Module: HyloDP
Description: A simple and efficient solver for Dynamic Programming problems.
Copyright: (c) David Llorens and Juan Miguel Vilar, 2020
License: BSD-3-Clause
Stability: experimental

Practical implementation of a solver for Dynamic Programning problems.

This package contains the implementation of the research article:

* "Easily solving dynamic programming problems in Haskell by memoization of hylomorphisms" by D.Llorens and J.M. Vilar. Software: Practice and Experience (ISSN:1097-024X). 2020; 50: 2193– 2211. https://doi.org/10.1002/spe.2887

The core ideas are:

* Using hylomorphisms as generic control flow mechanism.

* Adding memoization to avoid recomputation of intermediate results.

* Modelling the composition of solutions by means of semirings.

* Using dispatch by result type as a simple way to decide the
kind of answer desired (e.g. the best
solution, the score of that solution, or the total number of

A problem is described by an instance of 'DPProblem' and solved by
using 'dpSolve'. See the documentation of 'HyloDP.Base' for an

module HyloDP
  -- * Exported modules
  -- **The DP problem solver
  module HyloDP.Base,
  -- **Semirings for different solution types
  module HyloDP.Semiring

import HyloDP.Base
import HyloDP.Semiring