{- Copyright (c) 2011 Luis Cabellos, All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * Neither the name of nor the names of other contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. -} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} module Control.Parallel.OpenCL.Types( -- * Symple CL Types CLbool, CLint, CLuint, CLulong, CLProgram, CLEvent, CLMem, CLPlatformID, CLDeviceID, CLContext, CLCommandQueue, CLPlatformInfo_, CLDeviceType_, CLDeviceInfo_, CLContextInfo_, CLContextProperty_, CLCommandQueueInfo_, CLEventInfo_, CLProfilingInfo_, CLCommandType_, CLCommandQueueProperty_, CLMemFlags_, CLMemObjectType_, CLMemInfo_, CLImageInfo_, CLMapFlags_, CLProgramInfo_, CLBuildStatus_,CLKernel, CLProgramBuildInfo_, CLKernelInfo_, CLKernelWorkGroupInfo_, CLDeviceLocalMemType_, CLDeviceMemCacheType_, CLSampler, CLFilterMode_, CLSamplerInfo_, CLAddressingMode_, -- * High Level Types CLError(..), CLDeviceFPConfig(..), CLDeviceMemCacheType(..), CLDeviceExecCapability(..), CLDeviceLocalMemType(..), CLDeviceType(..), CLCommandQueueProperty(..), CLCommandType(..), CLCommandExecutionStatus(..), CLProfilingInfo(..), CLPlatformInfo(..), CLMemFlag(..), CLMemObjectType(..), CLBuildStatus(..), CLAddressingMode(..), CLFilterMode(..), CLMapFlag(..), -- * Functions wrapPError, wrapCheckSuccess, wrapGetInfo, whenSuccess, getCLValue, throwCLError, getEnumCL, bitmaskToFlags, getCommandExecutionStatus, bitmaskToDeviceTypes, bitmaskFromFlags, bitmaskToCommandQueueProperties, bitmaskToFPConfig, bitmaskToExecCapability, bitmaskToMemFlags ) where -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- import Foreign import Foreign.C.Types import Data.List( foldl' ) import Data.Typeable( Typeable(..) ) import Control.Applicative( (<$>) ) import Control.Exception( Exception(..), throwIO ) #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #else #include #include #endif -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- type CLPlatformID = {#type cl_platform_id#} type CLDeviceID = {#type cl_device_id#} type CLContext = {#type cl_context#} type CLCommandQueue = {#type cl_command_queue#} type CLMem = {#type cl_mem#} type CLEvent = {#type cl_event#} type CLProgram = {#type cl_program#} type CLKernel = {#type cl_kernel#} type CLSampler = {#type cl_sampler#} type CLint = {#type cl_int#} type CLuint = {#type cl_uint#} type CLulong = {#type cl_ulong#} type CLbool = {#type cl_bool#} type CLPlatformInfo_ = {#type cl_platform_info#} type CLDeviceType_ = {#type cl_device_type#} type CLDeviceInfo_ = {#type cl_device_info#} type CLDeviceFPConfig_ = {#type cl_device_fp_config#} type CLDeviceMemCacheType_ = {#type cl_device_mem_cache_type#} type CLDeviceLocalMemType_ = {#type cl_device_local_mem_type#} type CLDeviceExecCapability_ = {#type cl_device_exec_capabilities#} type CLContextInfo_ = {#type cl_context_info#} type CLContextProperty_ = {#type cl_context_properties#} type CLCommandQueueInfo_ = {#type cl_command_queue_info#} type CLCommandQueueProperty_ = {#type cl_command_queue_properties#} type CLEventInfo_ = {#type cl_event_info#} type CLProfilingInfo_ = {#type cl_profiling_info#} type CLCommandType_ = {#type cl_command_type#} type CLMemFlags_ = {#type cl_mem_flags#} type CLMemObjectType_ = {#type cl_mem_object_type#} type CLMemInfo_ = {#type cl_mem_info#} type CLImageInfo_ = {#type cl_image_info#} type CLMapFlags_ = {#type cl_map_flags#} type CLProgramInfo_ = {#type cl_program_info#} type CLProgramBuildInfo_ = {#type cl_program_build_info#} type CLBuildStatus_ = {#type cl_build_status#} type CLKernelInfo_ = {#type cl_kernel_info#} type CLKernelWorkGroupInfo_ = {#type cl_kernel_work_group_info#} type CLFilterMode_ = {#type cl_filter_mode#} type CLSamplerInfo_ = {#type cl_sampler_info#} type CLAddressingMode_ = {#type cl_addressing_mode#} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #c enum CLError { cL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR=CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR, cL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE=CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE, cL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE=CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE, cL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE=CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, cL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND=CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND, cL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH=CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH, cL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED=CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED, cL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX=CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX, cL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE=CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE, cL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE=CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, cL_INVALID_BINARY=CL_INVALID_BINARY, cL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE=CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE, cL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS=CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS, cL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE=CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE, cL_INVALID_CONTEXT=CL_INVALID_CONTEXT, cL_INVALID_DEVICE=CL_INVALID_DEVICE, cL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE=CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE, cL_INVALID_EVENT=CL_INVALID_EVENT, cL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST=CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST, cL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT=CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT, cL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET=CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET, cL_INVALID_HOST_PTR=CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR, cL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR=CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR, cL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE=CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE, cL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME=CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME, cL_INVALID_KERNEL=CL_INVALID_KERNEL, cL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS=CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS, cL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION=CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION, cL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT=CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT, cL_INVALID_OPERATION=CL_INVALID_OPERATION, cL_INVALID_PLATFORM=CL_INVALID_PLATFORM, cL_INVALID_PROGRAM=CL_INVALID_PROGRAM, cL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE=CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE, cL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES=CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES, cL_INVALID_SAMPLER=CL_INVALID_SAMPLER, cL_INVALID_VALUE=CL_INVALID_VALUE, cL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION=CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION, cL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE=CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE, cL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE=CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE, cL_MAP_FAILURE=CL_MAP_FAILURE, cL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE=CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE, cL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP=CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP, cL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY=CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY, cL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES=CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES, cL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE=CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE, cL_SUCCESS=CL_SUCCESS }; #endc {-| * 'CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE', Returned if there is a failure to build the program executable. * 'CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE', Returned if the parameter program is created with 'clCreateProgramWithSource' and a compiler is not available. For example 'clDeviceCompilerAvalaible' is set to 'False'. * 'CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE', Returned if the specified device is not currently available. * 'CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND', Returned if no OpenCL devices that match the specified devices were found. * 'CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_khr', Returned when no .icd (platform drivers) can be properly loaded. * 'CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH', Returned if the specified source and destination images are not valid image objects. * 'CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED', Returned if the specified image format is not supported. * 'CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX', Returned if an invalid argument index is specified. * 'CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE', Returned if argument size specified (arg_size) does not match the size of the data type for an argument that is not a memory object, or if the argument is a memory object and arg_size != sizeof(cl_mem) or if arg_size is zero and the argument is declared with the __local qualifier or if the argument is a sampler and arg_size != sizeof(cl_sampler). * 'CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE', Returned if the argument value specified is NULL for an argument that is not declared with the __local qualifier or vice-versa. * 'CL_INVALID_BINARY', Returned if the program binary is not a valid binary for the specified device. * 'CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE', Returned if the value of the parameter size is 0 or is greater than 'clDeviceMaxMemAllocSize' for all devices specified in the parameter context. * 'CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS', Returned if the specified build options are invalid. * 'CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE', Returned if the specified command-queue is not a valid command-queue. * 'CL_INVALID_CONTEXT', Returned if the specified context is not a valid OpenCL context, or the context associated with certain parameters are not the same. * 'CL_INVALID_DEVICE', Returned if the device or devices specified are not valid. * 'CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE', Returned if device type specified is not valid. * 'CL_INVALID_EVENT', Returned if the event objects specified are not valid. * 'CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST', Returned if event_wait_list is NULL and num_events_in_wait_list > 0, or event_wait_list_list is not NULL and num_events_in_wait_list is 0, or specified event objects are not valid events. * 'CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT', Returned if obj is not a vaild GL object or is a GL object but does not have an existing data store. * 'CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET', Returned if global_work_offset is not NULL. * 'CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR', Returned if host_ptr is NULL and 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR' or 'CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR' are set in flags or if host_ptr is not NULL but 'CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR' or 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR' are not set in flags. * 'CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR', Returned if the image format specified is not valid or is NULL or does not map to a supported OpenCL image format. * 'CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE', Returned if the specified image width or height are invalid or if the image row pitch and image slice pitch do not follow the rules. * 'CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME', Returned if the specified kernel name is not found in program. * 'CL_INVALID_KERNEL', Returned if the specified kernel is not a valid kernel object. * 'CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS', Returned if the kernel argument values have not been specified. * 'CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION', Returned if the function definition for __kernel function given by kernel_name such as the number of arguments, the argument types are not the same for all devices for which the program executable has been built. * 'CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT', Returned if a parameter is not a valid memory, image, or buffer object. * 'CL_INVALID_OPERATION', Returned if there are no devices in context that support images. Returned if the build of a program executable for any of the devices specified by a previous call to 'clBuildProgram' for program has not completed, or if there are kernel objects attached to program. Returned by 'clEnqueueNativeKernel' if the specified device cannot execute the native kernel. * 'CL_INVALID_PLATFORM', Returned if the specified platform is not a valid platform, or no platform could be selected, or if platform value specified in properties is not a valid platform. * 'CL_INVALID_PROGRAM', Returned if the specified program is not a valid program object. * 'CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE', Returned if there is no successfully built executable for program, or if there is no device in program. Returned if there is no successfully built program executable available for device associated with command_queue. * 'CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES', Returned if specified properties are valid but are not supported by the device. * 'CL_INVALID_SAMPLER', Returned if the specified sampler is not a valid sampler object, or for an argument declared to be of type sampler_t when the specified arg_value is not a valid sampler object. * 'CL_INVALID_VALUE', Returned if a parameter is not an expected value. * 'CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION', Returned if work_dim is not a valid value. * 'CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE', Returned if local_work_size is specified and number of workitems specified by global_work_size is not evenly divisible by size of work-group given by local_work_size or does not match the work-group size specified for kernel using the __attribute__((reqd_work_group_size(X, Y, Z))) qualifier in program source. * 'CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE', Returned if the number of work-items specified in any of local_work_size... [0]... local_work_size[work_dim - 1] is greater than the corresponding values specified by 'clDeviceMaxWorkItemSizes'. * 'CL_MAP_FAILURE', Returned by if there is a failure to map the requested region into the host address space. This error cannot occur for buffer objects created with 'CLMEM_USE_HOST_PTR' or 'CLMEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR'. * 'CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE', Returned if there is a failure to allocate memory for data store associated with image or buffer objects specified as arguments to kernel. * 'CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP', Returned if the source and destination images are the same image (or the source and destination buffers are the same buffer), and the source and destination regions overlap. * 'CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY', Returned in the event of a failure to allocate resources required by the OpenCL implementation on the host. * 'CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES', Returned in the event of a failure to queue the execution instance of kernel on the command-queue because of insufficient resources needed to execute the kernel. * 'CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE', Returned if the 'CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE' flag is not set for the command-queue and the profiling information is currently not available (because the command identified by event has not completed). * 'CL_SUCCESS', Indicates that the function executed successfully. -} {#enum CLError {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Eq, Typeable ) #} instance Exception CLError throwCLError :: CLint -> IO a throwCLError = throwIO . (getEnumCL :: CLint -> CLError) wrapPError :: (Ptr CLint -> IO a) -> IO a wrapPError f = alloca $ \perr -> do v <- f perr errcode <- getEnumCL <$> peek perr if errcode == CL_SUCCESS then return v else throwIO errcode wrapCheckSuccess :: IO CLint -> IO Bool wrapCheckSuccess f = f >>= return . (==CL_SUCCESS) . getEnumCL wrapGetInfo :: Storable a => (Ptr a -> Ptr CSize -> IO CLint) -> (a -> b) -> IO b wrapGetInfo fget fconvert= alloca $ \dat -> do errcode <- fget dat nullPtr if errcode == getCLValue CL_SUCCESS then fmap fconvert $ peek dat else throwCLError errcode whenSuccess :: IO CLint -> IO a -> IO a whenSuccess fcheck fval = do errcode <- fcheck if errcode == getCLValue CL_SUCCESS then fval else throwCLError errcode -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #c enum CLPlatformInfo { cL_PLATFORM_PROFILE=CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE, cL_PLATFORM_VERSION=CL_PLATFORM_VERSION, cL_PLATFORM_NAME=CL_PLATFORM_NAME, cL_PLATFORM_VENDOR=CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR, cL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS=CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS }; #endc {-| * 'CL_PLATFORM_PROFILE', OpenCL profile string. Returns the profile name supported by the implementation. The profile name returned can be one of the following strings: [@FULL_PROFILE@] If the implementation supports the OpenCL specification (functionality defined as part of the core specification and does not require any extensions to be supported). [@EMBEDDED_PROFILE@] If the implementation supports the OpenCL embedded profile. The embedded profile is defined to be a subset for each version of OpenCL. * 'CL_PLATFORM_VERSION', OpenCL version string. Returns the OpenCL version supported by the implementation. This version string has the following format: /OpenCL major_version.minor_version platform-specific information/ The /major_version.minor_version/ value returned will be 1.0. * 'CL_PLATFORM_NAME', Platform name string. * 'CL_PLATFORM_VENDOR', Platform vendor string. * 'CL_PLATFORM_EXTENSIONS', Returns a space-separated list of extension names (the extension names themselves do not contain any spaces) supported by the platform. Extensions defined here must be supported by all devices associated with this platform. -} {#enum CLPlatformInfo {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #c enum CLDeviceType { cL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU=CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU, cL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU=CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU, cL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR=CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR, cL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT=CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT, cL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL=CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL }; #endc {-| * 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU', An OpenCL device that is the host processor. The host processor runs the OpenCL implementations and is a single or multi-core CPU. * 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU', An OpenCL device that is a GPU. By this we mean that the device can also be used to accelerate a 3D API such as OpenGL or DirectX. * 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR', Dedicated OpenCL accelerators (for example the IBM CELL Blade). These devices communicate with the host processor using a peripheral interconnect such as PCIe. * 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT', The default OpenCL device in the system. * 'CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL', All OpenCL devices available in the system. -} {#enum CLDeviceType {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLCommandQueueProperty { cL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE=CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE, cL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE=CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE }; #endc {-| * 'CL_QUEUE_OUT_OF_ORDER_EXEC_MODE_ENABLE', Determines whether the commands queued in the command-queue are executed in-order or out-of-order. If set, the commands in the command-queue are executed out-of-order. Otherwise, commands are executed in-order. * 'CL_QUEUE_PROFILING_ENABLE', Enable or disable profiling of commands in the command-queue. If set, the profiling of commands is enabled. Otherwise profiling of commands is disabled. See 'clGetEventProfilingInfo' for more information. -} {#enum CLCommandQueueProperty {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord ) #} #c enum CLDeviceFPConfig { cL_FP_DENORM=CL_FP_DENORM, cL_FP_INF_NAN=CL_FP_INF_NAN, cL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST=CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST, cL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO=CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO, cL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF=CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF, cL_FP_FMA=CL_FP_FMA, }; #endc {-| * 'CL_FP_DENORM', denorms are supported. * 'CL_FP_INF_NAN', INF and NaNs are supported. * 'CL_FP_ROUND_TO_NEAREST', round to nearest even rounding mode supported. * 'CL_FP_ROUND_TO_ZERO', round to zero rounding mode supported. * 'CL_FP_ROUND_TO_INF', round to +ve and -ve infinity rounding modes supported. * 'CL_FP_FMA', IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add is supported. -} {#enum CLDeviceFPConfig {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord ) #} #c enum CLDeviceExecCapability { cL_EXEC_KERNEL=CL_EXEC_KERNEL, cL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL=CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL }; #endc {-| * 'CL_EXEC_KERNEL', The OpenCL device can execute OpenCL kernels. * 'CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL', The OpenCL device can execute native kernels. -} {#enum CLDeviceExecCapability {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord ) #} #c enum CLDeviceMemCacheType { cL_NONE=CL_NONE, cL_READ_ONLY_CACHE=CL_READ_ONLY_CACHE, cL_READ_WRITE_CACHE=CL_READ_WRITE_CACHE }; #endc {#enum CLDeviceMemCacheType {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLDeviceLocalMemType { cL_LOCAL=CL_LOCAL, cL_GLOBAL=CL_GLOBAL }; #endc {#enum CLDeviceLocalMemType {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #c enum CLCommandType { cL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL=CL_COMMAND_NDRANGE_KERNEL, cL_COMMAND_TASK=CL_COMMAND_TASK , cL_COMMAND_NATIVE_KERNEL=CL_COMMAND_NATIVE_KERNEL, cL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER=CL_COMMAND_READ_BUFFER, cL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER=CL_COMMAND_WRITE_BUFFER, cL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER=CL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER, cL_COMMAND_READ_IMAGE=CL_COMMAND_READ_IMAGE, cL_COMMAND_WRITE_IMAGE=CL_COMMAND_WRITE_IMAGE, cL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE=CL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE, cL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER_TO_IMAGE=CL_COMMAND_COPY_BUFFER_TO_IMAGE, cL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE_TO_BUFFER=CL_COMMAND_COPY_IMAGE_TO_BUFFER, cL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER=CL_COMMAND_MAP_BUFFER, cL_COMMAND_MAP_IMAGE=CL_COMMAND_MAP_IMAGE, cL_COMMAND_UNMAP_MEM_OBJECT=CL_COMMAND_UNMAP_MEM_OBJECT, cL_COMMAND_MARKER=CL_COMMAND_MARKER, cL_COMMAND_ACQUIRE_GL_OBJECTS=CL_COMMAND_ACQUIRE_GL_OBJECTS, cL_COMMAND_RELEASE_GL_OBJECTS=CL_COMMAND_RELEASE_GL_OBJECTS }; #endc -- | Command associated with an event. {#enum CLCommandType {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLCommandExecutionStatus { cL_QUEUED=CL_QUEUED, cL_SUBMITTED=CL_SUBMITTED, cL_RUNNING=CL_RUNNING, cL_COMPLETE=CL_COMPLETE, cL_EXEC_ERROR= -1 }; #endc {-| * 'CL_QUEUED', command has been enqueued in the command-queue. * 'CL_SUBMITTED', enqueued command has been submitted by the host to the device associated with the command-queue. * 'CL_RUNNING', device is currently executing this command. * 'CL_COMPLETE', the command has completed. * 'CL_EXEC_ERROR', command was abnormally terminated. -} {#enum CLCommandExecutionStatus {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLProfilingInfo { cL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED=CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED, cL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT=CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT, cL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START=CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START, cL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END=CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END }; #endc {-| Specifies the profiling data. * 'CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED', A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in nanoseconds when the command identified by event is enqueued in a command-queue by the host. * 'CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT', A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in nanoseconds when the command identified by event that has been enqueued is submitted by the host to the device associated with the commandqueue. * 'CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START', A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in nanoseconds when the command identified by event starts execution on the device. * 'CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END', A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in nanoseconds when the command identified by event has finished execution on the device. -} {#enum CLProfilingInfo {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #c enum CLMemFlag { cL_MEM_READ_WRITE=CL_MEM_READ_WRITE, cL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY=CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY, cL_MEM_READ_ONLY=CL_MEM_READ_ONLY, cL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR=CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, cL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR=CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR, cL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR=CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR }; #endc {-| * 'CL_MEM_READ_WRITE', This flag specifies that the memory object will be read and written by a kernel. This is the default. * 'CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY', This flags specifies that the memory object will be written but not read by a kernel. Reading from a buffer or image object created with 'CLMEM_WRITE_ONLY' inside a kernel is undefined. * 'CL_MEM_READ_ONLY', This flag specifies that the memory object is a read-only memory object when used inside a kernel. Writing to a buffer or image object created with 'CLMEM_READ_ONLY' inside a kernel is undefined. * 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR', This flag is valid only if host_ptr is not NULL. If specified, it indicates that the application wants the OpenCL implementation to use memory referenced by host_ptr as the storage bits for the memory object. OpenCL implementations are allowed to cache the buffer contents pointed to by host_ptr in device memory. This cached copy can be used when kernels are executed on a device. The result of OpenCL commands that operate on multiple buffer objects created with the same host_ptr or overlapping host regions is considered to be undefined. * 'CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR', This flag specifies that the application wants the OpenCL implementation to allocate memory from host accessible memory. 'CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR' and 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR' are mutually exclusive. * 'CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR', This flag is valid only if host_ptr is not NULL. If specified, it indicates that the application wants the OpenCL implementation to allocate memory for the memory object and copy the data from memory referenced by host_ptr. 'CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR' and 'CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR' are mutually exclusive. 'CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR' can be used with 'CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR' to initialize the contents of the cl_mem object allocated using host-accessible (e.g. PCIe) memory. -} {#enum CLMemFlag {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord ) #} #c enum CLMapFlag { cL_MAP_READ=CL_MAP_READ, cL_MAP_WRITE=CL_MAP_WRITE }; #endc {#enum CLMapFlag {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show, Bounded, Eq, Ord ) #} #c enum CLMemObjectType { cL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER=CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER, cL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D=CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D, cL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D=CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D }; #endc {-| * 'CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER' if memobj is created with 'clCreateBuffer'. * 'CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D' if memobj is created with 'clCreateImage2D' * 'CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D' if memobj is created with 'clCreateImage3D'. -} {#enum CLMemObjectType {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLBuildStatus { cL_BUILD_NONE=CL_BUILD_NONE, cL_BUILD_ERROR=CL_BUILD_ERROR, cL_BUILD_SUCCESS=CL_BUILD_SUCCESS, cL_BUILD_IN_PROGRESS=CL_BUILD_IN_PROGRESS, }; #endc {-| * 'CL_BUILD_NONE'. The build status returned if no build has been performed on the specified program object for device. * 'CL_BUILD_ERROR'. The build status returned if the last call to 'clBuildProgram' on the specified program object for device generated an error. * 'CL_BUILD_SUCCESS'. The build status retrned if the last call to 'clBuildProgram' on the specified program object for device was successful. * 'CL_BUILD_IN_PROGRESS'. The build status returned if the last call to 'clBuildProgram' on the specified program object for device has not finished. -} {#enum CLBuildStatus {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLAddressingMode { cL_ADDRESS_REPEAT=CL_ADDRESS_REPEAT, cL_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE =CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP_TO_EDGE , cL_ADDRESS_CLAMP=CL_ADDRESS_CLAMP, cL_ADDRESS_NONE=CL_ADDRESS_NONE }; #endc {#enum CLAddressingMode {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} #c enum CLFilterMode { cL_FILTER_NEAREST=CL_FILTER_NEAREST, cL_FILTER_LINEAR=CL_FILTER_LINEAR, }; #endc {#enum CLFilterMode {upcaseFirstLetter} deriving( Show ) #} -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- getCLValue :: (Enum a, Integral b) => a -> b getCLValue = fromIntegral . fromEnum getEnumCL :: (Integral a, Enum b) => a -> b getEnumCL = toEnum . fromIntegral getCommandExecutionStatus :: CLint -> CLCommandExecutionStatus getCommandExecutionStatus n | n < 0 = CL_EXEC_ERROR | otherwise = getEnumCL $ n -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- binaryFlags :: (Ord b, Enum b, Bounded b) => b -> [b] binaryFlags m = map toEnum . takeWhile (<= (fromEnum m)) $ [1 `shiftL` n | n <- [0..]] testMask :: Bits b => b -> b -> Bool testMask mask v = (v .&. mask) == v bitmaskFromFlags :: (Enum a, Bits b) => [a] -> b bitmaskFromFlags = foldl' (.|.) 0 . map (fromIntegral . fromEnum) bitmaskToFlags :: (Enum a, Bits b) => [a] -> b -> [a] bitmaskToFlags xs mask = filter (testMask mask . fromIntegral . fromEnum) xs bitmaskToDeviceTypes :: CLDeviceType_ -> [CLDeviceType] bitmaskToDeviceTypes = bitmaskToFlags [CL_DEVICE_TYPE_CPU ,CL_DEVICE_TYPE_GPU ,CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ACCELERATOR ,CL_DEVICE_TYPE_DEFAULT ,CL_DEVICE_TYPE_ALL ] bitmaskToCommandQueueProperties :: CLCommandQueueProperty_ -> [CLCommandQueueProperty] bitmaskToCommandQueueProperties = bitmaskToFlags (binaryFlags maxBound) bitmaskToFPConfig :: CLDeviceFPConfig_ -> [CLDeviceFPConfig] bitmaskToFPConfig = bitmaskToFlags (binaryFlags maxBound) bitmaskToExecCapability :: CLDeviceExecCapability_ -> [CLDeviceExecCapability] bitmaskToExecCapability = bitmaskToFlags (binaryFlags maxBound) bitmaskToMemFlags :: CLMemFlags_ -> [CLMemFlag] bitmaskToMemFlags = bitmaskToFlags (binaryFlags maxBound) -- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------