{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} -- | -- Module : Jikka.CPlusPlus.Language.Expr -- Description : contains data types of C++ language. / C++ のためのデータ型を含みます。 -- Copyright : (c) Kimiyuki Onaka, 2020 -- License : Apache License 2.0 -- Maintainer : kimiyuki95@gmail.com -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- -- `Jikka.CPlusPlus.Language.Expr` module has the basic data types for C++ language. -- The data types are intended to use for the code generation. module Jikka.CPlusPlus.Language.Expr where import Data.String (IsString) newtype VarName = VarName {unVarName :: String} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, IsString) newtype FunName = FunName {unFunName :: String} deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, IsString) data Type = -- | @auto@ TyAuto | -- | @void@ TyVoid | -- | @bool@ TyBool | -- | @int@ TyInt | -- | @int32_t@ TyInt32 | -- | @int64_t@ TyInt64 | -- | @std::tuple\@ TyTuple [Type] | -- | @std::vector\@ TyVector Type | -- | @std::arrya\@ TyArray Type Integer | -- | @std::string@ TyString | -- | @std::function\@ TyFunction Type [Type] | -- | @jikka::convex_hull_trick@ TyConvexHullTrick | -- | @atcoder::segtree\@ TySegmentTree Monoid' | -- | an integer @n@ for template parameters TyIntValue Integer deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Monoid' = -- | \((\mathbb{Z}, +, 0)\) MonoidIntPlus | -- | \((\mathrm{int64\_t}, \min, \mathrm{INT64\_MAX})\) MonoidIntMin | -- | \((\mathrm{int64\_t}, \max, \mathrm{INT64\_MIN})\) MonoidIntMax | -- | \((\mathbb{Z}, \gcd, 0)\) MonoidIntGcd | -- | \((\mathbb{Z}, \mathrm{lcm}, 1)\) MonoidIntLcm deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Literal = LitInt32 Integer | LitInt64 Integer | LitBool Bool | LitChar Char | LitString String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Function = -- | other functions Function FunName [Type] | -- | other methods Method FunName | -- | subscription @e1[e2]@ At | -- | updated array @auto tmp = e1; tmp[e2] = e3; return tmp;@ SetAt Type | -- | cast @(T)e@ Cast Type | -- | functio @std::tuple\(e1, e2, ...)@ StdTuple [Type] | -- | function @std::get\(e)@ StdGet Integer | -- | @std::array\{e1, e2, ..., en}@ ArrayExt Type | -- | @std::vector\{e1, e2, ...}@ VecExt Type | -- | constructors @std::vector\()@ / @std::vector\(n)@ / @std::vector\(n, e)@ VecCtor Type | -- | function @std::vector\ jikka::range(int n)@, which is similar to Python's @range@ or Boost's @boost::range@ Range | -- | @size@ method of @std::vector\@ MethodSize | -- | the constructor of @jikka::convex_hull_trick@ ConvexHullTrickCtor | -- | This makes a copy of @jikka::convex_hull_trick@ and updates it. This is removed at `Jikka.CPlusPlus.Convert.MoveSemantics.run`. ConvexHullTrickCopyAddLine | -- | the constructors of @atcoder::segtree\@ SegmentTreeCtor Monoid' | -- | This makes a copy of @atcoder::segtree\@ and updates it. This is removed at `Jikka.CPlusPlus.Convert.MoveSemantics.run`. SegmentTreeCopySetPoint Monoid' deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data UnaryOp = -- | @+@ IntNop | -- | @-@ Negate | -- | @~@ BitNot | -- | @!@ / @not@ Not | -- | @*@ Deref deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data BinaryOp = -- | @+@ Add | -- | @-@ Sub | -- | @*@ Mul | -- | @/@ Div | -- | @%@ Mod | -- | @&@ BitAnd | -- | @|@ BitOr | -- | @^@ BitXor | -- | @\<\<@ BitLeftShift | -- | @\>\>@ BitRightShift | -- | @&&@ / @and@ And | -- | @||@ / @or@ Or | -- | @\<@ LessThan | -- | @\<=@ LessEqual | -- | @\>@ GreaterThan | -- | @\>=@ GreaterEqual | -- | @==@ Equal | -- | @!=@ NotEqual deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data AssignOp = -- | @=@ SimpleAssign | -- | @+=@ AddAssign | -- | @-=@ SubAssign | -- | @*=@ MulAssign | -- | @/=@ DivAssign | -- | @%=@ ModAssign | -- | @\<\<=@ BitLeftShiftAssign | -- | @\>\>=@ BitRightShiftAssign | -- | @&=@ BitAndAssign | -- | @|=@ BitOrAssign | -- | @^=@ BitXorAssign deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Expr = Var VarName | Lit Literal | UnOp UnaryOp Expr | BinOp BinaryOp Expr Expr | -- | @e1 ? e2 : e3@ Cond Expr Expr Expr | -- | lambda expression @[=](T1 x1, T2 x2, ...) -> Tr { stmt1; stmt2; ... }@ Lam [(Type, VarName)] Type [Statement] | -- | @f(e1, e2, ...)@ for a fixed function @f@ Call Function [Expr] | -- | @e(e1, e2, ...)@ for an callable expr @e@ CallExpr Expr [Expr] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data LeftExpr = -- | @x@ LeftVar VarName | -- | @e[i]@ LeftAt LeftExpr Expr | -- | @std::get\@ LeftGet Integer LeftExpr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data AssignExpr = -- | @e1 = e2@ AssignExpr AssignOp LeftExpr Expr | -- | @++ e@ AssignIncr LeftExpr | -- | @-- e@ AssignDecr LeftExpr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data DeclareRight = -- | @T x;@ DeclareDefault | -- | @T x = e;@ DeclareCopy Expr | -- | @T x(e1, e2, ...);@. This is only for better formatting. This should not be used while optimization phases. DeclareInitialize [Expr] deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data Statement = -- | @e;@ ExprStatement Expr | -- | @{ stmt1; stmts2; ...; }@ Block [Statement] | -- | @if (e) { stmt1; stmts2; ...; }@ / @if (e) { stmt1; stmts2; ...; } else { stmt1'; stmt2'; ...; }@ If Expr [Statement] (Maybe [Statement]) | -- | @for (T x = e1; e2; e3) { stmt1; stmts2; ...; }@ For Type VarName Expr Expr AssignExpr [Statement] | -- | @for (T x : e) { stmt1; stmts2; ...; }@ ForEach Type VarName Expr [Statement] | -- | @while (e) { stmt1; stmts2; ...; }@ While Expr [Statement] | -- | Declarations with/witout initializations. See `DeclareRight`. Declare Type VarName DeclareRight | -- | @auto [x1, x2, ...] = e;@ DeclareDestructure [VarName] Expr | -- | @e1 op= e2;@ Assign AssignExpr | -- | @assert (e);@ Assert Expr | -- | @return e;@ Return Expr deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) data ToplevelStatement = -- | @const T x = e;@ VarDef Type VarName Expr | -- | @T f(T1 x1, T2 x2, ...) { stmt1; stmt2; ... }@ FunDef Type VarName [(Type, VarName)] [Statement] | -- | @static_assert(e, msg);@ StaticAssert Expr String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) newtype Program = Program { decls :: [ToplevelStatement] } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read)