module Bio.StockholmDraw
) where
import Diagrams.Prelude
import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo
import qualified Bio.StockholmData as S
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Data.List
import Graphics.SVGFonts
import Bio.StockholmFont
drawStockholmLines :: Int -> Double -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> S.StockholmAlignment -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmLines entriesNumberCutoff maxWidth columnComparisonLabels aln = alignmentBlocks
where seqEntries = V.fromList (take entriesNumberCutoff (S.sequenceEntries aln))
maybeConsensusStructureEntry = find ((T.pack "SS_cons"==) . S.tag) (S.columnAnnotations aln)
consensusStructureEntry = maybe V.empty makeConsensusStructureVectorEntry maybeConsensusStructureEntry
entryNumber = V.length vectorEntries
seqVectorEntries = makeVectorEntries seqEntries
vectorEntries = seqVectorEntries V.++ consensusStructureEntry
maxEntryLength = V.maximum ( (V.length . snd) vectorEntries)
maxIdLength = V.maximum ( (length . fst) vectorEntries)
letterWidth = 2.0 :: Double
availableLettersPerRow = maxWidth / letterWidth
blocks = makeLetterIntervals entryNumber availableLettersPerRow maxEntryLength
fullComparisonColLabels = fillComparisonColLabels (maxEntryLength +1) columnComparisonLabels
alignmentBlocks = vcat' with { _sep = 6.0 } (map (drawStockholmRowBlock maxIdLength vectorEntries maxEntryLength fullComparisonColLabels) blocks)
extractGapfreeStructure :: String -> String -> String
extractGapfreeStructure alignedSequence regularStructure1 = entryStructure
where regularsequence1 = map convertToRegularGap alignedSequence
bpindicestest1 = basePairIndices regularStructure1 [] 0
sequencegaps = elemIndices '-' regularsequence1
incompleteBasepairs = filter (\(i,j) -> elem i sequencegaps || elem j sequencegaps) bpindicestest1
incompleteIndicesCharacterPairs = concatMap (\(a,b) -> [(a,'.'),(b,'.')]) incompleteBasepairs
completeBPStructure = V.update (V.fromList regularStructure1) (V.fromList incompleteIndicesCharacterPairs)
gapfreeCompleteStructure = V.filter (\(i,_) -> notElem i sequencegaps) (V.indexed completeBPStructure)
entryStructure = map snd (V.toList gapfreeCompleteStructure)
extractGapfreeIndexedStructure :: String -> String -> [(Int,Char)]
extractGapfreeIndexedStructure alignedSequence regularStructure1 = indexedEntryStructure
where regularsequence1 = map convertToRegularGap alignedSequence
bpindicestest1 = basePairIndices regularStructure1 [] 0
sequencegaps = elemIndices '-' regularsequence1
incompleteBasepairs = filter (\(i,j) -> elem i sequencegaps || elem j sequencegaps) bpindicestest1
incompleteIndicesCharacterPairs = concatMap (\(a,b) -> [(a,'.'),(b,'.')]) incompleteBasepairs
completeBPStructure = V.update (V.fromList regularStructure1) (V.fromList incompleteIndicesCharacterPairs)
gapfreeCompleteStructure = V.filter (\(i,_) -> notElem i sequencegaps) (V.indexed completeBPStructure)
indexedEntryStructure = (V.toList gapfreeCompleteStructure)
basePairIndices :: String -> [Int] -> Int -> [(Int,Int)]
basePairIndices (x:xs) ys counter
| x == '(' = basePairIndices xs (counter:ys) (counter+1)
| x == ')' = (head ys,counter) : basePairIndices xs (tail ys) (counter+1)
| x == '.' = [] ++ basePairIndices xs ys (counter+1)
| otherwise = [] ++ basePairIndices xs ys (counter+1)
basePairIndices [] _ _ = []
isGap :: Char -> Bool
isGap char
| char == '.' = True
| char == '-' = True
| char == ' ' = True
| char == '\n' = True
| otherwise = False
convertToRegularGap :: Char -> Char
convertToRegularGap char
| char == '.' = '-'
| char == ' ' = '-'
| char == '\n' = '-'
| otherwise = char
convertWUSStoDotBracket :: T.Text -> T.Text
convertWUSStoDotBracket wuss = T.pack $ map convertWUSSCharToDotBracket (T.unpack wuss)
convertWUSSCharToDotBracket :: Char -> Char
convertWUSSCharToDotBracket c
| c == '<' = '('
| c == '>' = ')'
| c == '_' = '.'
| c == '-' = '.'
| c == '(' = '('
| c == ')' = ')'
| c == '.' = '.'
| c == '[' = '('
| c == ']' = ')'
| c == '{' = '('
| c == '}' = ')'
| c == '~' = '.'
| c == ':' = '.'
| c == ',' = '.'
| otherwise = c
fillComparisonColLabels :: Int -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))
fillComparisonColLabels maxEntryLength sparseComparisonColLabels = fullComparisonColLabels
where fullComparisonColLabels = V.generate maxEntryLength (makeFullComparisonColLabel sparseComparisonColLabels)
makeFullComparisonColLabel :: V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> Int -> (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double))
makeFullComparisonColLabel sparseComparisonColLabels colIndex = fullComparisonColLabel
where availableLabel = V.find (\(a,_)-> colIndex == a) sparseComparisonColLabels
fullComparisonColLabel = fromMaybe (colIndex,V.singleton white) availableLabel
drawStockholmRowBlock :: Int -> V.Vector (String, V.Vector Char) -> Int -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> ((Int, Int), V.Vector (Int, Int, Int)) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmRowBlock maxIdLength vectorEntries maxEntryLength comparisonColLabels ((startIndex,endIndex),letterIntervals) = blockSequences
where indices = [startIndex..safeEndIndex]
safeEndIndex = if (endIndex1) > (maxEntryLength1) then maxEntryLength1 else endIndex1
indexLine = drawStockholmIndexLine maxIdLength indices comparisonColLabels
blockSequences = indexLine === strutY 2.0 === vcat' with { _sep = 2.0 } (V.toList ( (drawStockholmEntryLine maxIdLength vectorEntries) letterIntervals))
drawStockholmIndexLine :: Int -> [Int] -> V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmIndexLine maxIdLength indices comparisonColLabels = indexLine
spacerLength = maxIdLength + 3
spacer = replicate spacerLength ' '
maxEntryIndex = 1 + maximum indices
maxEntryText = show maxEntryIndex
totalBoxYlength = fromIntegral (length maxEntryText) * 2.5
indexLine = hcat (map setAlignmentLetter spacer) ||| hcat (map (drawStockholmIndexLineCol comparisonColLabels totalBoxYlength) indices)
drawStockholmIndexLineCol :: V.Vector (Int, V.Vector (Colour Double)) -> Double -> Int -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmIndexLineCol comparisonColLabels totalBoxYlength entryIndex = indexTextBox # translate (r2 (0, (1.25 * ((fromIntegral letterNumber))))) <> colourBoxes # translate (r2 (0, negate ((singleBoxYLength/2) (totalBoxYlength/ 2))))
where columnNumber = fst comparisonColLabel
comparisonColLabel = comparisonColLabels V.! (entryIndex + 1)
colColours = snd comparisonColLabel
boxNumber = fromIntegral $ V.length colColours
singleBoxYLength = totalBoxYlength / boxNumber
entryText = show columnNumber
colourBoxes = vcat (V.toList ( (colorBox singleBoxYLength) colColours))
letterNumber = Data.List.length entryText
textYSpacer = rect 2 (totalBoxYlength 2.5 * ((fromIntegral letterNumber))) # lw 0.0
indexTextBox = textYSpacer === vcat (map setAlignmentLetter entryText)
colorBox :: Double -> Colour Double -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
colorBox singleBoxYLength colColour = rect 2 singleBoxYLength # fc colColour # lw 0.1
drawStockholmEntryLine :: Int -> V.Vector (String, V.Vector Char) -> (Int, Int, Int) -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmEntryLine maxIdLength aln (seqIndex,currentStart,safeLength) = entryDia
where entry = aln V.! seqIndex
entryText = seqId ++ spacer ++ entrySeq
seqId = fst entry
entrySeq = V.toList (V.slice currentStart safeLength (snd entry))
spacerLength = (maxIdLength + 3) length seqId
spacer = replicate spacerLength ' '
entryDia = hcat (map setAlignmentLetter entryText)
drawStockholm :: Int -> S.StockholmAlignment -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholm entriesNumberCutoff aln = alignTL (vcat' with { _sep = 1 } (map (drawStockholmEntry maxIdLength) currentEntries)) === consensusStructureEntry
where currentEntries = take entriesNumberCutoff (S.sequenceEntries aln)
maxIdLength = maximum (map (T.length . S.sequenceId) currentEntries)
consensusStructureEntry = if null (S.columnAnnotations aln) then mempty else drawConsensusStructureEntry maxIdLength (S.columnAnnotations aln)
drawConsensusStructureEntry :: Int -> [S.AnnotationEntry] -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawConsensusStructureEntry maxIdLength entries
| isJust maybeSecStructureEntry = hcat (map setAlignmentLetter entryText)
| otherwise = mempty
where maybeSecStructureEntry = find ((T.pack "SS_cons"==) . S.tag) entries
entryText = T.unpack (seqId `T.append` spacer `T.append` S.annotation (fromJust maybeSecStructureEntry))
seqId = T.pack "SS_cons"
spacerLength = (maxIdLength + 3) T.length seqId
spacer = T.replicate spacerLength (T.pack " ")
drawStockholmEntry :: Int -> S.SequenceEntry -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
drawStockholmEntry maxIdLength entry = entryDia
where entryText = T.unpack (seqId `T.append` spacer `T.append` S.entrySequence entry)
seqId = S.sequenceId entry
spacerLength = (maxIdLength + 3) T.length seqId
spacer = T.replicate spacerLength (T.pack " ")
entryDia = hcat (map setAlignmentLetter entryText)
setAlignmentLetter :: Char -> QDiagram Cairo V2 Double Any
setAlignmentLetter echar = textSVG_ (TextOpts linLibertineFont INSIDE_H KERN False 2.5 2.5) [echar] # fc black # fillRule EvenOdd # lw 0.0 # translate (r2 (negate 0.75, negate 0.75)) <> rect 2 2 # lw 0.0
makeLetterIntervals :: Int -> Double -> Int -> [((Int,Int),V.Vector (Int,Int,Int))]
makeLetterIntervals seqNumber letterNumberPerRow letterNumber = rowIntervals
rowList = [0..(rowNumber1)]
rowNumber = ceiling $ fromIntegral letterNumber / letterNumberPerRow
rowIntervals = map (setAlignmentInterval (floor letterNumberPerRow) letterNumber seqNumber) rowList
setAlignmentInterval :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> ((Int,Int),V.Vector (Int,Int,Int))
setAlignmentInterval letterNumberPerRow letterNumber seqNumber rowIndex = ((indexStart,indexEnd),seqLines)
where seqVector = V.iterateN seqNumber (1+) 0
seqLines = (setAlignmentLineInterval letterNumberPerRow letterNumber rowIndex) seqVector
indexStart = rowIndex * letterNumberPerRow
indexEnd = indexStart + letterNumberPerRow
setAlignmentLineInterval :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> (Int,Int,Int)
setAlignmentLineInterval letterNumberPerRow letterNumber rowIndex seqIndex = (seqIndex,currentStart,safeLength)
where currentStart = rowIndex * letterNumberPerRow
rowLength = letterNumberPerRow
safeLength = if currentStart + rowLength >= letterNumber then letterNumber currentStart else rowLength
makeVectorEntries :: S.SequenceEntry -> (String, V.Vector Char)
makeVectorEntries entry = (entrySeqId,entrySeq)
where entrySeq = V.fromList (T.unpack (S.entrySequence entry))
entrySeqId = T.unpack (S.sequenceId entry)
makeConsensusStructureVectorEntry :: S.AnnotationEntry -> V.Vector (String, V.Vector Char)
makeConsensusStructureVectorEntry entry = V.singleton (entryId,entryTxt)
where entryTxt = V.fromList (T.unpack (S.annotation entry))
entryId = T.unpack (S.tag entry)