What is LogicGrowsOnTrees? ========================== LogicGrowsOnTrees is a library that lets you use a standard Haskell domain specific language (`MonadPlus` and friends) to write logic programs (by which we mean programs that make non-deterministic choices and have guards to enforce constraints) that you can run in a distributed setting. Could you say that again in Haskellese? ======================================= LogicGrowsOnTrees provides a logic programming monad designed for distributed computing; specifically, it takes a logic program (written using `MonadPlus`), represents it as a (lazily generated) tree, and then explores the tree in parallel. What do you mean by "distributed"? ================================== By "distributed" I mean parallelization that does not required shared memory but only some form of communication. In particular there is package that is a sibling to this one that provides an *adapter* for MPI that gives you immediate access to large numbers of nodes on most supercomputers. In fact, the following is the result of an experiment to see how well the time needed to solve the N-Queens problem scales with the number of workers for N=17, N=18, and N=19 on a local cluster: ![Alt text](scaling/scaling.png "Scaling experiment") The above was obtained by running a job, which counts the number of solutions, three times for each number of workers and problem size, and then taking the shortest time of each set of three*; the maximum number of workers for this experiment (256) was limited by the size of the cluster. From the above plot we see that scaling is generally good with the exception of the N=18 case for 128 workers and above, which is not necessarily a big deal since the total running time is under 10 seconds. \* All of the data points for each value of N were usually within a small percentage of one another, save for (oddly) the *left*-most data point (i.e., the one with the fewest workers) for each problem size, which varied from 150%-200% of the best time; the full data set is available in the `scaling/` directory. When would I want to use this package? ====================================== This package is useful when you have a large space that can be defined efficiently using a logic program that you want to explore to satisfy some goal, such as finding all elements, counting the number of elements, finding just one or a few elements, etc. LogicGrowsOnTrees is particularly useful when your solution space has a lot of structure as it gives you full control over the non-deterministic choices that are made, which lets you entirely avoid making choices that you know will end in failure, as well as letting you factor out symmetries so that only one solution is generated out of some equivalence class. For example, if permutations result in equivalent solutions then you can factor out this symmetry by only choosing later parts of a potential solution that are greater than earlier parts of the solution. What does a program written using this package look like? ========================================================= The following is an example of a program (also given in `examples/readme-simple.hs`) that counts the number of solutions to the n-queens problem for a board size of 10: NOTE: I have optimized this code to be (hopefully) easy to follow, rather than to be fast. ```haskell import Control.Monad import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet import LogicGrowsOnTrees import LogicGrowsOnTrees.Parallel.Main import LogicGrowsOnTrees.Parallel.Adapter.Threads import LogicGrowsOnTrees.Utils.Word_ import LogicGrowsOnTrees.Utils.WordSum -- Code that counts all the solutions for a given input board size. nqueensCount 0 = error "board size must be positive" nqueensCount n = -- Start with... go n -- ...n queens left... 0 -- ... at row zero... -- ... with all columns available ... (IntSet.fromDistinctAscList [0..fromIntegral n-1]) IntSet.empty -- ... with no occupied negative diagonals... IntSet.empty -- ... with no occupied positive diagonals. where -- We have placed the last queen, so this is a solution! go 0 _ _ _ _ = return (WordSum 1) -- We are still placing queens. go n row available_columns occupied_negative_diagonals occupied_positive_diagonals = do -- Pick one of the available columns. column <- allFrom $ IntSet.toList available_columns -- See if this spot conflicts with another queen on the negative diagonal. let negative_diagonal = row + column guard $ IntSet.notMember negative_diagonal occupied_negative_diagonals -- See if this spot conflicts with another queen on the positive diagonal. let positive_diagonal = row - column guard $ IntSet.notMember positive_diagonal occupied_positive_diagonals -- This spot is good! Place a queen here and move on to the next row. go (n-1) (row+1) (IntSet.delete column available_columns) (IntSet.insert negative_diagonal occupied_negative_diagonals) (IntSet.insert positive_diagonal occupied_positive_diagonals) main = -- Explore the tree generated (implicitly) by nqueensCount in parallel. simpleMainForExploreTree -- Use threads for parallelism. driver -- Function that processes the result of the run. (\(RunOutcome _ termination_reason) -> do case termination_reason of Aborted _ -> error "search aborted" Completed (WordSum count) -> putStrLn $ "found " ++ show count ++ " solutions" Failure _ message -> error $ "error: " ++ message ) -- The logic program that generates the tree to explore. (nqueensCount 10) ``` This program requires that the number of threads be specified via `-n #` on the command line, where `#` is the number of threads. You can use `-c` to have the program create a checkpoint file on a regular basis and `-i` to set how often the checkpoint is made (defaults to once per minute); if the program starts up and sees the checkpoint file then it automatically resumes from it. To find out more about the available options, use `--help` which provides an automatically generated help screen. The above uses threads for parallelism, which means that you have to compile it using the `-threaded` option. If you want to use processes instead of threads (which could be more efficient as this does not require the additional overhead incurred by the threaded runtime), then install `LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes` and replace `Threads` with `Processes` in the import at the 8th line. If you want workers to run on different machines then install `LogicGrowsOnTrees-processes` and replace `Threads` with `Network`. If you have access to a cluster with a large number of nodes, you will want to install `LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI` and replace `Threads` with `MPI`. If you would prefer that the problem size be specified at run-time via a command-line argument rather than hard-coded at compile time, then you can use the more general mechanism illustrated as follows (a complete listing is given in `examples/readme-full.hs`): ```haskell import Control.Applicative import System.Console.CmdTheLine ... main = -- Explore the tree generated (implicitly) by nqueensCount in parallel. mainForExploreTree -- Use threads for parallelism. driver -- Use a single positional required command-line argument to get the board size. (getWord <$> (required $ pos 0 Nothing posInfo { posName = "BOARD_SIZE" , posDoc = "board size" } ) ) -- Information about the program (for the help screen). (defTI { termDoc = "count the number of n-queens solutions for a given board size" }) -- Function that processes the result of the run. (\n (RunOutcome _ termination_reason) -> do case termination_reason of Aborted _ -> error "search aborted" Completed (WordSum count) -> putStrLn $ "for a size " ++ show n ++ " board, found " ++ show count ++ " solutions" Failure _ message -> error $ "error: " ++ message ) -- The logic program that generates the tree to explore. nqueensCount ``` Where can I learn more? ======================= Read [TUTORIAL.md](TUTORIAL.md) for a tutorial of how to write and run logic programs using this package, [USERS_GUIDE.md](USERS_GUIDE.md) for a more detailed explanation of how things work, and the haddock documentation available at http://hackage.haskell.org/package/LogicGrowsOnTrees. What platforms does it support: =============================== The following three packages have been tested on Linux, OSX, and Windows using the latest Haskell Platform (2013.2.0.0): * `LogicGrowsOnTrees` (+ Threads adapter) * `LogicGrowsOnTrees-processors` * `LogicGrowsOnTrees-network` `LogicGrowsOnTrees-MPI` has been tested as working on Linux and OSX using [OpenMPI](http://www.open-mpi.org/), and since it only uses very basic functionality (just sending, probing, and receiving messages) it should work on any MPI implementation. (I wasn't able to try Microsoft's MPI implementation because it only let me install the 64-bit version (as my test machine was 64-bit) but Haskell on Windows is only 32-bit.) Why would I use this instead of Cloud Haskell? ============================================== This package is higher level than Cloud Haskell in that it takes care of all the work of parallelizing your logic program for you. In fact, if one wished one could potentially write an *adapter* for LogicGrowsOnTrees that lets one use Cloud Haskell as the communication layer. Why would I use this instead of MapReduce? ========================================== MapReduce and LogicGrowsOnTrees can both be viewed (in a *very* rough sense) as mapping a function over a large data set and then performing a reduction on it. The primary difference between them is that MapReduce is optimized for the case where you have a huge data set that already exists (which means in particular that optimizing I/O operations is a big deal), whereas LogicGrowsOnTrees is optimized for the case where your data set needs to be generated on the fly using a (possibly quite expensive) operation that involves making many non-deterministic choices some of which lead to dead-ends (that produce no results). Having said that, LogicGrowsOnTrees can also be used like MapReduce by having your function generate data by reading it from files or possibly from a database. Why would I use this instead of a SAT/SMT/CLP/etc. solver? ========================================================== First, it should be mentioned that one could use LogicGrowsOnTrees to implement these solvers. That is, a solver could be written that uses the `mplus` function whenever it needs to make a non-deterministic choices (e.g. when guessing whether a boolean variable should be true or false) and `mzero` to indicate failure (e.g., when it has become clear that a particular set of choices cannot result in a valid solution), and then the solver gets to use the parallelization framework of this package for free! (For an example of such a solver, see the [incremental-sat-solver package](http://hackage.haskell.org/packages/archive/incremental-sat-solver/0.1.7/doc/html/Data-Boolean-SatSolver.html) (which was not written by me).) Having said that, if your problem can most easily and efficiently be expressed as an input to a specialized solver, then this package might not be as useful to you. *However*, even in this case you *might* still want to consider using this package if there are constraints that you cannot express easily or efficiently using one of the specialized solvers because this package gives you complete control over how choices are made which means that you can, for example, enforce a constraint by only making choices that are guaranteed to satisfy it, rather than generating choices that may or may not satisfy it and then having to perform an additional step to filter out all the ones that don't satisfy the constraint. What is the overhead of using LogicGrowsOnTrees? ================================================ It costs approximately up to twice as much time to use LogicGrowsOnTrees with a single worker thread as it does to use the List monad. Fortunately, it is possible to eliminate most of this if you can switch to using the List monad near the bottom of the tree. For example, my optimized n-queens solver switches to a loop in C when fewer than eleven queens remain to be placed. This is not ``cheating'' for two reasons: first, because the hard part is the symmetry-breaking code, which would have been difficult to implement and test in C due to its complexity, and second, because one can't rewrite all the code in C because then one would lose access to the automatic checkpointing and parallelization features. Why Haskell? ============ Haskell has many strengths that made it ideal for this project: 1. Laziness Haskell has lazy* evaluation which means that it does not evaluate anything until the value is required to make progress; this capability means that ordinary functions can act as control structures. In particular, when you use `mplus a b` to signal a non-deterministic choice, neither `a` nor `b` will be evaluated unless one chooses to explore respectively the left and/or right branch of the corresponding decision tree. This is very powerful because it allows us to explore the decision tree of a logic program as much or as little as we want and only have to pay for the parts that we choose to explore. \* Technically Haskell is "non-strict" rather than "lazy", which means there might be times in practice when it evaluates something more than is strictly needed. 2. Purity Haskell is a pure language, which means that functions have no (observable) side-effects other than returning a value*; in particular, this implies that all operations on data must be immutable, which means that they result in a new value (that may reference parts or even all of the old value) rather than modifying the old value. This is an incredible boon because it means that when we backtrack up to explore another branch of the decision tree we do not have to perform an undo operation to restore the old values from the new values because the old values were never lost! All you have to do is "forget" about the new values and you are done. Furthermore, most data structures in Haskell are designed to have efficient immutable operations which try to re-use as much of an old value as possible in order to minimize the amount of copying needed to construct the new value. (Having said all of this, although it is strongly recommended that your logic program be pure by making it have type `Tree`, as this will cause the type system to enforce purity, you can add various kinds of side-effects by using type `TreeT` instead; a time when it might make sense to do this is if there is a data set that will be constant over the run which is large enough that you want to read it in from various files or a database as you need it. In general if you use side-effects then they need to be non-observable, which means that they are not affected by the order in which the tree is explored or whether particular parts of the tree are explored more than once.) \* Side-effects are implemented by, roughly speaking, having some types represent actions that cause side-effects when executed. 3. Powerful static type system When writing a very complicated program you want as much help as possible in making it correct, and Haskell's powerful type system helps you a lot here by harnessing the power of static analysis to ensure that all of the parts fit together correctly and to enforce invariants that you have encoded in the type system. I have more questions! ====================== Then please contact the author (Gregory Crosswhite) at gcrosswhite@gmail.com! :-)