module Test.SBench.Space.Single.RunExecutable ( run , runWith ) where import System.FilePath ( FilePath, addExtension, isRelative ) import System ( system ) import Test.SBench.Options ( TestOpts (..) , opts2string , ProfParam (..) , Breakdown (..) , Restriction (..) , ProfilingOptions , MemoryOptions , RuntimeOptions (..) , ThreadNum , ProgramArguments ) run :: TestOpts -> FilePath -> IO FilePath run topts = runWith (get progArgs) (get threadNum) (get memOpts) (get profOpts) where get opts = opts $ rOpts topts runWith :: ProgramArguments -> Maybe ThreadNum -> MemoryOptions -> ProfilingOptions -> FilePath -> IO FilePath runWith pargs threads mopts popts exe = do let call = opts2string [ (if isRelative exe then "./" else "") ++ exe , opts2string pargs , "+RTS" , case threads of { Nothing -> ""; Just t -> "-N" ++ show t} , opts2string (map show mopts) , opts2string (map show popts) ] print $ "call the following program:\n" ++ call ++ "\n" system call return $ addExtension exe "hp"