{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : HarmTrace.Base.Chord.PitchClass -- Copyright : (c) 2013--2014 W. Bas de Haas and Jose Pedro Magalhaes, -- Multiphonyx Holding BV -- License : LGPL-3 -- -- Maintainer : bas@chordify.net, dreixel@chordify.net -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : non-portable -- -- Summary: this module provides some functions that transform notes and chords -- into pitch classes and pitch class sets. See for more info: -- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pitch_class> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module HarmTrace.Base.Chord.PitchClass ( PCSet -- Pitch Class Set , pc -- Unwraps a 'PCSet' -- * Pitch classes , toPitchClass , pcToRoot -- * Pitch classes applied to chords , toPitchClasses , rootPC , bassPC , ignorePitchSpelling -- * Pitch classes applied to interval sets , intValToPitchClss , intSetToPC -- * Enharmonic Equivalence , EnHarEq (..) -- * Diatonic Class , Diatonic ) where import HarmTrace.Base.Chord.Datatypes import HarmTrace.Base.Chord.Intervals import HarmTrace.Base.Chord.Internal import Data.Binary ( Binary ) import Data.IntSet ( IntSet, fromList, union ) import qualified Data.IntSet as S ( map ) import GHC.Generics ( Generic ) -- | We hide the constructors, such that a PCSet can only be constructed with -- 'toPitchClasses', this to overcome confusion between interval sets and -- pitch class sets, which are both 'Data.IntSet.IntSet's newtype PCSet = PCSet {pc :: IntSet} deriving (Show, Eq, Generic) instance Binary PCSet -- | Returns the semitone value [0 .. 11] of a 'ScaleDegree' where -- 0 = C, e.g. F# = 6. For the constructors 'N' and 'X' an error is thrown. toPitchClass :: (Diatonic a) => Note a -> Int toPitchClass (Note m p) | ix <= 6 = noNegatives (([0,2,4,5,7,9,11] !! ix) + modToInt m) `mod` 12 | otherwise = error ("HarmTrace.Base.MusicRep.toPitchClass: no semitone for " ++ show p ++ show m ) where ix = fromEnum p noNegatives s | s < 0 = 12 + s | otherwise = s -- | Transforms an interval set to and a root into a 'PCSet' intSetToPC :: IntSet -> Root -> PCSet intSetToPC is r = PCSet . S.map (transp (toPitchClass r)) $ is where transp :: Int -> Int -> Int transp t i = (i + t) `mod` 12 -- | As 'toIntervalClss', but returns the 'Int' pitch class. intValToPitchClss :: Root -> Interval -> Int intValToPitchClss r i = (toPitchClass r + toIntervalClss i) `mod` 12 -- | The reverse of 'toPitchClass' returning the 'Note DiatonicNatural' given a -- Integer [0..11] semitone, where 0 represents C. All pitch spelling is ignored -- and the the following twelve pitch names will be output: C, C#, D, Eb, E, F -- F#, G, Ab, A, Bb, B. When the integer is out of the range [0..11] an -- error is thrown. pcToRoot :: Int -> Root pcToRoot i | 0 <= i && i <= 11 = roots !! i | otherwise = error ("HarmTrace.Base.MusicRep.toRoot " ++ "invalid pitch class: " ++ show i) -- | Similar to 'toIntSet' but returns 'Int' pitch classes and includes the -- 'Root' and the bass 'Note' of the the 'Chord'. 'toPitchClasses' throws an -- error when applied to a 'NoChord' or 'UndefChord'. toPitchClasses :: ChordLabel -> PCSet toPitchClasses c = catchNoChord "Chord.PitchClass.toPitchClasses" (intSetToPC ivs . chordRoot) c where ivs = toIntSet c `union` fromList [0, toIntervalClss (chordBass c)] -- | A short-cut applying 'intValToPitchClss' to a 'Chord'. 'bassPC' throws an -- error when applied to a 'NoChord' or 'UndefChord'. bassPC :: ChordLabel -> Int bassPC = catchNoChord "Chord.PitchClass.rootPC" bassPC' where bassPC' :: ChordLabel -> Int bassPC' c = intValToPitchClss (chordRoot c) (chordBass c) -- | A short-cut applying 'toPitchClass' to a 'Chord'. 'rootPC' throws an -- error when applied to a 'NoChord' or 'UndefChord'. rootPC :: ChordLabel -> Int rootPC = catchNoChord "Chord.PitchClass.rootPC" (toPitchClass . chordRoot) -- | Ignores the pitch spelling of a chord by applying 'pcToRoot' and -- 'toPitchClass' to the root of a 'ChordLabel'. ignorePitchSpelling :: ChordLabel -> ChordLabel ignorePitchSpelling NoChord = NoChord ignorePitchSpelling UndefChord = UndefChord ignorePitchSpelling c = fmap (pcToRoot . toPitchClass) c -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Classes -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A class to compare datatypes that sound the same (they contain the -- same pitch class content): -- <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enharmonic> class EnHarEq a where (&==) :: a -> a -> Bool (&/=) :: a -> a -> Bool a &== b = not (a &/= b) a &/= b = not (a &== b) instance Diatonic a => EnHarEq (Note a) where a &== b = toPitchClass a == toPitchClass b instance EnHarEq ChordLabel where a &== b = toPitchClasses a == toPitchClasses b -- | A class to mark certain datatypes to have a diatonic structure: -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diatonic_and_chromatic class (Generic a, Show a, Enum a, Bounded a) => Diatonic a instance Diatonic DiatonicNatural instance Diatonic DiatonicDegree