module System.IO.HVFS(
HVFS(..), HVFSStat(..),
HVFSOpenable(..), HVFSOpenEncap(..),HVFSStatEncap(..),
withStat, withOpen,
FilePath, DeviceID, FileID, FileMode, LinkCount,
UserID, GroupID, FileOffset, EpochTime,
import qualified Control.Exception (catch, IOException)
import System.IO.HVIO
import System.Time.Utils
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error
import System.IO.PlafCompat
import System.Posix.Types
import System.Time
import System.Directory hiding (isSymbolicLink)
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX ( utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds )
data HVFSStatEncap = forall a. HVFSStat a => HVFSStatEncap a
withStat :: forall b. HVFSStatEncap -> (forall a. HVFSStat a => a -> b) -> b
withStat s f =
case s of
HVFSStatEncap x -> f x
data HVFSOpenEncap = forall a. HVIO a => HVFSOpenEncap a
withOpen :: forall b. HVFSOpenEncap -> (forall a. HVIO a => a -> b) -> b
withOpen s f =
case s of
HVFSOpenEncap x -> f x
class (Show a) => HVFSStat a where
vDeviceID :: a -> DeviceID
vFileID :: a -> FileID
vFileMode :: a -> FileMode
vLinkCount :: a -> LinkCount
vFileOwner :: a -> UserID
vFileGroup :: a -> GroupID
vSpecialDeviceID :: a -> DeviceID
vFileSize :: a -> FileOffset
vAccessTime :: a -> EpochTime
vModificationTime :: a -> EpochTime
vStatusChangeTime :: a -> EpochTime
vIsBlockDevice :: a -> Bool
vIsCharacterDevice :: a -> Bool
vIsNamedPipe :: a -> Bool
vIsRegularFile :: a -> Bool
vIsDirectory :: a -> Bool
vIsSymbolicLink :: a -> Bool
vIsSocket :: a -> Bool
vDeviceID _ = 0
vFileID _ = 0
vFileMode x = if vIsDirectory x then 0x755 else 0o0644
vLinkCount _ = 1
vFileOwner _ = 0
vFileGroup _ = 0
vSpecialDeviceID _ = 0
vFileSize _ = 0
vAccessTime _ = 0
vModificationTime _ = 0
vStatusChangeTime _ = 0
vIsBlockDevice _ = False
vIsCharacterDevice _ = False
vIsNamedPipe _ = False
vIsSymbolicLink _ = False
vIsSocket _ = False
class (Show a) => HVFS a where
vGetCurrentDirectory :: a -> IO FilePath
vSetCurrentDirectory :: a -> FilePath -> IO ()
vGetDirectoryContents :: a -> FilePath -> IO [FilePath]
vDoesFileExist :: a -> FilePath -> IO Bool
vDoesDirectoryExist :: a -> FilePath -> IO Bool
vDoesExist :: a -> FilePath -> IO Bool
vCreateDirectory :: a -> FilePath -> IO ()
vRemoveDirectory :: a -> FilePath -> IO ()
vRenameDirectory :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
vRemoveFile :: a -> FilePath -> IO ()
vRenameFile :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
vGetFileStatus :: a -> FilePath -> IO HVFSStatEncap
vGetSymbolicLinkStatus :: a -> FilePath -> IO HVFSStatEncap
vGetModificationTime :: a -> FilePath -> IO ClockTime
vRaiseError :: a -> IOErrorType -> String -> Maybe FilePath -> IO c
vCreateSymbolicLink :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
vReadSymbolicLink :: a -> FilePath -> IO FilePath
vCreateLink :: a -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
vGetModificationTime fs fp =
do s <- vGetFileStatus fs fp
return $ epochToClockTime (withStat s vModificationTime)
vRaiseError _ et desc mfp =
ioError $ mkIOError et desc Nothing mfp
vGetCurrentDirectory fs = eh fs "vGetCurrentDirectory"
vSetCurrentDirectory fs _ = eh fs "vSetCurrentDirectory"
vGetDirectoryContents fs _ = eh fs "vGetDirectoryContents"
vDoesFileExist fs fp =
Control.Exception.catch (do s <- vGetFileStatus fs fp
return $ withStat s vIsRegularFile
) (\(_ :: Control.Exception.IOException) -> return False)
vDoesDirectoryExist fs fp =
Control.Exception.catch (do s <- vGetFileStatus fs fp
return $ withStat s vIsDirectory
) (\(_ :: Control.Exception.IOException) -> return False)
vDoesExist fs fp =
Control.Exception.catch (do s <- vGetSymbolicLinkStatus fs fp
return True
) (\(_ :: Control.Exception.IOException) -> return False)
vCreateDirectory fs _ = eh fs "vCreateDirectory"
vRemoveDirectory fs _ = eh fs "vRemoveDirectory"
vRemoveFile fs _ = eh fs "vRemoveFile"
vRenameFile fs _ _ = eh fs "vRenameFile"
vRenameDirectory fs _ _ = eh fs "vRenameDirectory"
vCreateSymbolicLink fs _ _ = eh fs "vCreateSymbolicLink"
vReadSymbolicLink fs _ = eh fs "vReadSymbolicLink"
vCreateLink fs _ _ = eh fs "vCreateLink"
vGetSymbolicLinkStatus = vGetFileStatus
eh :: HVFS a => a -> String -> IO c
eh fs desc = vRaiseError fs illegalOperationErrorType
(desc ++ " is not implemented in this HVFS class") Nothing
class HVFS a => HVFSOpenable a where
vOpen :: a -> FilePath -> IOMode -> IO HVFSOpenEncap
vReadFile :: a -> FilePath -> IO String
vWriteFile :: a -> FilePath -> String -> IO ()
vOpenBinaryFile :: a -> FilePath -> IOMode -> IO HVFSOpenEncap
vReadFile h fp =
do oe <- vOpen h fp ReadMode
withOpen oe (\fh -> vGetContents fh)
vWriteFile h fp s =
do oe <- vOpen h fp WriteMode
withOpen oe (\fh -> do vPutStr fh s
vClose fh)
vOpenBinaryFile = vOpen
instance Show FileStatus where
show _ = "<FileStatus>"
instance HVFSStat FileStatus where
vDeviceID = deviceID
vFileID = fileID
vFileMode = fileMode
vLinkCount = linkCount
vFileOwner = fileOwner
vFileGroup = fileGroup
vSpecialDeviceID = specialDeviceID
vFileSize = fileSize
vAccessTime = accessTime
vModificationTime = modificationTime
vStatusChangeTime = statusChangeTime
vIsBlockDevice = isBlockDevice
vIsCharacterDevice = isCharacterDevice
vIsNamedPipe = isNamedPipe
vIsRegularFile = isRegularFile
vIsDirectory = isDirectory
vIsSymbolicLink = isSymbolicLink
vIsSocket = isSocket
data SystemFS = SystemFS
deriving (Eq, Show)
instance HVFS SystemFS where
vGetCurrentDirectory _ = getCurrentDirectory
vSetCurrentDirectory _ = setCurrentDirectory
vGetDirectoryContents _ = getDirectoryContents
vDoesFileExist _ = doesFileExist
vDoesDirectoryExist _ = doesDirectoryExist
vCreateDirectory _ = createDirectory
vRemoveDirectory _ = removeDirectory
vRenameDirectory _ = renameDirectory
vRemoveFile _ = removeFile
vRenameFile _ = renameFile
vGetFileStatus _ fp = getFileStatus fp >>= return . HVFSStatEncap
#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
vGetSymbolicLinkStatus _ fp = getSymbolicLinkStatus fp >>= return . HVFSStatEncap
vGetSymbolicLinkStatus = vGetFileStatus
#if MIN_VERSION_directory(1,2,0)
vGetModificationTime _ p = getModificationTime p >>= (\modUTCTime -> return $ TOD ((toEnum . fromEnum . utcTimeToPOSIXSeconds) modUTCTime) 0)
vGetModificationTime _ = getModificationTime
#if !(defined(mingw32_HOST_OS) || defined(mingw32_TARGET_OS) || defined(__MINGW32__))
vCreateSymbolicLink _ = createSymbolicLink
vReadSymbolicLink _ = readSymbolicLink
vCreateLink _ = createLink
vCreateSymbolicLink _ _ _ = fail "Symbolic link creation not supported by Windows"
vReadSymbolicLink _ _ = fail "Symbolic link reading not supported by Widnows"
vCreateLink _ _ _ = fail "Hard link creation not supported by Windows"
instance HVFSOpenable SystemFS where
vOpen _ fp iomode = openFile fp iomode >>= return . HVFSOpenEncap
vOpenBinaryFile _ fp iomode = openBinaryFile fp iomode >>= return . HVFSOpenEncap