{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE NoMonomorphismRestriction #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} -- | module Main where import System.Console.CmdArgs import Data.List import Data.Char (isAlpha) import Control.Monad import System.Random.MWC.Monad import System.Random.MWC.Distributions.Monad import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import Text.Printf import Data.Ord import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as SM import Control.Arrow import Data.Function import System.IO import Biobase.Primary import Biobase.Vienna import qualified Biobase.Turner.Import as TI import BioInf.RNAdesign import BioInf.RNAdesign.Assignment import Debug.Trace -- * configuration data Config = Config { number :: Int , thin :: Int , burnin :: Int , scale :: Double , optfun :: String , veclen :: Int , turner :: String -- , exhaustive :: Bool -- TODO want to think about this for number of structures > 3, IF the total sequence space size is less than say 100.000 , initial :: String , sequenceConstraints :: Bool , explore :: Bool } deriving (Show,Data,Typeable) config = Config { number = 50 &= help "Number of candidate sequences to generate (50)" , thin = 50 &= help "keep only every n'th sequence (50)" , burnin = 100 &= help "remove the first burnin sequences (100)" , scale = 1 &= help "acceptance scale parameter (1); exponentially distributed with mean 'scale^(-1)' (smaller scale means longer jumps)" , optfun = "sum(eos,all)" &= help "optimization function, \"sum(eos,all)\" tries to minimize the sum of the energies" , veclen = 1000000 &= help "multiple structure constraints lead to large connected components, veclen restricts the number of component solutions to store." , turner = "./params" &= help "directory containing the Turner 2004 RNA energy tables (with a default of \"./params/\"" -- , exhaustive = False &= help "exhaustively search the nucleotide space" , initial = "" &= help "start from this initial sequence" , explore = def &= help "explore sequences, do not sort of nub list" , sequenceConstraints = def &= help "activate sequence constraints" } &= help shortHelp &= details longHelp &= summary "RNAdesign v0.0.2, (C) Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen 2013, choener@tb.univie.ac.at" &= program "RNAdesign" shortHelp = "The defaults work acceptably well and produce a results extremely fast. " longHelp = [ "RNAdesign designs RNA sequences given one or more structural targets. The" , "program offers a variety of optimization functions that each can be used to" , "optimize candidate sequence towards a certain goal, say, minimal ensemble" , "defect or small energetic distance to another target structure. By giving a" , "complex \"--optun\", many different design goals can be tried. The following" , "functions are available:" , "binary, combining:" , "+ - * / :: the four basic operations" , "^ :: (^) generalized power function" , "" , "binary, apply function to many targets:" , "sum max min :: run function over set of targets: sum(eos,1,2) or sum(eos,all)" , "" , "unary, apply to single target:" , "eos :: energy of a structure: eos(1)" , "ed :: ensemble defect of a structure: ed(3)" , "nullary, constant for the current sequence:" , "Ged :: global, weighted ensemble defect: Ged" , "gibbs :: gibbs free energy of sequence" , "mfe :: minimum free energy of sequence" , "" , "special:" , "logMN :: requires four parameters logMN(0.2,0.3,0.3,0.2) penalizes according to given mono-nucleotide distribution" , "" , "A good optimization goal is (as an example for three targets):" , "--optfun \"eos(1)+eos(2)+eos(3) - 3*gibbs +" , " 1 * ((eos(1)-eos(2))^2 + (eos(1)-eos(3))^2 + (eos(2)-eos(3))^2)\"" , "This way, the sequence produces close-to-mfe foldings with the targets (left) and the targets are close together in terms of energy. (1 *) scales the two terms according to user choice." , "\n\n\n" , "If you find this tool useful, please cite:" , "" , "Christian Hoener zu Siederdissen, Stefan Hammer, Ingrid Abfalter, Ivo L. Hofacker, Christoph Flamm, Peter F. Stadler." , "A Graph Coloring Approach to Designing Multi-Stable Nucleic Acid Sequences." , "submitted, 2013." , "" , "Contact: choener@tbi.univie.ac.at" , "Given one or more structures in dot-bracket format of the same length, returns a compatible assignment of nucleotides." , "Compatible nucleotides are those that allow folding of the sequence into all given structures." ] main = do hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering hSetBuffering stderr NoBuffering cmds@Config{..} <- cmdArgs config turner <- fmap turnerToVienna $ TI.fromDir turner "" ".dat" strs' <- fmap lines $ getContents let (scs,strs) = partition (any isAlpha) . filter ((">"/=) . take 1) $ strs' unless (length strs > 0) $ error "no structures given!" let l = length $ head strs unless (all ((l==) . length) strs) $ error "structures of different size detected" let dp = mkDesignProblem veclen strs (if sequenceConstraints then scs else []) let defOpt old new = let oldS = scoreSequence optfun turner dp old newS = scoreSequence optfun turner dp new in do t <- exponential scale return $ ropt newS <= ropt oldS || t >= ropt newS - ropt oldS let calcScore = scoreSequence optfun turner dp let walk old new = do t <- exponential scale let sn = ropt $ score new let so = ropt $ score old return $ sn <= so || t >= sn - so let ini = if null initial -- start from initial sequence or generate one from the ensemble then mkInitial l dp else return $ Candidate (mkPrimary initial) (Score [] 999999) xs <- runWithSystemRandom . asRandIO $ (ini >>= SM.toList . unfoldStreamNew burnin number thin calcScore walk dp) let pna = product . map numAssignments $ assignments dp printf "# Size of sequence space: %d %s\n\n" pna {-(product . map numAssignments $ assignments dp)-} (show . map numAssignments $ assignments dp) unless (pna>0) $ error "empty sequence space, aborting!" mapM_ (\ys -> printf "%s %4d %8.2f\n" (concatMap show . VU.toList . candidate . head $ ys) (length ys) (ropt . score $ head ys)) . ( if explore then map (:[]) else ( sortBy (comparing (ropt . score . head)) . groupBy ((==) `on` candidate) . sortBy (comparing candidate) ) ) $ xs