{- | Some dynamic widgets, widgets that dynamically edit content in other widgets, widgets for templating, content management and multilanguage. And some primitives to create other active widgets. -} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances,ExistentialQuantification , FlexibleInstances, OverlappingInstances, FlexibleContexts , OverloadedStrings, DeriveDataTypeable , ScopedTypeVariables #-} module MFlow.Forms.Widgets ( -- * JQueryUi widgets datePicker, getSpinner, wautocomplete, wdialog, -- * User Management userFormOrName,maybeLogout, -- * Active widgets wEditList,wautocompleteList , wautocompleteEdit, -- * Editing widgets delEdited, getEdited ,prependWidget,appendWidget,setWidget -- * Content Management ,tField, tFieldEd, tFieldGen -- * Multilanguage ,mFieldEd, mField ,autoRefresh ) where import MFlow import MFlow.Forms import MFlow.Forms.Internals import Data.Monoid import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B import Control.Monad.Trans import Data.Typeable import Data.List import System.IO.Unsafe import Control.Monad.State import Data.TCache import Data.TCache.Defs import Data.TCache.Memoization import Data.RefSerialize hiding ((<|>)) import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.IORef import MFlow.Cookies import Data.Maybe import Control.Monad.Identity readyJQuery="ready=function(){if(!window.jQuery){return setTimeout(ready,100)}};" jqueryScript1= "http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js" jqueryScript="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.9.1.js" jqueryCSS1= "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.9.1/themes/base/jquery-ui.css" jqueryCSS= "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/themes/smoothness/jquery-ui.css" jqueryUI1= "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.9.1/jquery-ui.js" jqueryUI= "http://code.jquery.com/ui/1.10.3/jquery-ui.js" ------- User Management ------ -- | Present a user form if not logged in. Otherwise, the user name and a logout link is presented. -- The paremeters and the behaviour are the same as 'userWidget'. -- Only the display is different userFormOrName mode wid= userWidget mode wid `wmodify` f <** maybeLogout where f _ justu@(Just u) = return ([fromStr u], justu) -- !> "input" f felem Nothing = do us <- getCurrentUser -- getEnv cookieuser if us == anonymous then return (felem, Nothing) else return([fromStr us], Just us) -- | Display a logout link if the user is logged. Nothing otherwise maybeLogout :: (MonadIO m,Functor m,FormInput v) => View v m () maybeLogout= do us <- getCurrentUser if us/= anonymous then do cmd <- ajax $ const $ return "window.location=='/'" --refresh fromStr " " ++> ((wlink () (fromStr "logout")) Typeable (Medit view m a) where typeOf= \v -> mkTyConApp (mkTyCon3 "MFlow" "MFlow.Forms.Widgets" "Medit" ) [typeOf (tview v) ,typeOf (ta v)] where tview :: Medit v m a -> v tview= undefined tm :: Medit v m a -> m a tm= undefined ta :: Medit v m a -> a ta= undefined getEdited1 id= do Medit stored <- getSessionData `onNothing` return (Medit M.empty) return $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup id stored -- | Return the list of edited widgets (added by the active widgets) for a given identifier getEdited :: (Typeable v, Typeable a, MonadState (MFlowState view) m) => B.ByteString -> m [View v m1 a] getEdited id= do r <- getEdited1 id let (_,ws)= unzip r return ws -- | Deletes the list of edited widgets for a certain identifier and with the type of the witness widget parameter delEdited :: (Typeable v, Typeable a, MonadIO m, MonadState (MFlowState view) m) => B.ByteString -- ^ identifier -> [View v m1 a] -> m () -- ^ withess delEdited id witness=do Medit stored <- getSessionData `onNothing` return (Medit (M.empty)) let (ks, ws)= unzip $ fromMaybe [] $ M.lookup id stored return $ ws `asTypeOf` witness liftIO $ mapM flushCached ks let stored'= M.delete id stored setSessionData . Medit $ stored' -- setEdited id ([] `asTypeOf` (zip (repeat "") witness)) setEdited id ws= do Medit stored <- getSessionData `onNothing` return (Medit (M.empty)) let stored'= M.insert id ws stored setSessionData . Medit $ stored' addEdited id w= do ws <- getEdited1 id setEdited id (w:ws) modifyWidget :: (MonadIO m,Executable m,Typeable a,FormInput v) => B.ByteString -> B.ByteString -> View v Identity a -> View v m B.ByteString modifyWidget selector modifier w = View $ do ws <- getEdited selector let n = length (ws `asTypeOf` [w]) let key= "widget"++ show selector ++ show n ++ show (typeOf $ typ w) let cw = wcached key 0 w addEdited selector (key,cw) FormElm form _ <- runView cw let elem= toByteString $ mconcat form return . FormElm [] . Just $ selector <> "." <> modifier <>"('" <> elem <> "');" where typ :: View v Identity a -> a typ = undefined -- | Return the javascript to be executed on the browser to prepend a widget to the location -- identified by the selector (the bytestring parameter), The selector must have the form of a jquery expression -- . It stores the added widgets in the edited list, that is accessed with 'getEdited' -- -- The resulting string can be executed in the browser. 'ajax' will return the code to -- execute the complete ajax roundtrip. This code returned by ajax must be in an eventhabdler. -- -- This example will insert a widget in the div when the element with identifier -- /clickelem/ is clicked. when the form is sbmitted, the widget values are returned -- and the list of edited widgets are deleted. -- -- > id1<- genNewId -- > let sel= "$('#" <> B.pack id1 <> "')" -- > callAjax <- ajax . const $ prependWidget sel wn -- > let installevents= "$(document).ready(function(){\ -- > \$('#clickelem').click(function(){"++callAjax "''"++"});})" -- > -- > requires [JScriptFile jqueryScript [installevents] ] -- > ws <- getEdited sel -- > r <- (div <<< manyOf ws) delEdited sel ws' -- > return r prependWidget :: (Typeable a, MonadIO m, Executable m, FormInput v) => B.ByteString -- ^ jquery selector -> View v Identity a -- ^ widget to prepend -> View v m B.ByteString -- ^ string returned with the jquery string to be executed in the browser prependWidget sel w= modifyWidget sel "prepend" w -- | Like 'prependWidget' but append the widget instead of prepend. appendWidget :: (Typeable a, MonadIO m, Executable m, FormInput v) => B.ByteString -> View v Identity a -> View v m B.ByteString appendWidget sel w= modifyWidget sel "append" w -- | L ike 'prependWidget' but set the entire content of the selector instead of prepending an element setWidget :: (Typeable a, MonadIO m, Executable m, FormInput v) => B.ByteString -> View v Identity a -> View v m B.ByteString setWidget sel w= modifyWidget sel "html" w -- | Inside a tag, it add and delete widgets of the same type. When the form is submitted -- or a wlink is pressed, this widget return the list of validated widgets. -- the event for adding a new widget is attached , as a click event to the element of the page with the identifier /wEditListAdd/ -- that the user will choose. -- -- This example add or delete editable text boxes, with two initial boxes with -- /hi/, /how are you/ as values. Tt uses blaze-html: -- -- > r <- ask $ addLink -- > ++> br -- > ++> (El.div `wEditList` getString1 $ ["hi", "how are you"]) "addid" -- > <++ br -- > <** submitButton "send" -- > -- > ask $ p << (show r ++ " returned") -- > ++> wlink () (p << text " back to menu") -- > mainmenu -- > where -- > addLink = a ! At.id "addid" -- > ! href "#" -- > $ text "add" -- > delBox = input ! type_ "checkbox" -- > ! checked "" -- > ! onclick "this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode)" -- > getString1 mx= El.div <<< delBox ++> getString mx <++ br wEditList :: (Typeable a,Read a ,FormInput view ,Functor m,MonadIO m, Executable m) => (view ->view) -- ^ The holder tag -> (Maybe String -> View view Identity a) -- ^ the contained widget, initialized by a string -> [String] -- ^ The initial list of values. -> String -- ^ The id of the button or link that will create a new list element when clicked -> View view m [a] wEditList holderview w xs addId = do let ws= map (w . Just) xs wn= w Nothing id1<- genNewId let sel= "$('#" <> B.pack id1 <> "')" callAjax <- ajax . const $ prependWidget sel wn let installevents= "$(document).ready(function(){\ \$('#"++addId++"').click(function(){"++callAjax "''"++"});})" requires [JScriptFile jqueryScript [installevents] ] ws' <- getEdited sel r <- (holderview <<< (manyOf $ ws' ++ map changeMonad ws)) (v -> v) -> String -> String -> String -> (String -> View v IO a) -> View v IO a wpush holder modifier addId expr w = do id1<- genNewId let sel= "$('#" <> B.pack id1 <> "')" callAjax <- ajax $ \s -> appendWidget sel ( changeMonad $ w s) let installevents= "$(document).ready(function(){\ \$('#"++addId++"').click(function(){"++callAjax expr ++ "});})" requires [JScriptFile jqueryScript [installevents] ] ws <- getEdited sel r <- holder <<< firstOf ws Maybe String -- ^ Initial value -> (String -> IO a) -- ^ Autocompletion procedure: will receive a prefix and return a list of strings -> View v m String wautocomplete mv autocomplete = do ajaxc <- ajax $ \u -> do r <- liftIO $ autocomplete u return $ jaddtoautocomp r requires [JScriptFile jqueryScript [] -- [events] ,CSSFile jqueryCSS ,JScriptFile jqueryUI []] getString mv B.pack( show us) <> " });" -- | Produces a text box. It gives a autocompletion list to the textbox. When return -- is pressed in the textbox, the box content is used to create a widget of a kind defined -- by the user, which will be situated above of the textbox. When submitted, the result of this widget is the content -- of the created widgets (the validated ones). -- -- 'wautocompleteList' is an specialization of this widget, where -- the widget parameter is fixed, with a checkbox that delete the eleement when unselected -- . This fixed widget is as such (using generic 'FormElem' class tags): -- -- > ftag "div" <<< ftag "input" mempty -- > `attrs` [("type","checkbox") -- > ,("checked","") -- > ,("onclick","this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode)")] -- > ++> ftag "span" (fromStr $ fromJust x ) -- > ++> whidden( fromJust x) wautocompleteEdit :: (Typeable a, MonadIO m,Functor m, Executable m , FormInput v) => String -- ^ the initial text of the box -> (String -> IO [String]) -- ^ the autocompletion procedure: receives a prefix, return a list of options. -> (Maybe String -> View v Identity a) -- ^ the widget to add, initialized with the string entered in the box -> [String] -- ^ initial set of values -> View v m [a] -- ^ resulting widget wautocompleteEdit phold autocomplete elem values= do id1 <- genNewId let sel= "$('#" <> B.pack id1 <> "')" ajaxc <- ajax $ \(c:u) -> case c of 'f' -> prependWidget sel (elem $ Just u) _ -> do r <- liftIO $ autocomplete u return $ jaddtoautocomp r requires [JScriptFile jqueryScript [events ajaxc] -- [events] ,CSSFile jqueryCSS ,JScriptFile jqueryUI []] ws' <- getEdited sel r<- (ftag "div" mempty `attrs` [("id", id1)] ++> manyOf (ws' ++ (map (changeMonad . elem . Just) values))) <++ ftag "input" mempty `attrs` [("type", "text") ,("id", "text1") ,("placeholder", phold) ,("oninput",ajaxc "'n'+$('#text1').attr('value')" ) ,("autocomplete", "off")] delEdited sel ws' return r where events ajaxc= "$(document).ready(function(){ \ \ $('#text1').keydown(function(){ \ \ if(event.keyCode == 13){ \ \ var v= $('#text1').attr('value'); \ \ if(event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();\ \ else if(event.returnValue) event.returnValue = false;" ++ ajaxc "'f'+v"++";"++ " $('#text1').val('');\ \ }\ \ });\ \});" jaddtoautocomp us= "$('#text1').autocomplete({ source: " <> B.pack( show us) <> " });" -- | A specialization of 'selectAutocompleteEdit' which make appear each option choosen with -- a checkbox that deletes the element when uncheched. The result, when submitted, is the list of selected elements. wautocompleteList :: (Functor m, MonadIO m, Executable m, FormInput v) => String -> (String -> IO [String]) -> [String] -> View v m [String] wautocompleteList phold serverproc values= wautocompleteEdit phold serverproc wrender1 values where wrender1 x= ftag "div" <<< ftag "input" mempty `attrs` [("type","checkbox") ,("checked","") ,("onclick","this.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode)")] ++> ftag "span" (fromStr $ fromJust x ) ++> whidden( fromJust x) ------- Templating and localization --------- writetField k s= atomically $ writetFieldSTM k s writetFieldSTM k s= do phold <- readDBRef tFields `onNothing` return (M.fromList []) let r= M.insert k (toByteString s) phold writeDBRef tFields r readtField text k= atomically $ do hs<- readDBRef tFields `onNothing` return (M.fromList []) let mp= M.lookup k hs case mp of Just c -> return $ fromStrNoEncode $ B.unpack c Nothing -> writetFieldSTM k text >> return text type TFields = M.Map String B.ByteString instance Indexable TFields where key _= "texts" defPath _= "texts/" tFields :: DBRef TFields tFields = getDBRef "texts" type Key= String -- | A widget that display the content of an html, But if logged as administrator, -- it permits to edit it in place. So the editor could see the final appearance -- of what he write in the page. -- -- When the administrator double click in the paragraph, the content is saved and -- identified by the key. Then, from now on, all the users will see the saved -- content instead of the code content. -- -- The content is saved in a file by default (/texts/ in this versions), but there is -- a configurable version (`tFieldGen`). The content of the element and the formatting -- is cached in memory, so the display is, theoretically, very fast. -- -- THis is an example of how to use the content management primitives (in demos.blaze.hs): -- -- > textEdit= do -- > setHeader $ \t -> html << body << t -- > -- > let first= p << i << -- > (El.span << text "this is a page with" -- > <> b << text " two " <> El.span << text "paragraphs") -- > -- > second= p << i << text "This is the original text of the second paragraph" -- > -- > pageEditable = (tFieldEd "first" first) -- > **> (tFieldEd "second" second) -- > -- > ask $ first -- > ++> second -- > ++> wlink () (p << text "click here to edit it") -- > -- > ask $ p << text "Please login with admin/admin to edit it" -- > ++> userWidget (Just "admin") userLogin -- > -- > ask $ p << text "now you can click the field and edit them" -- > ++> p << b << text "to save the edited field, double click on it" -- > ++> pageEditable -- > **> wlink () (p << text "click here to see it as a normal user") -- > -- > logout -- > -- > ask $ p << text "the user sees the edited content. He can not edit" -- > ++> pageEditable -- > **> wlink () (p << text "click to continue") -- > -- > ask $ p << text "When text are fixed,the edit facility and the original texts can be removed. The content is indexed by the field key" -- > ++> tField "first" -- > **> tField "second" -- > **> p << text "End of edit field demo" ++> wlink () (p << text "click here to go to menu") tFieldEd :: (Functor m, MonadIO m, Executable m, FormInput v) => Key -> v -> View v m () tFieldEd k text= tFieldGen k (readtField text) writetField -- | Like 'tFieldEd' with user-configurable storage. tFieldGen :: (MonadIO m,Functor m, Executable m ,FormInput v) => Key -> (Key -> IO v) -- ^ the read procedure, user defined -> (Key ->v -> IO()) -- ^ the write procedure, user defiend -> View v m () tFieldGen k getcontent create = wfreeze k 0 $ do content <- liftIO $ getcontent k admin <- getAdminName ajaxjs <- ajax $ \str -> do let (k,s)= break (==',') str !> str liftIO . create k $ fromStrNoEncode (tail s) liftIO $ flushCached k return "alert('saved')" attribs <- do name <- genNewId -- Need to check the user in the browser because the widget is wfreeze'd let ifUserAdmin= "if(document.cookie.search('"++cookieuser++"="++admin++"') != -1)" nikeditor= "var myNicEditor = new nicEditor();" callback=ifUserAdmin ++ "bkLib.onDomLoaded(function() {\ \ myNicEditor.addInstance('"++name++"');\ \});" param= ("'"++k ++ "'+','+ document.getElementById('"++name++"').innerHTML") requires [JScriptFile "http://js.nicedit.com/nicEdit-latest.js" [nikeditor, callback]] return [("id", name),("ondblclick", ifUserAdmin ++ ajaxjs param)] wraw $ (ftag "span" content `attrs` attribs) -- | Read the field value and present it without edition. tField :: (MonadIO m,Functor m, Executable m , FormInput v) => Key -> View v m () tField k = wfreeze k 0 $ do content <- liftIO $ readtField (fromStrNoEncode "not found") k wraw content -- | A multilanguage version of tFieldEd. For a field with @key@ it add a suffix with the -- two characters of the language used. mFieldEd k content= do lang <- getLang tFieldEd (k ++ ('-':lang)) content -- | A multilanguage version of tField mField k= do lang <- getLang tField $ k ++ ('-':lang) -- | present the JQuery datepicker calendar to choose a date. -- The second parameter is the configuration. Use \"()\" by default. -- See http://jqueryui.com/datepicker/ datePicker :: (Monad m, FormInput v) => String -> Maybe String -> View v m (Int,Int,Int) datePicker conf jd= do id <- genNewId let setit= "$(document).ready(function() {\ \$( '#"++id++"' ).datepicker "++ conf ++";\ \});" requires [CSSFile jqueryCSS ,JScriptFile jqueryScript [] ,JScriptFile jqueryUI [setit]] s <- getString jd String -> String -> View v m a -> View v m a wdialog conf title w= do id <- genNewId let setit= "$(document).ready(function() {\n\ \$('#"++id++"').dialog "++ conf ++";\n\ \var idform= $('#"++id++" form');\n\ \idform.submit(function(){$(this).dialog(\"close\")})\n\ \});" modify $ \st -> st{needForm= False} requires [CSSFile jqueryCSS ,JScriptFile jqueryScript [] ,JScriptFile jqueryUI [setit]] (ftag "div" <<< insertForm w) do frm <- formPrefix (mfPIndex st) (twfname $ mfToken st ) st forms False return frm _ -> return $ mconcat forms put st{needForm= False} return $ FormElm [cont] mx -- | Capture the form submissions and the links of the enclosed widget and send them via AJAX. -- The response is the new presentation of the widget, that is updated. No navigation occur. -- So a widget with autoRefresh can be used in heavyweight pages. -- If AJAX or javascript is not available, the widget is refresh normally, via a new page. -- The enclosed widget if has form elements, must include the form action tag, not a part of it. -- For this purpose, autoRefresh encloses the widget in a form tag if there are form elements on it -- and the programmer has not enclosed them in a 'wform' element. autoRefresh :: (MonadIO m, FormInput v) => View v m a -> View v m a autoRefresh w= do id <- genNewId let installscript= "$(document).ready(function(){\n" ++ "ajaxGetLink('"++id++"');" ++ "ajaxPostForm('"++id++"');" ++ "})\n" st <- get r <- getParam1 ("auto"++id) $ mfEnv st case r of NoParam -> do requires [JScript ajaxGetLink ,JScript ajaxPostForm ,JScriptFile jqueryScript [installscript]] (ftag "div" <<< insertForm w) View $ do let t= mfToken st FormElm form mr <- runView $ insertForm w st <- get let HttpData ctype c s= toHttpData $ mconcat form liftIO . sendFlush t $ HttpData (ctype ++ mfHttpHeaders st) (mfCookies st ++ c) s put st{mfAutorefresh=True} return $ FormElm [] mr where -- | adapted from http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/341151/Simple-AJAX-POST-Form-and-AJAX-Fetch-Link-to-Modal ajaxGetLink = "function ajaxGetLink(id){\n\ \var id1= $('#'+id);\n\ \var ida= $('#'+id+' a');\n\ \ida.click(function () {\n\ \ var pdata = $(this).attr('data-value');\n\ \ var actionurl = $(this).attr('href');\n\ \ var dialogOpts = {\n\ \ type: 'GET',\n\ \ url: actionurl+'?bustcache='+ new Date().getTime()+'&auto'+id+'=true',\n\ \ data: pdata,\n\ \ success: function (resp) {\n\ \ id1.html(resp);\n\ \ ajaxGetLink(id)\n\ \ },\n\ \ error: function (xhr, status, error) {\n\ \ var msg = $('
' + xhr + '
');\n\ \ id1.html(msg);\n\ \ }\n\ \ };\n\ \ $.ajax(dialogOpts);\n\ \ return false;\n\ \});\n\ \}" ajaxPostForm = "function ajaxPostForm(id) {\n\ \var id1= $('#'+id);\n\ \var idform= $('#'+id+' form');\n\ \idform.submit(function (event) {\n\ \event.preventDefault();\n\ \var $form = $(this);\n\ \var url = $form.attr('action');\n\ \var pdata = $form.serialize();\n\ \$.ajax({\n\ \type: 'GET',\n\ \url: url,\n\ \data: 'auto'+id+'=true&'+pdata,\n\ \success: function (resp) {\n\ \id1.html(resp);\n\ \ajaxPostForm(id)\n\ \},\n\ \error: function (xhr, status, error) {\n\ \var msg = $('
' + xhr + '
');\n\ \id1.html(msg);\n\ \}\n\ \});\n\ \});\n\ \return false;\n\ \}" -- | show the jQuery spinner widget. the first parameter is the configuration . Use \"()\" by default. -- See http://jqueryui.com/spinner getSpinner :: (MonadIO m, Read a,Show a, Typeable a, FormInput view) => String -> Maybe a -> View view m a getSpinner conf mv= do id <- genNewId let setit= "$(document).ready(function() {\n\ \var spinner = $( '#"++id++"' ).spinner "++conf++";\n\ \spinner.spinner( \"enable\" );\n\ \});" requires [CSSFile jqueryCSS ,JScriptFile jqueryScript [] ,JScriptFile jqueryUI [setit]] getTextBox mv