module Main (main) where import Control.Monad import Data.IORef import Data.List (unzip4) import qualified Data.Map as M import System.Exit import Graphics.UI.GLFW import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL import qualified Physics.Hipmunk as H type Time = Double ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Some constants and utils ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Desired (and maximum) frames per second. desiredFPS :: Int desiredFPS = 60 -- | How much seconds a frame lasts. framePeriod :: Time framePeriod = 1 / toEnum desiredFPS -- | How many steps should be done per frame. frameSteps :: Double frameSteps = 6 -- | Maximum number of steps per frame (e.g. if lots of frames get -- dropped because the window was minimized) maxSteps :: Int maxSteps = 20 -- | How much time should pass in each step. frameDelta :: H.Time frameDelta = 3.33e-3 -- | How much slower should the slow mode be. slowdown :: Double slowdown = 10 -- | 0 :: GLfloat zero :: GLfloat zero = 0 -- | Asserts that an @IO@ action returns @True@, otherwise -- fails with the given message. assertTrue :: IO Bool -> String -> IO () assertTrue act msg = do {b <- act; when (not b) (fail msg)} -- | Constructs a Vector. (+:) :: H.CpFloat -> H.CpFloat -> H.Vector (+:) = H.Vector infix 4 +: ------------------------------------------------------------ -- State ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Our current program state that will be passed around. data State = State { stSpace :: H.Space, stCarState :: CarState, stControls :: CarControls, stShapes :: M.Map H.Shape (IO () {- Drawing -} ,IO () {- Removal -}) } data CarState = Stopped | GoingLeft | GoingRight deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum) type Object = (H.Shape, (IO (), IO ())) type CarControls = (CarState -> IO ()) -- | Our initial state. initialState :: IO State initialState = do -- The (empty) space space <- H.newSpace H.setElasticIterations space 10 H.setGravity space (0 +: -230) -- Default objects seesaw <- buildSeesaw space ground <- buildGround space (car,c) <- buildCar space return $ State space Stopped c $ M.fromList [seesaw, ground, car] -- | Builds the ground buildGround :: H.Space -> IO Object buildGround space = do static <- H.newBody H.infinity H.infinity H.setPosition static (-330 +: 0) let seg1type = H.LineSegment (50 +: -230) (610 +: -230) 1 seg1 <- H.newShape static seg1type 0 H.setFriction seg1 1.0 H.setElasticity seg1 0.6 H.spaceAdd space (H.Static seg1) return (seg1, (drawMyShape seg1 seg1type, return ())) -- | Builds the seesaw. buildSeesaw :: H.Space -> IO Object buildSeesaw space = do ---- Support let supportV = [-15 +: -20, -5 +: 20, 5 +: 20, 15 +: -20] supportT = H.Polygon supportV supportM = 500 supportI = H.momentForPoly supportM supportV 0 supportB <- H.newBody supportM supportI H.setPosition supportB (0 +: 20-230) supportS <- H.newShape supportB supportT 0 H.setFriction supportS 2.0 H.setElasticity supportS 0.1 H.spaceAdd space supportB H.spaceAdd space supportS ----- Board let boardV = [-100 +: 1, 100 +: 1, 100 +: -1, -100 +: -1] boardT = H.Polygon boardV boardM = 10 boardI = H.momentForPoly boardM boardV 0 boardB <- H.newBody boardM boardI H.setPosition boardB (0 +: 40-230) boardS <- H.newShape boardB boardT 0 let setBoardProps shape = do H.setFriction shape 2.0 H.setElasticity shape 0.1 setBoardProps boardS H.spaceAdd space boardB H.spaceAdd space boardS boardS2 <- forM (zip boardV $ tail $ cycle boardV) $ \(v1,v2) -> do seg <- H.newShape boardB (H.LineSegment v1 v2 0.1) 0 setBoardProps seg H.spaceAdd space seg return seg ----- Constraint seesawJoint <- H.newConstraint supportB boardB (H.Pin (0 +: 20) 0) H.spaceAdd space seesawJoint ----- Avoiding self-collisions forM_ (supportS : boardS : boardS2) $ \s -> do H.setGroup s 1 ----- Removing and drawing let drawSeeSaw = do drawMyShape supportS supportT drawMyShape boardS boardT let removeSeeSaw = do H.spaceRemove space supportB H.spaceRemove space supportS H.spaceRemove space boardB H.spaceRemove space boardS forM_ boardS2 (H.spaceRemove space) H.spaceRemove space seesawJoint return (supportS, (drawSeeSaw, removeSeeSaw)) -- | Build a small car. buildCar :: H.Space -> IO (Object, CarControls) buildCar space = do ---- Bodywork let bodyworkV = [-25 +: -9, -17 +: 10, 17 +: 10, 25 +: -9] bodyworkT = H.Polygon bodyworkV bodyworkP = (-150 +: -90) bodyworkM = 40 bodyworkI = H.momentForPoly bodyworkM bodyworkV 0 bodyworkB <- H.newBody bodyworkM bodyworkI H.setPosition bodyworkB bodyworkP bodyworkS <- H.newShape bodyworkB bodyworkT 0 H.setFriction bodyworkS 1.5 H.setElasticity bodyworkS 0.1 H.spaceAdd space bodyworkB H.spaceAdd space bodyworkS ---- Wheels let wheelR = 12 -- radius wheelM = 200 -- mass wheelT = H.Circle wheelR wheelI = H.momentForCircle wheelM (0, wheelR) 0 wheelJ1 x = H.DampedSpring (x +: 0) (0 +: 0) 23 0 10 -- spring wheelJ2 x = H.Groove (x +: -23.5, x +: -27) (0 +: 0) -- groove (wheelBs, wheelSs, wheelCs, wheelMs) <- fmap unzip4 $ forM [-25, 25] $ \x -> do -- Basic wheelB <- H.newBody wheelM wheelI H.setPosition wheelB $ (x +: -24) + bodyworkP wheelS <- H.newShape wheelB wheelT 0 H.setFriction wheelS 2.0 H.setElasticity wheelS 0.25 -- Constraints wheelC1 <- H.newConstraint bodyworkB wheelB (wheelJ1 x) wheelC2 <- H.newConstraint bodyworkB wheelB (wheelJ2 x) H.spaceAdd space wheelB H.spaceAdd space wheelS H.spaceAdd space wheelC1 H.spaceAdd space wheelC2 -- Motor motor <- H.newConstraint bodyworkB wheelB (H.SimpleMotor 0) H.spaceAdd space motor let motorControls = map turn [0, -1, 1] turn = H.redefineC motor . H.SimpleMotor . (*4) -- Return let constrs = [H.forgetC wheelC1, H.forgetC wheelC2, H.forgetC motor] return (wheelB, wheelS, constrs, motorControls) ---- Removing and drawing let drawCar = do drawMyShape bodyworkS bodyworkT mapM_ (flip drawMyShape wheelT) wheelSs let removeCar = do mapM_ (H.spaceRemove space) (bodyworkB : wheelBs) mapM_ (H.spaceRemove space) (bodyworkS : wheelSs) mapM_ (H.spaceRemove space) (concat wheelCs) ---- Motor controls let control w = mapM_ (!!n) wheelMs where n = fromEnum w return ((bodyworkS, (drawCar, removeCar)), control) -- | Destroy a state. destroyState :: State -> IO () destroyState (State {stSpace = space}) = do H.freeSpace space ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Main function and main loop ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Entry point. main :: IO () main = do -- Initialize Chipmunk, GLFW and our state H.initChipmunk assertTrue initialize "Failed to init GLFW" stateVar <- initialState >>= newIORef -- Create a window assertTrue (openWindow (Size 800 600) [] Window) "Failed to open a window" windowTitle $= "Hipmunk Playground" -- Define some GL parameters for the whole program clearColor $= Color4 1 1 1 1 pointSmooth $= Enabled pointSize $= 3 lineSmooth $= Enabled lineWidth $= 2.5 blend $= Enabled blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) matrixMode $= Projection loadIdentity ortho (-320) 320 (-240) 240 (-1) 1 translate (Vector3 0.5 0.5 zero) -- Add some callbacks windowCloseCallback $= exitWith ExitSuccess mouseButtonCallback $= processMouseInput stateVar -- Let's go! now <- get time loop stateVar now -- | The simulation loop. loop :: IORef State -> Time -> IO () loop stateVar oldTime = do -- Some key states slowKey <- getKey (SpecialKey ENTER) quitKey <- getKey (SpecialKey ESC) clearKey <- getKey (SpecialKey DEL) leftKey <- getKey (SpecialKey LEFT) rightKey <- getKey (SpecialKey RIGHT) -- Quit? when (quitKey == Press) (terminate >> exitWith ExitSuccess) -- Clear? when (clearKey == Press) $ do destroyState =<< readIORef stateVar H.resetShapeCounter initialState >>= writeIORef stateVar -- Update display and time updateCar stateVar leftKey rightKey updateDisplay stateVar slowKey newTime <- advanceTime stateVar oldTime slowKey loop stateVar newTime -- | Updates the car state updateCar :: IORef State -> KeyButtonState -> KeyButtonState -> IO () updateCar stateVar leftKey rightKey = do let wantsToBe = case (leftKey, rightKey) of (Press, _) -> GoingLeft (_, Press) -> GoingRight _ -> Stopped state <- readIORef stateVar when (stCarState state /= wantsToBe) $ do stControls state wantsToBe writeIORef stateVar (state {stCarState = wantsToBe}) -- | Advances the time. advanceTime :: IORef State -> Time -> KeyButtonState -> IO Time advanceTime stateVar oldTime slowKey = do newTime <- get time -- Advance simulation let slower = if slowKey == Press then slowdown else 1 mult = frameSteps / (framePeriod * slower) framesPassed = truncate $ mult * (newTime - oldTime) simulNewTime = oldTime + toEnum framesPassed / mult advanceSimulTime stateVar $ min maxSteps framesPassed -- Correlate with reality newTime' <- get time let diff = newTime' - simulNewTime sleepTime = ((framePeriod * slower) - diff) / slower when (sleepTime > 0) $ sleep sleepTime return simulNewTime ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display related functions ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Renders the current state. updateDisplay :: IORef State -> KeyButtonState -> IO () updateDisplay stateVar slowKey = do state <- get stateVar clear [ColorBuffer] drawInstructions when (slowKey == Press) drawSlowMotion forM_ (M.assocs $ stShapes state) (fst . snd) -- Draw each one swapBuffers drawInstructions :: IO () drawInstructions = preservingMatrix $ do translate (Vector3 (-320) 240 zero) scale 0.75 0.75 (1 `asTypeOf` zero) let render str = do translate (Vector3 zero (-16) zero) renderString Fixed8x16 str color $ Color3 zero zero 1 render "Press the left mouse button to create a ball." render "Press the right mouse button to create a square." render "Press the middle mouse button to create a triangle on a pendulum." color $ Color3 1 zero zero render "Hold LEFT SHIFT to create counterclockwise rotating objects." render "Hold RIGHT SHIFT to create clockwise rotating objects." render "Hold LEFT or RIGHT to move the car." render "Hold ENTER to see in slow motion." color $ Color3 zero zero zero render "Press DEL to clear the screen." drawSlowMotion :: IO () drawSlowMotion = preservingMatrix $ do scale 2 2 (1 `asTypeOf` zero) translate (Vector3 (-40) zero zero) color $ Color3 zero 1 zero renderString Fixed8x16 "Slowwww..." -- | Draws a shape (assuming zero offset) drawMyShape :: H.Shape -> H.ShapeType -> IO () drawMyShape shape (H.Circle radius) = do H.Vector px py <- H.getPosition $ H.getBody shape angle <- H.getAngle $ H.getBody shape color $ Color3 zero zero zero renderPrimitive LineStrip $ do let segs = 20; coef = 2*pi/toEnum segs forM_ [0..segs] $ \i -> do let r = toEnum i * coef x = radius * cos (r + angle) + px y = radius * sin (r + angle) + py vertex (Vertex2 x y) vertex (Vertex2 px py) drawPoint (px +: py) drawMyShape shape (H.LineSegment p1 p2 _) = do let v (H.Vector x y) = vertex (Vertex2 x y) pos <- H.getPosition $ H.getBody shape color $ Color3 zero zero zero renderPrimitive Lines $ v (p1 + pos) >> v (p2 + pos) drawPoint pos drawMyShape shape (H.Polygon verts) = do pos <- H.getPosition $ H.getBody shape angle <- H.getAngle $ H.getBody shape let rot = H.rotate $ H.fromAngle angle verts' = map ((+pos) . rot) verts color $ Color3 zero zero zero renderPrimitive LineStrip $ do forM_ (verts' ++ [head verts']) $ \(H.Vector x y) -> do vertex (Vertex2 x y) drawPoint pos -- | Draws a red point. drawPoint :: H.Vector -> IO () drawPoint (H.Vector px py) = do color $ Color3 1 zero zero renderPrimitive Points $ do vertex (Vertex2 px py) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Input processing ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Returns the current mouse position in our space's coordinates. getMousePos :: IO H.Position getMousePos = do Position cx cy <- get mousePos Size _ h <- get $ windowSize model <- get $ matrix (Just $ Modelview 0) proj <- get $ matrix (Just Projection) view <- get $ viewport let src = Vertex3 (fromIntegral cx) (fromIntegral $ h - cy) 0 Vertex3 mx my _ <- unProject src (model :: GLmatrix GLdouble) proj view return (realToFrac mx +: realToFrac my) -- | Process a user mouse button press. processMouseInput :: IORef State -> MouseButton -> KeyButtonState -> IO () processMouseInput _ _ Press = return () processMouseInput stateVar btn Release = do rotateKeyCCW <- getKey (SpecialKey LSHIFT) rotateKeyCW <- getKey (SpecialKey RSHIFT) let angVel = case (rotateKeyCCW, rotateKeyCW) of (Press, Release) -> 50 (Release, Press) -> (-50) _ -> 0 (shape,add,draw,remove) <- (case btn of ButtonLeft -> createCircle ButtonRight -> createSquare _ -> createTriPendulum) angVel state <- get stateVar let space = stSpace state add space >> stateVar $= state { stShapes = M.insert shape (draw, remove space) $ stShapes state} ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Object creation ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | The return of functions that create objects. type Creation = (H.Shape, -- ^ A representative shape H.Space -> IO (), -- ^ Function that add the entities IO (), -- ^ Function that draws the entity H.Space -> IO () -- ^ Function that removes the entities ) -- | The type of the functions that create objects. type Creator = H.CpFloat -> IO Creation createCircle :: Creator createCircle angVel = do let mass = 20 radius = 20 t = H.Circle radius b <- H.newBody mass $ H.momentForCircle mass (0, radius) 0 s <- H.newShape b t 0 H.setAngVel b angVel H.setPosition b =<< getMousePos H.setFriction s 0.5 H.setElasticity s 0.9 let add space = do H.spaceAdd space b H.spaceAdd space s let draw = do drawMyShape s t let remove space = do H.spaceRemove space b H.spaceRemove space s return (s,add,draw,remove) createSquare :: Creator createSquare angVel = do let mass = 18 verts = [-15 +: -15, -15 +: 15, 15 +: 15, 15 +: -15] t = H.Polygon verts b <- H.newBody mass $ H.momentForPoly mass verts 0 s <- H.newShape b t 0 H.setAngVel b angVel H.setPosition b =<< getMousePos H.setFriction s 0.5 H.setElasticity s 0.6 let add space = do H.spaceAdd space b H.spaceAdd space s let draw = do drawMyShape s t let remove space = do H.spaceRemove space b H.spaceRemove space s return (s,add,draw,remove) createTriPendulum :: Creator createTriPendulum angVel = do let mass = 100 verts = [-30 +: -30, 0 +: 37, 30 +: -30] t = H.Polygon verts b <- H.newBody mass $ H.momentForPoly mass verts 0 s <- H.newShape b t 0 H.setAngVel b angVel H.setPosition b =<< getMousePos H.setFriction s 0.8 H.setElasticity s 0.3 let staticPos = 0 +: 240 static <- H.newBody H.infinity H.infinity H.setPosition static staticPos j <- H.newConstraint static b (H.Pin 0 0) let add space = do H.spaceAdd space b H.spaceAdd space s H.spaceAdd space j let remove space = do H.spaceRemove space b H.spaceRemove space s H.spaceRemove space j let draw = do H.Vector x1 y1 <- H.getPosition b let H.Vector x2 y2 = staticPos color $ Color3 (0.7 `asTypeOf` zero) 0.7 0.7 renderPrimitive LineStrip $ do vertex (Vertex2 x1 y1) vertex (Vertex2 x2 y2) drawMyShape s t return (s,add,draw,remove) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Simulation bookkeeping ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Advances the time in a certain number of steps. advanceSimulTime :: IORef State -> Int -> IO () advanceSimulTime _ 0 = return () advanceSimulTime stateVar steps = do removeOutOfSight stateVar state <- get stateVar replicateM_ steps $ H.step (stSpace state) frameDelta -- | Removes all shapes that may be out of sight forever. removeOutOfSight :: IORef State -> IO () removeOutOfSight stateVar = do state <- get stateVar shapes' <- foldM f (stShapes state) $ M.assocs (stShapes state) stateVar $= state {stShapes = shapes'} where f shapes (shape, (_,remove)) = do H.Vector x y <- H.getPosition $ H.getBody shape if y < (-350) || abs x > 800 then remove >> return (M.delete shape shapes) else return shapes