module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Utils
, parseSourceFileGhc
, runRefacSession
, applyRefac
, refactDone
, fileNameFromModSummary
, getModuleName
, clientModsAndFiles
, serverModsAndFiles
, modifiedFiles
, writeRefactoredFiles
, stripCallStack
) where
import Control.Monad.Identity
import Control.Monad.State
import Data.List
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Preprocess
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Print
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Types
import Language.Haskell.GHC.ExactPrint.Utils
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod as GM
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod.Internal as GM
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcModuleGraph
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.MonadFunctions
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Types
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath.Posix
import qualified Digraph as GHC
import qualified DynFlags as GHC
import qualified GHC as GHC
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
getModuleName :: GHC.ParsedSource -> Maybe (GHC.ModuleName,String)
getModuleName (GHC.L _ modn) =
case (GHC.hsmodName modn) of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just (GHC.L _ modname) -> Just $ (modname,GHC.moduleNameString modname)
getTargetGhc :: TargetModule -> RefactGhc ()
getTargetGhc (GM.ModulePath _mn fp) = parseSourceFileGhc fp
parseSourceFileGhc :: FilePath -> RefactGhc ()
parseSourceFileGhc targetFile = do
logm $ "parseSourceFileGhc:targetFile=" ++ show targetFile
setTargetSession targetFile
logm $ "parseSourceFileGhc:after setTargetSession"
graph <- GHC.getModuleGraph
cgraph <- canonicalizeGraph graph
cfileName <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath targetFile
let mm = filter (\(mfn,_ms) -> mfn == Just cfileName) cgraph
case mm of
[(_,modSum)] -> loadFromModSummary modSum
_ -> error $ "HaRe:unexpected error parsing " ++ targetFile
setTargetSession :: FilePath -> RefactGhc ()
setTargetSession targetFile = RefactGhc $ GM.runGmlT' [Left targetFile] return (return ())
setDynFlags :: GHC.DynFlags -> GHC.Ghc GHC.DynFlags
setDynFlags df = return (GHC.gopt_set df GHC.Opt_KeepRawTokenStream)
tweakModSummaryDynFlags :: GHC.ModSummary -> GHC.ModSummary
tweakModSummaryDynFlags ms =
let df = GHC.ms_hspp_opts ms
in ms { GHC.ms_hspp_opts = GHC.gopt_set df GHC.Opt_KeepRawTokenStream }
loadFromModSummary :: GHC.ModSummary -> RefactGhc ()
loadFromModSummary modSum = do
logm $ "loadFromModSummary:modSum=" ++ show modSum
let modSumWithRaw = tweakModSummaryDynFlags modSum
p <- GHC.parseModule modSumWithRaw
t <- GHC.typecheckModule p
cppComments <- if True
then do
logm $ "loadFromModSummary:CPP flag set"
case GHC.ml_hs_file $ GHC.ms_location modSum of
Just fileName -> getCppTokensAsComments defaultCppOptions fileName
Nothing -> return []
else do
logm $ "loadFromModSummary:no CPP"
return []
setGhcContext modSum
(mfp,_modSum) <- canonicalizeModSummary modSum
newTargetModule <- case mfp of
Nothing -> error $ "HaRe:no file path for module:" ++ showGhc modSum
Just fp -> return $ GM.ModulePath (GHC.moduleName $ GHC.ms_mod modSum) fp
oldTargetModule <- gets rsCurrentTarget
putModule = do
putParsedModule cppComments t
settings <- get
put $ settings { rsCurrentTarget = Just newTargetModule }
mtm <- gets rsModule
case mtm of
Just tm -> if ((rsStreamModified tm == RefacUnmodifed)
&& oldTargetModule == Just newTargetModule)
then do
logm $ "loadFromModSummary:not calling putParsedModule for targetModule=" ++ show newTargetModule
return ()
else if rsStreamModified tm == RefacUnmodifed
then putModule
else error $ "loadFromModSummary: trying to load a module without finishing with active one."
Nothing -> putModule
return ()
runRefacSession ::
-> GM.Options
-> RefactGhc [ApplyRefacResult]
-> IO [FilePath]
runRefacSession settings opt comp = do
initialState = RefSt
{ rsSettings = settings
, rsUniqState = 1
, rsSrcSpanCol = 1
, rsFlags = RefFlags False
, rsStorage = StorageNone
, rsCurrentTarget = Nothing
, rsModule = Nothing
(refactoredMods,_s) <- runRefactGhc comp initialState opt
let verbosity = rsetVerboseLevel (rsSettings initialState)
writeRefactoredFiles verbosity refactoredMods
return $ modifiedFiles refactoredMods
canonicalizeTargets :: Targets-> IO Targets
canonicalizeTargets tgts = do
cur <- getCurrentDirectory
canonicalizeTarget (Left path) = Left <$> canonicalizePath (cur </> path)
canonicalizeTarget (Right modname) = return $ Right modname
mapM canonicalizeTarget tgts
:: RefactGhc a
-> RefacSource
-> RefactGhc (ApplyRefacResult,a)
applyRefac refac source = do
fileName <- case source of
RSFile fname -> do parseSourceFileGhc fname
return fname
RSTarget tgt -> do getTargetGhc tgt
return (GM.mpPath tgt)
RSMod ms -> do parseSourceFileGhc $ fileNameFromModSummary ms
return $ fileNameFromModSummary ms
RSAlreadyLoaded -> do mfn <- getRefactFileName
case mfn of
Just fname -> return fname
Nothing -> error "applyRefac RSAlreadyLoaded: nothing loaded"
res <- refac
mod' <- getRefactParsed
anns <- fetchAnnsFinal
m <- getRefactStreamModified
absFileName <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath fileName
return (((absFileName,m),(anns, mod')),res)
refactDone :: [ApplyRefacResult] -> Bool
refactDone rs = any (\((_,d),_) -> d == RefacModified) rs
modifiedFiles :: [ApplyRefacResult] -> [String]
modifiedFiles refactResult = map (\((s,_),_) -> s)
$ filter (\((_,b),_) -> b == RefacModified) refactResult
writeRefactoredFiles ::
VerboseLevel -> [ApplyRefacResult] -> IO ()
writeRefactoredFiles verbosity files
= do let filesModified = filter (\((_f,m),_) -> m == RefacModified) files
sequence_ (map modifyFile filesModified)
modifyFile ((fileName,_),(ann,parsed)) = do
let rigidOptions :: PrintOptions Identity String
rigidOptions = printOptions (\_ b -> return b) return return RigidLayout
exactPrintRigid ast as = runIdentity (exactPrintWithOptions rigidOptions ast as)
exactPrintNormal ast as = runIdentity (exactPrintWithOptions stringOptions ast as)
let source = exactPrintNormal parsed ann
let (baseFileName,ext) = splitExtension fileName
seq (length source) (writeFile (baseFileName ++ ".refactored" ++ ext) source)
when (verbosity == Debug) $
writeFile (fileName ++ ".parsed_out") (showGhc parsed)
writeFile (fileName ++ ".AST_out") ((showGhc parsed) ++
"\n\n----------------------\n\n" ++
(showAnnData ann 0 parsed) ++
"\n\n----------------------\n\n" ++
(showGhc ann) ++
clientModsAndFiles :: GM.ModulePath -> RefactGhc [TargetModule]
clientModsAndFiles m = do
mgs <- cabalModuleGraphs
flattenSwap (GM.GmModuleGraph mg)
= concatMap (\(k,vs) -> map (\v -> (v,Set.singleton k)) (Set.elems vs)) $ Map.toList mg
transposed = mgs'
kvs = concatMap flattenSwap mgs
mgs' = foldl' (\acc (k,v) -> Map.insertWith Set.union k v acc) Map.empty kvs
check acc k =
case Map.lookup k transposed of
Nothing -> (acc,[])
Just s -> (Set.union acc s, Set.toList $ s Set.\\ acc)
go (acc,[]) = acc
go (acc,c:s) = go (acc',s')
(acc',q) = check acc c
s' = nub (q ++ s)
r = go (Set.empty, [m])
return $ Set.toList r
mycomp :: GHC.ModSummary -> GHC.ModSummary -> Bool
mycomp ms1 ms2 = (GHC.ms_mod ms1) == (GHC.ms_mod ms2)
:: GHC.GhcMonad m => GHC.ModuleName -> m [GHC.ModSummary]
serverModsAndFiles m = do
ms <- GHC.getModuleGraph
modsum <- GHC.getModSummary m
let mg = getModulesAsGraph False ms Nothing
modNode = gfromJust "serverModsAndFiles" $ find (\(msum',_,_) -> mycomp msum' modsum) (GHC.verticesG mg)
serverMods = filter (\msum' -> not (mycomp msum' modsum))
$ map summaryNodeSummary $ GHC.reachableG mg modNode
return serverMods
stripCallStack :: String -> String
stripCallStack str = str'
s1 = init $ unlines $ takeWhile (\s -> s /= "CallStack (from HasCallStack):") $ lines str
str' = if last str == '\n'
then s1 ++ "\n"
else s1