IOSpec version Author: Wouter Swierstra Maintainer: Bertram Felgenhauer IOSpec provides a library containing pure, executable specifications of a few functions from the IO monad. Build instructions: $ runhaskell Setup.lhs configure $ runhaskell Setup.lhs build $ runhaskell Setup.lhs install For further instructions, see: Documentation: Please have a look at the latest documentation available from: To build the Haddock API execute the following command: $ runhaskell Setup.lhs haddock This will require Haddock 2.0. Check out the examples directory for the following examples: * Echo.hs - illustrates how to test the echo function. * Queues.hs - an implementation of queues using IORefs. * Channels.hs - an implementation of channels using MVars. * Sudoku.hs - a parallel Sudoku solver that uses STM and MVars based on Graham Hutton's version of Richard Bird's "Solving Sudoku". Every example contains quite some comments, explaining how to use the library.