0.4.8 -- 2023-01-04 * Added `Alternative` instance for `STT`, by William Rusnack (PR [#33](https://github.com/josefs/STMonadTrans/pull/33)). * Drop support for GHC 7. * Tested with GHC 8.0.2 - 9.8.1. 0.4.7 -- 2023-05-18 * Added `MonadIO` for `SST` (issue [#29](https://github.com/josefs/STMonadTrans/issues/29)). * Make `transformers` dependency explicit. * Bump `cabal-version` of `STMonadTrans.cabal` to 1.18. * Tested with GHC 7.6.3 - 9.6.1. 0.4.6 -- 2021-08-21 * Warning-free for all supported GHC versions (7.6 -- 9.2). * Drop `splitBase` cabal flag (`base >= 4` is already assumed). * Include `README.md` in distributed tarball. * Added maintainer Andreas Abel. 0.4.5 * Don't use default class methods in any `MArray (STUArray s)` instance. Thanks to Henri Jones. * Allow `tasty` up to and including 1.4. 0.4.4 * Fix compilation for GHC 8.8.1. Thanks to Andrés Sicard-Ramírez. * Fix some tests and their dependencies. Thanks to Kirill Zaborsky. 0.4.3 * Fix compilation for GHC 7.6.3. Thanks to Andrés Sicard-Ramírez. * Export unsafe array operations. 0.4.2 * Deprecate `runST` and `unsafeSTToIO` in favor of `runSTT` and `unsafeSTTToIO`. * Added `INLINE` pragmas. 0.4.1 * Add `Applicative` constraints to be compatible with GHC 7.8.4. * Add changelog. 0.4 * New library structure, based on `liftST`. It reuses more code and types from the standard `ST` monad. Thanks to @wyager for `liftST`. * Instances for `MArray`.