Lambdaya- Library for RedPitaya

Safe HaskellSafe






tutorial for System.Readpitaya Libraray

System.Readpitaya native haskell library for redpitaya that enables bindings on FPGA. It also supports remote redpitaya contolling trough same inteface over TCP/IP.

Here it is simple an minimal example to use library

import System.RedPitaya.Fpga
import System.RedPitaya.Tcp

rpIp = ""
rpPort = 4242

main = runRemoteRp rpIp rpPort (setLed 0x55) 

runRemoteRp is function that execute FpgaSetGet over network. If you dont have arm-ghc compiler available, you can use compiled binaries bin/server and run them on RedPitaya.

Lambdaya libraray also enables execution of same code natively trough withOpenFpga from Arm module using same FpgaSetGet action.

import System.RedPitaya.Fpga
import System.RedPitaya.Arm

main = withOpenFpga (setLed 0x55) 

Inspiration for last example is technology from 1970s

import System.RedPitaya.Fpga
import System.RedPitaya.Tcp
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Data.Bits
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)

knightRider n = do
    let ledn = 1 + abs ((mod n 12) - 6)
    setLed ( shiftL 1 ledn )
    liftIO ( threadDelay (30000) )
    knightRider (n + 1)

rpIp = ""
rpPort = 4242

main = runRemoteRp rpIp rpPort (knightRider 0)

For full interface and fuctions available for contolling and acessing registries, check Fpga module.