{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, TypeFamilies #-}

-- | The 'List' class and actions for lists

module Data.List.Class (
    -- | The List typeclass
    List (..), ListItem (..),
    -- | List operations for MonadPlus
    -- | Standard list operations
    take, takeWhile, genericTake, scanl, scanl1,
    transpose, zip, zipWith,
    concat, concatMap,
    enumFrom, enumFromTo,
    -- mapMaybe will be reintroduced in List-0.5.0
    -- Removed from List-0.4.4 to unbreak hexpat-0.20.2
    -- Which broke with the release of List-0.4.3 due to unqualified imports.
    -- | Non standard List operations
    foldrL, foldlL, foldl1L, toList, lengthL, lastL,
    merge2On, mergeOn,
    -- | Operations useful for monadic lists
    execute, joinM, mapL, filterL, iterateM, takeWhileM, repeatM, splitAtM,
    -- | Operations for non-monadic lists
    -- | Convert between List types
    ) where

import Control.Monad (MonadPlus(..), join, liftM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.State (StateT(..), evalStateT, get)
import Data.Function (fix)
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Ord (comparing)
import Prelude hiding (
    concat, concatMap, enumFrom, enumFromTo, filter, repeat, scanl, scanl1,
    tail, take, takeWhile, zip, zipWith)

data ListItem l a =
    Nil |
    Cons { headL :: a, tailL :: l a }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

infixr 5 `cons`

-- | A class for list types.
-- Every list has an underlying monad.
class (MonadPlus l, Monad (ItemM l)) => List l where
    type ItemM l :: * -> *
    runList :: l a -> ItemM l (ListItem l a)
    -- | Transform an action returning a list to the returned list
    -- > > joinL $ Identity "hello"
    -- > "hello"
    joinL :: ItemM l (l a) -> l a
    -- | cons. Can be derived from MonadPlus but is part of class for performance.
    cons :: a -> l a -> l a
    cons = mplus . return

instance List [] where
    type ItemM [] = Identity
    runList [] = Identity Nil
    runList (x:xs) = Identity $ Cons x xs
    joinL = runIdentity
    cons = (:)

instance Functor m => Functor (ListItem m) where
    fmap _ Nil = Nil
    fmap func (Cons x xs) = Cons (func x) (fmap func xs)

-- A "monadic-catamorphism" for lists.
-- Unlike folds, this only looks at the list head.
-- Should this be exposed? Needs a good name first..
deconstructList :: List l => ItemM l r -> (a -> l a -> ItemM l r) -> l a -> ItemM l r
deconstructList onNil onCons list = do
    item <- runList list
    case item of
        Nil -> onNil
        Cons x xs -> onCons x xs

deconstructList' :: List l => l r -> (a -> l a -> l r) -> l a -> l r
deconstructList' onNil onCons =
    joinL . deconstructList (return onNil) onCons'
        onCons' x = return . onCons x

-- | foldr for 'List's.
-- the result and 'right side' values are monadic actions.
foldrL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l b -> ItemM l b) -> ItemM l b -> l a -> ItemM l b
foldrL consFunc nilFunc =
    deconstructList nilFunc onCons
        onCons x = consFunc x . foldrL consFunc nilFunc

-- | Convert a list to a 'MonadPlus'
-- > > fromList [] :: Maybe Int
-- > Nothing
-- > > fromList [5] :: Maybe Int
-- > Just 5
fromList :: List l => [a] -> l a
fromList = foldr cons mzero

-- | filter for any MonadPlus
-- > > filter (> 5) (Just 3)
-- > Nothing
filter :: MonadPlus m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m a
filter cond =
    (>>= f)
        f x
            | cond x = return x
            | otherwise = mzero

-- | An action to do foldl for 'List's
foldlL :: List l => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> l b -> ItemM l a
foldlL step startVal =
    deconstructList (return startVal) onCons
        onCons x xs =
            let v = step startVal x
            in v `seq` foldlL step v xs

foldl1L :: List l => (a -> a -> a) -> l a -> ItemM l a
-- should use "error" or "fail"?
foldl1L = deconstructList (error "foldl1L: empty list") . foldlL

scanl :: List l => (a -> b -> a) -> a -> l b -> l a
scanl step startVal =
    cons startVal . deconstructList' mzero (scanl step . step startVal)

scanl1 :: List l => (a -> a -> a) -> l a -> l a
scanl1 = deconstructList' mzero . scanl

genericTake :: (Integral i, List l) => i -> l a -> l a
genericTake count
    | count <= 0 = const mzero
    | otherwise = deconstructList' mzero onCons
        onCons x = cons x . genericTake (count - 1)

take :: List l => Int -> l a -> l a
take = genericTake

-- | Execute the monadic actions in a 'List'
execute :: List l => l a -> ItemM l ()
execute = foldlL const ()

-- | Transform a list of actions to a list of their results
-- > > joinM [Identity 4, Identity 7]
-- > [4,7]
joinM :: List l => l (ItemM l a) -> l a
joinM =
    joinL . foldrL consFunc (return mzero)
        consFunc action rest =
            liftM (`cons` joinL rest) action

mapL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l b) -> l a -> l b
mapL func = joinM . liftM func

takeWhile :: List l => (a -> Bool) -> l a -> l a
takeWhile = takeWhileM . fmap return

repeatM :: List l => ItemM l a -> l a
repeatM = joinM . repeat

filterL :: List l => (a -> ItemM l Bool) -> l a -> l a
filterL cond =
    joinL . foldrL step (return mzero)
        step x rest = do
            b <- cond x
            if b
                then return . cons x . joinL $ rest
                else rest

takeWhileM :: List l => (a -> ItemM l Bool) -> l a -> l a
takeWhileM cond =
    joinL . foldrL step (return mzero)
        step x rest = do
            b <- cond x
            if b
                then return . cons x . joinL $ rest
                else return mzero

-- | An action to transform a 'List' to a list
-- > > runIdentity $ toList "hello!"
-- > "hello!"
toList :: List l => l a -> ItemM l [a]
toList =
    foldrL step (return [])
        step = liftM . (:)

-- | Consume a list (execute its actions) and return its length
-- > > runIdentity $ lengthL [1,2,3]
-- > 3
lengthL :: (Integral i, List l) => l a -> ItemM l i
lengthL = foldlL (const . (+ 1)) 0

-- | Transform the underlying monad of a list given a way to transform the monad
-- > > import Data.List.Tree (bfs)
-- > > bfs (transformListMonad (\(Identity x) -> [x, x]) "hey" :: ListT [] Char)
-- > "hheeeeyyyyyyyy"
transformListMonad :: (List l, List k) =>
    (ItemM l (k a) -> ItemM k (k a)) -> l a -> k a
transformListMonad trans =
    t . foldrL step (return mzero)
        t = joinL . trans
        step x = return . cons x . t

zip :: List l => l a -> l b -> l (a, b)
zip xx yy =
    deconstructList' mzero onConsX xx
        onConsX x xs = deconstructList' mzero (onConsXY x xs) yy
        onConsXY x xs y ys = cons (x, y) $ zip xs ys

-- zipWith based on zip and not vice versa,
-- because the other way around hlint compains "use zip".
zipWith :: List l => (a -> b -> c) -> l a -> l b -> l c
zipWith func as = liftM (uncurry func) . zip as

tail :: List l => l a -> l a
tail = joinL . liftM tailL . runList

-- | Consume all items and return the last one
-- > > runIdentity $ lastL "hello"
-- > 'o'
lastL :: List l => l a -> ItemM l a
lastL = liftM fromJust . foldlL (const Just) Nothing

repeat :: List l => a -> l a
repeat = fix . cons

transpose :: List l => l (l a) -> l (l a)
transpose matrix =
    joinL $ toList matrix >>= r
        r xs = do
            items <- mapM runList xs
            return $ case filter isCons items of
                [] -> mzero
                citems ->
                    cons (fromList (map headL citems)) .
                    joinL . r $ map tailL citems
        isCons Nil = False
        isCons _ = True

-- | Merge many lists sorted by a criteria given the criteria
-- > > mergeOn length [["hi", "hey", "hello"], ["cat", "falcon"], ["banana", "cucumber"]]
-- > ["hi","cat","hey","hello","banana","falcon","cucumber"]
mergeOn :: (Ord b, List l) => (a -> b) -> l (l a) -> l a
mergeOn f = joinL . foldlL (merge2On f) mzero

-- | Merge two lists sorted by a criteria given the criteria
-- > > merge2On id "01568" "239"
-- > "01235689"
merge2On :: (Ord b, List l) => (a -> b) -> l a -> l a -> l a
merge2On f xx yy =
    joinL $ do
        xi <- runList xx
        yi <- runList yy
        return $ case (xi, yi) of
            (Cons x xs, Cons y ys)
                | f y > f x -> cons x . merge2On f xs $ cons y ys
                | otherwise -> cons y $ merge2On f (cons x xs) ys
            (Cons x xs, Nil) -> cons x xs
            (Nil, Cons y ys) -> cons y ys
            (Nil, Nil) -> mzero

-- sorts require looking at the whole list
-- even before the consumption of the first result element,
-- so they make no sense for monadic lists
sortOn :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> [a]
sortOn = sortBy . comparing

-- | Monadic version of iterate.
-- Can be used to produce trees given a children of node function.
-- > import Data.List.Tree (bfsLayers)
-- > take 3 $ bfsLayers (iterateM (\i -> [i*2, i*2+1]) [1] :: ListT [] Int)
-- > [[1],[2,3],[4,5,6,7]]
iterateM :: List l => (a -> ItemM l a) -> ItemM l a -> l a
iterateM step startM =
    joinL $ do
        start <- startM
        return . cons start
            . iterateM step
            . step $ start

-- | Monadic variant of splitAt.
-- Consumes x items from the list and return them with the remaining monadic list.
splitAtM :: List l => Int -> l a -> ItemM l ([a], l a)
splitAtM at list
    | at <= 0 = return ([], list)
    | otherwise = do
        item <- runList list
        case item of
            Nil -> return ([], mzero)
            Cons x xs -> do
                (pre, post) <- splitAtM (at-1) xs
                return (x:pre, post)

-- | listStateJoin can transform a
-- @ListT (StateT s m) a@ to a @StateT s m (ListT m a)@.
-- When iterating a list, a state is already maintained and passed along
-- in the form of the location along the list.
-- This joins the inner @StateT s@ into the list.
-- The list will fork the state given to it and won't share its changes.
listStateJoin :: (List l, List k, ItemM l ~ StateT s (ItemM k))
    => l a -> ItemM l (k a)
listStateJoin list = do
    start <- get
    return . joinL . (`evalStateT` start) $ deconstructList (return mzero) onCons list
        onCons x = liftM (cons x) . listStateJoin

-- | Generalized 'concat'
-- For @List l => l (l a) -> l a@ use 'join'
concat :: List l => l [a] -> l a
concat = join . liftM fromList

-- | Genereralized 'concatMap'
-- For @List l => (a -> l b) -> l a -> l b@ use '=<<' (monadic bind)
concatMap :: List l => (a -> [b]) -> l a -> l b
concatMap f = concat . liftM f

catMaybes :: List l => l (Maybe a) -> l a
catMaybes =
    concatMap f
        f Nothing = mzero
        f (Just x) = return x

-- To be reintroduced in List 0.5.0
-- mapMaybe :: List l => (a -> Maybe b) -> l a -> l b
-- mapMaybe f = catMaybes . liftM f

enumFrom :: (List l, Enum a) => a -> l a
enumFrom x = cons x (enumFrom (succ x))

enumFromTo :: (List l, Enum a) => a -> a -> l a
enumFromTo from to
    | fromEnum from > fromEnum to = mzero
    | otherwise = cons from (enumFromTo (succ from) to)