nd=\"M600 1673l248 -172q31 -23 31 -43q0 -12 -9.5 -21.5t-21.5 -9.5q-31 0 -88 25l-316 129q64 61 156 92zM1139 1049q0 72 -6.5 109.5t-31 59t-51 27.5t-89.5 12q-10 8 -10.5 33t10.5 35q180 -4 227 -4q61 0 229 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-115 -12 -146.5 -44.5\nt-31.5 -163.5v-1006q0 -63 -47 -63q-45 0 -82 49l-715 903q-51 68 -69 67q-16 0 -17 -100v-627q0 -72 6.5 -109.5t31 -59t51 -27.5t89.5 -13q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-172 4 -227 4q-53 0 -229 -4q-10 8 -10.5 32.5t10.5 34.5q115 12 146.5 45t31.5 164v854\nq-10 45 -55 86t-107 45q-10 8 -10 33t10 35l277 -4l702 -891q88 -113 98 -113q14 0 15 62v670z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni01F9\" unicode=\"ǹ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1110\" \nd=\"M555 1374l143 -258q12 -25 13 -49q0 -8 -9.5 -15.5t-21.5 -7.5q-16 0 -59 41l-234 224l4 22q63 47 133 47q15 0 31 -4zM377 733q145 166 336 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-123 4 -217 4q-86 0 -209 -4\nq-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-39 74 -109 74q-125 0 -250 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Aringacute\" unicode=\"Ǻ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l461 1088q-54 18 -89.5 64t-35.5 101\nq0 70 54.5 122t125.5 52q50 0 94.5 -27t67.5 -71l236 164q88 -41 127 -107l-295 -118q-29 -12 -50 -19q-1 -48 -29.5 -89.5t-73.5 -62.5l407 -1130q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5\nq18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5zM735 1571q-47 0 -72.5 -31t-25.5 -78q0 -45 26.5 -76.5t71.5 -31.5t72 31.5t27 76.5q0 49 -27 79t-72 30z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"aringacute\" unicode=\"ǻ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M430 1300q-47 0 -72.5 -30.5t-25.5 -77.5q0 -45 26.5 -77t71.5 -32t71.5 32t26.5 77q0 49 -26.5 78.5t-71.5 29.5zM250 1192q0 70 54 122t126 52t126 -51t54 -123q0 -70 -53 -122t-127 -52q-72 0 -126 52t-54 122zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225\nq0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5\nq-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5zM472 1700q10 4 23 4q51 0 90 -42l5 -21l-189 -201q-31 -35 -49 -35q-9 0 -16 7.5\nt-7 16.5q0 18 19 52z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"AEacute\" unicode=\"Ǽ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1771\" \nd=\"M1266 1681q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM555 625h324v553q0 43 -11 47zM879 250v295h-365l-199 -383q-6 -20 -9 -34.5t10.5 -25t25.5 -17.5t35.5 -11t41 -6t40.5 -5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-31 0 -183 -4\nq-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q76 6 122 34t91 112l498 932q33 47 5 79.5t-128 36.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35l236 -4h286h361q53 0 100 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -67 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-150 50h-215q-35 0 -54 -25.5t-19 -64.5v-410h186q125 0 153.5 24.5t32.5 115.5\nq10 10 35 10t33 -10q-4 -123 -4 -177q0 -37 4 -180q-8 -10 -32.5 -10t-35.5 10q-4 55 -12 79t-49 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-494q0 -88 73 -88h279q195 0 268 268q39 10 72 -10q-25 -162 -76 -342q-164 4 -262 4h-438q-166 -2 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153z\n\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"aeacute\" unicode=\"ǽ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1406\" \nd=\"M834 1374q12 4 28 4q63 0 113 -47l6 -22l-236 -224q-39 -39 -61 -38q-10 0 -19.5 8t-9.5 18q0 20 24 57zM543 786q-43 45 -133 45q-66 0 -112 -22.5t-46 -65.5q0 -31 6 -41q6 -12 6 -36q0 -27 -21.5 -47.5t-58.5 -20.5q-82 0 -82 92q0 88 99.5 148.5t228.5 60.5\nq203 0 283 -143q104 143 291 143q156 0 239.5 -68.5t83.5 -136.5q0 -88 -42 -138t-167 -78.5t-358 -31.5q0 -141 81 -253.5t193 -112.5q139 0 244 123q23 -2 41 -33q-45 -86 -130 -138t-183 -52q-86 0 -156 28.5t-94.5 51t-59.5 61.5q-14 12 -21 9t-28 -24\nq-125 -127 -274 -126q-127 0 -193 36q-100 57 -100 193q0 61 36.5 119.5t92.5 91.5q122 72 401 92q-1 206 -67 274zM610 440q-204 -16 -307 -92q-76 -56 -76 -129q0 -70 43 -111.5t127 -41.5q49 0 115 52t88 113q10 49 10 209zM762 518q236 2 322.5 39t86.5 131q0 51 -50 97\nt-120 46q-100 0 -163.5 -88t-75.5 -225z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Oslashacute\" unicode=\"Ǿ\" \nd=\"M803 1679q88 -41 127 -106l-295 -119q-57 -25 -86 -24q-31 0 -31 30q0 23 31 43zM221 -27q-27 0 -48 20.5t-26 45.5l106 130q-177 183 -177 466q0 307 170 510t459 203q234 0 404 -125l101 125q29 0 49.5 -18.5t24.5 -43.5l-102 -126q182 -186 182 -486q0 -256 -127 -436\nq-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-222 0 -390 124zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -213 88 -369l661 813q-135 160 -343 160zM1077 1031l-658 -814q138 -164 339 -164q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 234 -90 396z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"oslashacute\" unicode=\"ǿ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M592 1374q12 4 29 4q63 0 112 -47l6 -22l-235 -224q-39 -39 -62 -38q-10 0 -19 8t-9 18q0 20 23 57zM848 930q49 0 63 -47l-85 -105q123 -130 122 -340q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-160 0 -271 89l-104 -126q-25 0 -41 15t-20 38l108 131q-102 124 -102 293\nq0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q145 0 247 -70zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -107 36 -207l387 469q-74 98 -196 98zM725 655l-392 -476q77 -128 210 -128q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q1 170 -47 282z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0200\" unicode=\"Ȁ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M397 1604q0 29 21.5 53t62.5 24q33 0 47 -24l122 -223q8 -14 7 -23q0 -12 -9 -19.5t-17 -7.5q-10 0 -17 7l-202 172q-15 14 -15 41zM666 1614q0 33 25.5 55.5t51.5 22.5q39 0 56 -25l111 -225q5 -10 5 -23q0 -25 -26 -24q-12 0 -29 15l-180 165q-14 12 -14 39zM539 580\nh362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172\nq16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0201\" unicode=\"ȁ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M176 1321q37 0 49 -23l160 -284q2 -2 2 -8q0 -12 -10 -20.5t-17 -8.5q-8 0 -14 6l-233 225q-14 16 -15 39q0 29 21.5 51.5t56.5 22.5zM455 1333q35 0 47 -28l128 -293q3 -6 3 -13q0 -4 -2 -9t-9.5 -11t-17.5 -6q-8 0 -14 6l-209 248q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50t64.5 23z\nM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37\nq0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0202\" unicode=\"Ȃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M461 1415q8 104 90 168t188 64q115 0 193 -62.5t86 -169.5h-57q-12 57 -75 91t-147 34q-80 0 -145.5 -33.5t-75.5 -91.5h-57zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4\nq8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5\nt27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0203\" unicode=\"ȃ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M668 1020q-16 82 -78 133t-143.5 51t-144 -49t-77.5 -135l-55 24q18 127 99 202t177 75q109 0 182.5 -72.5t94.5 -204.5zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86\nq-258 0 -258 221q0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12\nq37 0 76 33q29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0204\" unicode=\"Ȅ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M301 1612q0 29 21.5 53.5t62.5 24.5q33 0 47 -25l122 -223q8 -14 7 -23q0 -12 -9 -19t-17 -7q-10 0 -17 6l-203 172q-14 14 -14 41zM569 1622q0 33 26 55.5t52 22.5q41 0 55 -25l112 -225q5 -10 5 -23q0 -25 -26 -24q-12 0 -29 15l-180 165q-15 12 -15 39zM575 739\nq125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440\nq-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0205\" unicode=\"ȅ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M190 1335q37 0 50 -22l159 -285q2 -2 2 -8q0 -12 -10 -20.5t-16 -8.5q-8 0 -15 6l-233 226q-14 16 -14 39q0 29 21 51t56 22zM469 1348q35 0 47 -29l129 -293q3 -6 2 -12q0 -4 -2 -9.5t-9 -11.5t-18 -6q-8 0 -14 6l-209 248q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50.5t64.5 23.5z\nM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147\nq86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0206\" unicode=\"Ȇ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M301 1415q8 104 90 168t189 64q115 0 192.5 -62.5t85.5 -169.5h-57q-12 57 -74.5 91t-146.5 34q-80 0 -145.5 -33.5t-76.5 -91.5h-57zM575 739q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79\nt-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4\nh522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0207\" unicode=\"ȇ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M684 1022q-16 82 -77.5 133t-143.5 51t-144.5 -49t-76.5 -135l-56 25q18 127 99.5 201.5t177.5 74.5q109 0 182.5 -72.5t93.5 -203.5zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135zM791 190q35 -2 43 -32\nq-137 -178 -349 -178q-203 0 -313 131q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140.5 24.5t113.5 85.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0208\" unicode=\"Ȉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M0 1626q0 29 21.5 53.5t62.5 24.5q31 0 47 -25l122 -223q8 -14 7 -22q0 -12 -9 -19.5t-18 -7.5q-10 0 -16 6l-203 172q-14 14 -14 41zM268 1636q0 33 25.5 55.5t52.5 22.5q39 0 55 -24l112 -226q5 -10 5 -22q0 -25 -26 -25q-12 0 -29 16l-180 164q-15 12 -15 39zM391 250\nq0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5\nq-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0209\" unicode=\"ȉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M-39 1391q37 0 49 -23l160 -285q2 -2 2 -8q0 -12 -10 -20t-17 -8q-8 0 -14 6l-233 225q-14 16 -15 39q0 29 21.5 51.5t56.5 22.5zM240 1403q35 0 47 -29l128 -293q3 -6 3 -12q0 -4 -2 -9t-9.5 -11.5t-17.5 -6.5q-8 0 -14 7l-209 247q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50.5\nt64.5 23.5zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020A\" unicode=\"Ȋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"608\" \nd=\"M25 1413q8 104 90 168t188 64q115 0 192.5 -62.5t86.5 -169.5h-58q-12 57 -74.5 91t-146.5 34q-80 0 -145.5 -34t-75.5 -91h-57zM391 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-184 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34\nt31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q86 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020B\" unicode=\"ȋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"555\" \nd=\"M461 1020q-15 82 -70 133t-129.5 51t-130 -49t-68.5 -135l-50 24q16 126 89 201.5t160 75.5q97 0 163 -73t86 -204zM371 250q0 -123 24.5 -151.5t122.5 -35.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-135 4 -227 4q-94 0 -230 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q98 8 123 36t25 151v399\nq0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q190 25 280 59q27 0 27 -14q-8 -131 -8 -233v-408z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020C\" unicode=\"Ȍ\" \nd=\"M373 1612q0 29 21.5 53.5t62.5 24.5q31 0 47 -25l121 -223q8 -14 8 -23q0 -12 -9.5 -19t-17.5 -7q-10 0 -16 6l-203 172q-14 14 -14 41zM641 1622q0 33 25.5 55.5t52.5 22.5q39 0 55 -25l112 -225q5 -10 5 -23q0 -25 -27 -24q-12 0 -28 15l-181 165q-14 12 -14 39z\nM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5\nt187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020D\" unicode=\"ȍ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M238 1335q37 0 49 -22l159 -285q2 -2 3 -8q0 -12 -10.5 -20.5t-16.5 -8.5q-8 0 -14 6l-234 226q-14 16 -14 39q0 29 21.5 51t56.5 22zM516 1348q35 0 47 -29l129 -293q3 -6 2 -12q0 -4 -2 -9.5t-9 -11.5t-17 -6q-8 0 -15 6l-209 248q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50.5\nt64.5 23.5zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248\nq0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020E\" unicode=\"Ȏ\" \nd=\"M434 1415q8 104 90 168t189 64q115 0 192.5 -62.5t85.5 -169.5h-57q-12 57 -74.5 91t-146.5 34q-80 0 -145.5 -33.5t-75.5 -91.5h-58zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170z\nM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni020F\" unicode=\"ȏ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M713 1020q-16 82 -78 133t-143.5 51t-144 -49t-77.5 -135l-55 24q18 127 99 202t178 75q109 0 182.5 -72.5t93.5 -204.5zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133\nt-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0210\" unicode=\"Ȑ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M205 1622q0 29 21.5 53.5t62.5 24.5q31 0 47 -25l121 -223q8 -14 8 -22q0 -12 -9.5 -19.5t-17.5 -7.5q-10 0 -16 6l-203 172q-14 14 -14 41zM473 1632q0 33 25.5 55.5t52.5 22.5q39 0 55 -24l112 -226q5 -10 5 -22q0 -25 -27 -25q-12 0 -28 15l-181 165q-14 12 -14 39z\nM557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33\nt10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0211\" unicode=\"ȑ\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M145 1337q37 0 50 -22l159 -285q2 -2 2 -8q0 -12 -10 -20.5t-16 -8.5q-8 0 -15 6l-233 226q-14 16 -14 39q0 29 21 51t56 22zM424 1350q35 0 47 -29l128 -293q3 -6 3 -12q0 -4 -2 -9.5t-9 -11.5t-18 -6q-8 0 -14 6l-209 248q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50.5t64.5 23.5z\nM360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100q-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4\nq-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0212\" unicode=\"Ȓ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M303 1415q8 104 90 168t189 64q115 0 192.5 -62.5t85.5 -169.5h-57q-12 57 -74.5 91t-146.5 34q-80 0 -145.5 -33.5t-76.5 -91.5h-57zM557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5\nt-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430\nq47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356q-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0213\" unicode=\"ȓ\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M633 1020q-16 82 -77.5 133t-143.5 51t-144.5 -49t-77.5 -135l-55 24q18 127 99 202t178 75q109 0 182.5 -72.5t93.5 -204.5zM360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26\nq-25 0 -94 -100q-49 -74 -49 -137v-285q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0214\" unicode=\"Ȕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M385 1591q0 29 21.5 53.5t62.5 24.5q31 0 47 -24l122 -224q8 -14 7 -22q0 -12 -9 -19.5t-18 -7.5q-10 0 -16 6l-203 172q-14 14 -14 41zM653 1602q0 33 26 55t52 22q39 0 55 -24l112 -225q5 -10 5 -23q0 -25 -26 -25q-12 0 -29 16l-180 165q-15 12 -15 39zM352 1071v-526\nq0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467\nq0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0215\" unicode=\"ȕ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M231 1335q37 0 50 -22l159 -285q2 -2 2 -8q0 -12 -10 -20.5t-16 -8.5q-8 0 -15 6l-233 226q-14 16 -14 39q0 29 21 51t56 22zM510 1348q35 0 47 -29l128 -293q3 -6 3 -12q0 -4 -2 -9.5t-9 -11.5t-18 -6q-8 0 -14 6l-209 248q-12 12 -12 33q0 27 21.5 50.5t64.5 23.5z\nM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5\nq139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81q-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0216\" unicode=\"Ȗ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M436 1415q8 104 90 168t189 64q115 0 192.5 -62.5t85.5 -169.5h-57q-12 57 -74.5 91t-146.5 34q-80 0 -145.5 -33.5t-75.5 -91.5h-58zM352 1071v-526q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v504q0 63 -6 97\nt-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-467q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v594q0 121 -29.5 151.5\nt-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0217\" unicode=\"ȗ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1087\" \nd=\"M735 1020q-16 82 -77.5 133t-143.5 51t-144.5 -49t-76.5 -135l-55 24q18 127 99 202t177 75q109 0 182.5 -72.5t94.5 -204.5zM444 -20q-141 0 -202.5 78.5t-61.5 199.5v393q0 96 -25.5 127t-101.5 37q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13\nq-8 -150 -8 -211v-372q0 -121 50 -166t114 -45q92 0 205 98q33 29 32 80v395q0 98 -24.5 130t-102.5 36q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q139 -4 209 -4q51 0 72 4q16 0 16 -13q-8 -150 -8 -211v-393q0 -80 28 -110.5t122 -38.5q10 -10 10 -28.5t-10 -27.5q-164 -18 -242 -81\nq-18 -8 -39 0q-18 70 -22 120q-2 10 -12.5 9.5t-18.5 -7.5q-152 -122 -277 -122z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Scommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ș\" horiz-adv-x=\"993\" \nd=\"M808 1292q28 -142 37 -264q-25 -19 -67 -12q-18 58 -37.5 99t-53.5 81.5t-87.5 61t-124.5 20.5q-89 0 -156.5 -71t-67.5 -158q0 -49 24 -93t54 -72t82 -57t83 -41.5t83 -32.5q71 -27 124 -56t104 -73t77.5 -106.5t26.5 -140.5q0 -97 -52 -186t-140 -144\nq-108 -67 -253 -67q-97 0 -203.5 23.5t-164.5 23.5q-31 129 -41 311q32 17 67 6q64 -291 359 -291q123 0 189.5 64.5t66.5 187.5q0 58 -18 105t-41 75.5t-67 55t-71 38.5t-78 31q-77 29 -133.5 59.5t-111.5 76t-84 108t-29 139.5q0 158 114.5 256.5t275.5 98.5\nq117 0 201.5 -26t112.5 -30zM477 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"scommaaccent\" unicode=\"ș\" horiz-adv-x=\"798\" \nd=\"M381 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -17 49q72 16 113 47t41 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM98 283q10 10 32 10t32 -8q33 -139 80 -188.5t145 -49.5q66 0 120 37t54 106q0 68 -42 109t-167 92\nq-123 51 -174 110.5t-51 168.5q0 96 86 162.5t203 66.5q47 0 96 -7t103.5 -18.5t68.5 -13.5q-4 -109 -12 -217q-10 -10 -33 -10t-33 8q-10 61 -33.5 102t-55.5 58.5t-55.5 23.5t-45.5 6q-55 0 -99.5 -35.5t-44.5 -95.5q0 -77 46.5 -112.5t158.5 -77.5q240 -89 240 -272\nq0 -72 -34 -125.5t-87 -81t-104.5 -39.5t-100.5 -12q-100 0 -186 22q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"Tcommaaccent\" unicode=\"Ț\" horiz-adv-x=\"1222\" \nd=\"M604 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM717 250q0 -123 34.5 -152.5t163.5 -34.5q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -32.5q-205 4 -284 4q-86 0 -287 -4\nq-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v788q0 100 -21.5 151.5t-75.5 51.5h-100q-106 0 -174 -49t-96 -168q-45 0 -70 10q41 176 51 297q0 6 9 6q207 -16 477 -16h176q272 0 459 16q6 0 6 -6q2 -135 26 -291q-23 -10 -69 -10q-25 115 -94.5 163t-190.5 48h-45\nq-53 0 -73.5 -52t-20.5 -157v-782z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"tcommaaccent\" unicode=\"ț\" horiz-adv-x=\"647\" \nd=\"M350 -84q57 0 92 -48t35 -128q0 -86 -60.5 -137.5t-156.5 -65.5q-16 16 -16 49q72 16 112.5 47t40.5 62q0 47 -63 53q-86 14 -86 80q0 37 28.5 62.5t73.5 25.5zM88 879h94q0 78 -1 129t-2 66.5t-2 25.5t-1 16q0 15 45 28q36 10 70 29q34 18 45 19q16 0 16 -18\nq-8 -82 -8 -216v-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41q0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-518q0 -100 14.5 -144.5t53.5 -44.5q94 0 168 58q31 -2 36 -35q-121 -135 -276 -135q-158 0 -158 202v617h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni021C\" unicode=\"Ȝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"980\" \nd=\"M270.5 -297q-30.5 0 -54 23.5t-23.5 62.5q0 68 72.5 154t215.5 139q106 39 171 136t65 208q0 172 -106.5 249t-272.5 77l-10 61q104 0 200.5 88t96.5 178q0 106 -59.5 152.5t-137.5 46.5q-84 0 -147.5 -60.5t-77.5 -160.5l-49 4l16 262q18 0 124.5 12.5t188.5 12.5\nq94 0 187.5 -61.5t93.5 -186.5q0 -98 -64.5 -167t-134.5 -99q334 -59 334 -410q0 -139 -109.5 -252t-285.5 -164q-158 -45 -158 -153q0 -14 5 -40t5 -30q0 -33 -27.5 -57.5t-58 -24.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni021D\" unicode=\"ȝ\" horiz-adv-x=\"784\" \nd=\"M182 -469q-23 0 -44 17.5t-21 54.5q0 61 82 153t196 140q164 66 164 245q0 229 -262 230q-16 0 -66 -9v52q113 18 184.5 97t71.5 157q0 82 -52 125t-120 43q-96 0 -142 -47.5t-60 -151.5l-43 4l16 240q16 0 101 12t167 12q86 0 174 -60.5t88 -156.5q0 -80 -49 -140.5\nt-98 -88.5q113 -27 177.5 -105t64.5 -184q0 -78 -30 -141.5t-80 -103.5t-93 -63.5t-90 -39.5q-84 -29 -125 -63.5t-41 -86.5q0 -14 2 -33.5t2 -25.5q0 -35 -21.5 -58.5t-52.5 -23.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni021E\" unicode=\"Ȟ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1495\" \nd=\"M1266 250q0 -123 31.5 -152.5t146.5 -34.5q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -267 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 147 34t32 153v407h-701v-407q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-86 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5\nt10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q156 -4 264 -4q111 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-328h701v328q0 123 -32 152.5t-147 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q180 -4 265 -4q98 0 266 4\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5t-31.5 -152.5v-821zM659 1427q-74 92 -206 195l32 41q123 -53 217 -125q117 82 220 125l30 -41q-102 -78 -204 -195h-89z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni021F\" unicode=\"ȟ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1101\" \nd=\"M559 1319q-78 127 -207 266l41 27q145 -106 217 -185q78 80 221 185l39 -27q-137 -154 -208 -266h-103zM342 586v-336q0 -87 10.5 -123.5t32.5 -47.5t79 -16q9 -9 9.5 -33.5t-9.5 -33.5q-115 4 -202 4q-90 0 -225 -4q-9 9 -9 33.5t9 33.5q51 4 73.5 9t41.5 24.5\nt23.5 53.5t4.5 100v895q0 66 -3 98.5t-25.5 48t-35 16.5t-67.5 5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 26 -21q-8 -82 -8 -215l-2 -461q0 -25 17 -4q2 3 3 4q150 166 349 166q117 0 170 -70q55 -72 55 -274v-305q0 -121 23.5 -149.5t113.5 -37.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5\nq-135 4 -217 4q-94 0 -209 -4q-8 10 -8 34.5t8 32.5q84 8 105.5 37t21.5 150v311q0 109 -24 158q-37 74 -109 74q-139 0 -262 -121q-35 -38 -35 -86z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0220\" unicode=\"Ƞ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1234\" \nd=\"M1081 881v-1205q0 -43 20.5 -63.5t67.5 -26.5l50 -6q16 -2 16 -16v-39l-4 -4q-166 4 -246 4l-217 -4l-2 4v39q0 14 14 16l49 6q49 6 69 25.5t20 64.5v1121q0 246 -39 340t-138 94q-74 0 -162 -50.5t-219 -172.5v-861q0 -45 18.5 -64.5t67.5 -23.5l50 -4q16 -2 16 -16v-39\nl-4 -4q-156 4 -236 4l-227 -4l-2 4v39q0 14 14 16l49 4q51 4 70 23.5t19 64.5v924q0 94 -14.5 127t-47.5 33l-65 4q-12 0 -13 10l-4 49q190 14 289 54q27 0 27 -21q-6 -82 -7 -215v-12q266 248 435 248q68 0 119 -19.5t80.5 -59.5t49 -80t26.5 -102.5t9 -102.5t2 -103z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0221\" unicode=\"ȡ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1302\" \nd=\"M487 827q-74 0 -127 -32.5t-79.5 -88t-39 -113.5t-12.5 -124q0 -111 29 -193.5t75 -126t91 -63.5t86 -20q104 0 186 92v549q-66 120 -209 120zM1010 41q63 0 133.5 50t70.5 120t-73 70q-51 0 -97.5 -61.5t-103.5 -172.5q35 -6 70 -6zM850 1194v-946q0 -186 39 -187\nq2 2 15.5 27t21.5 40t25.5 44t31.5 47.5t33.5 42t38 37.5t39 24.5t41.5 10.5q129 0 129 -111q0 -129 -94.5 -201.5t-229.5 -72.5q-16 0 -45 4l-121 -209l-51 18q90 162 115 201q-57 16 -92 42t-50 83q-104 -109 -239 -108q-178 0 -282.5 138t-104.5 314q0 102 27.5 184\nt71.5 133.5t101.5 86t112.5 49t109 14.5q123 0 204 -55v309q0 94 -14 127t-47 33l-66 4q-12 0 -12 10l-4 49q63 4 150.5 21.5t125.5 32.5q27 0 27 -21q-6 -82 -6 -215z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0222\" unicode=\"Ȣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1134\" \nd=\"M240 307q0 -98 63.5 -161.5t129 -82t122.5 -18.5q313 0 313 248q0 66 -28.5 118t-90 96t-108.5 68.5t-133 63.5q-74 -49 -122 -87t-97 -107.5t-49 -137.5zM823 1090q0 115 -78.5 194.5t-183.5 79.5v51q119 0 205 -33.5t129 -86t61.5 -101.5t18.5 -96q0 -68 -30 -128.5\nt-68.5 -99.5t-86 -70.5t-74 -45t-40.5 -17.5q70 -31 118 -57.5t111.5 -74.5t97 -113.5t33.5 -145.5q0 -147 -121.5 -259t-369.5 -112q-115 0 -209 28t-167 107.5t-73 204.5q0 76 40 144.5t99.5 112.5t109.5 71t87 37q-143 76 -224 152.5t-81 189.5q0 139 110.5 232.5\nt270.5 93.5v-54q-88 0 -151.5 -72.5t-63.5 -158.5q0 -137 313 -283q125 86 171 146t46 164z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0223\" unicode=\"ȣ\" horiz-adv-x=\"958\" \nd=\"M477 29q260 0 260 260q0 66 -45 131t-96 108t-160 125l-82 -78q-139 -137 -139 -260q0 -125 72.5 -205.5t189.5 -80.5zM688 1085q0 117 -80 195l33 55q170 -68 170 -250q0 -70 -30.5 -134t-74.5 -104t-77 -63.5t-51 -29.5q66 -45 104.5 -75t90.5 -82t78 -111.5t26 -127.5\nq0 -180 -107.5 -281.5t-296.5 -101.5q-117 0 -200 35t-120.5 90.5t-53 103.5t-15.5 93q0 117 91 231.5t200 163.5q-8 6 -46 37t-52.5 43t-46 43t-45 52.5t-32 53t-25.5 66.5t-7 72q0 109 55 174t127 96l43 -51q-88 -72 -88 -176q0 -61 65.5 -137t130.5 -122l64 -46\nq16 10 51 41.5t77 103t42 143.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0224\" unicode=\"Ȥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1265\" \nd=\"M391 1239q-55 0 -94 -16.5t-65.5 -55.5t-41 -71.5t-34.5 -100.5l-62 11q33 164 45 342q31 -2 72 -14.5t96 -12.5h797q49 0 49 -18q0 -27 -45 -93l-791 -1118h674q133 0 193.5 -62.5t60.5 -135.5q0 -86 -33.5 -138.5t-101.5 -107.5l-41 18q57 74 57 129q0 117 -56 161\nt-177 44h-770q-41 0 -41 33q0 18 18 43l820 1163h-529z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0225\" unicode=\"ȥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"933\" \nd=\"M307 799q-123 0 -172 -183l-53 7q29 174 31 282h51q8 -27 53 -26h508q35 0 35 -23q0 -12 -35 -65l-471 -711h401q102 0 177 -63.5t75 -143.5q0 -135 -119 -227l-43 20q45 74 46 127q0 109 -77 158t-159 49h-416q-70 0 -69 23q0 18 16 43l483 733h-262z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0226\" unicode=\"Ȧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1423\" \nd=\"M627 1544q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM539 580h362l-192 557h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 6 -21.5t46 -5.5zM317 162q-2 -20 -6 -35.5t11.5 -26t24.5 -16.5t34 -11t39 -6t39 -4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-152 4 -262 4\nq-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098q45 0 113 41l422 -1172q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8\nt11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-432q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0227\" unicode=\"ȧ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M340 1227q0 37 35 67.5t71 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM600 477l-162 -43q-195 -49 -194 -225q0 -55 37.5 -100.5t109.5 -45.5q70 0 180 91q29 23 29 53v270zM600 98h-4l-41 -32q-111 -86 -223 -86q-258 0 -258 221\nq0 102 93 180t245 117l176 43q12 4 12 24q0 266 -166 266q-68 0 -116 -21.5t-48 -64.5q0 -29 4 -40q6 -12 7 -37q0 -23 -28 -46.5t-69 -23.5q-72 0 -71 74q0 86 105.5 156.5t232.5 70.5q309 0 309 -346v-301q0 -43 1 -67.5t7 -53.5t19.5 -41t33.5 -12q37 0 76 33\nq29 -16 35 -56q-78 -76 -195 -75q-70 0 -98.5 30.5t-38.5 87.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0228\" unicode=\"Ȩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M524 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-12 12l82 197h-199q-115 0 -266 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v821q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q16 -70 45 -297q-33 -16 -68 -10q-39 123 -82 173t-149 50h-154\nq-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h186q125 0 154 24.5t33 115.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-186v-453q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10\nq-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-172l-51 -137q25 6 53 6q63 0 104.5 -35t41.5 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-156.5 -43q-72 0 -152 35q0 33 21 53q78 -29 118 -28q47 0 76 21.5t29 60.5q0 71 -68 71z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0229\" unicode=\"ȩ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M469 -197q-53 0 -92 -12l-12 12l74 178q-168 13 -267 130q-96 111 -96 303q0 217 130 349t279 132q346 0 346 -356q0 -35 -38 -35l-545 4q0 -172 65 -281q90 -147 224 -147q86 0 140 24.5t114 85.5q35 -2 43 -32q-130 -168 -325 -178l-44 -117q25 6 53 6q63 0 104.5 -35\nt41.5 -92q0 -66 -62.5 -109t-157.5 -43q-72 0 -151 35q0 33 20 53q78 -29 119 -28q47 0 76 21.5t29 60.5q0 71 -68 71zM254 578l371 6q31 0 30 28q0 117 -50 166t-120 49q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -77.5t-45 -135z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022A\" unicode=\"Ȫ\" \nd=\"M199 1446q0 41 29.5 69.5t68.5 28.5t68.5 -28.5t29.5 -69.5t-29.5 -69.5t-68.5 -28.5t-68.5 28.5t-29.5 69.5zM1036 1446q0 41 29 69.5t70 28.5t69.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5t-28.5 -69.5t-69.5 -28.5t-70 28.5t-29 69.5zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5\nq0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5zM902 1638h-390q-11 0 -17 12\nt-6 25q0 20 12.5 43t26.5 23h391q12 0 18.5 -11.5t6.5 -23.5q0 -21 -13 -44.5t-29 -23.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022B\" unicode=\"ȫ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M719 1362h-459q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t31.5 22.5h460q29 0 29 -34q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24zM248 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5t28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -27.5 -68t-68.5 -29t-68.5 29t-27.5 68zM594 1178q0 41 28.5 69.5t67.5 28.5t67.5 -28.5\nt28.5 -69.5q0 -39 -28.5 -68t-67.5 -29t-67.5 29t-28.5 68zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133\nt88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022C\" unicode=\"Ȭ\" \nd=\"M1057 1589h125q27 0 26 -30q0 -18 -14 -39t-33 -21h-123zM381 1499h-127q-27 0 -27 31q0 18 14.5 38.5t30.5 20.5h125zM821 1526q29 0 46 24t35 93q28 3 47 -13q-16 -105 -54.5 -164t-96.5 -59q-11 0 -22 3.5t-24 12.5t-21 16t-23.5 20.5t-21.5 19.5q-54 43 -94 42\nq-32 0 -49 -24.5t-31 -83.5q-33 -8 -47 12q40 221 140 220q15 0 28.5 -4t28.5 -14.5t22.5 -16.5t25 -22t20.5 -19q45 -43 91 -43zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674\nq0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022D\" unicode=\"ȭ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M705 1362h-459q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -34q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24zM623 1174q35 0 55 21.5t41 84.5q33 2 55 -12q-41 -203 -178 -203q-12 0 -25.5 3t-29 11t-24.5 14.5t-26.5 19.5t-25.5 17q-63 39 -111 39q-39 0 -58.5 -22.5\nt-35.5 -75.5q-39 -6 -55 10q47 201 164 201q18 0 33.5 -4t34 -13.5t26.5 -14.5t28.5 -20.5t24.5 -17.5q52 -38 107 -38zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307\nzM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022E\" unicode=\"Ȯ\" \nd=\"M596 1538q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5q0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436\nq-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni022F\" unicode=\"ȯ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M385 1225q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -34t29.5 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 33t-30.5 74zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307zM487 827\nq-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0230\" unicode=\"Ȱ\" \nd=\"M893 1579h168q27 0 26 -31q0 -18 -14 -37.5t-33 -19.5h-166zM492 1491h-175q-25 0 -24 29q0 18 14.5 38.5t30.5 20.5h172zM596 1538q0 43 31.5 75t74.5 32t75 -32t32 -75t-32 -74.5t-75 -31.5t-74.5 31.5t-31.5 74.5zM678 1274q-168 0 -287 -151.5t-119 -452.5\nq0 -283 143.5 -450t342.5 -167q180 0 294.5 157t114.5 425q0 299 -139 469t-350 170zM1364 674q0 -256 -127 -436q-86 -123 -219.5 -190.5t-300.5 -67.5q-270 0 -455.5 180t-185.5 475q0 307 170 510t459 203q285 0 472 -182.5t187 -491.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0231\" unicode=\"ȱ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1032\" \nd=\"M403 1143q0 37 35 67.5t72 30.5q39 0 68.5 -33.5t29.5 -72.5q0 -35 -32.5 -67t-73.5 -32q-37 0 -68 33t-31 74zM84 420q0 203 113 336q122 143 321 143q147 0 248.5 -72.5t141.5 -173t40 -215.5q0 -214 -133 -344q-117 -115 -301 -114q-205 0 -317.5 133t-112.5 307z\nM487 827q-227 0 -227 -360q0 -66 15.5 -133.5t46 -133t88 -107.5t133.5 -42q90 0 159.5 74t69.5 248q0 219 -76 336.5t-209 117.5zM731 1327h-459q-27 0 -26 37q0 20 14 43t31 23h461q29 0 28 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -44t-33.5 -24z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0232\" unicode=\"Ȳ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M846 1442h-459q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t31.5 22.5h460q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -15.5 -43.5t-33.5 -23.5zM690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260q0 55 -8 83t-35 75\nl-269 452q-50 85 -86 109t-106 28q-10 10 -10 34t8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l238 -419q14 -25 23 -26t22 22l226 428q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5\nq-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5t-80.5 -99.5l-245 -442q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0233\" unicode=\"ȳ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M784 1061h-458q-27 0 -27 37q0 20 14.5 42.5t30.5 22.5h461q29 0 29 -35q0 -20 -16 -43.5t-34 -23.5zM418 -328q-84 -147 -199 -147q-41 0 -68.5 21.5t-27.5 54.5q0 27 25.5 57.5t64.5 30.5q10 0 27.5 -3t31.5 -3q70 0 103 59q49 100 80 188q25 70 -29 193l-232 539\nq-39 91 -68.5 118t-92.5 35q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 35.5q82 -4 166 -4q80 0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l182 -426q25 -58 49 -2l203 469q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33\nq-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-150 -324 -362 -836q-43 -102 -84 -176z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0234\" unicode=\"ȴ\" horiz-adv-x=\"688\" \nd=\"M616 201q0 80 -57 80q-25 0 -55.5 -45.5t-97.5 -176.5q27 -20 63 -20q51 0 99 51.5t48 110.5zM195 250v895q0 113 -20.5 137.5t-111.5 30.5q-23 23 -12 61q182 14 287 56q27 0 27 -21q-8 -82 -9 -215v-870q0 -135 3 -175t13 -55q23 52 40 85.5t43.5 74.5t56 61.5\nt61.5 20.5q39 0 67 -33t28 -94q0 -104 -74 -182t-154 -78q-49 0 -84 14q-49 -104 -80 -184l-54 30l94 173q-121 74 -121 268z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0235\" unicode=\"ȵ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1339\" \nd=\"M756 561q0 109 -25 158q-39 74 -108 74q-104 0 -230 -121q-35 -39 -35 -86v-336q0 -121 21.5 -149.5t103.5 -37.5q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -32.5q-123 4 -204 4q-102 0 -226 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q96 8 120 36t24 151v399q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-110.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58\nq152 20 252 59q16 0 25 -16q12 -25 16 -156q0 -27 25 0q84 96 157.5 131t157.5 35q117 0 170 -70q55 -74 56 -274v-205q0 -119 5 -166t27 -71q33 57 53.5 88.5t54.5 76t67.5 64.5t70.5 20q63 0 93 -39.5t30 -89.5q0 -104 -95.5 -181t-193.5 -77q-61 0 -104 15l-97 -180\nl-38 18l98 174q-133 70 -133 223v336zM975 88q35 -23 88 -22q63 0 127.5 53t64.5 117q0 33 -23.5 52t-57.5 19q-43 0 -84 -46t-115 -173z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0236\" unicode=\"ȶ\" horiz-adv-x=\"765\" \nd=\"M539 268q-39 -39 -121 -180q35 -23 88 -22q63 0 127.5 53t64.5 117q0 33 -23.5 52t-58.5 19q-38 0 -77 -39zM178 246v553h-121q-10 0 -10 12v27q0 41 37 41h94q0 191 -4 235q-1 7 2.5 11t14 9t12.5 6l119 54q27 0 26 -20q-8 -82 -8 -216v-79h246q16 0 16 -13v-41\nq0 -27 -49 -26h-213v-449q0 -188 47 -237q78 141 129 190q59 59 119 59q61 0 91 -40.5t30 -88.5q0 -104 -95.5 -181t-193.5 -77q-61 0 -105 15l-96 -180l-39 18l99 174q-59 25 -103.5 89.5t-44.5 154.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"dotlessj\" unicode=\"ȷ\" horiz-adv-x=\"557\" \nd=\"M231 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-432q0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70q-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5\nt10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v493z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0238\" unicode=\"ȸ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1533\" \nd=\"M696 707q-66 121 -209 120q-74 0 -127 -32.5t-79.5 -88t-39 -113.5t-12.5 -124q0 -111 29 -193.5t75 -126t91 -63.5t86 -20q113 0 186 84v557zM850 115q61 -78 156 -78q141 0 219 119.5t78 302.5q0 154 -70 252t-166 98q-16 0 -44 -5t-79 -27.5t-94 -57.5v-604zM696 1153\nq0 94 -14 127t-47 33l-66 4q-12 0 -12 10l-4 49q63 4 150.5 21.5t125.5 32.5q27 0 27 -21q-6 -82 -6 -215v-414q109 119 260 119q139 0 244.5 -116.5t105.5 -297.5q0 -236 -136 -370.5t-306 -134.5q-133 0 -221 75q-4 -4 -28 -35.5t-36 -44.5h-37v105q-98 -100 -239 -100\nq-178 0 -282.5 138t-104.5 314q0 102 27.5 184t71.5 133.5t101.5 86t112.5 49t109 14.5q123 0 204 -55v309z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0239\" unicode=\"ȹ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1531\" \nd=\"M1067 805q-59 0 -123.5 -46t-97.5 -122v-500q74 -88 178 -88q147 0 209.5 111.5t62.5 269.5q0 168 -63.5 271.5t-165.5 103.5zM846 -330q0 -43 19.5 -62.5t66.5 -23.5l39 -4q18 -2 18 -16v-39l-4 -4q-141 4 -221 4l-211 -4l-4 4v39q0 14 16 16l39 4q49 4 68.5 23.5\nt19.5 62.5v377q-78 -68 -213 -67q-104 0 -186 43t-128 110.5t-68.5 142t-22.5 150.5q0 205 115.5 339t299.5 134q160 0 256 -88l25 51q20 43 49 43q27 0 27 -55v-115q104 164 274 164q143 0 239.5 -123t96.5 -291q0 -242 -130 -373.5t-292 -131.5q-109 0 -188 45v-355z\nM481 827q-121 0 -186.5 -97t-65.5 -261q0 -211 93.5 -305t205.5 -94q104 0 164 45v567q-86 145 -211 145z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni023A\" unicode=\"Ⱥ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1421\" \nd=\"M833 778l-131 -198h199zM796 883l-87 254h-13l-209 -530q-6 -16 5.5 -21.5t46.5 -5.5h59zM646 494l-275 -419q28 -7 88 -12q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-90 2 -138 3l-147 -224h-104l147 225h-20q-76 0 -183 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q78 6 123 32t82 114l465 1098\nq45 0 113 41l108 -300l250 382h105l-318 -485l277 -769q16 -47 47.5 -71.5t58.5 -30.5t78 -11q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -234 4q-117 0 -268 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q18 2 28.5 2.5t27 2.5t25.5 4t21.5 4t19.5 5t15.5 8t11.5 10t6 12.5t2 16.5t-5 19l-119 347h-288\nzM541 494h-39q-37 0 -50.5 -7.5t-21.5 -27.5l-113 -297q-3 -9 -4 -17z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni023B\" unicode=\"Ȼ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1323\" \nd=\"M440 198q126 -134 289 -135q143 0 255 52.5t220 171.5q31 0 47 -31q-211 -276 -520 -276q-213 0 -366 91l-177 -296h-102l206 347q-107 89 -161.5 222.5t-54.5 290.5q0 160 57 302t160 237q190 174 440 174q141 0 265 -38l71 120h105l-89 -150q61 -22 97 -25\nq31 -170 45 -317q-39 -20 -68 -10q-48 157 -141 240zM382 272l563 948q-98 52 -234 52q-179 0 -327 -182q-122 -150 -122 -416q1 -223 120 -402z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni023C\" unicode=\"ȼ\" horiz-adv-x=\"876\" \nd=\"M795 930q49 0 63 -47l-75 -92q26 -39 26 -86q0 -43 -32 -67t-68.5 -24t-55.5 19l-341 -415q79 -138 214 -138q141 0 246 135q33 -4 43 -29q-72 -119 -151.5 -162.5t-182.5 -43.5q-173 0 -280 103l-115 -140q-25 0 -41 15t-20 38l124 151q-73 113 -73 279q0 207 129 340\nt291 133q144 0 229 -54zM276 301l349 424q-10 50 -40.5 78t-99.5 28q-102 0 -167.5 -97t-65.5 -263q0 -93 24 -170z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni023D\" unicode=\"Ƚ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1081\" \nd=\"M305 0q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v475h-215q-27 0 -27 31q0 18 14.5 38.5t30.5 20.5h197v256q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q188 -4 264 -4q82 0 266 4q8 -10 8.5 -34.5t-8.5 -33.5q-115 -4 -146.5 -33.5\nt-31.5 -152.5v-256h328q27 0 26 -29q0 -20 -14 -40.5t-33 -20.5h-307v-502q0 -78 27.5 -110.5t89.5 -32.5h129q150 0 224.5 70.5t109.5 197.5q35 6 67 -10q-20 -178 -53 -342q-189 4 -244 4h-436z\" />\n 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-39.5t-100.5 -12q-28 0 -55 1q10 -16 17.5 -34t16 -41.5t13.5 -34.5q39 -102 69.5 -136t71.5 -34q27 0 39 31q12 41 35 63\nq16 18 43 19q25 0 45 -25q14 -16 14 -47q0 -33 -36 -59q-61 -37 -127 -37q-131 0 -203 172q-4 12 -14.5 37.5t-14.5 36t-12 29t-12.5 25.5t-12.5 19t-16 16.5t-18.5 9.5t-22.5 7v2q-1 0 -3 1t-3 1q-14 4 -41 4q-20 0 -51 -6q-1 107 -15 283z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0240\" unicode=\"ɀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"868\" \nd=\"M123 0q-47 0 -47 25q0 16 18 41q307 412 504 743l-262 -6q-115 -2 -166 -187q-35 -8 -68 7q29 176 31 264q0 12 12 12q10 -2 30 -8t41.5 -9t49.5 -3h375q27 0 55.5 1t49 2t22.5 1q25 0 25 -14.5t-37 -75.5q-262 -432 -492 -723q-1 -1 -2 -3.5t-2 -3.5q90 -5 160 -133\nl80 -147q70 -131 135 -131q33 0 67 53q37 53 76 53q66 0 66 -71q0 -113 -168 -113q-82 0 -141 47q-49 41 -93 123l-80 147q-59 109 -126 109h-17h-6q-90 1 -90 0z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0241\" unicode=\"Ɂ\" horiz-adv-x=\"935\" \nd=\"M530 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t147 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -265 4q-66 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 151v450q106 0 181 34t109 89.5t46.5 104.5t12.5 102q0 41 -10.5 79t-36 77t-79 62.5t-126.5 23.5q-143 0 -215 -62\nq-29 -27 -29 -65q0 -18 8 -52t8 -47q0 -41 -29.5 -70.5t-82.5 -29.5q-35 0 -64 26.5t-29 67.5q0 150 129.5 230t294.5 80q195 0 308.5 -97.5t113.5 -244.5q0 -66 -26 -124.5t-54.5 -91t-80.5 -79.5q-48 -44 -66 -63t-50.5 -59.5t-45.5 -82.5t-13 -92v-164z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0242\" unicode=\"ɂ\" horiz-adv-x=\"886\" \nd=\"M494 231q0 -113 29.5 -140.5t135.5 -31.5q8 -8 9 -30q0 -25 -9 -33q-188 4 -245 4q-59 0 -248 -4q-10 10 -10 33q0 20 10 30q106 4 136 32t30 138v179q160 8 231.5 78.5t71.5 156.5q0 76 -52.5 131t-166.5 55q-184 0 -185 -100q0 -8 1 -20.5t1 -18.5q0 -35 -24.5 -57.5\nt-63.5 -22.5q-37 0 -63.5 22.5t-26.5 59.5q0 82 113 144.5t246 62.5q156 0 263 -66.5t107 -191.5q0 -84 -40.5 -149.5t-108.5 -104.5q-142 -81 -141 -131v-25z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0243\" unicode=\"Ƀ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1204\" \nd=\"M391 1126v-376h152q291 0 291 235q0 141 -80 205.5t-185 64.5q-90 0 -125.5 -11t-44 -33t-8.5 -85zM303 1321q37 0 129 2t127 2q440 0 440 -315q0 -80 -56 -154t-138 -115v-4q143 -41 229 -131t86 -229q0 -72 -24.5 -135.5t-79.5 -121t-160.5 -91t-251.5 -33.5\nq-98 0 -186 2t-113 2q-106 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v80h-266q-27 0 -27 30q0 18 14.5 39t30.5 21h248v651q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q160 -4 264 -4zM391 330v-88q0 -98 34 -138.5t136 -40.5q215 0 292 73t77 202\nq0 150 -99.5 246t-298.5 96h-141v-260h277q27 0 26 -29q0 -20 -14 -40.5t-33 -20.5h-256z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0244\" unicode=\"Ʉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1353\" \nd=\"M178 659h-125q-27 0 -26 31q0 18 14 39t31 21h106v321q0 121 -29.5 151.5t-128.5 34.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q160 -4 244 -4t277 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-123 -4 -156 -33.5t-33 -152.5v-321h725v321q0 63 -6 97t-31.5 53.5t-54.5 24.5t-96 11q-8 8 -8 33t8 35\nq188 -4 237 -4q53 0 209 4q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -33.5q-100 -12 -128.5 -40.5t-28.5 -145.5v-321h125q27 0 26 -29q0 -20 -14.5 -41t-32.5 -21h-104v-55q0 -145 -22.5 -252.5t-79 -194.5t-161 -132t-258.5 -45q-90 0 -165.5 20t-150.5 70.5t-119 154t-44 252.5v182zM1077 659\nh-725v-114q0 -86 4 -141.5t29 -127t72 -116.5q100 -96 243 -97q100 0 172 32t111 78t61.5 119t27.5 133t5 142v92z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0245\" unicode=\"Ʌ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1347\" \nd=\"M420 63q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-168 4 -223 4q-57 0 -181 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q46 5 79.5 20.5t56.5 46t35 54t31 70.5l423 1044q18 47 49 48q29 0 47 -48l405 -1048q44 -113 73.5 -146t109.5 -41q10 -10 10 -33.5t-8 -33.5q-135 4 -213 4q-84 0 -248 -4\nq-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q103 11 122 42t-18 122l-326 834h-9l-324 -821q-39 -84 -18 -126.5t127 -50.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0246\" unicode=\"Ɇ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1140\" \nd=\"M16 -27q-27 0 -48 20.5t-25 45.5l272 335v697q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-8 8 -8 33t8 35q164 -4 264 -4h522q53 0 101 8q8 0 8 -6q2 -6 9 -54l65 79q29 0 49 -18.5t24 -43.5l-118 -146q11 -77 16 -114q-33 -16 -68 -10q-7 22 -14 43l-257 -318q80 5 99.5 31.5\nt24.5 106.5q8 10 32.5 10t34.5 -10q-4 -98 -4 -177q0 -74 4 -180q-10 -10 -34.5 -10t-32.5 10q-4 55 -12.5 79t-49.5 42.5t-125 18.5h-2l-184 -228v-225q0 -72 25.5 -100.5t89.5 -28.5h237q195 0 269 268q39 10 71 -10q-25 -162 -75 -342q-164 4 -263 4h-440q-115 0 -266 -4\nl-1 1zM92 67q69 6 94.5 35.5t28.5 115.5zM448 662h-59v-73zM851 1158q-52 82 -173 81h-154q-80 0 -107.5 -29.5t-27.5 -101.5v-369h123z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0247\" unicode=\"ɇ\" horiz-adv-x=\"915\" \nd=\"M795 930q49 0 63 -47l-88 -108q62 -87 61 -236q0 -35 -38 -35l-245 2l-232 -283q45 -72 103.5 -107.5t117.5 -35.5q86 0 140 24.5t114 85.5q35 -2 43 -32q-137 -178 -349 -178q-180 0 -285 101l-114 -138q-25 0 -41 15t-20 38l122 148q-71 107 -71 270q0 217 130 349\nt279 132q144 0 229 -63zM655 635l-43 -52l13 1q31 0 30 28q1 12 0 23zM633 734q-41 93 -148 93q-27 0 -53 -7t-64 -29.5t-69 -78t-45 -134.5l254 4zM278 304l167 202l-197 2q0 -116 30 -204z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0248\" unicode=\"Ɉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"827\" \nd=\"M391 471h-215q-27 0 -26 31q0 18 14 38.5t31 20.5h196v510q0 123 -34.5 152.5t-163.5 33.5q-8 8 -8.5 33t8.5 35q205 -4 284 -4q90 0 246 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-98 -4 -128 -34.5t-30 -151.5v-510h205q27 0 27 -29q0 -20 -14.5 -40.5t-32.5 -20.5h-185v-260\nq0 -104 -18.5 -184t-55 -137.5t-63.5 -86t-72 -67.5q-102 -88 -239 -88q-45 0 -99.5 30.5t-54.5 79.5q0 31 33 59.5t57 28.5q57 0 82 -52q26 -54 82 -54q41 0 76 26.5t66.5 128t31.5 271.5v305z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni0249\" unicode=\"ɉ\" horiz-adv-x=\"557\" \nd=\"M203 1227q0 37 34.5 67.5t71.5 30.5q39 0 69 -34t30 -72q0 -35 -33 -67t-74 -32q-37 0 -67.5 34t-30.5 73zM231 649q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q195 25 281 59q27 0 26 -14q-8 -131 -8 -234v-186h154q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-135v-166\nq0 -276 -38 -412.5t-115 -199.5q-84 -70 -226 -70q-37 0 -74.5 23.5t-37.5 64.5q0 27 23.5 52.5t41.5 25.5q10 0 20.5 -3t17.5 -6t16.5 -10t13.5 -10.5t12 -12.5t10 -11q23 -23 64 -23q70 0 90 135.5t20 387.5v235h-172q-23 0 -22 29q0 16 12 33.5t27 17.5h155v178z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024A\" unicode=\"Ɋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1368\" \nd=\"M684 1278q-168 0 -295 -154.5t-127 -453.5q0 -287 140.5 -454t349.5 -167q123 0 217 76v147v893q-125 113 -285 113zM970 25q-117 -45 -257 -45q-272 0 -455.5 180t-183.5 475q0 303 181 508t456 205q160 0 293 -72q35 12 100 72q31 0 31 -27v-1049v-149v-64\nq0 -160 12 -245.5t31.5 -112.5t52.5 -27q31 0 48 14.5t23.5 28t14.5 43.5q18 82 96 82q72 0 72 -75q0 -59 -61.5 -109.5t-182.5 -50.5q-49 0 -92 20t-83 65t-65.5 130.5t-30.5 202.5z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024B\" unicode=\"ɋ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1046\" \nd=\"M659 754q-67 75 -161 75q-119 0 -184.5 -100t-65.5 -264q0 -111 28.5 -191.5t75.5 -122.5t95.5 -61.5t97.5 -19.5q83 0 135 27q19 10 24 21t5 40v106v365q0 39 -10.5 65.5t-39.5 59.5zM709 41q-98 -62 -213 -61q-203 0 -313.5 139t-110.5 305q0 203 123.5 339t310.5 136\nq139 0 231 -60q19 -11 29 -6t31 33q29 39 43 39q31 0 30 -51v-590v-16v-191q0 -154 12.5 -238.5t31 -111t51.5 -26.5q29 0 47 14t23 27.5t14 41.5q18 80 94 80q33 0 51 -19.5t18 -53.5q0 -57 -59 -106.5t-178 -49.5q-48 0 -91 20.5t-83 66t-64.5 132.5t-27.5 207z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024C\" unicode=\"Ɍ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1202\" \nd=\"M557 1266q-170 0 -170 -131v-469h98q166 0 255 67.5t89 245.5q0 287 -272 287zM387 250q0 -123 32 -152.5t146 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-180 4 -264 4q-82 0 -266 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q115 4 146.5 34t31.5 153v346h-154q-23 0 -22 29q0 16 12 33.5t27 17.5\nh137v395q0 123 -31.5 152.5t-146.5 33.5q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q193 -4 264 -4q35 0 120 7t136 7q121 0 205 -18.5t149 -79.5q109 -102 109 -256q0 -141 -89 -230t-184 -120l259 -430q47 -78 90 -118t106 -40q14 -27 2 -49q-29 -14 -86 -14q-158 0 -270 182l-219 356\nq-25 41 -73 59.5t-167 18.5v-346z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024D\" unicode=\"ɍ\" horiz-adv-x=\"761\" \nd=\"M360 733q0 -10 6.5 -14t16.5 10q41 70 101.5 120t125.5 50q59 0 91 -31.5t32 -66.5q0 -39 -29.5 -71t-66.5 -32q-38 0 -74 48q-20 26 -53 26q-25 0 -94 -100q-42 -64 -48 -119h220q25 0 24 -27q0 -18 -12 -35.5t-31 -17.5h-202v-223q0 -123 27.5 -150.5t140.5 -36.5\nq10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -32.5q-143 4 -248 4q-90 0 -234 -4q-8 8 -8 32.5t8 34.5q100 6 126 35t26 152v223h-146q-23 0 -22 29q0 16 12 33.5t27 17.5h129v96q0 86 -23.5 108.5t-109.5 30.5q-12 35 -4 58q152 20 251 59q16 0 25 -16q10 -25 16 -156z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024E\" unicode=\"Ɏ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1177\" \nd=\"M690 250q0 -123 35 -152.5t164 -34.5q8 -10 8 -34.5t-8 -32.5q-205 4 -285 4q-86 0 -287 -4q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 34.5q129 4 164 34t35 153v260q0 55 -8 83t-35 75l-189 317h-128q-27 0 -27 31q0 18 14.5 38.5t30.5 20.5h57l-27 45q-50 85 -86 109t-106 28q-10 10 -10 34\nt8 34q123 -4 209 -4t234 4q10 -10 10 -34.5t-10 -33.5q-85 -5 -98.5 -26t24.5 -87l40 -69h430l39 74q29 62 11 83t-90 25q-10 8 -10 33t10 35q131 -4 186.5 -4t169.5 4q10 -10 10.5 -34.5t-10.5 -33.5q-74 -6 -113.5 -31.5t-80.5 -99.5l-29 -51h74q27 0 26 -28\nq0 -20 -14 -41t-33 -21h-102l-167 -301q-23 -42 -29.5 -73.5t-6.5 -82.5v-278zM802 985h-332l147 -260q14 -25 23 -26t22 22z\" />\n <glyph glyph-name=\"uni024F\" unicode=\"ɏ\" horiz-adv-x=\"1054\" \nd=\"M418 -328q-84 -147 -199 -147q-41 0 -68.5 21.5t-27.5 54.5q0 27 25.5 57.5t64.5 30.5q10 0 27.5 -3t31.5 -3q70 0 103 59q49 100 80 188q25 70 -29 193l-151 350h-195q-23 0 -23 29q0 16 12.5 33.5t26.5 17.5h145l-47 109q-39 91 -68.5 118t-92.5 35q-8 8 -8 32.5\nt8 35.5q82 -4 166 -4q80 0 231 4q8 -10 8 -35t-8 -33q-80 -6 -90.5 -37.5t23.5 -95.5l55 -129h305l74 170q23 49 -7 67.5t-92 24.5q-10 8 -10 32.5t10 35.5q123 -4 186.5 -4t145.5 4q10 -10 10 -35t-10 -33q-70 -8 -101.5 -35.5t-64.5 -95.5q-31 -68 -60 -131h152\nq25 0 25 -27q0 -18 -12.5 -35.5t-30.5 -17.5h-170q-104 -234 -266 -625q-43 -102 -84 -176zM689 473h-237l93 -217q25 -58 49 -2z\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-201\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-201\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-201\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"-150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"parenright,bracketright,braceright\"\n\tk=\"-156\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"J,j,Jcircumflex,jcircumflex\"\n\tk=\"-164\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"exclam,question,exclamdbl,interrobang,question_question,question_exclam,exclam_question\"\n\tk=\"-164\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"b,h,k,l,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,lcaron,ldot,lslash,uni0180\"\n\tk=\"-82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"f,longs,f_f\"\n\tg2=\"degree,two.superior,three.superior,one.superior,zero.superior,i.superior,four.superior,five.superior,six.superior,seven.superior,eight.superior,nine.superior,plus.superior,minus.superior,equal.superior,parenleft.superior,parenright.superior,n.superior,uni2098,uni2099,q.superior\"\n\tk=\"-180\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-113\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"10\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"70\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"129\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"129\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"m,n,p,r,z,dotlessi\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"121\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"exclam,question,exclamdbl,interrobang,question_question,question_exclam,exclam_question\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"u\"\n\tk=\"80\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"90\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"125\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"90\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"145\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"m,n,p,r,z,dotlessi\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"question,Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis,Ygrave,seven.fitted\"\n\tg2=\"u\"\n\tk=\"80\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"70\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"229\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"180\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"164\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"m,n,p,r,z,dotlessi\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9\"\n\tg2=\"u\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"111\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"31\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X,Kcommaaccent,K.alt\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"10\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"70\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"59\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"59\" />\n <hkern g1=\"at,D,O,Q,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni0186,uni0189,uni018A,uni018F,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,Odieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"parenright,bracketright,braceright\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"80\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"-31\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"121\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"16\" />\n <hkern g1=\"r,v,w,y,Thorn,yacute,ydieresis,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,wcircumflex,ycircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tg2=\"parenright,bracketright,braceright\"\n\tk=\"35\" />\n <hkern g1=\"g,k,x,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,gcaron,f_k,c_k\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"g,k,x,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,gcaron,f_k,c_k\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"g,k,x,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,gcaron,f_k,c_k\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"59\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"90\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"b,agrave,egrave,thorn\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"111\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"111\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"14\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"x\"\n\tk=\"14\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"e,o,p,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"-14\" />\n <hkern g1=\"L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"129\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"229\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"70\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"133\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"parenright,bracketright,braceright\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,Aringacute,uni0200,uni0202,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tg2=\"u\"\n\tk=\"70\" />\n <hkern g1=\"comma,period,underscore,enquad,emquad,enspace,emspace,threeperemspace,fourperemspace,sixperemspace,figurespace,punctuationspace,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,ellipsis\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"125\" />\n <hkern g1=\"comma,period,underscore,enquad,emquad,enspace,emspace,threeperemspace,fourperemspace,sixperemspace,figurespace,punctuationspace,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,ellipsis\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"comma,period,underscore,enquad,emquad,enspace,emspace,threeperemspace,fourperemspace,sixperemspace,figurespace,punctuationspace,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,ellipsis\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"comma,period,underscore,enquad,emquad,enspace,emspace,threeperemspace,fourperemspace,sixperemspace,figurespace,punctuationspace,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,ellipsis\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"comma,period,underscore,enquad,emquad,enspace,emspace,threeperemspace,fourperemspace,sixperemspace,figurespace,punctuationspace,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,ellipsis\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"250\" />\n <hkern g1=\"zero.inferior,one.inferior,two.inferior,three.inferior,four.inferior,five.inferior,six.inferior,seven.inferior,eight.inferior,nine.inferior,plus.inferior,minus.inferior,equal.inferior,a.inferior,e.inferior,o.inferior,x.inferior,uni2094\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"zero.inferior,one.inferior,two.inferior,three.inferior,four.inferior,five.inferior,six.inferior,seven.inferior,eight.inferior,nine.inferior,plus.inferior,minus.inferior,equal.inferior,a.inferior,e.inferior,o.inferior,x.inferior,uni2094\"\n\tg2=\"degree,two.superior,three.superior,one.superior,zero.superior,i.superior,four.superior,five.superior,six.superior,seven.superior,eight.superior,nine.superior,plus.superior,minus.superior,equal.superior,parenleft.superior,parenright.superior,n.superior,uni2098,uni2099,q.superior\"\n\tk=\"631\" />\n <hkern g1=\"hyphen,asciitilde,guillemotleft,guillemotright,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,hyphen.cap\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"hyphen,asciitilde,guillemotleft,guillemotright,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,hyphen.cap\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"hyphen,asciitilde,guillemotleft,guillemotright,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,hyphen.cap\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"hyphen,asciitilde,guillemotleft,guillemotright,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,hyphen.cap\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"hyphen,asciitilde,guillemotleft,guillemotright,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,hyphen.cap\"\n\tg2=\"parenright,bracketright,braceright\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"C,G,O,Q,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni0187,uni0193,uni019F,Ohorn,Gcaron,uni01EA,uni01EC,uni01F4,Oslashacute,uni020C,uni020E,uni022A,uni022C,uni022E,uni0230,zero.slashfitted,zero.fitted,six.fitted\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"v,w,y,yacute,ydieresis,wcircumflex,wgrave,wacute,wdieresis\"\n\tk=\"35\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"35\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"a,g,s,aacute,ae,eacute,oacute,oslash,aogonek,cacute,edotaccent,uni022F\"\n\tk=\"25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"J,j,Jcircumflex,jcircumflex\"\n\tk=\"-150\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,guillemotleft,uni00AD,periodcentered,guillemotright,divide,hyphentwo,hyphennobreak,figuredash,endash,emdash,horizontalbar,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright\"\n\tk=\"76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"b,h,k,l,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,lcaron,ldot,lslash,uni0180\"\n\tk=\"-25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"parenleft,bracketleft,braceleft\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"121\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde,Hcircumflex,Hbar,Imacron,Ibreve,Iogonek,Idotaccent,IJ,Jcircumflex,Nacute,Ncommaaccent,Ncaron,Eng\"\n\tg2=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tk=\"-76\" />\n <hkern g1=\"H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde,Hcircumflex,Hbar,Imacron,Ibreve,Iogonek,Idotaccent,IJ,Jcircumflex,Nacute,Ncommaaccent,Ncaron,Eng\"\n\tg2=\"Y,Yacute,Ydieresis\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde,Hcircumflex,Hbar,Imacron,Ibreve,Iogonek,Idotaccent,IJ,Jcircumflex,Nacute,Ncommaaccent,Ncaron,Eng\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"H,I,N,Igrave,Iacute,Icircumflex,Idieresis,Ntilde,Hcircumflex,Hbar,Imacron,Ibreve,Iogonek,Idotaccent,IJ,Jcircumflex,Nacute,Ncommaaccent,Ncaron,Eng\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"V,W,Wcircumflex,Wgrave,Wacute,Wdieresis,uniE0E9,uniE0EA\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tk=\"-49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"121\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"exclam,question,exclamdbl,interrobang,question_question,question_exclam,exclam_question\"\n\tk=\"-20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"b,h,k,l,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,lcaron,ldot,lslash,uni0180\"\n\tk=\"-25\" />\n <hkern g1=\"F,P,uni01A4\"\n\tg2=\"U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni01D3,uni01D5,uni01D7,uni01D9,uni01DB,uni0214,uni0216\"\n\tk=\"-100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tg2=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni01CD,uni01DE,uni01E0,uni01E2,Aringacute,AEacute,uni0200,uni0202,uni0226,Adieresis.alt\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tg2=\"comma,period,quotesinglbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,quoteleft,quoteright,quotereversed,quotedblleft,quotedblright,quotedblrev\"\n\tg2=\"c,d,e,o,q,ccedilla,eogonek,oe,uni0188,uni018D,ohorn,eturned,c_k,c_h\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050,uni0492,uni04AC,uni04F6\"\n\tg2=\"afii10041,afii10148,uni0476,uni04B6\"\n\tk=\"-61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050,uni0492,uni04AC,uni04F6\"\n\tg2=\"afii10017\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050,uni0492,uni04AC,uni04F6\"\n\tg2=\"afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10101,afii10846,uni04E9\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10062,afii10037,afii10148,uni0476,uni04EE,uni04F0,uni04F2\"\n\tg2=\"x,afii10072,afii10085,afii10110,uni04B3,uni04DD\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10062,afii10037,afii10148,uni0476,uni04EE,uni04F0,uni04F2\"\n\tg2=\"afii10017\"\n\tk=\"205\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10062,afii10037,afii10148,uni0476,uni04EE,uni04F0,uni04F2\"\n\tg2=\"afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10101,afii10846,uni04E9\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10062,afii10037,afii10148,uni0476,uni04EE,uni04F0,uni04F2\"\n\tg2=\"afii10065,afii10073,afii10086,afii10095,afii10097,uni04D5\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10032,afii10048,afii10147\"\n\tg2=\"afii10017\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10085,afii10110\"\n\tg2=\"afii10017\"\n\tk=\"143\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10070,afii10080,afii10082,afii10071,uni04E7,uni04E9\"\n\tg2=\"afii10041,afii10148,uni0476,uni04B6\"\n\tk=\"47\" />\n <hkern g1=\"afii10044,afii10046\"\n\tg2=\"afii10041,afii10148,uni0476,uni04B6\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"-61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"Upsilon,Upsilondieresis\"\n\tk=\"-61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"gamma,nu\"\n\tk=\"49\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"chi\"\n\tk=\"47\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Gamma,Tau\"\n\tg2=\"eta,iota,kappa,upsilon,uniF6BE\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"gamma,nu\"\n\tk=\"35\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"chi\"\n\tk=\"33\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"mu,uni03F0\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Upsilontonos,Upsilon,Upsilondieresis,Upsilon1,uni03D3,uni03D4,uni1F59,uni1F5B,uni1F5D,uni1F5F,uni1FE8,uni1FE9,uni1FEA,uni1FEB\"\n\tg2=\"eta,iota,kappa,upsilon,uniF6BE\"\n\tk=\"61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"Upsilon,Upsilondieresis\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"gamma,nu\"\n\tk=\"33\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"chi\"\n\tk=\"29\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"104\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"63\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Kappa,Chi\"\n\tg2=\"eta,iota,kappa,upsilon,uniF6BE\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Omicrontonos,Theta,Omicron,Phi,uni03F4,uni1E0A,uni1E0C,uni1E0E,uni1E10,uni1E12,uni1E4C,uni1E4E,uni1E50,uni1E52\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"16\" />\n <hkern g1=\"gamma,zeta,kappa,uni03DB\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"gamma,zeta,kappa,uni03DB\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\"omicron,rho,phi,omicrontonos,phi1\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"100\" />\n <hkern g1=\"omicron,rho,phi,omicrontonos,phi1\"\n\tg2=\"Upsilon,Upsilondieresis\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"omicron,rho,phi,omicrontonos,phi1\"\n\tg2=\"gamma,nu\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"omicron,rho,phi,omicrontonos,phi1\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"omicron,rho,phi,omicrontonos,phi1\"\n\tg2=\"eta,iota,kappa,upsilon,uniF6BE\"\n\tk=\"10\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"Upsilon,Upsilondieresis\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"gamma,nu\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"chi\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"55\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"33\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Alphatonos,Alpha,Delta,Lambda,afii10017,uni04D2,uni1E00,uni1F08,uni1F09,uni1F0A,uni1F0B,uni1F0C,uni1F0D,uni1F0E,uni1F0F,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBA,uni1FBB\"\n\tg2=\"eta,iota,kappa,upsilon,uniF6BE\"\n\tk=\"90\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Rho\"\n\tg2=\"Tau\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Rho\"\n\tg2=\"Alpha,Delta,Lambda,uni04D2,uni1FB8,uni1FB9,uni1FBC\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Rho\"\n\tg2=\"alpha,omicron,sigma1,sigma,phi,omega,omegatonos,uni03F2,uni03F5\"\n\tk=\"61\" />\n <hkern g1=\"Rho\"\n\tg2=\"alphatonos,rho,omicrontonos,phi1,uni03F1,uni1F71,uni1F73,uni1F79\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"31\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\",\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"143\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"20\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\"\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Abreve\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"72\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Abreve\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,Abreve\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"45\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Y,Ydieresis\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Y,Ydieresis\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"246\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Y,Ydieresis\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Y,Ydieresis\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"V,W,Y,Ydieresis\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"102\" />\n <hkern g1=\"P\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"184\" />\n <hkern g1=\"P\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"P\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"K,X\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\"\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"51\" />\n <hkern g1=\"\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,\"\n\tk=\"41\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,\"\n\tg2=\"\"\n\tk=\"82\" />\n <hkern g1=\",,,,\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"-41\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\",,,,,,,,\"\n\tk=\"164\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"123\" />\n <hkern g1=\"T,Tcedilla,Tcaron,Tcommaaccent\"\n\tg2=\",,,,\"\n\tk=\"205\" />\n </font>\n</defs></svg>\n"