-- | Operations on the 'Actor' type that need the 'State' type,
-- but not the 'Action' type.
-- TODO: Document an export list after it's rewritten according to #17.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
  ( actorAssocsLvl, actorAssocs, actorList
  , actorNotProjAssocsLvl, actorNotProjAssocs, actorNotProjList
  , calculateTotal, nearbyFreePoints, whereTo
  , posToActors, posToActor, getItemBody, memActor
  , getActorBody, updateActorBody
  , getActorItem, getFloorItem, getActorBag
  , actorContainer, actorContainerB, getActorInv
  , tryFindHeroK, foesAdjacent
  ) where

import Control.Exception.Assert.Sugar
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import Data.List
import Data.Maybe

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind as Kind
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Tile as Tile
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Vector
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind

actorAssocsLvl :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> Level -> ActorDict
               -> [(ActorId, Actor)]
actorAssocsLvl p lvl actorD =
  mapMaybe (\aid -> let actor = actorD EM.! aid
                    in if p (bfid actor)
                       then Just (aid, actor)
                       else Nothing)
  $ concat $ EM.elems $ lprio lvl

actorAssocs :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> LevelId -> State
            -> [(ActorId, Actor)]
actorAssocs p lid s =
  actorAssocsLvl p (sdungeon s EM.! lid) (sactorD s)

actorList :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> LevelId -> State
          -> [Actor]
actorList p lid s = map snd $ actorAssocs p lid s

actorNotProjAssocsLvl :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> Level -> ActorDict
                      -> [(ActorId, Actor)]
actorNotProjAssocsLvl p lvl actorD =
  mapMaybe (\aid -> let actor = actorD EM.! aid
                    in if not (bproj actor) && p (bfid actor)
                       then Just (aid, actor)
                       else Nothing)
  $ concat $ EM.elems $ lprio lvl

actorNotProjAssocs :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> LevelId -> State
                   -> [(ActorId, Actor)]
actorNotProjAssocs p lid s =
  actorNotProjAssocsLvl p (sdungeon s EM.! lid) (sactorD s)

actorNotProjList :: (FactionId -> Bool) -> LevelId -> State
                 -> [Actor]
actorNotProjList p lid s = map snd $ actorNotProjAssocs p lid s

-- | Finds an actor at a position on the current level.
posToActor :: Point -> LevelId -> State
           -> Maybe ((ActorId, Actor), [(ItemId, Item)])
posToActor pos lid s = listToMaybe $ posToActors pos lid s

posToActors :: Point -> LevelId -> State
            -> [((ActorId, Actor), [(ItemId, Item)])]
posToActors pos lid s =
  let as = actorAssocs (const True) lid s
      aps = filter (\(_, b) -> bpos b == pos) as
      f iid = (iid, getItemBody iid s)
      g (aid, b) = ((aid, b), map f $ EM.keys $ bbag b)
      l = map g aps
  in assert (length l <= 1 || all (bproj . snd . fst) l
             `blame` "many actors at the same position" `twith` l)

nearbyFreePoints :: Kind.Ops TileKind
                 -> (Kind.Id TileKind -> Bool) -> Point -> LevelId -> State
                 -> [Point]
nearbyFreePoints cotile f start lid s =
  let lvl@Level{lxsize, lysize} = sdungeon s EM.! lid
      as = actorList (const True) lid s
      good p = f (lvl `at` p)
               && Tile.isWalkable cotile (lvl `at` p)
               && unoccupied as p
      ps = nub $ start : concatMap (vicinity lxsize lysize) ps
  in filter good ps

-- | Calculate loot's worth for heroes on the current level.
-- Warning: scores are shown during the game, so when the server calculates
-- then, we should be careful not to leak secret information
-- (e.g., the nature of the items through the total worth of inventory).
calculateTotal :: Actor -> State -> (ItemBag, Int)
calculateTotal body s =
  let bs = actorList (== bfid body) (blid body) s
      bag = EM.unionsWith (+) $ map bbag $ if null bs then [body] else bs
      items = map (\(iid, k) -> (getItemBody iid s, k))
              $ EM.assocs bag
  in (bag, sum $ map itemPrice items)

-- | Price an item, taking count into consideration.
itemPrice :: (Item, Int) -> Int
itemPrice (item, jcount) =
  case jsymbol item of
    '$' -> jcount
    '*' -> jcount * 100
    _   -> 0

foesAdjacent :: X -> Y -> Point -> [Actor] -> Bool
foesAdjacent lxsize lysize pos foes =
  let vic = ES.fromList $ vicinity lxsize lysize pos
      lfs = ES.fromList $ map bpos foes
  in not $ ES.null $ ES.intersection vic lfs

-- * These few operations look at, potentially, all levels of the dungeon.

-- | Tries to finds an actor body satisfying a predicate on any level.
tryFindActor :: State -> (Actor -> Bool) -> Maybe (ActorId, Actor)
tryFindActor s p =
  find (p . snd) $ EM.assocs $ sactorD s

tryFindHeroK :: State -> FactionId -> Int -> Maybe (ActorId, Actor)
tryFindHeroK s fact k =
  let c | k == 0          = '@'
        | k > 0 && k < 10 = Char.intToDigit k
        | otherwise       = assert `failure` "no digit" `twith` k
  in tryFindActor s (\body -> bsymbol body == c
                              && not (bproj body)
                              && bfid body == fact)

-- | Compute the level identifier and starting position on the level,
-- after a level change.
whereTo :: LevelId  -- ^ level of the stairs
        -> Point    -- ^ position of the stairs
        -> Int      -- ^ jump up this many levels
        -> Dungeon  -- ^ current game dungeon
        -> (LevelId, Point)
                    -- ^ target level and the position of its receiving stairs
whereTo lid pos k dungeon = assert (k /= 0) $
  let lvl = dungeon EM.! lid
      stairs = (if k < 0 then snd else fst) (lstair lvl)
      defaultStairs = 0  -- for ascending via, e.g., spells
      mindex = elemIndex pos stairs
      i = fromMaybe defaultStairs mindex
  in case ascendInBranch dungeon k lid of
    [] | isNothing mindex -> (lid, pos)  -- spell fizzles
    [] -> assert `failure` "no dungeon level to go to" `twith` (lid, pos, k)
    ln : _ -> let lvlTgt = dungeon EM.! ln
                  stairsTgt = (if k < 0 then fst else snd) (lstair lvlTgt)
              in if length stairsTgt < i + 1
                 then assert `failure` "no stairs at index"
                             `twith` (lid, pos, k, ln, stairsTgt, i)
                 else (ln, stairsTgt !! i)

-- * The operations below disregard levels other than the current.

-- | Gets actor body from the current level. Error if not found.
getActorBody :: ActorId -> State -> Actor
getActorBody aid s =
  fromMaybe (assert `failure` "body not found" `twith` (aid, s))
  $ EM.lookup aid $ sactorD s

updateActorBody :: ActorId -> (Actor -> Actor) -> State -> State
updateActorBody aid f s =
  let alt Nothing = assert `failure` "no body to update" `twith` (aid, s)
      alt (Just b) = Just $ f b
  in updateActorD (EM.alter alt aid) s

getActorBag :: ActorId -> State -> ItemBag
getActorBag aid s = bbag $ getActorBody aid s

actorContainer :: ActorId -> ItemInv -> ItemId -> Container
actorContainer aid binv iid =
  case find ((== iid) . snd) $ EM.assocs binv of
    Just (l, _) -> CActor aid l
    Nothing -> assert `failure` "item not in inventory" `twith` (aid, binv, iid)

actorContainerB :: ActorId -> Actor -> ItemId -> Item -> Maybe Container
actorContainerB aid body iid item =
  case find ((== iid) . snd) $ EM.assocs (binv body) of
    Just (l, _) -> Just $ CActor aid l
    Nothing ->
      let l = if jsymbol item == '$' then Just $ InvChar '$' else Nothing
      in case assignLetter iid l body of
        Just l2 -> Just $ CActor aid l2
        Nothing -> Nothing

getActorInv :: ActorId -> State -> ItemInv
getActorInv aid s = binv $ getActorBody aid s

-- | Gets actor's items from the current level. Warning: this does not work
-- for viewing items of actors from remote level.
getActorItem :: ActorId -> State -> [(ItemId, Item)]
getActorItem aid s =
  let f iid = (iid, getItemBody iid s)
  in map f $ EM.keys $ getActorBag aid s

getFloorItem :: LevelId -> Point -> State -> [(ItemId, Item)]
getFloorItem lid pos s =
  let f iid = (iid, getItemBody iid s)
  in map f $ EM.keys $ sdungeon s EM.! lid `atI` pos

getItemBody :: ItemId -> State -> Item
getItemBody iid s =
  fromMaybe (assert `failure` "item body not found"
                    `twith` (iid, s)) $ EM.lookup iid $ sitemD s

-- | Checks if the actor is present on the current level.
-- The order of argument here and in other functions is set to allow
-- > b <- getsState (memActor a)
memActor :: ActorId -> LevelId -> State -> Bool
memActor aid lid s =
  maybe False ((== lid) . blid) $ EM.lookup aid $ sactorD s