Dependencies for MagicHaskeller-
- array
- base (>=4 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- directory
- hashable
- html
- mtl
- pretty
- random
- syb
- template-haskell
- time
- if flag(tfrandom)
- tf-random (<=0.3 || >=0.5)
- if flag(ghcapi) && !os(windows)
- if flag(readfile)
- if flag(networkuri)
- network (>=2.6)
- network-uri (>=2.6)
- network (<2.6)
- network-uri (<2.6)
- abstract-par
- array
- base (>=4 && <5)
- bytestring
- containers
- directory
- ghc
- ghc-paths
- hashable
- html
- MagicHaskeller
- monad-par
- mtl
- pretty
- process
- random
- syb
- template-haskell
- time
- transformers
- if !os(windows)
- if flag(tfrandom)
- tf-random (<=0.3 || >=0.5)
- if flag(readfile)
- if flag(networkuri)
- network (>=2.6)
- network-uri (>=2.6)
- network (<2.6)
- network-uri (<2.6)
- array
- base (>=4 && <5)
- bytestring
- cgi
- containers
- directory
- extensible-exceptions
- hashable
- haskell-src
- hint
- html
- MagicHaskeller
- mtl
- pretty
- random
- syb
- template-haskell
- time
- if !os(windows)
- if flag(tfrandom)
- tf-random (<=0.3 || >=0.5)
- if flag(networkuri)
- network (>=2.6)
- network-uri (>=2.6)
- network (<2.6)
- network-uri (<2.6)
Automatic Flags
Name | Description | Default |
tfrandom | Use the tf-random package instead of the random package | Enabled |
ghcapi | Enable execution using the GHC API rather than the combinatory interpreter | Enabled |
readfile | Enable to read a component library file | Enabled |
debug | Force typechecking at each dynamic application | Disabled |
networkuri | Find Network.URI in network-uri rather than in network < 2.6 (This is a workaround for the changes made in those packages.) | Enabled |
Use -f <flag> to enable a flag, or -f -<flag> to disable that flag. More info