    -cpp #-}
module Text.RJson (TranslateField,
                   Union(..), Union3, Union4, Union5, Union6,

import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Basics
import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Instances
import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Context
import Data.Generics.SYB.WithClass.Derive
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Text.Printf as Printf
import Data.Char
import Data.Ratio
import Data.Array
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Error
import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec as P
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as B
import System.IO.Unsafe
import qualified Control.Exception as E
import Codec.Text.IConv
import qualified Data.Word as W

-- | A Haskell representation of a JSON
--   data structure.
data JsonData = JDString String                       |
                JDNumber Double                       |
                JDArray [JsonData]                    |
                JDBool Bool                           |
                JDObject (M.Map String JsonData)

listJoin :: a -> [a] -> [a]
listJoin _ [] = []
listJoin _ l@[x] = l
listJoin k (x:ys) = x : k : (listJoin k ys)

concatJoin :: String -> [String] -> String
concatJoin k l = concat (listJoin k l)

alistToJsonDict :: [(String, String)] -> String
alistToJsonDict l =
    "{" ++
    concatJoin "," (map (\(k,v) -> (escapeString k) ++ ":" ++ v) l)
    ++ "}"

-- Special characters which will be pretty printed.
escapeMap :: M.Map Char String
escapeMap = M.fromList [
    ('\\', "\\"), ('"', "\""), ('\'', "'"), ('\n', "n"),
    ('\r', "r"), ('\f', "f"), ('\t', "t"), ('\b', "\b")]
escape :: Char -> Maybe String
escape c = M.lookup c escapeMap

-- Characters which can safely be printed as literals.
allowed' c o
  | o > 127 = True -- Any unicode char is OK.
  | o >= 32 && o < 127 {- exclude DEL == 127 -} && c /= '"' = True
  | True = False
allowed c = allowed' c (ord c)

hexEscape :: Char -> String
hexEscape c = Printf.printf "\\u%04x" (ord c)

escapeString' :: String -> String
escapeString' [] = "\""
escapeString' (c:cs)
    | allowed c =
        c : (escapeString' cs)
    | True =
        (maybe (hexEscape c) (\s -> "\\" ++ s) (escape c)) ++
        (escapeString' cs)

escapeString s = '"' : escapeString' s

instance Show JsonData where
    show (JDString s)   = escapeString s
    show (JDNumber n)
        -- Show as an integer if possible, otherwise as a Double.
        -- TODO: Not sure if this is the proper way of testing whether a
        --       double is an integer value +/- epsilon.
        | (fromIntegral (floor n)) == n = show (floor n)
        | True                          = show n
    show (JDBool True)  = "true"
    show (JDBool False) = "false"
    show (JDArray l)    = "[" ++ concatJoin "," (map show l) ++ "]"
    show (JDObject o)   = alistToJsonDict (map (\(k,v) -> (k, show v)) (M.toList o))

-- TranslateField class.
class TranslateField a where
    -- | By default, Haskell record field names are converted into
    --   JSON object field names by stripping any initial underscores.
    --   Specialize this method to define a different behavior.
    translateField :: a -> String -> String

data TranslateFieldD a = TranslateFieldD { translateFieldD :: a -> String -> String }

translateFieldProxy :: Proxy TranslateFieldD
translateFieldProxy = error "'translateFieldProxy' value should never be evaluated!"

instance (TranslateField t) => Sat (TranslateFieldD t) where
    dict = TranslateFieldD { translateFieldD = translateField }

-- | Removes initial underscores from a string.
stripInitialUnderscores ""      = ""
stripInitialUnderscores ('_':s) = stripInitialUnderscores s
stripInitialUnderscores s       = s

instance Typeable a => TranslateField a where
    translateField _ x = error "DEFAULT!" --stripInitialUnderscores x

-- ToJson class plus SYB boilerplate.
-- | New instances can be added to this class to customize
--   JSON serialization.
class TranslateField a => ToJson a where
    toJson :: a -> JsonData

    -- For lists (same trick used by the Prelude to allow special
    -- handling of list types for Show).
    lToJson  :: [a] -> JsonData
    lToJson l = JDArray (map toJson l)

    -- | You can specialize this method to prevent fields from being serialized.
    --   The method should return a list of the Haskell names of the fields to
    --   be excluded.
    exclude  :: a -> String -> Bool
    exclude _ _ = False

    -- | Types that will be converted to JSON arrays can override
    --   this method to specify additional elements to be prepended to the array.
    arrayPrepend :: a -> [JsonData]
    arrayPrepend _ = []

    -- | Types that will be converted to JSON arrays can override
    --   this method to specify additional elements to be appended to the array.
    arrayAppend :: a -> [JsonData]
    arrayAppend _ = []

    -- | Types that will be converted to JSON objects can override
    --   this method to specify additional fields of the object.
    objectExtras :: a -> [(String, JsonData)]
    objectExtras _ = []

-- Note the inclusion of translateField from TranslateField.
data ToJsonD a = ToJsonD { toJsonD          :: a -> JsonData,
                           excludeD         :: a -> String -> Bool,
                           arrayPrependD    :: a -> [JsonData],
                           arrayAppendD     :: a -> [JsonData],
                           objectExtrasD    :: a -> [(String, JsonData)],
                           translateFieldD' :: a -> String -> String }

toJsonProxy :: Proxy ToJsonD
toJsonProxy = error "'toJsonProxy' value should never be evaluated!"

-- Again, note inclusion of translateField from TranslateField.
instance ToJson t => Sat (ToJsonD t) where
    dict = ToJsonD { toJsonD          = toJson,
                     excludeD         = exclude,
                     arrayPrependD    = arrayPrepend,
                     arrayAppendD     = arrayAppend,
                     objectExtrasD    = objectExtras,
                     translateFieldD' = translateField }

-- Implementations of toJson for different data types.
instance ToJson Bool where
    toJson b = JDBool b

instance ToJson Int where
    toJson i = JDNumber (fromIntegral i)
instance ToJson Integer where
    toJson i = JDNumber (fromIntegral i)
--instance Json Float where
--    toJson i = JDNumber (floatToDouble i)
instance ToJson Double where
    toJson i = JDNumber i
instance (Integral a, TranslateField a, Typeable a) => ToJson (Ratio a) where
    toJson i = JDNumber $ (fromIntegral (numerator i)) / (fromIntegral (denominator i))
instance ToJson Char where
    lToJson s = JDString s
    toJson c = JDString [c]

instance (ToJson a, TranslateField a, Data TranslateFieldD (M.Map String a))
         => ToJson (M.Map String a) where
    toJson x = JDObject (M.map toJson x)

instance (ToJson a, TranslateField a, Typeable a) => ToJson [a] where
    toJson = lToJson

-- TODO: Add instances for the other array types supported by GHC.
instance (ToJson a, TranslateField a, Typeable a, Typeable i, Ix i) => ToJson (Array i a) where
    toJson a = toJson (elems a)

-- | Use this for merging two or more records together.
--   Sensible instances of FromJson and ToJson are already defined for this type.
data Union a b = Union a b deriving Show
$(derive[''Union]) -- In order to derive (Typeable2 Union).
                   -- It seems that we get away with overwriting the instance
                   -- of Data that this creates (if we didn't, we could always
                   -- instantiate Typeable manually for Union).
-- | Nested Unions are left-branching by convention (since this is what you get
--   by using the constructor as an infix operator).
type Union3 a b c = (Union (Union a b) c)
type Union4 a b c d = (Union (Union3 a b c) d)
type Union5 a b c d e = (Union (Union4 a b c d) e)
type Union6 a b c d e f = (Union (Union5 a b c d e) f)
type Union7 a b c d e f g = (Union (Union6 a b c d e f) g)
type Union8 a b c d e f g h = (Union (Union7 a b c d e f g) h)
type Union9 a b c d e f g h i = (Union (Union8 a b c d e f g h) i)
type Union10 a b c d e f g h i j = (Union (Union9 a b c d e f g h i) j)

-- Used by the (ToJson Union) instance below.
isJDObject (JDObject _) = True
isJDObject _            = False
jdObjectMap (JDObject m) = m

instance (ToJson a, ToJson b, TranslateField a, TranslateField b, Typeable a, Typeable b, Typeable2 Union) => ToJson (Union a b) where
    toJson (Union x y) =
        let jx = toJson x
            jy = toJson y
          if isJDObject jx && isJDObject jy
              then JDObject (M.union (jdObjectMap jx) (jdObjectMap jy))
              else error "Bad toJson conversion: Attempt to unify JSON values which aren't both objects"

getFields :: Data ToJsonD a => a -> [String]
getFields = constrFields . (toConstr toJsonProxy)

typename x = dataTypeName (dataTypeOf toJsonProxy x)

-- | This is the implementation of 'toJson' for the generic instance declaration,
-- but it's useful to be able to use the same implentation for
-- other instance declarations which override the default implementation
-- of 'exclude'.
genericToJson :: (Data ToJsonD a, ToJson a, TranslateField a) => a -> JsonData
genericToJson x
        | isAlgType (dataTypeOf toJsonProxy x) =
            case (map (translateFieldD' dict x) (filter (not . (excludeD dict x)) (getFields x))) of
              [] -> case gmapQ toJsonProxy (toJsonD dict) x of
                      l  -> JDArray $ (arrayPrependD dict x) ++ l ++ (arrayAppendD dict x)
              fs -> JDObject (M.fromList (objectExtrasD dict x ++ (zip fs (gmapQ toJsonProxy (toJsonD dict) x))))
        | True =
            error ("Unable to serialize the primitive type '" ++ typename x ++ "'")

-- | This function can be used as an implementation of 'toJson' for simple enums.
--   It just converts an enum value to a string determined by the name of the constructor,
--   after being fed through the (String -> String) function given as the first argument.
enumToJson :: (Data ToJsonD a, ToJson a, TranslateField a) => (String -> String) -> a -> JsonData
enumToJson transform x
    | isAlgType (dataTypeOf toJsonProxy x) = JDString (transform (showConstr (toConstr toJsonProxy x)))
    | True = error "Passed non-algebraic type to enumToJson"

instance (Data ToJsonD t, TranslateField t) => ToJson t where
    toJson = genericToJson

-- Instances for tuples up to n=7 (this limit it is set by the non-existence of Typeable8).
-- Tuples are converted to (heterogenous) JSON lists.
#define I(x) ToJson x, Typeable x
instance (I(a), I(b)) => ToJson (a, b) where
    toJson (a,b) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b]
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c)) => ToJson (a,b,c) where
    toJson (a,b,c) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b, toJson c]
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d)) => ToJson (a,b,c,d) where
    toJson (a,b,c,d) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b, toJson c, toJson d]
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e)) => ToJson (a,b,c,d,e) where
    toJson (a,b,c,d,e) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b, toJson c, toJson d, toJson e]
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e), I(f)) =>
         ToJson (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    toJson (a,b,c,d,e,f) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b, toJson c, toJson d, toJson e,
                                   toJson f]
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e), I(f), I(g)) =>
         ToJson (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
    toJson (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = JDArray [toJson a, toJson b, toJson c, toJson d, toJson e,
                                     toJson f, toJson g]
#undef I

-- FromJson
class TranslateField a => FromJson a where
    fromJson :: a -> JsonData -> Either String a

    -- For lists (same trick used by the Prelude to allow special
    -- handling of list types for Show).
    lFromJson :: a -> JsonData -> Either String [a]
    lFromJson dummy (JDArray l) = mapM (fromJson dummy) l

    -- | In order to specify default values for required fields of a JSON object,
    --   specialize this method in the instance definition for the relevant
    --   datatype.
    objectDefaults :: a -> M.Map String JsonData
    objectDefaults _ = M.empty

data FromJsonD a = FromJsonD { fromJsonD         :: a -> JsonData -> Either String a,
                               objectDefaultsD   :: a -> M.Map String JsonData,
                               translateFieldD'' :: a -> String -> String }

fromJsonProxy :: Proxy FromJsonD
fromJsonProxy = error "'fromJsonProxy' should never be evaluated!"

-- Note inclusion of translateField from TranslateField.
instance FromJson t => Sat (FromJsonD t) where
    dict = FromJsonD { fromJsonD = fromJson,
                       objectDefaultsD = objectDefaults,
                       translateFieldD'' = translateField }

instance FromJson Char where
    fromJson _ (JDString [c]) = Right c
    fromJson _ _              = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: JSON string not of length 1 to 'Char'"

    lFromJson _ (JDString s) = Right s
    lFromJson _ _            = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-string to 'String'"

instance (FromJson a, TranslateField a, Typeable a) => FromJson [a] where
    fromJson _ x = lFromJson undefined x

instance FromJson Int where
    fromJson _ (JDNumber n)
      | (fromIntegral (floor n)) == n = Right (floor n)
      | True =
          Left "Bad fromJson conversion: number does not approximate an integer ('Int')"
    fromJson _ _ = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-numeric to 'Int'"

instance FromJson Integer where
    fromJson _ (JDNumber n)
      | (fromIntegral (floor n)) == n = Right (floor n)
      | True =
          Left "Bad fromJson conversion: number does not approximate an integer ('Integer')"
    fromJson _ _ = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-numeric to 'Integer'"

instance FromJson Double where
    fromJson _ (JDNumber d) = Right d
    fromJson _ _            = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-numeric to 'Double'"

instance (Typeable a, Integral a) => FromJson (Ratio a) where
    fromJson _ (JDNumber i) = Right (fromRational (toRational i))
    fromJson _ _            = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-numeric to instance of 'Ratio'"

instance FromJson Bool where
    fromJson _ (JDBool b) = Right b
    fromJson _ _          = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-boolean to 'Bool'"

isRight (Right _) = True
isRight _         = False
fromRight (Right x) = x
-- TODO: Use monads instead of 'ifs' if possible (funky type errors
-- which I haven't figured out yet, something to do with monomorphism
-- in let bindings vs. lambda abstraction?).
instance (FromJson a, FromJson b, Typeable a, Typeable b, TranslateField a, TranslateField b) => FromJson (Union a b) where
    fromJson _ o@(JDObject _) =
        let r1 = fromJson undefined o
            r2 = fromJson undefined o
          if isRight r1 && isRight r2
             then Right $ Union (fromRight r1) (fromRight r2)
             else Left "Bad fromJson conversion: error constructing subpart of union (did not serialize to object)"
    fromJson _ _ = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: attempt to convert non-object to Union"

tuperror :: Int -> Either String a
tuperror n = Left $ Printf.printf "Bad fromJson conversion: attempt to convert something that was not a list of length %i to a %i-tuple" n n

#define I(x) FromJson x, Typeable x, TranslateField x
instance (I(a), I(b)) => FromJson (a,b) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      return (r1,r2)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 2
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c)) => FromJson (a,b,c) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2,x3]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      r3 <- fromJson undefined x3
      return (r1,r2,r3)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 3
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d)) => FromJson(a,b,c,d) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2,x3,x4]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      r3 <- fromJson undefined x3
      r4 <- fromJson undefined x4
      return (r1,r2,r3,r4)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 4
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e)) => FromJson (a,b,c,d,e) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      r3 <- fromJson undefined x3
      r4 <- fromJson undefined x4
      r5 <- fromJson undefined x5
      return (r1,r2,r3,r4,r5)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 5
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e), I(f)) =>
         FromJson (a,b,c,d,e,f) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      r3 <- fromJson undefined x3
      r4 <- fromJson undefined x4
      r5 <- fromJson undefined x5
      r6 <- fromJson undefined x6
      return (r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 6
instance (I(a), I(b), I(c), I(d), I(e), I(f), I(g)) =>
         FromJson (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where
    fromJson _ (JDArray [x1,x2,x3,x4,x5,x6,x7]) = do
      r1 <- fromJson undefined x1
      r2 <- fromJson undefined x2
      r3 <- fromJson undefined x3
      r4 <- fromJson undefined x4
      r5 <- fromJson undefined x5
      r6 <- fromJson undefined x6
      r7 <- fromJson undefined x7
      return (r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7)
    fromJson _ _ = tuperror 7
#undef I

elemsOfMap :: Ord k => M.Map k v -> [k] -> Maybe [v]
elemsOfMap _ [] = Just []
elemsOfMap m (x:xs) = do
  r <- M.lookup x m
  rs <- elemsOfMap m xs
  return (r : rs)

type ErrorWithState e s a = ErrorT e (State s) a

-- TODO: Not a very descriptive name. Oh well...
m1 :: (Data FromJsonD a) => ErrorWithState String [JsonData] a
m1 = do
  jvl <- lift get
  (case jvl of
     []       -> throwError "Bad fromJson conversion: Not enough elements in JSON array to satisfy constructor"
     (jv:jvs) -> do
       lift $ put jvs
       (case fromJsonD dict (undefined :: a) jv of
          Left e  -> throwError e
          Right x -> return x))

-- TODO: Again, uninformative name.
-- TODO: Some code duplication here.
m2 :: (Data FromJsonD a, TranslateField a) => M.Map String JsonData -> (String -> String) -> a -> ErrorWithState String (M.Map String JsonData, [String]) a
m2 defaults transFunc dummy = do
  (m, sl) <- lift get
  (case sl of
     []     -> throwError "Bad fromJson conversion: Not enough fields in JSON object to satisfy constructor"
     (f:fs) -> do
       lift $ put (m, fs)
       let stripped = transFunc f
       (case M.lookup stripped m of
          Nothing ->
            case M.lookup stripped defaults of
              Nothing -> throwError $  "Bad fromJson conversion: Required field not present in JSON object: " ++ stripped
              Just v  ->
                case fromJsonD dict dummy v of
                  Left e  -> throwError e
                  Right x -> return x
          Just v ->
            case fromJsonD dict dummy v of
              Left e  -> throwError e
              Right x -> return x))

genericFromJson :: (Data FromJsonD a, FromJson a, TranslateField a) => a -> JsonData -> Either String a
genericFromJson dummy (JDArray l) =
    case datarep (dataTypeOf fromJsonProxy dummy) of
      AlgRep (c:_) ->
          evalState (runErrorT (fromConstrM fromJsonProxy m1 c)) (tail l)
      AlgRep _     -> Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Type with no constructors!"
      _            -> Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-algebraic datatype given to 'genericFromJson'"
genericFromJson dummy (JDObject m) =
    case datarep (dataTypeOf fromJsonProxy dummy) of
      AlgRep (c:_) ->
          case constrFields c of
            [] -> Left $ "Bad fromJson conversion: Attempt to convert JDObect to a non-record algebraic type"
            -- Can't use fromConstrM because we need to get dummy values of the
            -- appropriate type for each argument of the constructor. This is unfortunate,
            -- since it means that we get runtime errors for records with strict fields.
            fs -> evalState (runErrorT (gmapM fromJsonProxy (m2 (objectDefaultsD dict dummy) (translateFieldD'' dict dummy)) (fromConstr fromJsonProxy c))) (m, fs)
      AlgRep _     -> Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Type with no constructors!"
      _            -> Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Non-algebraic datatype given to 'genericFromJson'"
genericFromJson _ _ = Left "Bad fromJson conversion: Expecting JSON object or array"

constrNames :: (Data FromJsonD a, Data TranslateFieldD a) => a -> [String]
constrNames x = map showConstr (dataTypeConstrs (dataTypeOf fromJsonProxy x))

-- | The counterpart of 'enumToJson'.
enumFromJson :: (Data FromJsonD a, Data TranslateFieldD a) => (String -> String) -> a -> JsonData -> Either String a
enumFromJson transform dummy (JDString s) =
    let cname = (transform s) in
    if elem cname (constrNames dummy)
           case fromConstrM fromJsonProxy Nothing (mkConstr (dataTypeOf fromJsonProxy dummy) cname [] Prefix ) of
             Nothing -> Left "Error in enumFromJson"
             Just x -> Right x
       else Left "Constructor name not recognized in enumFromJson"
enumFromJson _ _ _ = Left "Non-string given to enumFromJson"
instance (Data FromJsonD t, TranslateField t) => FromJson t where
    fromJson = genericFromJson

-- JSON parser.

-- Determine the unicode encoding of a byte stream
-- on the assumption that it begins with two ASCII characters.
getEncoding :: B.ByteString -> EncodingName
getEncoding s
  | B.length s < 4 = "UTF-8" -- If the string is shorter than 4 bytes,
                             -- we have no way of determining the encoding.
  | True =
      let bs1 = B.index s 0
          bs2 = B.index s 1
          bs3 = B.index s 2
          bs4 = B.index s 3
        -- Little endian UTF 32/16.
        if bs1 /= 0 && bs2 == 0 && bs3 == 0 && bs4 == 0
        then "UTF-32LE"
        else if bs1 /= 0 && bs2 == 0 && bs3 /= 0 && bs4 == 0
        then "UTF-16LE"
        -- Big endian UTF 32/16.
        else if bs1 == 0 && bs2 == 0 && bs3 == 0 && bs4 /= 0
        then "UTF-32BE"
        else if bs1 == 0 && bs2 /= 0 && bs3 == 0 && bs4 /= 0
        then "UTF-16BE"
        -- UTF-8
        else if bs1 /= 0 && bs2 /= 0 && bs3 /= 0 && bs4 /= 0
        then "UTF-8" -- BOM allowed but not required for UTF-8.
        -- If we can't figure it out, guess at UTF-8.
        else "UTF-8"

-- Converts a ByteString to a String of unicode code points.
toHaskellString :: EncodingName -> B.ByteString -> String
toHaskellString enc source =
    stripBOM $ map chr (pairBytes (B.unpack bs))
      pairBytes :: [W.Word8] -> [Int]
      pairBytes [] = []
      pairBytes (c:c':cs) = ((fromIntegral c) + (fromIntegral c')*256) : (pairBytes cs)
      bs = convertFuzzy Discard enc "UTF-16LE" source

stripBOM :: String -> String
stripBOM ('\0':'\0':'\xFE':'\xFF':cs) = cs
stripBOM ('\xFF':'\xFE':'\0':'\0':cs) = cs
stripBOM ('\xFE':'\xFF':cs)           = cs
stripBOM ('\xFF':'\xFE':cs)           = cs
stripBOM ('\xEF':'\xBB':'\xBF':cs)    = cs
stripBOM cs                           = cs

(<|>) = (P.<|>)

-- | Converts a ByteString to an instance of JsonData (unicode encoding
--   is detected automatically).
parseJsonByteString :: B.ByteString -> Either String JsonData
parseJsonByteString bs =
        decoded = toHaskellString (getEncoding bs) bs
      case P.runParser (ws >> jsonValue) () "" decoded of
        Left e -> Left (show e)
        Right x -> Right x

-- | Converts a String (interpreted as a true unicode String) to an instance
--   of JsonData.
parseJsonString :: String -> Either String JsonData
parseJsonString s =
    case P.runParser (ws >> jsonValue) () "" s of
      Left e -> Left (show e)
      Right x -> Right x

apply f p = do
  r <- p
  return (f r)

pconcat p1 p2 = do
  l1 <- p1
  l2 <- p2
  return $ l1 ++ l2

listify :: P.Parser x -> P.Parser [x]
listify = apply (:[])

ws = P.many (P.oneOf [' ','\r','\n','\t','\f','\v'])

-- Could use the ParsecToken module, but trying a floating point number
-- then an integer is a bit inefficient (especially since integers will
-- be more common).
number :: P.Parser JsonData
number = do
  i <- P.many1 P.digit
  point <- P.option Nothing (apply Just (P.char '.' >> P.many1 P.digit))
  exponent <- P.option Nothing (apply Just (P.char 'e' >> pconcat (P.option "" (listify (P.char '-'))) (P.many1 P.digit)))
  (if point == Nothing && exponent == Nothing
      then return (JDNumber (read i :: Double))
      else return (
          JDNumber (
              read (i ++ (if point == Nothing then "" else "." ++ fromJust point) ++
                         (if exponent == Nothing then "" else "e" ++ fromJust exponent))
              :: Double

stringChar :: Char -> P.Parser Char
stringChar opener = do
  -- Fail immediately on either single or double quotes or
  -- on control characters.
  c <- P.satisfy (\c -> c /= opener && (ord c) > 31)
  (case c of
     '\\' ->
         (P.char '"' >> return '"')   <|>
         (P.char '\'' >> return '\'') <|>
         (P.char 'b' >> return '\b')  <|>
         (P.char 'f' >> return '\f')  <|>
         (P.char 'n' >> return '\n')  <|>
         (P.char 'r' >> return '\r')  <|>
         (P.char 't' >> return '\t')  <|>
           P.char 'u'
           ds <- P.count 4 P.hexDigit
           return $ chr (read ("0x" ++ ds) :: Int)) <|>
         (P.satisfy allowed >>= return) -- "\X" == "X" by default.
     c -> return c)

string :: P.Parser String
string = do
  opener <- P.char '"' <|> P.char '\'' -- JSON spec requires double quotes, but we'll be lenient.
  cs <- P.many (stringChar opener)
  P.char opener
  return cs

jsonString = apply JDString string

kvp :: P.Parser (String, JsonData)
kvp = do
  s <- string
  P.char ':'
  v <- jsonValue
  return (s, v)

jsonArray :: P.Parser JsonData
jsonArray = do
  P.char '['
  vs <- P.sepBy jsonValue (ws >> P.char ',' >> ws)
  P.char ']'
  return $ JDArray vs

object :: P.Parser JsonData
object = do
    P.char '{'
    kvps <- P.sepBy kvp (ws >> P.char ',' >> ws)
    P.char '}'
    return $ JDObject $ M.fromList kvps

boolean :: P.Parser JsonData
boolean = (P.try (P.string "true") >> return (JDBool True)) <|>
          (P.string "false" >> return (JDBool False))

jsonValue = number <|> jsonString <|> jsonArray <|> object <|> boolean

-- Some other utilities.
-- | Converts a JSON String (interpreted as a true unicode string) to
--   a value of the type given by the first (dummy) argument.
fromJsonString :: FromJson a => a -> String -> Either String a
fromJsonString dummy s =
    case parseJsonString s of
      Left e -> Left (show e)
      Right js ->
          case fromJson dummy js of
            Left e -> Left e
            Right js -> Right js

-- | Converts a JSON ByteString (with unicode encoding automatically detected)
--   to a value of the type given by the first (dummy) argument.
fromJsonByteString :: FromJson a => a -> B.ByteString -> Either String a
fromJsonByteString dummy s =
    case parseJsonByteString s of
      Left e -> Left (show e)
      Right js ->
          case fromJson dummy js of
            Left e -> Left e
            Right js -> Right js

-- | Converts a value to an ASCII-only JSON String.
toJsonString :: ToJson a => a -> String
toJsonString = show . toJson

-- A couple of utility functions.
firstCharToUpper :: String -> String
firstCharToUpper "" = ""
firstCharToUpper (c:cs) = (toUpper c) : cs

firstCharToLower :: String -> String
firstCharToLower "" = ""
firstCharToLower (c:cs) = (toLower c) : cs

data Test = Foo | Bar deriving Show

instance ToJson Test where
    toJson = enumToJson firstCharToLower
instance FromJson Test where
    fromJson = enumFromJson firstCharToUpper

data Test2 = Test2 Int Int deriving Show
data Test4 = Test4 { z :: String } deriving Show
data Test3 = Test3 { x :: Int, y :: Test4} deriving Show