module Language.Haskell.Refact.Refactoring.Renaming
( rename
, compRename
) where
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB
import qualified GHC
import qualified Name as GHC
import qualified RdrName as GHC
import Control.Monad
import Data.List
import qualified Language.Haskell.GhcMod as GM (Options(..))
import Language.Haskell.Refact.API
import System.Directory
rename :: RefactSettings
-> GM.Options
-> FilePath
-> String
-> SimpPos
-> IO [FilePath]
rename settings opts fileName newName (row,col) = do
absFileName <- canonicalizePath fileName
runRefacSession settings opts (compRename absFileName newName (row,col))
compRename :: FilePath -> String -> SimpPos -> RefactGhc [ApplyRefacResult]
compRename fileName newName (row,col) = do
logm $ "Renaming.comp: (fileName,newName,(row,col))=" ++ show (fileName,newName,(row,col))
parseSourceFileGhc fileName
parsed <- getRefactParsed
modu <- getModule
targetModule <- getRefactTargetModule
nm <- getRefactNameMap
let modName = maybe (GHC.mkModuleName "Main") fst $ getModuleName parsed
maybePn = locToRdrName (row, col) parsed
logm $ "Renamed.comp:maybePn=" ++ showGhc maybePn
case maybePn of
Just pn'@(GHC.L l _) -> do
let n = rdrName2NamePure nm pn'
pn = GHC.L l n
logm $ "Renaming:(n,modu)=" ++ showGhc (n,modu)
let (GHC.L _ rdrName) = gfromJust "Renaming.comp.2" $ locToRdrName (row, col) parsed
let rdrNameStr = GHC.occNameString $ GHC.rdrNameOcc rdrName
logm $ "Renaming: rdrName=" ++ SYB.showData SYB.Parser 0 rdrName
logm $ "Renaming: occname rdrName=" ++ show (GHC.occNameString $ GHC.rdrNameOcc rdrName)
unless (nameToString n /= newName) $ error "The new name is same as the old name"
unless (isValidNewName n rdrNameStr newName) $ error $ "Invalid new name:" ++ newName ++ "!"
logm $ "Renaming.comp: before GHC.nameModule,n=" ++ showGhc n
let defineMod = case GHC.nameModule_maybe n of
Just mn -> GHC.moduleName mn
Nothing -> modName
unless (defineMod == modName) . error $ mconcat [ "This identifier is defined in module "
, GHC.moduleNameString defineMod
, ", please do renaming in that module!"
logm $ "Renaming.comp:(isMainModule modu,pn)=" ++ showGhcQual (isMainModule modu,pn)
when (isMainModule modu && showGhcQual pn == "Main.main") $
error "The 'main' function defined in a 'Main' module should not be renamed!"
logm "Renaming.comp: not main module"
newNameGhc <- mkNewGhcName (Just modu) newName
(refactoredMod, nIsExported) <- applyRefac (doRenaming pn rdrNameStr newName newNameGhc modName)
logm $ "Renaming:nIsExported=" ++ show nIsExported
if nIsExported
then do clients <- clientModsAndFiles targetModule
logm ("Renaming: clients=" ++ show clients)
refactoredClients <- mapM (renameInClientMod n newName newNameGhc) clients
return $ refactoredMod : concat refactoredClients
else return [refactoredMod]
Nothing -> error "Invalid cursor position!"
doRenaming :: GHC.Located GHC.Name -> String -> String -> GHC.Name -> GHC.ModuleName -> RefactGhc Bool
doRenaming pn@(GHC.L _ oldn) rdrNameStr newNameStr newNameGhc modName = do
logm $ "doRenaming:(pn,rdrNameStr,newNameStr) = " ++ showGhc (pn,rdrNameStr,newNameStr)
renameTopLevelVarName oldn newNameStr newNameGhc modName True True
logm "doRenaming done"
isExported oldn
renameTopLevelVarName :: GHC.Name -> String -> GHC.Name -> GHC.ModuleName
-> Bool -> Bool -> RefactGhc ()
renameTopLevelVarName oldPN newName newNameGhc modName existChecking exportChecking = do
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:(existChecking, exportChecking)=" ++ show (existChecking, exportChecking)
causeAmbiguity <- causeAmbiguityInExports oldPN newNameGhc
parsed <- getRefactParsed
nm <- getRefactNameMap
let (FN f', DN d') = hsFDsFromInsideRdr nm parsed
let (f, d) = (map nameToString f', map nameToString d')
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:f=" ++ show f
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:d=" ++ show d
let newNameStr = nameToString newNameGhc
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:(newName,newNameStr)=" ++ show (newName, newNameStr)
scopeClashNames <- inScopeNames newName
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:(f')=" ++ showGhc f'
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:(scopeClashNames,intersection)=" ++
showGhc (scopeClashNames, scopeClashNames `intersect` f')
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:(oldPN,modName)=" ++ showGhc (oldPN,modName)
when (nonEmptyList $ intersect scopeClashNames f') .
error $ mconcat [ "The new name will cause an ambiguous occurrence problem, "
, "please select another new name or qualify the use of '"
, newName ++ "' before renaming!\n"]
when (existChecking && newNameStr `elem` d \\ [nameToString oldPN]) .
error $ mconcat ["Name '", newName, "' already exists in this module\n"]
when (exportChecking && causeNameClashInExports nm oldPN newNameGhc modName parsed) $
error "The new name will cause conflicting exports, please select another new name!"
when (exportChecking && causeAmbiguity) .
error $ mconcat ["The new name will cause ambiguity in the exports of module '"
, show modName
, "' , please select another name!"]
logm "renameTopLevelVarName:basic tests done"
isInScopeUnqual <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc newName (Just newNameGhc)
logm "renameTopLevelVarName:after isInScopeUnqual"
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:oldPN=" ++ showGhc oldPN
ds <- hsVisibleNamesRdr oldPN parsed
logm $ "renameTopLevelVarName:ds computed=" ++ show ds
when (existChecking && newName `elem` nub (ds `union` f) \\ [nameToString oldPN]) .
error $ mconcat [ "Name '", newName, "' already exists, or renaming '", nameToString oldPN, "' to '"
, newName, "' will change the program's semantics!\n"]
logm "renameTopLevelVarName start..:should have qualified"
let qual = if (exportChecking && isInScopeUnqual) then Qualify else PreserveQualify
parsed' <- renamePN oldPN newNameGhc qual parsed
putRefactParsed parsed' mempty
logm "renameTopLevelVarName done:should have qualified"
renameInClientMod :: GHC.Name -> String -> GHC.Name -> TargetModule
-> RefactGhc [ApplyRefacResult]
renameInClientMod oldPN newName newNameGhc targetModule = do
logm $ "renameInClientMod:(oldPN,newNameGhc,targetModule)=" ++ showGhc (oldPN,newNameGhc,targetModule)
logm $ "renameInClientMod:(newNameGhc module)=" ++ showGhc (GHC.nameModule newNameGhc)
getTargetGhc targetModule
modName <- getRefactModuleName
parsed <- getRefactParsed
nm <- getRefactNameMap
newNames <- equivalentNameInNewMod oldPN
logm $ "renameInClientMod:(newNames)=" ++ showGhcQual newNames
case newNames of
[] -> return []
[oldName] | findNameInRdr nm oldName parsed -> doRenameInClientMod nm oldName modName parsed
| otherwise -> do
logm "renameInClientMod: name not present in module, returning"
return []
ns -> error $ "HaRe: renameInClientMod: could not find name to replace, got:" ++ showGhcQual ns
doRenameInClientMod nm oldNameGhc modName parsed = do
isInScopeUnqual <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc (nameToString oldPN) Nothing
isInScopeUnqualNew <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc newName Nothing
logm $ "renameInClientMod: (isInScopeAndUnqual,isInScopeUnqualNew)=" ++
show (isInScopeUnqual, isInScopeUnqualNew)
if isInScopeUnqualNew
then do
(refactoredMod, _) <- applyRefac (refactRenameSimple oldNameGhc newName newNameGhc Qualify)
return [refactoredMod]
else do
when (causeNameClashInExports nm oldPN newNameGhc modName parsed) .
error $ mconcat [ "The new name will cause conflicting exports in module"
, show newName, ", please select another name!"]
(refactoredMod, _) <- applyRefac (refactRenameComplex oldNameGhc newName newNameGhc)
return [refactoredMod]
refactRenameSimple :: GHC.Name -> String -> GHC.Name -> HowToQual -> RefactGhc ()
refactRenameSimple old newStr new useQual = do
logm $ "refactRenameSimple:(old,newStr,new,useQual)=" ++ showGhc (old, newStr, new, useQual)
qualifyTopLevelVar newStr
parsed <- renamePN old new useQual =<< getRefactParsed
putRefactParsed parsed mempty
return ()
refactRenameComplex :: GHC.Name -> String -> GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ()
refactRenameComplex old new newGhc = do
logm $ "refactRenameComplex:(old,new,newGhc)=" ++ showGhc (old, new, newGhc)
qualifyTopLevelVar new
worker old new newGhc
qualifyTopLevelVar :: String -> RefactGhc ()
qualifyTopLevelVar new = do
toQualify <- inScopeNames new
logm $ "renameInClientMod.qualifyTopLevelVar:new:toQualify=" ++ show new ++ ":" ++ showGhc toQualify
mapM_ qualifyToplevelName toQualify
return ()
worker :: GHC.Name -> String -> GHC.Name -> RefactGhc ()
worker oldPN' newName' newNameGhc' = do
logm $ "renameInClientMod.worker:(oldPN',newName',newNameGhc')=" ++
showGhc (oldPN', newName', newNameGhc')
isInScopeUnqualNew <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc newName' Nothing
vs <- hsVisibleNamesRdr oldPN' =<< getRefactParsed
logm $ "renameInClientMod.worker:(vs,oldPN',isInScopeUnqualNew)=" ++
showGhc (vs, oldPN', isInScopeUnqualNew)
let qual = if (newName' `elem` (nub vs \\ [nameToString oldPN']) || isInScopeUnqualNew)
then Qualify
else PreserveQualify
parsed <- renamePN oldPN' newNameGhc' qual =<< getRefactParsed
putRefactParsed parsed mempty
return ()
causeAmbiguityInExports :: GHC.Name -> GHC.Name -> RefactGhc Bool
causeAmbiguityInExports old newName = do
(GHC.L _ (GHC.HsModule _ exps _imps _decls _ _)) <- getRefactParsed
isInScopeUnqual <- isInScopeAndUnqualifiedGhc (nameToString old) Nothing
let usedUnqual = usedWithoutQualR newName exps
logm $ "causeAmbiguityInExports:(isInScopeUnqual,usedUnqual)" ++ show (isInScopeUnqual, usedUnqual)
return (isInScopeUnqual && usedUnqual)
isValidNewName :: GHC.Name -> String -> String -> Bool
isValidNewName oldName rdrNameStr newName = res
doTest :: Bool -> Bool -> String -> Bool
doTest isCategory isRightType errStr = not isCategory || isRightType || error errStr
tyconOk = doTest (GHC.isTyConName oldName) (isConId newName) "Invalid type constructor/class name!"
dataConOk = doTest (GHC.isDataConName oldName) (isConId newName) "Invalid data constructor name!"
tyVarOk = doTest (GHC.isTyVarName oldName) (isVarId newName) "Invalid type variable name!"
oldName' = rdrNameStr
| GHC.isVarName oldName
= if isVarId oldName' && not (isVarId newName)
then error "The new name should be an identifier!"
else if isOperator oldName' && not (isOperator newName)
then error "The new name should be an operator!"
else (isVarId oldName' && isVarId newName)
|| (isOperator oldName' && isOperator newName)
|| (error $ "Invalid new name!" ++ show ( oldName', newName
, isVarId oldName'
, isVarId newName
, isOperator oldName'
, isOperator newName ))
| otherwise = True
res = tyconOk && dataConOk && tyVarOk && matchNamesOk