{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax, MultiParamTypeClasses, DefaultSignatures, TupleSections, EmptyDataDecls #-}
module SimpleH.Core(
  -- * Basic union and product types

  -- * Basic group and ring structure
  -- ** Classes

  -- ** Common monoids
  -- * Fundamental control operations
  -- * Misc functions




  -- * The rest is imported from the Prelude
  module Prelude
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (



import qualified Prelude as P
import Data.Tree
import Data.Ord(comparing)

data Void
type a:*:b = (a,b)
type a:+:b = Either a b

vd = undefined :: Void

The class of all types that have a binary operation. Note that the operation
isn't necesarily commutative (in the case of lists, for example)
class Semigroup m where
  (+) :: m -> m -> m
  default (+) :: Num m => m -> m -> m
  (+) = (P.+)
infixl 6 +
instance Semigroup Void where _+_ = undefined
instance Semigroup () where _+_ = ()
instance Semigroup Bool where (+) = (||)
instance Semigroup Int
instance Semigroup Float
instance Semigroup Double
instance Semigroup Integer
instance Semigroup [a] where []+l = l ; (x:t)+l = x:(t+l)
instance (Semigroup a,Semigroup b) => Semigroup (a:*:b) where ~(a,b) + ~(c,d) = (a+c,b+d)
instance (Semigroup a,Semigroup b,Semigroup c) => Semigroup (a,b,c) where
  ~(a,b,c) + ~(a',b',c') = (a+a',b+b',c+c')
instance SubSemi b a => Semigroup (a:+:b) where
  Left a+Left b = Left (a+b)
  a+b = Right (from a+from b)
    where from = cast <|> id
instance Semigroup (Maybe a) where
  Nothing + b = b ; a + _ = a

-- |A monoid is a semigroup with a null element such that @zero + a == a + zero == a@
class Semigroup m => Monoid m where
  zero :: m
  default zero :: Num m => m
  zero = 0
instance Monoid Void where zero = undefined
instance Monoid () where zero = ()
instance Monoid Int ; instance Monoid Integer
instance Monoid Float ; instance Monoid Double
instance Monoid [a] where zero = []
instance (Monoid a,Monoid b) => Monoid (a:*:b) where zero = (zero,zero)
instance (Monoid a,Monoid b,Monoid c) => Monoid (a,b,c) where
  zero = (zero,zero,zero)
instance (SubSemi b a,Monoid a) => Monoid (a:+:b) where zero = Left zero
instance Monoid Bool where zero = False
instance Monoid (Maybe a) where zero = Nothing

class (Semigroup a,Semigroup b) => SubSemi a b where
  cast :: b -> a
instance Monoid a => SubSemi a () where cast _ = zero
instance Monoid a => SubSemi a Void where cast _ = zero

class Monoid m => Ring m where
  one :: m
  default one :: Num m => m
  one = 1
  (*) :: m -> m -> m
  default (*) :: Num m => m -> m -> m
  (*) = (P.*)

infixl 7 *
instance Ring Bool where one = True ; (*) = (&&)
instance Ring Int
instance Ring Integer
instance Ring Float
instance Ring Double
instance Monoid a => Ring [a] where
  one = zero:one
  (a:as) * (b:bs) = a+b:as*bs
  _ * _ = zero
instance (Ring a,Ring b) => Ring (a:*:b) where
  one = (one,one) ; ~(a,b) * ~(c,d) = (a*c,b*d)

class Unit f where
  pure :: a -> f a
instance Unit (Either a) where pure = Right
instance Unit Maybe where pure = Just
instance Monoid w => Unit ((,) w) where pure a = (zero,a)
instance Unit ((->) b) where pure = P.const
instance Unit [] where pure a = [a]
instance Unit Tree where pure a = Node a []
instance Unit IO where pure = P.return

class Category k where
  id :: k a a
  (.) :: k b c -> k a b -> k a c
instance Category (->) where
  id = P.id
  (.) = (P..)
(<<<) = (.) ; (>>>) = flip (<<<)
infixr 1 >>>,<<<
infixr 9 .

class Category k => Choice k where
  (<|>) :: k a c -> k b c -> k (a:+:b) c
infixr 1 <|>
instance Choice (->) where
  (f <|> _) (Left a) = f a
  (_ <|> g) (Right b) = g b

class Category k => Split k where
  (<#>) :: k a c -> k b d -> k (a,b) (c,d)
infixr 2 <#>
instance Split (->) where f <#> g = \ ~(a,b) -> (f a,g b)

{-| The Product monoid -}
newtype Product a = Product { getProduct :: a }
instance Ring a => Semigroup (Product a) where
  Product a+Product b = Product (a*b) 
instance Ring a => Monoid (Product a) where
  zero = Product one

{-| A monoid on category endomorphisms under composition -}
newtype Endo k a = Endo { runEndo :: k a a }
instance Category k => Semigroup (Endo k a) where Endo f+Endo g = Endo (g . f)
instance Category k => Monoid (Endo k a) where zero = Endo id

{-| A monoid on Maybes, where the sum is the leftmost non-Nothing value. -}
newtype Accum a = Accum { getAccum :: Maybe a }
instance Monoid a => Semigroup (Accum a) where
  Accum Nothing + Accum Nothing = Accum Nothing
  Accum a + Accum b = Accum (Just (from a+from b))
    where from = maybe zero id
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Accum a) where zero = Accum Nothing
instance Unit Accum where pure = Accum . pure

{-| The Max monoid, where @(+) =~ max@ -}
newtype Max a = Max { getMax :: a }
              deriving (Eq,Ord,Bounded,Show)
instance Ord a => Semigroup (Max a) where Max a+Max b = Max (max a b)
instance (Ord a,Bounded a) => Monoid (Max a) where zero = Max minBound
instance (Ord a,Bounded a) => Ring (Max a) where
  one = Max maxBound
  Max a * Max b = Max (min a b)

{-| The dual of a monoid is the same as the original, with arguments reversed -}
newtype Dual m = Dual { getDual :: m }
instance Semigroup m => Semigroup (Dual m) where Dual a+Dual b = Dual (b+a)
deriving instance Monoid m => Monoid (Dual m)
instance Ring m => Ring (Dual m) where 
  one = Dual one
  Dual a * Dual b = Dual (b*a)

-- |An ordered list. The semigroup instance merges two lists so that
-- the result remains in ascending order.
newtype OrdList a = OrdList { getOrdList :: [a] }
                  deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
instance Orderable a => Semigroup (OrdList a) where
  OrdList a + OrdList b = OrdList (a ++ b)
    where (x:xt) ++ (y:yt) = a : c : cs
            where (a,_,z) = inOrder x y
                  ~(c:cs) = if z then xt ++ (y:yt) else (x:xt) ++ yt
          a ++ b = a + b
deriving instance Orderable a => Monoid (OrdList a)
deriving instance Unit OrdList

class Ord t => Orderable t where
  inOrder :: t -> t -> (t,t,Bool)
instance Ord t => Orderable (Max t) where
  inOrder (Max a) (Max b) = (Max x,Max y,z)
    where ~(x,y) | z = (a,b)
                 | otherwise = (b,a)
          z = a<=b
insertOrd e [] = [e]
insertOrd e (x:xs) = a:y:ys
  where (a,_,z) = inOrder e x
        ~(y:ys) = if z then x:xs else insertOrd e xs

newtype Interleave a = Interleave { interleave :: [a] }
instance Semigroup (Interleave a) where
  Interleave as + Interleave bs = Interleave (inter as bs)
    where inter (a:as) bs = a:inter bs as
          inter [] bs = bs
deriving instance Monoid (Interleave a)

(&) = flip ($)
infixl 0 &

infixr 1 +++
f +++ g = first.f <|> second.g

second a = id <#> a
first a = a <#> id

guard p = if p then pure vd else zero

ifThenElse b th el = if b then th else el
bool th el b = ifThenElse b th el
tailSafe [] = [] ; tailSafe (_:t) = t
headDef d [] = d ; headDef _ (x:_) = x

fail = error
const = pure
fix f = y where y = f y

unit = pure ()
when p m = if p then m else unit
unless p m = if p then unit else m

invertOrd GT = LT ; invertOrd LT = GT ; invertOrd EQ = EQ