{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fglasgow-exts #-} {- Haskell module for constructing indentation aware parser combinators. Copyright (C) 2007 Piyush P Kurur, This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . -} {-| A module for constructing indentation aware tokeniser that can be used in conjuction with @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token'@. All the combinator takes a @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token.TokenParser'@ as its first argument. For every field @foo@ of @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token.TokenParser'@ this module exports a combinator @foo@. To define a tokeniser for an indentation based language a user first defines the appropriate @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language.LanguageDef'@ record, applies the combinator @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token.makeTokenParser'@ to get a @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token.TokenParser'@ record say @tokP@ and then, instead of selecting the field @foo@ of @tokP@, applies the combinator @foo@ exported from this module to @tokP@. The semantics of the combinator @foo@ is essentially same as that of the field @foo@ of @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token.TokenParser'@ but the returned parsers are indentation aware. Apart from these there are certain new combinators that are defined specifically for parsing certain indentation based syntactic constructs. (We have not defined squares use brackets instead) There are two important classes of parser combinator exported by this module: [Grouping Parser Combinator] A grouping parser combinator takes as input a parser say @p@ and returns a parser that parses @p@ between two /grouping delimiters/. There are three flavours of grouping parsers: @foo@, @fooOrBlock@ and @fooOrLineFold@ where @foo@ can be one of @angles@, @braces@, @parens@, @brackets@. To illustrate we take @foo@ to be @braces@. The parser @'braces' tokP p@ parses @p@ delimited by '{' and '}'. In this case @p@ does not care about indentation (i.e. the parser @p@ is run in @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.NoIndent'@ mode). The parser @'bracesOrBlock' tokP p@ is like @braces tokP p@ but if no explicit delimiting braces are given parses @p@ within an indented block. Similarly @'bracesOrLineFold' tokP p@ parses @p@ between '{' and '}' and uses line fold when no explicit braces are given. These can be two varients can be defined as follows > bracesOrBlock tokP p = braces tokP p <|> block p > bracesOrLineFold tokP p = braces tokP p <|> lineFold p [Seperator Parser Combinator] A seperator parser combinator takes as input a parser say @p@ and returns a parser that parses a list of @p@ seperated by a seperator. The module exports the combinators @fooSep@, @fooSep1@, @fooOrNewLineSep@ and @fooOrNewLineSep1@, where @foo@ is either @semi@ (in which case the seperator is a semicolon ';') or @comma@ (in which case the seperator is a comma ','). To illustrate the use of this module we now give, as an incomplete example, a parser that parses a where clause in Haskell which illustrates the use of this module. > import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as L > import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Toke as T > import qualified Text.ParserCombinator.Parsec.IndentToken as IT > tokP = T.makeTokenParser L.haskellDef > semiOrNewLineSep = IT.semiOrNewLineSep tokP > bracesOrBlock = IT.bracesOrBlock tokP > identifier = IT.identifier tokP > .... > symbol = IT.symbol tokP > binding = semiOrNewLineSep bind > bind = do id <- identifier > symbol (char '=') > e <- expr > return (id,e) > whereClause = do reserved "where"; braceOrBlock binding -} module Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.Token ( -- * Types IndentCharParser, TokenParser, -- * Combinators identifier, reserved, operator, reservedOp, charLiteral, stringLiteral, natural, integer, float, naturalOrFloat, decimal, hexadecimal, octal, semi, colon, dot, comma, lexeme, symbol, whiteSpace, -- * Separator parser combinators semiSep, semiSep1, commaSep, commaSep1, semiOrNewLineSep, semiOrNewLineSep1, commaOrNewLineSep, commaOrNewLineSep1, -- * Grouping parser combinator parens,parensOrBlock, parensOrLineFold, braces, bracesOrBlock, bracesOrLineFold, angles, anglesOrBlock, anglesOrLineFold, brackets, bracketsOrBlock, bracketsOrLineFold ) where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec hiding ( getState, setState, parseTest, runParser ) import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Token as T import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Language as L import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.Prim (IndentState) type TokenParser st = T.TokenParser (st,IndentState) {-| Indentation aware parser to match a valid identifier of the language. -} identifier :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String identifier = indentParser . T.identifier {-| Indentation aware parser to match a reserved word of the language. -} reserved :: TokenParser st -> String -- ^ The reserved word to be matched. -> IndentCharParser st () reserved tokP = indentParser . T.reserved tokP {-| The parser @reserved tokP keyword@ parses the reserved word keyword. The string keyword should have been declared as a reserved word in the @'Text.ParserCombinator.Parserc.Language.LanguageDef'@ -record. -} operator :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String operator = indentParser . T.operator {-| Indentation aware parser to match a reserved operator of the language. -} reservedOp :: TokenParser st -> String -- ^ The reserved operator to be matched. Should have -- been declared as a reserved operator in the -- @'Text.ParserCombinator.Parserc.Language.LanguageDef'@ -- record. -> IndentCharParser st () reservedOp tokP = indentParser . T.reservedOp tokP {-| Indentation aware parser to match a character literal (the syntax is assumend to be that of Hasekell which matches that of most programming language). -} charLiteral :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Char charLiteral = indentParser . T.charLiteral {-| Indentation aware parser to match a string literal (the syntax is assumend to be that of Hasekell which matches that of most programming language). -} stringLiteral :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String stringLiteral = indentParser . T.stringLiteral {-| Indentation aware parser to match a natural number. -} natural :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Integer natural = indentParser . T.natural {-| Indentation aware parser to match an integer. -} integer :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Integer integer = indentParser . T.integer {-| Indentation aware parser to match a floating point number. -} float :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Double float = indentParser . T.float {-| Indentation aware parser to match either a natural number or Floating point number. -} naturalOrFloat :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st (Either Integer Double) naturalOrFloat = indentParser . T.naturalOrFloat -- | Indentation aware parser to match an integer in decimal. decimal :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Integer decimal = indentParser . T.decimal {-| Indentation aware parser to match an integer in hexadecimal.-} hexadecimal :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Integer hexadecimal = indentParser . T.hexadecimal {-| Indentation aware parser to match an integer in ocatal. -} octal :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st Integer octal = indentParser . T.octal {-| Matches a semicolon and returns ';'. -} semi :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String semi = indentParser . T.semi {-| Matches a comma and returns ",". -} comma :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String comma = indentParser . T.comma {-| Matches a colon and returns ":". -} colon :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String colon = indentParser . T.colon {-| Matches a dot and returns "." -} dot :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st String dot = indentParser . T.dot {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @semiSep tokP@ returns a parser that parses zero or more occurances of @p@ seperated by semicolon (';') -} semiSep :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -> IndentCharParser st [a] semiSep tokP p = p `sepBy` semicolon where semicolon = semi tokP {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @semiSep1 tokP@ returns a parser that parses one or more occurances of @p@ seperated by semicolon (';') -} semiSep1 :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] semiSep1 tokP p = p `sepBy1` semicolon where semicolon = semi tokP {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @commaSep tokP@ returns a parser that parses zero or more occurances of @p@ seperated by comma (',') -} commaSep :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] commaSep tokP p = p `sepBy` virgule where virgule = comma tokP {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @commaSep1 tokP@ returns a parser that parses one or more occurances of @p@ seperated by comma (',') -} commaSep1 :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] commaSep1 tokP p = p `sepBy1` virgule where virgule = comma tokP {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @semiOrNewLineSep1 tokP@ returns a parser that parses one or more occurances of @p@ seperated by either semicolons (';') or newline. To seperate multiple occurance of @p@ in the same line use an explicit semicolon (';'). -} semiOrNewLineSep1 :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] semiOrNewLineSep1 tokP p = do xs <- lineFold $ semiSep1 tokP p rest <- semiOrNewLineSep tokP p return (xs++rest) {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @semiOrNewLineSep tokP@ returns a parser that parses zero or more occurances of @p@ seperated by either semicolons (';') or newlines. To seperate multiple occurance of @p@ in the same line use an explicit semicolon (';'). -} semiOrNewLineSep :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] semiOrNewLineSep tokP p = do xs <- lineFold $ semiSep tokP p case xs of [] -> return [] _ -> do rest <- semiOrNewLineSep tokP p return (xs++rest) {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @commaOrNewLineSep1 tokP@ returns a parser that parses one or more occurances of @p@ seperated by either comma (',') or newline. To seperate multiple occurance of @p@ in the same line use an explicit comma (','). -} commaOrNewLineSep1 :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] commaOrNewLineSep1 tokP p = do xs <- lineFold $ commaSep1 tokP p rest <- commaOrNewLineSep tokP p return (xs++rest) {-| Given an indentation aware parser @p@ as argument @commaOrNewLineSep tokP@ returns a parser that parses zero or more occurances of @p@ seperated by either comma (',') or newlines. To seperate multiple occurance of @p@ in the same line use an explicit comma (','). -} commaOrNewLineSep :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st [a] commaOrNewLineSep tokP p = do xs <- lineFold $ commaSep tokP p case xs of [] -> return [] _ -> do rest <- commaOrNewLineSep tokP p return (xs++rest) {-| The parser @parens tokP p@ parses @p@ between '(' and ')'. The parser @p@ does not care about indentation i.e. @p@ is run in @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.NoIndent'@ mode. -} parens :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st a parens tokP p = between (symbol tokP "(") (symbol tokP ")") (noIndent p) {-| Similar to @'parens'@ but when no explicit '(' and ')' are given, groups @p@ by block indentation. -} parensOrBlock :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a parensOrBlock tokP p = parens tokP p <|> block p {-| Similar to @'parens'@ but when no explicit '(' and ')' are given, groups @p@ by a line fold. -} parensOrLineFold :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a parensOrLineFold tokP p = parens tokP p <|> lineFold p {-| The parser @braces tokP p@ parses @p@ between '{' and '}'. The parser @p@ does not care about indentation i.e. @p@ is run in @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.NoIndent'@ mode. -} braces :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st a braces tokP p = between (symbol tokP "{") (symbol tokP "}") (noIndent p) {-| Similar to @'braces'@ but when no explicit '{' and '}' are given, groups @p@ by block indentation. -} bracesOrBlock :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a bracesOrBlock tokP p = braces tokP p <|> block p {-| Similar to @'braces'@ but when no explicit '{' and '}' are given, groups @p@ by a line fold. -} bracesOrLineFold :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a bracesOrLineFold tokP p = braces tokP p <|> lineFold p {-| The parser @angles tokP p@ parses @p@ between angles. The parser @p@ does not care about indentation i.e. @p@ is run in @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.NoIndent'@ mode. -} angles :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st a angles tokP p = between (symbol tokP "<") (symbol tokP ">") (noIndent p) {-| Similar to @'angles'@ but when no explicit angles are given, groups @p@ by block indentation. -} anglesOrBlock :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a anglesOrBlock tokP p = angles tokP p <|> block p {-| Similar to @'angles'@ but when no explicit angles are given, groups @p@ by a line fold. -} anglesOrLineFold :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a anglesOrLineFold tokP p = angles tokP p <|> lineFold p {-| The parser @brackets tokP p@ parses @p@ between '[' and ']'. The parser @p@ does not care about indentation i.e. @p@ is run in @'Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.IndentParser.NoIndent'@ mode. -} brackets :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input Parser -> IndentCharParser st a brackets tokP p = between (symbol tokP "[") (symbol tokP "]") (noIndent p) {-| Similar to @'brackets'@ but when no explicit '[' and ']' are given, groups @p@ by block indentation. -} bracketsOrBlock :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a bracketsOrBlock tokP p = brackets tokP p <|> block p {-| Similar to @'brackets'@ but when no explicit '[' and ']' are given, groups @p@ by a line fold. -} bracketsOrLineFold :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser -> IndentCharParser st a bracketsOrLineFold tokP p = brackets tokP p <|> lineFold p {-| Indentation aware parser that is equvalent to string str. -} symbol :: TokenParser st -> String -> IndentCharParser st String symbol tokP = indentParser . T.symbol tokP {-| Creates a lexeme parser. The resultant parser skips trailing spaces and is indentation aware. -} lexeme :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st a -- ^ The input parser. -> IndentCharParser st a lexeme tokP = indentParser . T.lexeme tokP {-| The parser whiteSpace skips spaces and comments. This does not care about indentation as skipping spaces should be done irrespective of the indentation. -} whiteSpace :: TokenParser st -> IndentCharParser st () whiteSpace = T.whiteSpace