{-# LINE 1 "OpenSSL/DER.hsc" #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# LINE 2 "OpenSSL/DER.hsc" #-}
-- |Encoding and decoding of RSA keys using the ASN.1 DER format
module OpenSSL.DER
    ( toDERPub
    , fromDERPub
    , toDERPriv
    , fromDERPriv

{-# LINE 14 "OpenSSL/DER.hsc" #-}
import           OpenSSL.RSA                (RSA, RSAKey, RSAKeyPair, RSAPubKey,
                                             absorbRSAPtr, withRSAPtr)

import           Data.ByteString            (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString            as B  (useAsCStringLen)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal   as BI (createAndTrim)
import           Foreign.Ptr                (Ptr, nullPtr)
import           Foreign.C.String           (CString)
import           Foreign.C.Types            (CLong(..), CInt(..))
import           Foreign.Marshal.Alloc      (alloca)
import           Foreign.Storable           (poke)
import           GHC.Word                   (Word8)
import           System.IO.Unsafe           (unsafePerformIO)

type CDecodeFun = Ptr (Ptr RSA) -> Ptr CString -> CLong -> IO (Ptr RSA)
type CEncodeFun = Ptr RSA -> Ptr (Ptr Word8) -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "d2i_RSAPublicKey"
  _fromDERPub :: CDecodeFun

foreign import ccall unsafe "i2d_RSAPublicKey"
  _toDERPub :: CEncodeFun

foreign import ccall unsafe "d2i_RSAPrivateKey"
  _fromDERPriv :: CDecodeFun

foreign import ccall unsafe "i2d_RSAPrivateKey"
  _toDERPriv :: CEncodeFun

-- | Generate a function that decodes a key from ASN.1 DER format
makeDecodeFun :: RSAKey k => CDecodeFun -> ByteString -> Maybe k
makeDecodeFun fun bs = unsafePerformIO . usingConvedBS $ \(csPtr, ci) -> do
  -- When you pass a null pointer to this function, it will allocate the memory
  -- space required for the RSA key all by itself.  It will be freed whenever
  -- the haskell object is garbage collected, as they are stored in ForeignPtrs
  -- internally.
  rsaPtr <- fun nullPtr csPtr ci
  if rsaPtr == nullPtr then return Nothing else absorbRSAPtr rsaPtr
  where usingConvedBS io = B.useAsCStringLen bs $ \(cs, len) ->
          alloca $ \csPtr -> poke csPtr cs >> io (csPtr, fromIntegral len)

-- | Generate a function that encodes a key in ASN.1 DER format
makeEncodeFun :: RSAKey k => CEncodeFun -> k -> ByteString
makeEncodeFun fun k = unsafePerformIO $ do
  -- When you pass a null pointer to this function, it will only compute the
  -- required buffer size.  See https://www.openssl.org/docs/faq.html#PROG3
  requiredSize <- withRSAPtr k $ flip fun nullPtr
  -- It’s too sad BI.createAndTrim is considered internal, as it does a great
  -- job here.  See https://hackage.haskell.org/package/bytestring-
  BI.createAndTrim (fromIntegral requiredSize) $ \ptr ->
    alloca $ \pptr ->
      (fromIntegral <$>) . withRSAPtr k $ \key ->
        poke pptr ptr >> fun key pptr

-- | Dump a public key to ASN.1 DER format
toDERPub :: RSAKey k
         => k          -- ^ You can pass either 'RSAPubKey' or 'RSAKeyPair'
                       --   because both contain the necessary information.
         -> ByteString -- ^ The public key information encoded in ASN.1 DER
toDERPub = makeEncodeFun _toDERPub

-- | Parse a public key from ASN.1 DER format
fromDERPub :: ByteString -> Maybe RSAPubKey
fromDERPub = makeDecodeFun _fromDERPub

-- | Dump a private key to ASN.1 DER format
toDERPriv :: RSAKeyPair -> ByteString
toDERPriv = makeEncodeFun _toDERPriv

-- | Parse a private key from ASN.1 DER format
fromDERPriv :: RSAKey k
            => ByteString -- ^ The private key information encoded in ASN.1 DER
            -> Maybe k    -- ^ This can return either 'RSAPubKey' or
                          --   'RSAKeyPair' because there’s sufficient
                          --   information for both.
fromDERPriv = makeDecodeFun _fromDERPriv