{ {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- vim: filetype=haskell -- | -- Module : Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy -- Description : parses the code of the standard Core with Happy. -- Copyright : (c) Kimiyuki Onaka, 2020 -- License : Apache License 2.0 -- Maintainer : kimiyuki95@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- See also Haskell's . module Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy ( runProgram , runExpr , runType , runRule ) where import Data.List (intercalate) import Jikka.Common.Alpha import Jikka.Common.Error import Jikka.Common.Location import Jikka.Core.Language.BuiltinPatterns import Jikka.Core.Language.Expr import Jikka.Core.Language.TypeCheck import Jikka.Core.Language.Util import qualified Jikka.Core.Parse.Token as L } %name runProgram_ program %name runExpr_ expression %name runType_ type %name runRule_ rule %tokentype { WithLoc L.Token } %monad { Either Error } %error { happyErrorExpList } %errorhandlertype explist %token -- literals INTEGER { WithLoc _ (L.Int _) } BOOLEAN { WithLoc _ (L.Bool _) } STRING { WithLoc _ (L.String _) } -- keywords "let" { WithLoc _ L.Let } "rec" { WithLoc _ L.Rec } "in" { WithLoc _ L.In } "fun" { WithLoc _ L.Fun } "if" { WithLoc _ L.If } "then" { WithLoc _ L.Then } "else" { WithLoc _ L.Else } "assert" { WithLoc _ L.Assert } "forall" { WithLoc _ L.Forall } -- punctuations "->" { WithLoc _ L.Arrow } ":" { WithLoc _ L.Colon } "," { WithLoc _ L.Comma } "=" { WithLoc _ L.Equal } "_" { WithLoc _ L.Underscore } "." { WithLoc _ L.Dot } "<-" { WithLoc _ L.BackArrow } "@" { WithLoc _ L.At } -- parens "[" { WithLoc _ L.OpenBracket } "(" { WithLoc _ L.OpenParen } "]" { WithLoc _ L.CloseBracket } ")" { WithLoc _ L.CloseParen } -- types "int" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "int") } "bool" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "bool") } "list" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "list") } "unit" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "unit") } "one_tuple" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "one_tuple") } "convex_hull_trick" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "convex_hull_trick") } "segment_tree" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "segment_tree") } "int_plus" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "int_plus") } "int_min" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "int_min") } "int_max" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "int_max") } -- builtins "nil" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "nil") } "bottom" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "bottom") } "abs" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "abs") } "gcd" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "gcd") } "lcm" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "lcm") } "max" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "max") } "min" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "min") } "not" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "not") } "implies" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "implies") } "iterate" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "iterate") } "matap" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matap") } "matzero" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matzero") } "matone" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matone") } "matadd" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matadd") } "matmul" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matmul") } "matpow" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matpow") } "vecfloormod" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "vecfloormod") } "matfloormod" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "matfloormod") } "modnegate" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modnegate") } "modplus" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modplus") } "modminus" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modminus") } "modmult" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modmult") } "modinv" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modinv") } "modpow" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modpow") } "modmatap" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modmatap") } "modmatadd" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modmatadd") } "modmatmul" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modmatmul") } "modmatpow" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modmatpow") } "cons" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "cons") } "snoc" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "snoc") } "foldl" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "foldl") } "scanl" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "scanl") } "build" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "build") } "len" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "len") } "map" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "map") } "filter" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "filter") } "elem" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "elem") } "sum" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "sum") } "product" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "product") } "modsum" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modsum") } "modproduct" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "modproduct") } "minimum" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "minimum") } "maximum" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "maximum") } "argmin" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "argmin") } "argmax" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "argmax") } "gcds" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "gcds") } "lcms" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "lcms") } "all" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "all") } "any" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "any") } "sorted" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "sorted") } "reversed" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "reversed") } "range" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "range") } "range2" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "range2") } "range3" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "range3") } "fact" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "fact") } "choose" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "choose") } "permute" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "permute") } "multichoose" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "multichoose") } "cht_init" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "cht_init") } "cht_getmin" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "cht_getmin") } "cht_insert" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "cht_insert") } "segtree_init" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "segtree_init") } "segtree_getrange" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "segtree_getrange") } "segtree_setpoint" { WithLoc _ (L.Ident "segtree_setpoint") } -- identifiers IDENT { WithLoc _ (L.Ident _) } -- arithmetic operators "+" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.Plus) } "-" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.Minus) } "*" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.Mult) } "/" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.FloorDiv) } "%" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.FloorMod) } "/^" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.CeilDiv) } "%^" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.CeilMod) } "/!" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.JustDiv) } "**" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.Pow) } -- boolean operators "&&" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.And) } "||" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.Or) } -- bit operators "~" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitNot) } "&" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitAnd) } "|" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitOr) } "^" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitXor) } "<<" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitLShift) } ">>" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.BitRShift) } -- comparators ">" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.GreaterThan) } "<" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.LessThan) } "<=" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.LessEqual) } ">=" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.GreaterEqual) } "==" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.DoubleEqual) } "/=" { WithLoc _ (L.Operator L.NotEqual) } %% program :: { Program } : topdecls { $1 } rule :: { (String, [(VarName, Type)], Expr, Expr) } : STRING expression "=" expression { let L.String name = value $1 in (name, [], $2, $4) } | STRING "forall" list1(arg) "." expression "=" expression { let L.String name = value $1 in (name, $3, $5, $7) } -- utilities opt(p) -- :: { Maybe a } : {- empty -} { Nothing } | p { Just $1 } rev_list1(p) -- :: { [a] } : p { [$1] } | rev_list1(p) p { $2 : $1 } list1(p) -- :: { [a] } : rev_list1(p) { reverse $1 } list(p) -- :: { [a] } : {- empty -} { [] } | list1(p) { $1 } rev_sep1(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : p { [$1] } | rev_sep1(p, q) q p { $3 : $1 } sep1(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : rev_sep1(p, q) { reverse $1 } sep1opt(p, q) -- :: { [a] } : rev_sep1(p, q) opt(q) { reverse $1 } fst(p, q) : p q { $1 } snd(p, q) : p q { $2 } both(p, q) : p q { ($1, $2) } topdecls :: { ToplevelExpr } : expression_nolet { ResultExpr $1 } | topdecl topdecls { $1 $2 } topdecl :: { ToplevelExpr -> ToplevelExpr } : "let" identifier opt_colon_type "=" expression "in" { ToplevelLet $2 $3 $5 } | "let" "rec" identifier list(arg) opt_colon_type "=" expression "in" { ToplevelLetRec $3 $4 $5 $7 } | "assert" expression "in" { ToplevelAssert $2 } -- Types atom_type :: { Type } : IDENT { let (L.Ident x) = value $1 in VarTy (TypeName x) } | "int" { IntTy } | "bool" { BoolTy } | atom_type "list" { ListTy $1 } | "unit" { TupleTy [] } | atom_type "one_tuple" { TupleTy [$1] } | datastructure { DataStructureTy $1 } | "(" type ")" { $2 } tuple_type :: { Type } : atom_type { $1 } | atom_type "*" sep1(atom_type, "*") { TupleTy ($1 : $3) } type :: { Type } : tuple_type { $1 } | tuple_type "->" type { FunTy $1 $3 } opt_colon_type :: { Type } : {- empty -} { underscoreTy } | ":" type { $2 } -- Data Structures datastructure :: { DataStructure } : "convex_hull_trick" { ConvexHullTrick } | "segment_tree" "<" semigroup ">" { SegmentTree $3 } semigroup :: { Semigroup' } : "int_plus" { SemigroupIntPlus } | "int_min" { SemigroupIntMin } | "int_max" { SemigroupIntMax } -- Arguments arg :: { (VarName, Type) } : identifier { ($1, underscoreTy) } | "(" identifier ":" type ")" { ($2, $4) } -- Atoms atom :: { Expr } : identifier { Var $1 } | literal { Lit $1 } | parenth_form { $1 } | builtin { Lit (uncurry LitBuiltin $1) } identifier :: { VarName } : IDENT { let (L.Ident x) = value $1 in VarName x } | "_" { VarName "_" } integer :: { Integer } : INTEGER { let (L.Int n) = value $1 in n } literal :: { Literal } : integer { LitInt $1 } | BOOLEAN { let (L.Bool p) = value $1 in LitBool p } | "nil" { LitNil underscoreTy } | "nil" "@" atom_type { LitNil $3 } | "bottom" "<" STRING ">" { let L.String msg = value $3 in LitBottom underscoreTy msg } | "bottom" "<" STRING ">" "@" atom_type { let L.String msg = value $3 in LitBottom $6 msg } parenth_form :: { Expr } : "(" ")" {% makeTuple [] UnitTy } | "(" ")" "@" atom_type {% makeTuple [] $4 } | "(" expression ")" { $2 } | "(" expression "," ")" {% makeTuple [$2] (TupleTy [underscoreTy]) } | "(" expression "," ")" "@" atom_type {% makeTuple [$2] $6 } | "(" expression "," expression_list ")" {% makeTuple ($2 : $4) (TupleTy (replicate (length ($2 : $4)) underscoreTy)) } | "(" expression "," expression_list ")" "@" atom_type {% makeTuple ($2 : $4) $7 } builtin :: { (Builtin, [Type]) } : "abs" { (Abs, []) } | "gcd" { (Gcd, []) } | "lcm" { (Lcm, []) } | "min" { (Min2, [underscoreTy]) } | "min" "@" atom_type { (Min2, [$3]) } | "max" { (Max2, [underscoreTy]) } | "max" "@" atom_type { (Max2, [$3]) } | "not" { (Not, []) } | "implies" { (Implies, []) } | "iterate" { (Iterate, [underscoreTy]) } | "iterate" "@" atom_type { (Iterate, [$3]) } | "matap" "@" integer "@" integer { (MatAp $3 $5, []) } | "matzero" "@" integer "@" integer { (MatZero $3 $5, []) } | "matone" "@" integer { (MatOne $3, []) } | "matadd" "@" integer "@" integer { (MatAdd $3 $5, []) } | "matmul" "@" integer "@" integer "@" integer { (MatMul $3 $5 $7, []) } | "matpow" "@" integer { (MatPow $3, []) } | "vecfloormod" "@" integer { (VecFloorMod $3, []) } | "matfloormod" "@" integer "@" integer { (MatFloorMod $3 $5, []) } | "modnegate" { (ModNegate, []) } | "modplus" { (ModPlus, []) } | "modminus" { (ModMinus, []) } | "modmult" { (ModMult, []) } | "modinv" { (ModInv, []) } | "modpow" { (ModPow, []) } | "modmatap" "@" integer "@" integer { (ModMatAp $3 $5, []) } | "modmatadd" "@" integer "@" integer { (ModMatAdd $3 $5, []) } | "modmatmul" "@" integer "@" integer "@" integer { (ModMatMul $3 $5 $7, []) } | "modmatpow" "@" integer { (ModMatPow $3, []) } | "cons" { (Cons, [underscoreTy]) } | "cons" "@" atom_type { (Cons, [$3]) } | "snoc" { (Snoc, [underscoreTy]) } | "snoc" "@" atom_type { (Snoc, [$3]) } | "foldl" { (Foldl, [underscoreTy, underscoreTy]) } | "foldl" "@" atom_type "@" atom_type { (Foldl, [$3, $5]) } | "scanl" { (Scanl, [underscoreTy, underscoreTy]) } | "scanl" "@" atom_type "@" atom_type { (Scanl, [$3, $5]) } | "build" { (Build, [underscoreTy]) } | "build" "@" atom_type { (Build, [$3]) } | "len" { (Len, [underscoreTy]) } | "len" "@" atom_type { (Len, [$3]) } | "map" { (Map, [underscoreTy, underscoreTy]) } | "map" "@" atom_type "@" atom_type { (Map, [$3, $5]) } | "filter" { (Filter, [underscoreTy]) } | "filter" "@" atom_type { (Filter, [$3]) } | "elem" { (Elem, [underscoreTy]) } | "elem" "@" atom_type { (Elem, [$3]) } | "sum" { (Sum, []) } | "product" { (Product, []) } | "modsum" { (ModSum, []) } | "modproduct" { (ModProduct, []) } | "minimum" { (Min1, [underscoreTy]) } | "minimum" "@" atom_type { (Min1, [$3]) } | "maximum" { (Max1, [underscoreTy]) } | "maximum" "@" atom_type { (Max1, [$3]) } | "argmin" { (ArgMin, [underscoreTy]) } | "argmin" "@" atom_type { (ArgMin, [$3]) } | "argmax" { (ArgMax, [underscoreTy]) } | "argmax" "@" atom_type { (ArgMax, [$3]) } | "gcds" { (Gcd1, []) } | "lcms" { (Lcm1, []) } | "all" { (All, []) } | "any" { (Any, []) } | "sorted" { (Sorted, [underscoreTy]) } | "sorted" "@" atom_type { (Sorted, [$3]) } | "reversed" { (Reversed, [underscoreTy]) } | "reversed" "@" atom_type { (Reversed, [$3]) } | "range" { (Range1, []) } | "range2" { (Range2, []) } | "range3" { (Range3, []) } | "fact" { (Fact, []) } | "choose" { (Choose, []) } | "permute" { (Permute, []) } | "multichoose" { (MultiChoose, []) } | "cht_init" { (ConvexHullTrickInit, []) } | "cht_getmin" { (ConvexHullTrickGetMin, []) } | "cht_insert" { (ConvexHullTrickInsert, []) } | "segtree_init" "<" semigroup ">" { (SegmentTreeInitList $3, []) } | "segtree_getrange" "<" semigroup ">" { (SegmentTreeGetRange $3, []) } | "segtree_setpoint" "<" semigroup ">" { (SegmentTreeSetPoint $3, []) } | "(" "+" ")" { (Plus, []) } | "(" "-" ")" { (Minus, []) } | "(" "*" ")" { (Mult, []) } | "(" "/" ")" { (FloorDiv, []) } | "(" "%" ")" { (FloorMod, []) } | "(" "/^" ")" { (CeilDiv, []) } | "(" "%^" ")" { (CeilMod, []) } | "(" "/!" ")" { (JustDiv, []) } | "(" "**" ")" { (Pow, []) } | "(" "&&" ")" { (And, []) } | "(" "||" ")" { (Or, []) } | "(" "~" ")" { (BitNot, []) } | "(" "&" ")" { (BitAnd, []) } | "(" "|" ")" { (BitOr, []) } | "(" "^" ")" { (BitXor, []) } | "(" "<<" ")" { (BitLeftShift, []) } | "(" ">>" ")" { (BitRightShift, []) } | "(" ">" ")" { (GreaterThan, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" ">" ")" "@" atom_type { (GreaterThan, [$5]) } | "(" "<" ")" { (LessThan, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" "<" ")" "@" atom_type { (LessThan, [$5]) } | "(" "<=" ")" { (LessEqual, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" "<=" ")" "@" atom_type { (LessEqual, [$5]) } | "(" ">=" ")" { (GreaterEqual, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" ">=" ")" "@" atom_type { (GreaterEqual, [$5]) } | "(" "==" ")" { (Equal, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" "==" ")" "@" atom_type { (Equal, [$5]) } | "(" "/=" ")" { (NotEqual, [underscoreTy]) } | "(" "/=" ")" "@" atom_type { (NotEqual, [$5]) } -- Primaries primary :: { Expr } : atom { $1 } | subscription { $1 } -- Subscriptions subscription :: { Expr } : primary "[" expression "]" { At' underscoreTy $1 $3 } | primary "[" expression "]" "@" atom_type { At' $6 $1 $3 } | primary "[" expression "<-" expression "]" { SetAt' underscoreTy $1 $3 $5 } | primary "[" expression "<-" expression "]" "@" atom_type { SetAt' $8 $1 $3 $5 } | primary "." integer {% makeProj $1 $3 underscoreTy } | primary "." integer "@" atom_type {% makeProj $1 $3 $5 } -- Function applications funapp :: { Expr } : primary { $1 } | funapp primary { App $1 $2 } -- The power operator power :: { Expr } : funapp { $1 } | funapp "**" u_expr { Pow' $1 $3 } -- Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations u_expr :: { Expr } : power { $1 } | "-" u_expr { Negate' $2 } | "+" u_expr { $2 } | "~" u_expr { BitNot' $2 } -- Binary arithmetic operations m_expr :: { Expr } : u_expr { $1 } | m_expr "*" u_expr { Mult' $1 $3 } | m_expr "/" u_expr { FloorDiv' $1 $3 } | m_expr "%" u_expr { FloorMod' $1 $3 } | m_expr "/^" u_expr { CeilDiv' $1 $3 } | m_expr "%^" u_expr { CeilMod' $1 $3 } | m_expr "/!" u_expr { JustDiv' $1 $3 } a_expr :: { Expr } : m_expr { $1 } | a_expr "+" m_expr { Plus' $1 $3 } | a_expr "-" m_expr { Minus' $1 $3 } -- Shifting operations shift_expr :: { Expr } : a_expr { $1 } | shift_expr "<<" a_expr { BitLeftShift' $1 $3 } | shift_expr ">>" a_expr { BitRightShift' $1 $3 } -- 6.9. Binary bitwise operations and_expr :: { Expr } : shift_expr { $1 } | and_expr "&" shift_expr { BitAnd' $1 $3 } xor_expr :: { Expr } : and_expr { $1 } | xor_expr "^" and_expr { BitXor' $1 $3 } or_expr :: { Expr } : xor_expr { $1 } | or_expr "|" xor_expr { BitOr' $1 $3 } -- Comparisons comparison :: { Expr } : or_expr { $1 } | comparison comp_operator or_expr { $2 underscoreTy $1 $3 } | comparison comp_operator "@" atom_type or_expr { $2 $4 $1 $5 } comp_operator :: { Type -> Expr -> Expr -> Expr } : "==" { Equal' } | "/=" { NotEqual' } | "<" { LessThan' } | ">" { GreaterThan' } | "<=" { LessEqual' } | ">=" { GreaterEqual' } -- Boolean operations and_test :: { Expr } : comparison { $1 } | and_test "&&" comparison { And' $1 $3 } or_test :: { Expr } : and_test { $1 } | or_test "||" and_test { Or' $1 $3 } -- Conditional expressions conditional_expression :: { Expr } : "if" expression "then" expression "else" expression { If' underscoreTy $2 $4 $6 } | "if" "@" atom_type expression "then" expression "else" expression { If' $3 $4 $6 $8 } -- Lambda lambda_expr :: { Expr } : "fun" list1(arg) "->" expression { curryLam $2 $4 } -- Let let_expr :: { Expr } : "let" identifier opt_colon_type "=" expression "in" expression { Let $2 $3 $5 $7 } -- Assertion assert_expr :: { Expr } : "assert" expression "in" expression { Assert $2 $4 } expression_nolet :: { Expr } : or_test { $1 } | conditional_expression { $1 } | lambda_expr { $1 } expression :: { Expr } : expression_nolet { $1 } | let_expr { $1 } | assert_expr { $1 } -- Expression lists expression_list :: { [Expr] } : sep1(expression, ",") { $1 } { (<@>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b (<@>) = (<$>) underscoreTy :: Type underscoreTy = VarTy (TypeName "_") makeTuple :: MonadError Error m => [Expr] -> Type -> m Expr makeTuple es t = case t of TupleTy ts | length ts == length es -> return $ uncurryApp (Tuple' ts) es _ -> throwSyntaxError "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.makeTuple: wrong type annotation for tuple" makeProj :: MonadError Error m => Expr -> Integer -> Type -> m Expr makeProj e n t = case t of t | t == underscoreTy -> return $ Proj' [] n e -- A projection from the empty tuple is fixed in Jikka.Core.Convert.TypeInfer. TupleTy ts -> return $ Proj' ts n e _ -> throwSyntaxError "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.makeTuple: wrong type annotation for a tuple projection" replaceUnderscoresT :: MonadAlpha m => Type -> m Type replaceUnderscoresT = mapSubTypesM go where go = \case VarTy (TypeName "_") -> genType t -> return t replaceUnderscoresE :: (MonadAlpha m, MonadError Error m) => [(VarName, Type)] -> Expr -> m Expr replaceUnderscoresE env = mapSubExprM go env where go _ = \case Var (VarName "_") -> Var <$> genVarName' e@(Proj' [] i (Var x)) -> case lookup x env of Just (TupleTy ts) -> return $ Proj' ts i (Var x) -- Fix types of projections if it's easily possible. _ -> return e -- Some cases are impossible. You need to use Jikka.Core.Convert.TypeInfer. e -> return e happyErrorExpList :: MonadError Error m => ([WithLoc L.Token], [String]) -> m a happyErrorExpList (tokens, expected) = throwSyntaxErrorAt' loc' msg where loc' :: Maybe Loc loc' = case tokens of [] -> Nothing (token : _) -> Just (loc token) msg :: String msg = tok tokens ++ " is got, but " ++ exp expected ++ " expected" tok :: [WithLoc L.Token] -> String tok [] = "EOF" tok (token : _) = wrap . show $ value token exp :: [String] -> String exp [] = "EOF is" exp [item] = wrap item ++ " is" exp items = intercalate ", " (map wrap $ init items) ++ ", or " ++ (wrap $ last items) ++ " are" wrap :: String -> String wrap ('\'' : s) = '`' : s wrap s = "`" ++ s ++ "'" runRule :: (MonadAlpha m, MonadError Error m) => [WithLoc L.Token] -> m (String, [(VarName, Type)], Expr, Expr) runRule tokens = wrapError' "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.runRule" $ do (name, args, e1, e2) <- liftEither $ runRule_ tokens args <- mapM (\(x, t) -> (x,) <$> replaceUnderscoresT t) args e1 <- mapTypeExprM replaceUnderscoresT e1 e2 <- mapTypeExprM replaceUnderscoresT e2 -- Don't replace underscores in exprs return (name, args, e1, e2) runType :: (MonadAlpha m, MonadError Error m) => [WithLoc L.Token] -> m Type runType tokens = wrapError' "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.runType" $ do t <- liftEither $ runType_ tokens replaceUnderscoresT t runExpr :: (MonadAlpha m, MonadError Error m) => [WithLoc L.Token] -> m Expr runExpr tokens = wrapError' "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.runExpr" $ do e <- liftEither $ runExpr_ tokens e <- mapTypeExprM replaceUnderscoresT e mapSubExprM replaceUnderscoresE [] e runProgram :: (MonadAlpha m, MonadError Error m) => [WithLoc L.Token] -> m Program runProgram tokens = wrapError' "Jikka.Core.Parse.Happy.runProgram" $ do prog <- liftEither $ runProgram_ tokens prog <- mapTypeProgramM replaceUnderscoresT prog mapExprProgramM (mapSubExprM replaceUnderscoresE) prog }