{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- |
-- Module       : Data.IORRef
-- Copyright    : (c) Ivan Tomac 2008
-- License      : BSD3
-- Maintainer   : tomac `at` pacific `dot` net `dot` au
-- Stability    : experimental
-- Mutable references in the IOR monad.

module Data.IORRef (

  , newIORRef
  , readIORRef
  , writeIORRef
  , modifyIORRef
) where

import Control.Monad.Trans

import Data.Generics
import Data.IORef

import System.IOR

-- | A value of type @'IORRef' r a@ is a mutable variable in region @r@,
-- containing a value of type @a@.

newtype IORRef r a
  = IORRef { unIORRef :: IORef a }
    deriving (Data, Eq, Typeable)

-- | Create a new 'IORRef' in region @r@.

newIORRef :: a -> IOR r rs (IORRef r a)
newIORRef = liftIO . fmap IORRef . newIORef

-- | Read the value of an 'IORRef'.

readIORRef :: RElem r' rs => IORRef r' a -> IOR r rs a 
readIORRef = liftIO . readIORef . unIORRef

-- | Write a new value into an 'IORRef'.

writeIORRef :: RElem r' rs => IORRef r' a -> a -> IOR r rs ()
writeIORRef = (liftIO .) . writeIORef . unIORRef

-- | Mutate the contents of an 'IORRef'.

modifyIORRef :: RElem r' rs => IORRef r' a -> (a -> a) -> IOR r rs ()
modifyIORRef = (liftIO .) . modifyIORef . unIORRef