-- | NPC template definitions and character creation -- (c) JP Moresmau 2009 module MoresmauJP.Rpg.NPC where import Control.Monad import Data.Array.IArray import Data.Maybe import Data.List import qualified Data.Map as M import MoresmauJP.Rpg.Actions import MoresmauJP.Rpg.Inventory import MoresmauJP.Rpg.Items import MoresmauJP.Rpg.Character import MoresmauJP.Util.Lists import MoresmauJP.Util.Numbers import MoresmauJP.Util.Random troll=NPCTemplate { typeName="Troll", creatureType=Humanoid, attitudeRange=(3,8), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(18,24)), (Dexterity,(7,11)), (Constitution,(16,26)), (Willpower,(10,12)), (Intelligence,(4,8)), (Balance,(4,8)), (Charisma,(3,5)), (Perception,(4,8))], possibleItems=[ (RightHand,[ (Nothing,3), (Just club,2), (Just bigclub,3)] )], possibleGold=(0,10) } goblin=NPCTemplate { typeName="Goblin", creatureType=Humanoid, attitudeRange=(5,10), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(5,11)), (Dexterity,(8,13)), (Constitution,(7,12)), (Willpower,(5,8)), (Intelligence,(6,10)), (Balance,(4,8)), (Charisma,(3,7)), (Perception,(4,8))], possibleItems=[ (RightHand,[ (Just sword,2), (Just dagger,2), (Just hatchet,1)] ), (LeftHand, [ (Nothing,2), (Just smallShield,1)] ), (Body, [ (Nothing,2), (Just leatherArmor,1) ] ) ], possibleGold=(0,30) } kobold=NPCTemplate { typeName="Kobold", creatureType=Humanoid, attitudeRange=(5,12), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(4,8)), (Dexterity,(8,11)), (Constitution,(4,10)), (Willpower,(5,8)), (Intelligence,(7,12)), (Balance,(6,12)), (Charisma,(5,9)), (Perception,(8,12))], possibleItems=[ (RightHand,[ (Just sword,1), (Just dagger,3), (Just hatchet,1)] )], possibleGold=(0,7) } giantRat=NPCTemplate { typeName="Giant Rat", creatureType=Animal, attitudeRange=(5,10), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(3,6)), (Dexterity,(4,8)), (Constitution,(3,7)), (Willpower,(2,4)), (Intelligence,(2,3)), (Balance,(5,10)), (Charisma,(1,2)), (Perception,(4,8))], possibleItems=[], possibleGold=(0,0) } snake=NPCTemplate { typeName="Snake", creatureType=Animal, attitudeRange=(5,10), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(5,8)), (Dexterity,(12,16)), (Constitution,(5,10)), (Willpower,(6,10)), (Intelligence,(2,4)), (Balance,(5,10)), (Charisma,(1,4)), (Perception,(8,10))], possibleItems=[], possibleGold=(0,0) } vampire=NPCTemplate { typeName="Vampire", creatureType=Humanoid, attitudeRange=(3,8), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(12,18)), (Dexterity,(10,14)), (Constitution,(16,24)), (Willpower,(14,22)), (Intelligence,(14,20)), (Balance,(8,14)), (Charisma,(10,15)), (Perception,(6,10))], possibleItems=[], possibleGold=(10,60) } ghoul=NPCTemplate { typeName="Ghoul", creatureType=Humanoid, attitudeRange=(1,6), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(8,14)), (Dexterity,(8,12)), (Constitution,(18,24)), (Willpower,(10,14)), (Intelligence,(6,10)), (Balance,(6,10)), (Charisma,(4,8)), (Perception,(3,7))], possibleItems=[], possibleGold=(0,20) } outlaw=NPCTemplate { typeName="Outlaw", creatureType=Human, attitudeRange=(8,12), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(8,14)), (Dexterity,(8,14)), (Constitution,(8,12)), (Willpower,(5,8)), (Intelligence,(6,10)), (Balance,(8,12)), (Charisma,(6,10)), (Perception,(10,15))], possibleItems=[(RightHand,[ (Just sword,2), (Just hatchet,1)] ), (LeftHand, [ (Nothing,1), (Just smallShield,1), (Just dagger,2) ] ), (Body, [ (Nothing,2), (Just leatherArmor,2), (Just chainMail,1) ] ), (Head,[ (Nothing, 3), (Just leathercap,1), (Just helmet,1) ])], possibleGold=(0,50) } blackKnight=NPCTemplate { typeName="Black Knight", creatureType=Human, attitudeRange=(5,10), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(14,18)), (Dexterity,(14,18)), (Constitution,(14,18)), (Willpower,(10,15)), (Intelligence,(8,12)), (Balance,(8,12)), (Charisma,(8,14)), (Perception,(8,14))], possibleItems=[(RightHand,[ (Just sword,2), (Just twoHandedWord,1), (Just battleaxe,1)] ), (LeftHand, [ (Nothing,2), (Just smallShield,2), (Just bigShield,1) ] ), (Body, [ (Just leatherArmor,3), (Just chainMail,2), (Just fullPlate,1) ] ), (Head,[ (Nothing, 3), (Just helmet,2), (Just heaume,1) ])], possibleGold=(10,30) } minotaur=NPCTemplate { typeName="Minotaur", creatureType=Animal, attitudeRange=(2,5), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(14,22)), (Dexterity,(10,16)), (Constitution,(14,22)), (Willpower,(10,16)), (Intelligence,(6,10)), (Balance,(10,14)), (Charisma,(4,8)), (Perception,(5,10))], possibleItems=[], possibleGold=(0,0) } peddler=NPCTemplate { typeName="Peddler", creatureType=Human, attitudeRange=(20,20), traitRanges=[ (Strength,(6,12)), (Dexterity,(8,13)), (Constitution,(8,14)), (Willpower,(5,12)), (Intelligence,(8,14)), (Balance,(6,12)), (Charisma,(10,14)), (Perception,(8,12))], possibleItems=[ (RightHand,[ (Nothing,3), (Just dagger,2), (Just sword,3)] ), (Body, [ (Nothing,3), (Just leatherArmor,1) ] )], possibleGold=(100,200) } allNPCTemplates :: [NPCTemplate] allNPCTemplates= [troll,goblin,kobold,giantRat,snake,vampire,ghoul,outlaw,blackKnight,minotaur,peddler] templateAttitudeNoChange=[peddler] getNPCOccurences :: Int -> [(NPCTemplate,Int)] getNPCOccurences characterLevel= let totalTemplates=length allNPCTemplates ponderedLevel=div (characterLevel * 8) 10 likelyhood npc=(npc,totalTemplates - (abs ((templateLevel npc) - ponderedLevel))) in map likelyhood allNPCTemplates templateLevel :: NPCTemplate -> Int templateLevel t=avg $ map (\(_,(low,high))-> div (low+high) 2) (traitRanges t) type CharacteristicRanges=Array Characteristic (Int,Int) data NPCTemplate = NPCTemplate { typeName::Name, creatureType::NPCType, attitudeRange::(Int,Int), traitRanges::[(Characteristic,(Int,Int))], possibleItems::[(Position,[(Maybe ItemType,Int)])], possibleGold::(Gold,Gold) } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) data NPCCharacter = NPCCharacter { npcCharacter::Character, npcType::NPCType, npcAttitude::Int }deriving (Show,Read,Eq) data NPCType=Animal | Humanoid | Human deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded) {--data AttitudeLevel=Rather | Quite | Very deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded) data Attitude=Friendly | Neutral | Aggressive | Hostile deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Ord,Enum,Bounded) allAttitudeLevels=[(x,y) | y<-[Friendly .. Hostile], x<-[Rather .. Very]] --} data InteractionFromNPC=NPCFight | NPCTrade | NPCWait deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Enum,Bounded) getInitialAttitude :: (MonadRandom m)=> NPCCharacter -> m (InteractionFromNPC) getInitialAttitude NPCCharacter{npcAttitude=att}=do r <- (roll d20) let (rr,_)=evalResult r att return (case rr of Failure {} -> NPCFight Success {} -> NPCWait) data FightAttitude = ContinueFight | OfferBribe Int | PrayForClemency | TryEscape deriving (Show,Read,Eq) data FightInfo=FightInfo { npcLosses :: M.Map Characteristic Int, cLosses :: M.Map Characteristic Int, hasPrayed :: Bool, hasBribed :: Bool } deriving (Show,Read,Eq) newFightInfo :: FightInfo newFightInfo=FightInfo M.empty M.empty False False addNPCLosses:: FightInfo -> NPCCharacter -> NPCCharacter -> FightInfo addNPCLosses fi c1 c2=fi{npcLosses=addLosses (npcLosses fi) (npcCharacter c1) (npcCharacter c2)} addNPCLoss:: FightInfo -> Characteristic -> Int -> FightInfo addNPCLoss fi c v=fi{npcLosses=addToFightInfo (npcLosses fi) (c,v)} addCharacterLoss:: FightInfo -> Characteristic -> Int -> FightInfo addCharacterLoss fi c v=fi{cLosses=addToFightInfo (cLosses fi) (c,v)} addCharacterLosses:: FightInfo -> Character -> Character -> FightInfo addCharacterLosses fi c1 c2=fi{cLosses=addLosses (cLosses fi) c1 c2} addLosses :: M.Map Characteristic Int -> Character -> Character -> M.Map Characteristic Int addLosses m1 c1 c2= let both=zipWith (\(c1,r1) (_,r2) -> (c1,(getR Current r1)-(getR Current r2))) (assocs $ traits c1) (assocs $ traits c2) changed=filter (\((_,diff))->diff>0) both in foldl addToFightInfo m1 changed addToFightInfo :: M.Map Characteristic Int -> (Characteristic, Int) -> M.Map Characteristic Int addToFightInfo m1 (c,v)=let i=M.lookup c m1 in case i of Nothing -> M.insert c v m1 Just v1 -> M.insert c (v+v1) m1 getFightAttitudes :: NPCCharacter -> FightInfo -> [(FightAttitude,Int)] getFightAttitudes npc fi=let fight=21-(npcAttitude npc) percentPhysical=getCurrentPercentOfNormal (npcCharacter npc) Physical percentMental=getCurrentPercentOfNormal (npcCharacter npc) Mental npcLossesSum=(M.fold (+) 0 (npcLosses fi)) cLossesSum=(M.fold (+) 0 (cLosses fi)) percentLoss=if npcLossesSum>0 then (cLossesSum * 100) `div` npcLossesSum else 100 escape=max 0 (if (percentPhysical<11) then 10+(11-percentPhysical) else if (percentMental<11) then 10+(11-percentMental) else 10-((percentPhysical + percentMental) `div` 10)) + (if (percentLoss<80) then (10 - (percentLoss `div` 10)) else 0 ) pray=if (hasPrayed fi || (npcType npc)==Animal) then 0 else div escape 2 gold=getGold $ inventory $ npcCharacter npc bribe=if gold>0 && (not $ hasBribed fi) && ((npcType npc)/=Animal) then div escape 2 else 0 in [(ContinueFight,fight),(TryEscape,escape),(PrayForClemency,pray),(OfferBribe gold,bribe)] getFightAttitude :: (MonadRandom m)=> NPCCharacter -> FightInfo -> m (FightAttitude,FightInfo) getFightAttitude npc fi = do fa<-randomPickp $ occurenceList $ getFightAttitudes npc fi let fi2= case fa of PrayForClemency -> fi{hasPrayed=True} OfferBribe _->fi{hasBribed=True} _ -> fi return (fa,fi2) data InteractionToNPC=Ignore | Fight | Trade | Convert | Steal deriving (Show,Read,Eq,Enum,Bounded) possibleNPCInteractions :: NPCCharacter -> [InteractionToNPC] possibleNPCInteractions NPCCharacter{npcType=tp}=case tp of Animal -> [Ignore .. Fight] Humanoid -> [Ignore .. Trade] Human -> [Ignore .. Steal] maxPosBag :: NPCTemplate -> Int maxPosBag nt=case creatureType nt of Animal -> 0 Humanoid -> 0 Human -> 10 generateFromTemplate :: (MonadRandom m)=> NPCTemplate -> Int -> m (NPCCharacter) generateFromTemplate template attitudeModifier=do let name=typeName template -- get gender rnd <- getRandomRange (1,2) let gender= if rnd==1 then Male else Female -- generate ratings ranges<-mapM generateFromRange (sortBy (\x y-> compare (fst x) (fst y)) (traitRanges template)) -- fill ratings with health let traits=getDefaultHealth $ array (head allCharacteristics,last allCharacteristics) ranges -- get item or Nothing for each position inv<-mapM (\(pos,items)->do it<-randomPickp (occurenceList items) return (pos,it)) (possibleItems template) -- only keep items, filter out Nothings let inv2=map (\(x,y)->(x,fromJust y)) (filter (isJust . snd) inv) gold<-getRandomRange $ possibleGold template attitudeLevel<-liftM ( if (elem template templateAttitudeNoChange) then id else ((max 1) . (\x->x - attitudeModifier))) (getRandomRange $ attitudeRange template) let maxPos=maxPosBag template return (NPCCharacter (Character { name=name, gender=gender, traits=traits, inventory=makeFullInventory inv2 maxPos gold, affects=[], spells=[] }) (creatureType template) attitudeLevel) generateFromRange :: (MonadRandom m)=>(Characteristic,(Int,Int))->m (Characteristic,Rating) generateFromRange (c,(low,high))=do rnd<-getRandomRange (low,high) return (c,mkRating rnd)