{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} -- | Main module of Rasterific, an Haskell rasterization engine. -- -- Creating an image is rather simple, here is a simple example -- of a drawing and saving it in a PNG file: -- -- > import Codec.Picture( PixelRGBA8( .. ), writePng ) -- > import Graphics.Rasterific -- > import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > let white = PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255 -- > drawColor = PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 255 -- > recColor = PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255 -- > img = renderDrawing 400 200 white $ -- > withTexture (uniformTexture drawColor) $ do -- > fill $ circle (V2 0 0) 30 -- > stroke 4 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ -- > circle (V2 400 200) 40 -- > withTexture (uniformTexture recColor) . -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 100 100) 200 100 -- > -- > writePng "yourimage.png" img -- -- <> -- -- The coordinate system is the picture classic one, with the origin in -- the upper left corner; with the y axis growing to the bottom and the -- x axis growing to the right: -- -- <> -- module Graphics.Rasterific ( -- * Rasterization command -- ** Filling fill , fillWithMethod -- ** Stroking , stroke , dashedStroke , dashedStrokeWithOffset -- ** Text rendering , printTextAt , printTextRanges -- ** Texturing , withTexture , withClipping , withGroupOpacity -- ** Transformations , withTransformation , withPathOrientation , TextRange( .. ) , PointSize( .. ) -- * Generating images , ModulablePixel , RenderablePixel , renderDrawing , renderDrawingAtDpi , pathToPrimitives -- * Rasterization types , Texture , Drawing , Modulable -- * Geometry description , V2( .. ) , Point , Vector , CubicBezier( .. ) , Line( .. ) , Bezier( .. ) , Primitive( .. ) , Path( .. ) , PathCommand( .. ) -- * Generic geometry description , Primitivable( .. ) , Geometry( .. ) -- * Generic geometry manipulation , Transformable( .. ) , PointFoldable( .. ) , PlaneBoundable( .. ) , PlaneBound( .. ) , boundWidth , boundHeight , boundLowerLeftCorner -- * Helpers -- ** line , line -- ** Rectangle , rectangle , roundedRectangle -- ** Circles , circle , ellipse -- ** Polygons , polyline , polygon -- ** Images , drawImageAtSize , drawImage , cacheDrawing -- ** Geometry Helpers , clip , bezierFromPath , lineFromPath , cubicBezierFromPath , firstTangeantOf , lastTangeantOf , firstPointOf , lastPointOf -- * Rasterization control , Join( .. ) , Cap( .. ) , SamplerRepeat( .. ) , FillMethod( .. ) , DashPattern , drawOrdersOfDrawing -- * Debugging helper , dumpDrawing ) where #if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0) import Control.Applicative( (<$>) ) import Data.Foldable( foldMap ) import Data.Monoid( Monoid( .. ) ) #endif import Data.Monoid( (<>) ) import Control.Monad.Free( Free( .. ), liftF ) import Control.Monad.Free.Church( fromF ) import Control.Monad.ST( runST ) import Control.Monad.State( modify, execState ) import Data.Maybe( fromMaybe ) import Codec.Picture.Types( Image( .. ) , Pixel( .. ) , unpackPixel , pixelMapXY ) import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import Graphics.Rasterific.Compositor import Graphics.Rasterific.Linear( V2( .. ), (^+^), (^-^), (^*) ) import Graphics.Rasterific.Rasterize import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture import Graphics.Rasterific.Shading import Graphics.Rasterific.Types import Graphics.Rasterific.Line import Graphics.Rasterific.QuadraticBezier import Graphics.Rasterific.CubicBezier import Graphics.Rasterific.StrokeInternal import Graphics.Rasterific.Transformations import Graphics.Rasterific.PlaneBoundable import Graphics.Rasterific.Immediate import Graphics.Rasterific.PathWalker import Graphics.Rasterific.Command {-import Graphics.Rasterific.TensorPatch-} import Graphics.Text.TrueType( Font , Dpi , PointSize( .. ) , getStringCurveAtPoint ) {-import Debug.Trace-} {-import Text.Printf-} ------------------------------------------------ ---- Free Monad DSL section ------------------------------------------------ -- | Define the texture applyied to all the children -- draw call. -- -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 255) $ do -- > fill $ circle (V2 50 50) 20 -- > fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 20 -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255) -- > $ circle (V2 150 150) 20 -- -- <> -- withTexture :: Texture px -> Drawing px () -> Drawing px () withTexture texture subActions = liftF $ SetTexture texture subActions () -- | Will render the whole subaction with a given group opacity, after -- each element has been rendered. That means that completly opaque -- overlapping shapes will be rendered transparently, not one after -- another. -- -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255) $ -- > stroke 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ -- > line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100) -- > -- > withGroupOpacity 128 $ do -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 255) . -- > fill $ circle (V2 70 100) 60 -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xff 0xf4 0xc1 255) . -- > fill $ circle (V2 120 100) 60 -- -- <> -- -- To be compared to the item opacity -- -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xFF 0x53 0x73 255) $ -- > stroke 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ -- > line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100) -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0x86 0xc1 128) . -- > fill $ circle (V2 70 100) 60 -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0xff 0xf4 0xc1 128) . -- > fill $ circle (V2 120 100) 60 -- -- <> withGroupOpacity :: Pixel px => PixelBaseComponent px -> Drawing px ()-> Drawing px () withGroupOpacity opa sub = liftF $ WithGlobalOpacity opa sub () -- | Draw all the sub drawing commands using a transformation. withTransformation :: Transformation -> Drawing px () -> Drawing px () withTransformation trans sub = liftF $ WithTransform trans sub () -- | This command allows you to draw primitives on a given curve, -- for example, you can draw text on a curve: -- -- > let path = Path (V2 100 180) False -- > [PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 20 20) (V2 170 20) (V2 300 200)] in -- > stroke 3 JoinRound (CapStraight 0, CapStraight 0) path -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255) $ -- > withPathOrientation path 0 $ -- > printTextAt font (PointSize 24) (V2 0 0) "Text on path" -- -- <> -- -- You can note that the position of the baseline match the size of the -- characters. -- -- You are not limited to text drawing while using this function, -- you can draw arbitrary geometry like in the following example: -- -- > let path = Path (V2 100 180) False -- > [PathCubicBezierCurveTo (V2 20 20) (V2 170 20) (V2 300 200)] -- > withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255) $ -- > stroke 3 JoinRound (CapStraight 0, CapStraight 0) path -- > -- > withPathOrientation path 0 $ do -- > printTextAt font (PointSize 24) (V2 0 0) "TX" -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 (-10) (-10)) 30 20 -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 45 0) 10 20 -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 60 (-10)) 20 20 -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 100 (-15)) 20 50 -- -- <> -- withPathOrientation :: Path -- ^ Path directing the orientation. -> Float -- ^ Basline Y axis position, used to align text properly. -> Drawing px () -- ^ The sub drawings. -> Drawing px () withPathOrientation path p sub = liftF $ WithPathOrientation path p sub () -- | Fill some geometry. The geometry should be "looping", -- ie. the last point of the last primitive should -- be equal to the first point of the first primitive. -- -- The primitive should be connected. -- -- > fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75 -- -- <> -- fill :: Geometry geom => geom -> Drawing px () fill prims = liftF $ Fill FillWinding (toPrimitives prims) () -- | This function let you choose how to fill the primitives -- in case of self intersection. See `FillMethod` documentation -- for more information. fillWithMethod :: Geometry geom => FillMethod -> geom -> Drawing px () fillWithMethod method prims = liftF $ Fill method (toPrimitives prims) () -- | Draw some geometry using a clipping path. -- -- > withClipping (fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75) $ -- > mapM_ (stroke 7 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound)) -- > [line (V2 0 yf) (V2 200 (yf + 10)) -- > | y <- [5 :: Int, 17 .. 200] -- > , let yf = fromIntegral y ] -- -- <> -- withClipping :: (forall innerPixel. Drawing innerPixel ()) -- ^ The clipping path -> Drawing px () -- ^ The actual geometry to clip -> Drawing px () withClipping clipPath drawing = liftF $ WithCliping clipPath drawing () -- | Will stroke geometry with a given stroke width. -- The elements should be connected -- -- > stroke 5 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ circle (V2 100 100) 75 -- -- <> -- stroke :: (Geometry geom) => Float -- ^ Stroke width -> Join -- ^ Which kind of join will be used -> (Cap, Cap) -- ^ Start and end capping. -> geom -- ^ List of elements to render -> Drawing px () stroke width join caping prims = liftF $ Stroke width join caping (toPrimitives prims) () -- | Draw a string at a given position. -- Text printing imply loading a font, there is no default -- font (yet). Below an example of font rendering using a -- font installed on Microsoft Windows. -- -- > import Graphics.Text.TrueType( loadFontFile ) -- > import Codec.Picture( PixelRGBA8( .. ), writePng ) -- > import Graphics.Rasterific -- > import Graphics.Rasterific.Texture -- > -- > main :: IO () -- > main = do -- > fontErr <- loadFontFile "test_fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf" -- > case fontErr of -- > Left err -> putStrLn err -- > Right font -> -- > writePng "text_example.png" . -- > renderDrawing 300 70 (PixelRGBA8 255 255 255 255) -- > . withTexture (uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255) $ -- > printTextAt font (PointSize 12) (V2 20 40) -- > "A simple text test!" -- -- <> -- -- You can use any texture, like a gradient while rendering text. -- printTextAt :: Font -- ^ Drawing font -> PointSize -- ^ font Point size -> Point -- ^ Drawing starting point (base line) -> String -- ^ String to print -> Drawing px () printTextAt font pointSize point string = liftF $ TextFill point [description] () where description = TextRange { _textFont = font , _textSize = pointSize , _text = string , _textTexture = Nothing } -- | Print complex text, using different texture font and -- point size for different parts of the text. -- -- > let blackTexture = -- > Just . uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 0 0 0 255 -- > redTexture = -- > Just . uniformTexture $ PixelRGBA8 255 0 0 255 -- > in -- > printTextRanges (V2 20 40) -- > [ TextRange font1 (PointSize 12) "A complex " blackTexture -- > , TextRange font2 (PointSize 8) "text test" redTexture] -- -- <> -- printTextRanges :: Point -- ^ Starting point of the base line -> [TextRange px] -- ^ Ranges description to be printed -> Drawing px () printTextRanges point ranges = liftF $ TextFill point ranges () data RenderContext px = RenderContext { currentClip :: Maybe (Texture (PixelBaseComponent px)) , currentTexture :: Texture px , currentTransformation :: Maybe (Transformation, Transformation) } -- | Function to call in order to start the image creation. -- Tested pixels type are PixelRGBA8 and Pixel8, pixel types -- in other colorspace will probably produce weird results. -- Default DPI is 96 renderDrawing :: forall px . (RenderablePixel px) => Int -- ^ Rendering width -> Int -- ^ Rendering height -> px -- ^ Background color -> Drawing px () -- ^ Rendering action -> Image px renderDrawing width height = renderDrawingAtDpi width height 96 -- | Function to call in order to start the image creation. -- Tested pixels type are PixelRGBA8 and Pixel8, pixel types -- in other colorspace will probably produce weird results. renderDrawingAtDpi :: forall px . (RenderablePixel px) => Int -- ^ Rendering width -> Int -- ^ Rendering height -> Dpi -- ^ Current DPI used for text rendering. -> px -- ^ Background color -> Drawing px () -- ^ Rendering action -> Image px renderDrawingAtDpi width height dpi background drawing = runST $ runDrawContext width height background $ mapM_ fillOrder $ drawOrdersOfDrawing width height dpi background drawing emptyPx :: (RenderablePixel px) => px -- | Really need a "builder" function for pixel emptyPx = colorMap (const emptyValue) $ unpackPixel 0 cacheOrders :: forall px. (RenderablePixel px) => Maybe (Image px -> ImageTransformer px) -> [DrawOrder px] -> Drawing px () cacheOrders imageFilter orders = case imageFilter of Nothing -> drawImage resultImage 0 cornerUpperLeft Just f -> drawImage (pixelMapXY (f resultImage) resultImage) 0 cornerUpperLeft where PlaneBound mini maxi = foldMap planeBounds orders cornerUpperLeftInt = floor <$> mini :: V2 Int cornerUpperLeft = fromIntegral <$> cornerUpperLeftInt V2 width height = maxi ^-^ cornerUpperLeft ^+^ V2 1 1 shiftOrder order@DrawOrder { _orderPrimitives = prims } = order { _orderPrimitives = fmap (transform (^-^ cornerUpperLeft)) <$> prims , _orderTexture = transformTexture (translate cornerUpperLeft) $ _orderTexture order } resultImage = runST $ runDrawContext (ceiling width) (ceiling height) emptyPx $ mapM_ (fillOrder . shiftOrder) orders -- | This function perform an optimisation, it will render a drawing -- to an image interanlly and create a new order to render this image -- instead of the geometry, effectively cuting the geometry generation -- part. -- -- It can save execution time when drawing complex elements multiple -- times. cacheDrawing :: forall px . (RenderablePixel px) => Int -- ^ Max rendering width -> Int -- ^ Max rendering height -> Dpi -> Drawing px () -> Drawing px () cacheDrawing maxWidth maxHeight dpi sub = cacheOrders Nothing $ drawOrdersOfDrawing maxWidth maxHeight dpi emptyPx sub -- | Transform a drawing into a serie of low-level drawing orders. drawOrdersOfDrawing :: forall px . (RenderablePixel px) => Int -- ^ Rendering width -> Int -- ^ Rendering height -> Dpi -- ^ Current assumed DPI -> px -- ^ Background color -> Drawing px () -- ^ Rendering action -> [DrawOrder px] drawOrdersOfDrawing width height dpi background drawing = go initialContext (fromF drawing) [] where initialContext = RenderContext Nothing stupidDefaultTexture Nothing clipBackground = emptyValue :: PixelBaseComponent px clipForeground = fullValue :: PixelBaseComponent px clipRender = renderDrawing width height clipBackground . withTexture (uniformTexture clipForeground) textureOf ctxt@RenderContext { currentTransformation = Just (_, t) } = transformTexture t $ currentTexture ctxt textureOf ctxt = currentTexture ctxt geometryOf RenderContext { currentTransformation = Just (trans, _) } = transform (applyTransformation trans) geometryOf _ = id stupidDefaultTexture = uniformTexture $ colorMap (const clipBackground) background go :: RenderContext px -> Free (DrawCommand px) () -> [DrawOrder px] -> [DrawOrder px] go _ (Pure ()) rest = rest go ctxt (Free (WithGlobalOpacity opa sub next)) rest = go ctxt (Free (WithImageEffect opacifier sub next)) rest where -- Todo: a colorMapWithAlpha is really needed in JP API. opacifier _ _ _ px = mixWithAlpha ignore alphaModulate px px ignore _ _ a = a alphaModulate _ v = opa `modulate` v go ctxt (Free (WithImageEffect effect sub next)) rest = go freeContext (fromF cached) after where cached = cacheOrders (Just effect) $ go ctxt (fromF sub) [] after = go ctxt next rest freeContext = ctxt { currentClip = Nothing, currentTransformation = Nothing } go ctxt (Free (WithPathOrientation path base sub next)) rest = final where final = orders <> go ctxt next rest images = go ctxt (fromF sub) [] drawer trans _ order = modify $ \lst -> finalOrder : lst where toFinalPos = transform $ applyTransformation trans finalOrder = order { _orderPrimitives = toFinalPos $ _orderPrimitives order } orders = reverse $ execState (drawOrdersOnPath drawer 0 base path images) [] go ctxt (Free (WithTransform trans sub next)) rest = final where trans' | Just (t, _) <- currentTransformation ctxt = t <> trans | otherwise = trans invTrans = fromMaybe mempty $ inverseTransformation trans' after = go ctxt next rest subContext = ctxt { currentTransformation = Just (trans', invTrans) } final = go subContext (fromF sub) after go ctxt (Free (Fill method prims next)) rest = order : after where after = go ctxt next rest order = DrawOrder { _orderPrimitives = [geometryOf ctxt prims] , _orderTexture = textureOf ctxt , _orderFillMethod = method , _orderMask = currentClip ctxt } go ctxt (Free (Stroke w j cap prims next)) rest = go ctxt (Free $ Fill FillWinding prim' next) rest where prim' = listOfContainer $ strokize w j cap prims go ctxt (Free (SetTexture tx sub next)) rest = go (ctxt { currentTexture = tx }) (fromF sub) $ go ctxt next rest go ctxt (Free (DashedStroke o d w j cap prims next)) rest = foldr recurse after $ dashedStrokize o d w j cap prims where after = go ctxt next rest recurse sub = go ctxt (liftF $ Fill FillWinding sub ()) go ctxt (Free (TextFill (V2 x y) descriptions next)) rest = go ctxt (sequence_ drawCalls) $ go ctxt next rest where floatCurves = getStringCurveAtPoint dpi (x, y) [(_textFont d, _textSize d, _text d) | d <- descriptions] linearDescriptions = concat [map (const d) $ _text d | d <- descriptions] drawCalls = [texturize d $ beziersOfChar curve | (curve, d) <- zip floatCurves linearDescriptions] texturize descr sub = case _textTexture descr of Nothing -> fromF sub Just t -> liftF $ SetTexture t sub () beziersOfChar curves = liftF $ Fill FillWinding bezierCurves () where bezierCurves = concat [map BezierPrim . bezierFromPath . map (uncurry V2) $ VU.toList c | c <- curves] go ctxt (Free (WithCliping clipPath path next)) rest = go (ctxt { currentClip = newModuler }) (fromF path) $ go ctxt next rest where modulationTexture :: Texture (PixelBaseComponent px) modulationTexture = RawTexture $ clipRender clipPath newModuler = Just . subModuler $ currentClip ctxt subModuler Nothing = modulationTexture subModuler (Just v) = modulateTexture v modulationTexture -- | With stroke geometry with a given stroke width, using -- a dash pattern. -- -- > dashedStroke [5, 10, 5] 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapStraight 0) $ -- > line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100) -- -- <> -- dashedStroke :: Geometry geom => DashPattern -- ^ Dashing pattern to use for stroking -> Float -- ^ Stroke width -> Join -- ^ Which kind of join will be used -> (Cap, Cap) -- ^ Start and end capping. -> geom -- ^ List of elements to render -> Drawing px () dashedStroke = dashedStrokeWithOffset 0.0 -- | With stroke geometry with a given stroke width, using -- a dash pattern. The offset is there to specify the starting -- point into the pattern, the value can be negative. -- -- > dashedStrokeWithOffset 3 [5, 10, 5] 3 JoinRound (CapRound, CapStraight 0) $ -- > line (V2 0 100) (V2 200 100) -- -- <> -- dashedStrokeWithOffset :: Geometry geom => Float -- ^ Starting offset -> DashPattern -- ^ Dashing pattern to use for stroking -> Float -- ^ Stroke width -> Join -- ^ Which kind of join will be used -> (Cap, Cap) -- ^ Start and end capping. -> geom -- ^ List of elements to render -> Drawing px () dashedStrokeWithOffset _ [] width join caping prims = stroke width join caping prims dashedStrokeWithOffset offset dashing width join caping prims = liftF $ DashedStroke offset dashing width join caping (toPrimitives prims) () -- | Generate a list of primitive representing a circle. -- -- > fill $ circle (V2 100 100) 75 -- -- <> -- circle :: Point -- ^ Circle center in pixels -> Float -- ^ Circle radius in pixels -> [Primitive] circle center radius = CubicBezierPrim . transform mv <$> cubicBezierCircle where mv p = (p ^* radius) ^+^ center -- | Generate a list of primitive representing an ellipse. -- -- > fill $ ellipse (V2 100 100) 75 30 -- -- <> -- ellipse :: Point -> Float -> Float -> [Primitive] ellipse center rx ry = CubicBezierPrim . transform mv <$> cubicBezierCircle where mv (V2 x y) = V2 (x * rx) (y * ry) ^+^ center -- | Generate a strokable line out of points list. -- Just an helper around `lineFromPath`. -- -- > stroke 4 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ -- > polyline [V2 10 10, V2 100 70, V2 190 190] -- -- <> -- polyline :: [Point] -> [Primitive] polyline = map LinePrim . lineFromPath -- | Generate a fillable polygon out of points list. -- Similar to the `polyline` function, but close the -- path. -- -- > fill $ polygon [V2 30 30, V2 100 70, V2 80 170] -- -- <> -- polygon :: [Point] -> [Primitive] polygon [] = [] polygon [_] = [] polygon [_,_] = [] polygon lst@(p:_) = polyline $ lst ++ [p] -- | Generate a list of primitive representing a -- rectangle -- -- > fill $ rectangle (V2 30 30) 150 100 -- -- <> -- rectangle :: Point -- ^ Corner upper left -> Float -- ^ Width in pixel -> Float -- ^ Height in pixel -> [Primitive] rectangle p@(V2 px py) w h = LinePrim <$> lineFromPath [ p, V2 (px + w) py, V2 (px + w) (py + h), V2 px (py + h), p ] -- | Simply draw an image into the canvas. Take into account -- any previous transformation performed on the geometry. -- -- > drawImage textureImage 0 (V2 30 30) -- -- <> -- drawImage :: ModulablePixel px => Image px -- ^ Image to be drawn -> StrokeWidth -- ^ Border size, drawn with current texture. -> Point -- ^ Position of the corner upper left of the image. -> Drawing px () drawImage img@Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h } s p = drawImageAtSize img s p (fromIntegral w) (fromIntegral h) -- | Draw an image with the desired size -- -- > drawImageAtSize textureImage 2 (V2 30 30) 128 128 -- -- <> -- drawImageAtSize :: (Pixel px, Modulable (PixelBaseComponent px)) => Image px -- ^ Image to be drawn -> StrokeWidth -- ^ Border size, drawn with current texture. -> Point -- ^ Position of the corner upper left of the image. -> Float -- ^ Width of the drawn image -> Float -- ^ Height of the drawn image -> Drawing px () drawImageAtSize img@Image { imageWidth = w, imageHeight = h } borderSize ip reqWidth reqHeight | borderSize <= 0 = withTransformation (translate p <> scale scaleX scaleY) . withTexture (sampledImageTexture img) $ fill rect | otherwise = do withTransformation (translate p <> scale scaleX scaleY) $ withTexture (sampledImageTexture img) $ fill rect stroke (borderSize / 2) (JoinMiter 0) (CapStraight 0, CapStraight 0) rect' where p = ip ^-^ V2 0.5 0.5 rect = rectangle (V2 0 0) rw rh rect' = rectangle p reqWidth reqHeight (rw, rh) = (fromIntegral w, fromIntegral h) scaleX | reqWidth == 0 = 1 | otherwise = reqWidth / rw scaleY | reqHeight == 0 = 1 | otherwise = reqHeight / rh -- | Generate a list of primitive representing a rectangle -- with rounded corner. -- -- > fill $ roundedRectangle (V2 10 10) 150 150 20 10 -- -- <> -- roundedRectangle :: Point -- ^ Corner upper left -> Float -- ^ Width in pixel -> Float -- ^ Height in pixel. -> Float -- ^ Radius along the x axis of the rounded corner. In pixel. -> Float -- ^ Radius along the y axis of the rounded corner. In pixel. -> [Primitive] roundedRectangle (V2 px py) w h rx ry = [ CubicBezierPrim . transform (^+^ V2 xFar yNear) $ cornerTopR , LinePrim $ Line (V2 xFar py) (V2 xNear py) , CubicBezierPrim . transform (^+^ V2 (px + rx) (py + ry)) $ cornerTopL , LinePrim $ Line (V2 px yNear) (V2 px yFar) , CubicBezierPrim . transform (^+^ V2 (px + rx) yFar) $ cornerBottomL , LinePrim $ Line (V2 xNear (py + h)) (V2 xFar (py + h)) , CubicBezierPrim . transform (^+^ V2 xFar yFar) $ cornerBottomR , LinePrim $ Line (V2 (px + w) yFar) (V2 (px + w) yNear) ] where xNear = px + rx xFar = px + w - rx yNear = py + ry yFar = py + h - ry (cornerBottomR : cornerTopR : cornerTopL : cornerBottomL:_) = transform (\(V2 x y) -> V2 (x * rx) (y * ry)) <$> cubicBezierCircle -- | Return a simple line ready to be stroked. -- -- > stroke 17 JoinRound (CapRound, CapRound) $ -- > line (V2 10 10) (V2 180 170) -- -- <> -- line :: Point -> Point -> [Primitive] line p1 p2 = [LinePrim $ Line p1 p2]