{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.LocUtils(
                     module HsTokens,
                     , simpPos0
                     , nullSrcSpan
                     -- , emptyList, nonEmptyList
                     -- , showToks
                     -- , tokenLen
                     -- ,lengthOfToks
                     -- , mkToken, mkZeroToken {-,defaultToken, -}
                     {-whiteSpacesToken -}
                     , whiteSpaceTokens
                     , realSrcLocFromTok
                     , isWhite
                     , notWhite
                     , isWhiteSpace
                     , isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored
                     , isIgnored
                     isNestedComment-},isMultiLineComment {-,isOpenBracket,isCloseBracket, -}
                     ,isOpenSquareBracket,isCloseSquareBracket {- ,isOpenBrace,isConid,
                     isLit,isWhereOrLet,isWhere,isLet-},isIn {- ,isCase,isDo,isIf,isForall,
                     isHiding,isModule-} ,isComma, isOpenParen {-,isEqual,isLambda,isIrrefute -},isBar --,isMinus,
                     ,endsWithNewLn,startsWithNewLn,hasNewLn {- ,startsWithEmptyLn,
                     lastNonSpaceToken,firstNonSpaceToken -} ,compressPreNewLns,compressEndNewLns

                     , lengthOfLastLine
                     , getToks
                     -- , replaceToks,replaceTok
                     -- ,replaceTokNoReAlign
                     ,deleteToks,doRmWhites -- ,doAddWhites
                     , srcLocs
                     , getSrcSpan, getAllSrcLocs
                     -- , ghcSrcLocs -- Test version
                     -- , getLocatedStart
                     -- , getLocatedEnd
                     , getBiggestStartEndLoc
                     , getStartEndLoc2,
                     startEndLoc,extendBothSides -},extendForwards,extendBackwards
                     , startEndLocIncFowComment{- ,startEndLocIncFowNewLn -}
                     , startEndLocIncComments, startEndLocIncComments'
                     prettyprint ,deleteFromToks, prettyprintGuardsAlt,
                     , tokenise
                     , basicTokenise
                     -- , prettyprint -- , prettyprintGhc
                     , prettyprintPatList
                     , groupTokensByLine
                     , toksOnSameLine
                     , addLocInfo
                     -- , getIndentOffset
                     , getLineOffset
                     -- , splitToks
                     -- , splitOnNewLn
                     , insertComments,
                     extractComments, insertTerms
                     , tokenSrcSpan
                     , tokenCon
                     , increaseSrcSpan
                     , getGhcLoc
                     , getGhcLocEnd
                     , getLocatedStart
                     , getLocatedEnd
                     , getStartEndLoc
                     , startEndLocGhc
                     , realSrcLocEndTok
                     , fileNameFromTok
                     , splitToks
                     , emptyList, nonEmptyList
                     -- , divideComments
                     , notWhiteSpace
                     , isDoubleColon
                     , isEmpty
                     , isWhereOrLet
                     , isWhere
                     , isLet
                     , isElse
                     , isThen
                     , isOf
                     , isDo
                     , getIndentOffset
                     , splitOnNewLn
                     , tokenLen
                     , newLnToken
                     -- , newLinesToken
                     -- , monotonicLineToks
                     , reSequenceToks
                     , mkToken
                     , mkZeroToken
                     , markToken
                     , isMarked
                     -- , matchTokenPos
                     , rmOffsetFromToks
  ) where

import qualified FastString    as GHC
import qualified GHC           as GHC
import qualified Lexer         as GHC
import qualified SrcLoc        as GHC

import qualified Data.Generics as SYB
import qualified GHC.SYB.Utils as SYB

import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcUtils
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.GhcVersionSpecific
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.Monad
import Language.Haskell.Refact.Utils.TypeSyn

import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.GHC.Layout
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.TokenUtils
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.Types
import Language.Haskell.TokenUtils.Utils

import Data.Maybe
import Data.List

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

showToks :: [PosToken] -> String
showToks toks = show $ map (\(t@(GHC.L _ tok),s) ->
                 ((getLocatedStart t, getLocatedEnd t),tok,s)) toks
{- moved to haskell-token-utils
instance Show (GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Token) where
  show t@(GHC.L _l tok) = show ((getLocatedStart t, getLocatedEnd t),tok)

--A flag used to indicate whether the token stream has been modified or not.
unmodified, modified :: Bool
unmodified = False
modified   = True

--- some default values----
simpPos0 :: (Int,Int)
simpPos0 = (0,0)

-- nullSrcSpan :: GHC.SrcSpan
-- nullSrcSpan = GHC.UnhelpfulSpan $ GHC.mkFastString "HaRe nullSrcSpan"


--Some functions for checking whether a token is of a specific type of token.

isWhite :: PosToken -> Bool
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITeof),_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocCommentNext _) ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocCommentPrev _) ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocCommentNamed _),_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocSection _ _)   ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocOptions _)     ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdocOptionsOld _)  ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITlineComment _)    ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ (GHC.ITblockComment _)   ,_) = True
isWhite (GHC.L _ _                        ,_) = False

notWhite :: PosToken -> Bool
notWhite  = not.isWhite

isMultiLineComment :: PosToken -> Bool
isMultiLineComment ((GHC.L _ t),s) = case t of -- ==NestedComment && (isJust (find (=='\n') s))
                                        GHC.ITblockComment _ -> (isJust (find (=='\n') s))
                                        _                    -> False
isOpenBracket  (t,(_,s))       = t==Special && s=="("
isCloseBracket (t,(_,s))       = t==Special && s==")"
isOpenSquareBracket :: PosToken -> Bool
isOpenSquareBracket  ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of
                                   GHC.ITobrack -> True
                                   _            -> False
isCloseSquareBracket :: PosToken -> Bool
isCloseSquareBracket ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of
                                   GHC.ITcbrack -> True
                                   _            -> False
isOpenBrace  (t,(_,s))         = t==Special && s=="{"
isCloseBrace (t,(_,s))         = t==Special && s=="}"

isConid (t,(_,_))              = t==Conid
isLit (t,(_,s)) = t==IntLit || t==FloatLit || t==CharLit || t==StringLit
-- isWhereOrLet  t   = isWhere t || isLet t
isImport (t, (_,s))= t == Reservedid && s=="import"
isType (t, (_,s))= t  == Reservedid && s=="type"
isData (t, (_,s))= t == Reservedid && s=="data"
isFixty (t, (_,s)) = t==Reservedid && (s=="infix" || s=="infixl" || s=="infixr")
isDefault (t, (_,s)) = t == Reservedid && s=="default"
isClass (t, (_,s)) = t == Reservedid && s=="class"
isInstance (t, (_,s)) = t == Reservedid && s=="instance"
isNewtype (t, (_,s)) = t == Reservedid && s=="newtype"

isIn :: PosToken -> Bool
isIn    ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of
                      GHC.ITin -> True
                      _        -> False

isCase  (t,(_,s))  = t==Reservedid && s=="case"
isDo    (t,(_,s))  = t==Reservedid && s=="do"
isIf    (t,(_,s))  = t==Reservedid && s=="if"
isForall (t,(_,s)) = t==Reservedid && s=="forall"
isHiding (t,(_,s)) = s=="hiding"
isModule (t,(_,s)) = t==Reservedid && s=="module"
isComma :: PosToken -> Bool
isComma ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of
                         GHC.ITcomma -> True
                         _           -> False

isOpenParen :: PosToken -> Bool
isOpenParen ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of
                         GHC.IToparen -> True
                         _            -> False

isEqual  (t,(_,s))   = t==Reservedop && s=="="
isLambda (t,(_,s))   = t==Reservedop && s=="\\"
isIrrefute (t,(_,s)) = t==Reservedop && s=="~"
isBar :: PosToken -> Bool
isBar   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) = case t of -- "|"
                         GHC.ITvbar -> True
                         _          -> False
isArrow (t,(_,s))    = t==Reservedop && s=="->"
isMinus (t,(_,s))    = t==Varsym && s=="-"


-- |Returns True if the token ends with '\n'
-- ++AZ++: is this meaningful?
endsWithNewLn  (_,s) =if s==[] then False
                               else (glast "endsWithNewLn"  s=='\n')

-- |Returns True if the token starts with `\n`.
-- ++AZ++: is this meaningful?
startsWithNewLn (_,s) =if s==[] then False
                                else ((ghead "starsWithNewLn" s)=='\n')

--Returns True if there is a '\n' in the token.
hasNewLn :: PosToken -> Bool
hasNewLn (GHC.L l _,_) = case l of
  GHC.RealSrcSpan ss -> (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss /= GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss)
  _ -> False

-- |get the last non-ignored token in a token stream.
lastNonSpaceToken::[PosToken] -> PosToken
lastNonSpaceToken toks=case dropWhile isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored (reverse toks) of
                         [] -> defaultToken
                         l  -> ghead "lastNonSpaceToken" l
--get the first non-space token in a token stream.
firstNonSpaceToken toks=case dropWhile isWhiteSpace toks of
                         [] ->defaultToken
                         l -> ghead "firstNonSpaceToken" l

-- | Remove the extra preceding  empty lines.
compressPreNewLns::[PosToken] -> [PosToken]
compressPreNewLns toks = toks

-- |Remove the following extra empty lines.
compressEndNewLns toks = toks

---Restriction: the refactorer should not modify refactorer-modified/created tokens.
defaultToken :: PosToken
defaultToken = (GHC.noLoc (GHC.ITlineComment "defaultToken"), "defaultToken")

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

prettyprintPatList :: (t -> String) -> Bool -> [t] -> String
prettyprintPatList prpr beginWithSpace t
     = replaceTabBySpaces $ if beginWithSpace then format1 t else format2 t
   format1 tt = foldl (\x y -> x++ " "++ prpr y) "" tt

   format2 [] = ""
   format2 [p] = (prpr p) --  (render.ppi) p
   format2 (p:ps) = (prpr p) ++ " " ++ format2 ps

--Replace Tab by white spaces. (1 Tab=8 white spaces)
-- TODO: need to be aware of underlying tab stops, advance to next one only
replaceTabBySpaces []=[]
replaceTabBySpaces (s:ss)
  =if s=='\t' then replicate 8 ' ' ++replaceTabBySpaces ss
              else s:replaceTabBySpaces ss

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Convert a string into a set of Haskell tokens, following the
-- given position, with each line indented by a given column offset if
-- required
-- TODO: replace 'colOffset withFirstLineIndent' with a Maybe Int ++AZ++
tokenise :: GHC.RealSrcLoc -> Int -> Bool -> String -> IO [PosToken]
tokenise  _ _ _ [] = return []
tokenise  startPos colOffset withFirstLineIndent str
  = let str' = case lines str of
                    (ln:[]) -> addIndent ln ++ if glast "tokenise" str=='\n' then "\n" else ""
                    (ln:lns)-> addIndent ln ++ "\n" ++ concatMap (\n->replicate colOffset ' '++n++"\n") lns
                    []      -> []
        str'' = if glast "tokenise" str' == '\n' && glast "tokenise" str /= '\n'
                  then genericTake (length str' -1) str'
                  else str'
        toks = lexStringToRichTokens startPos str''

    in toks
    -- in error $ "tokenise:" ++ (showToks $ head toks)
     addIndent ln = if withFirstLineIndent
                      then replicate colOffset ' '++ ln
                      else ln

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Convert a string into a set of Haskell tokens. It has default
-- position and offset, since it will be stitched into place in TokenUtils
basicTokenise :: String -> IO [PosToken]
basicTokenise str = tokenise startPos 0 False str
    -- startPos = (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc tokenFileMark 0 1)
    startPos = (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString "foo") 0 1)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

--Should add cases for literals.
addLocInfo :: (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name,[PosToken])
           -> RefactGhc (GHC.LHsBind GHC.Name,[PosToken])
addLocInfo (decl, toks) = return (decl, toks)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Given a token stream covering multi-lines, calculate the length of the last line
-- AZ: should be the last token start col, plus length of token.
lengthOfLastLine [] = 0
lengthOfLastLine toks
   -- = let (toks1,toks2)=break hasNewLn $ reverse toks
   = let rtoks = reverse toks
         x = head rtoks
         (toks1,toks2)=break (\x' -> tokenRow x /= tokenRow x') rtoks
     -- in  if toks2==[]
     in  if length toks2 == 0
          then sum (map tokenLen toks1)
          else sum (map tokenLen toks1) + lastLineLenOfToken (ghead "lengthOfLastLine" toks2)
   --Compute the length of a token, if the token covers multi-line, only count the last line.
   --What about tab keys?
   lastLineLenOfToken (_,s)=(length.(takeWhile (\x->x/='\n')).reverse) s

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | get a token stream specified by the start and end position.
getToks :: (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
getToks (startPos,endPos) toks =
  -- TODO: use splitToks
  -- error $ "getToks:startPos=" ++ (show startPos) ++ ",endPos=" ++ (show endPos) ++ ",toks=" ++ (showToks toks) -- ++AZ++ debug
  let (_,toks2)        = break (\t -> tokenPos t >= startPos) toks
      (toks21,_toks22) = break (\t -> tokenPos t >  endPos) toks2
    (toks21)   -- Should add error message for empty list?
    -- error $ "getToks:startPos=" ++ (show startPos) ++ ",endPos=" ++ (show endPos) ++ ",toks21=" ++ (showToks toks21) -- ++AZ++ debug

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Replace a single token in the token stream by a new token, without
-- adjusting the layout.
-- Note1: does not re-align, else other later replacements may fail.
-- Note2: must keep original end col, to know what the inter-token gap
--        was when re-aligning
replaceTokNoReAlign:: [PosToken] -> SimpPos -> PosToken -> [PosToken]
replaceTokNoReAlign toks pos newTok =
    toks1 ++ [newTok'] ++ toksRest
      (toks1,toks2) = break (\t -> tokenPos t >= pos && tokenLen t > 0) toks
      toksRest = if (emptyList toks2) then [] else (gtail "replaceTokNoReAlign" toks2)
      oldTok  =  if (emptyList toks2) then newTok else (ghead "replaceTokNoReAlign" toks2)
      -- newTok' = markToken $ matchTokenPos oldTok newTok
      newTok' = matchTokenPos oldTok newTok
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Transfer the location information from the first param to the second
matchTokenPos :: PosToken -> PosToken -> PosToken
matchTokenPos (GHC.L l _,_) (GHC.L _ t,s) = (GHC.L l t,s)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get the start of the line before the pos,
getLineOffset :: [PosToken] -> SimpPos -> Int
getLineOffset toks pos
  = let (ts1, ts2) = break (\t->tokenPos t >= pos) toks
    in if (emptyList ts2)
         then error "HaRe error: position does not exist in the token stream!"
         else let (sl,_) = splitOnNewLn $ reverse ts1
              in tokenCol (glast "getLineOffset" sl)
              -- in error ("getOffset: sl=" ++ (showToks sl)) -- ++AZ++

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Delete a sequence of tokens specified by the start position and
-- end position from the token stream, then adjust the remaining token
-- stream to preserve layout
deleteToks:: [PosToken] -> SimpPos -> SimpPos -> [PosToken]
deleteToks toks startPos endPos
  = case after of
      (_:_) ->    let nextPos =tokenPos $ ghead "deleteToks1" after
                      oldOffset = getIndentOffset toks nextPos
                      newOffset = getIndentOffset (toks1++before++after) nextPos
                  in  toks1++before++adjustLayout (after++toks22) oldOffset newOffset
                  -- in error $ "deleteToks:newOffset=" ++ (show (newOffset)) -- ++AZ++
                  -- in error $ "deleteToks:after=" ++ (showToks (after)) -- ++AZ++
      _     -> if (emptyList toks22)
                 then toks1++before
                 else let toks22'=let nextOffset = getIndentOffset toks (tokenPos (ghead "deleteToks2" toks22))
                                  in if isMultiLineComment (lastNonSpaceToken toks21)
                                       then whiteSpaceTokens (-1111, 0) (nextOffset-1) ++ toks22
                                       else toks22
                      in if endsWithNewLn (last (toks1++before)) || startsWithNewLn (ghead "deleteToks3" toks22')
                           then  toks1++before++toks22'
                           --avoiding layout adjustment by adding a `\n', sometimes may produce extra lines.
                             else  toks1++before++[newLnToken (last before)]++toks22'
                            --  else toks1 ++ before ++ toks22'

      (toks1, toks2) = let (ts1, ts2)   = break (\t->tokenPos t >= startPos) toks
                           (ts11, ts12) = break hasNewLn (reverse ts1)
                       in (reverse ts12, reverse ts11 ++ ts2)
      (toks21, toks22)=let (ts1, ts2) = break (\t -> tokenPos t >= endPos) toks2
                           (ts11, ts12) = break hasNewLn ts2
                       in (ts1++ts11++if (emptyList ts12) then [] else [ghead "deleteToks4" ts12], if (emptyList ts12) then [] else gtail "deleteToks5"  ts12)

      -- NOTE: toks === toks1 ++ toks21 ++ toks22, where toks21 are the ones to be deleted

      -- tokens before the tokens to be deleted at the same line
      before = takeWhile (\t->tokenPos t<startPos) toks21

      -- tokens after the tokens to be deleted at the same line.
      after = let ts= dropWhile (\t -> tokenPosEnd t <= endPos) toks21
              in  if (emptyList ts) then ts -- ++AZ++ error "Sorry, HaRe failed to finish this refactoring. deleteToks"
                                    else ts

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Adjust the layout to compensate the change in the token stream.
adjustLayout:: [PosToken] -> Int -> Int -> [PosToken]
adjustLayout [] _ _ = []
adjustLayout toks _oldOffset _newOffset = toks -- ++AZ++ temporary while plumbing the rest

-- | remove at most n white space tokens from the beginning of ts
doRmWhites::Int -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
doRmWhites 0 ts = ts
doRmWhites _ [] = []
doRmWhites _ ts = ts

--add n white space tokens to the beginning of ts
doAddWhites n []=[]
doAddWhites n ts@(t:_)= whiteSpacesToken (tokenRow t,0) n ++ts

-- ++AZ++ : not sure if this is still needed
whiteSpaceTokens :: (Int,Int) -> Int -> [PosToken]
whiteSpaceTokens (_row, _col) _n = []

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | get all the source locations (use locations) in an AST phrase t
-- according the the occurrence order of identifiers.
srcLocs::(SYB.Data t) => t -> [SimpPos]
srcLocs t =(nub.srcLocs') t \\ [simpPos0]
   where srcLocs'= SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Parser (++) []
                    `SYB.mkQ` pnt
                    `SYB.extQ` sn
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInExp
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInPat)

         pnt :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Name -> [SimpPos]
         pnt (GHC.L l _)              = [getGhcLoc l]

         sn :: GHC.HsModule GHC.RdrName -> [SimpPos]
         sn (GHC.HsModule (Just (GHC.L l _)) _ _ _ _ _) = [getGhcLoc l]
         sn _ = []

         literalInExp :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> [SimpPos]
         literalInExp (GHC.L l _) = [getGhcLoc l]

         literalInPat :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> [SimpPos]
         literalInPat (GHC.L l _) = [getGhcLoc l]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getBiggestStartEndLoc :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
getBiggestStartEndLoc t = (start,end)
    locs  = getAllSrcLocs t
    start = minimum $ map fst locs
    end   = maximum $ map snd locs

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get all the source locations in a given syntax fragment
getAllSrcLocs::(SYB.Data t) => t -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
getAllSrcLocs t = res t
    res = SYB.everythingStaged SYB.Renamer (++) []
                    `SYB.mkQ` bind
                    `SYB.extQ` sig
                    `SYB.extQ` pnt
                    `SYB.extQ` sn
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInExp
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInPat
                    `SYB.extQ` importDecl
                    `SYB.extQ` ty

    bind :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    bind (GHC.L l _)              = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    sig :: (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    sig (GHC.L l _)              = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    ty :: (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name) -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    ty (GHC.L l _) = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    pnt :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Name -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    pnt (GHC.L l _)              = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    sn :: GHC.HsModule GHC.RdrName -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    sn (GHC.HsModule (Just (GHC.L l _)) _ _ _ _ _) = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]
    sn _ = []

    literalInExp :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    literalInExp (GHC.L l _) = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    literalInPat :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    literalInPat (GHC.L l _) = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

    importDecl :: GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name -> [(SimpPos,SimpPos)]
    importDecl (GHC.L l _) = [(getGhcLoc l,getGhcLocEnd l)]

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Extend the given position backwards to the front of the file while
-- the supplied condition holds
extendBackwards :: [PosToken] -> (SimpPos ,SimpPos) -> (PosToken -> Bool)
  -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
extendBackwards toks (startLoc,endLoc) condFun
    = let toks1 = takeWhile (\t->tokenPos t /= startLoc) toks
          firstLoc = case (dropWhile (not.condFun) (reverse toks1)) of
                       [] -> startLoc  -- is this the correct default?
                       l  -> (tokenPos.ghead "extendBackwards") l
      in (firstLoc, endLoc)

-- |Extend the given position forwards to the end of the file while
-- the supplied condition holds
extendForwards :: [PosToken] -> (SimpPos ,SimpPos) -> (PosToken -> Bool)
  -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
extendForwards toks (startLoc,endLoc) condFun
    = let toks1 = gtail "extendForwards"  $ dropWhile (\t->tokenPosEnd t /= endLoc) toks
          lastLoc = case (dropWhile (condFun) toks1) of
                          [] ->endLoc -- is this the correct default?
                          l ->(tokenPos. ghead "extendForwards") l
      in (startLoc, lastLoc)

------------------Some functions for associating comments with syntax phrases.---------------------------
{- Note: We assume that a comment before t belongs to t only if there is at most one blank line between them,
         and a cooment after t belongs to t only it the comment starts at the last line of t.

-- |Get the start&end location of syntax phrase t, then extend the end
-- location to cover the comment/white spaces or new line which starts
-- in the same line as the end location
-- TODO: deprecate this in favour of startEndLocIncComments
startEndLocIncFowComment::(SYB.Data t)=>[PosToken]->t->(SimpPos,SimpPos)
startEndLocIncFowComment toks t
  = let (startLoc,_endLoc)=getStartEndLoc t
        (_,endLocIncComments) = startEndLocIncComments toks t
    in (startLoc, endLocIncComments)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

--Some functions for fetching a specific field of a token
tokenSrcSpan :: (GHC.Located t1, t) -> GHC.SrcSpan
tokenSrcSpan (GHC.L l _,_)     = l

-- TODO: badly named function
tokenCon :: PosToken -> String
tokenCon (_,s)     = s

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
increaseSrcSpan :: SimpPos -> PosToken -> PosToken
increaseSrcSpan (lineAmount,colAmount) posToken@(lt@(GHC.L _l t), s)
    = (GHC.L newL t, s)
        filename = fileNameFromTok posToken
        newL = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename startLine startCol)
                             (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename endLine endCol)
        (startLine, startCol) = add1 $ getLocatedStart lt
        (endLine, endCol)     = add1 $ getLocatedEnd   lt

        add1 :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
        add1 (r,c) = (r+lineAmount,c+colAmount)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | gets the (row,col) of the start of the @GHC.SrcSpan@, or (-1,-1)
-- if there is an @GHC.UnhelpfulSpan@
getGhcLoc :: GHC.SrcSpan -> (Int, Int)
getGhcLoc (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss)  = (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss, GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss)
getGhcLoc (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) = (-1,-1)

-- | gets the (row,col) of the end of the @GHC.SrcSpan@, or (-1,-1)
-- if there is an @GHC.UnhelpfulSpan@
getGhcLocEnd :: GHC.SrcSpan -> (Int, Int)
getGhcLocEnd (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss)  = (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss, GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss)
getGhcLocEnd (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) = (-1,-1)

getLocatedStart :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan t -> (Int, Int)
getLocatedStart (GHC.L l _) = getGhcLoc l

getLocatedEnd :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan t -> (Int, Int)
getLocatedEnd (GHC.L l _) = getGhcLocEnd l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

getStartEndLoc :: (SYB.Data t) => t -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
getStartEndLoc t =
  -- error $ "getStartEndLoc:" ++ (SYB.showData SYB.Renamer 0 t)
    ss = getSrcSpan t
    case ss of
      Just l -> startEndLocGhc (GHC.L l ss)
      Nothing -> ((0,0),(0,0))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

startEndLocGhc :: GHC.Located b -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
startEndLocGhc (GHC.L l _) =
  case l of
    (GHC.RealSrcSpan ss) ->
      ((GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss,GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss),
       (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss,  GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss))
    (GHC.UnhelpfulSpan _) -> ((0,0),(0,0))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

realSrcLocFromTok :: PosToken -> GHC.RealSrcLoc
realSrcLocFromTok (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan srcspan) _,_) = GHC.realSrcSpanStart srcspan
realSrcLocFromTok (GHC.L _ _,_) = GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString "") 1 1

realSrcLocEndTok :: PosToken -> GHC.RealSrcLoc
realSrcLocEndTok (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan srcspan) _,_) = GHC.realSrcSpanEnd srcspan
realSrcLocEndTok (GHC.L _ _,_) = GHC.mkRealSrcLoc (GHC.mkFastString "") 1 1

fileNameFromTok :: PosToken -> GHC.FastString
fileNameFromTok (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan srcspan) _,_) = GHC.srcSpanFile srcspan
fileNameFromTok (GHC.L _ _,_) = GHC.mkFastString "f"

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Split the token stream into three parts: the tokens before the
-- startPos, the tokens between startPos and endPos, and the tokens
-- after endPos.
-- Note: The startPos and endPos refer to the startPos of a token only.
--       So a single token will have the same startPos and endPos
--    NO^^^^
splitToks (startPos, endPos) toks =
  let (toks1,toks2)   = break (\t -> tokenPos t >= startPos) toks
      (toks21,toks22) = break (\t -> tokenPos t >=   endPos) toks2

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Get around lack of instance Eq when simply testing for empty list
-- TODO: get rid of this in favour of `null` built in fn
emptyList :: [t] -> Bool
emptyList [] = True
emptyList _  = False

nonEmptyList :: [t] -> Bool
nonEmptyList [] = False
nonEmptyList _  = True

-- | Get the start&end location of t in the token stream, then extend
-- the start and end location to cover the preceding and following
-- comments.
-- In this routine, 'then','else','do' and 'in' are treated as comments.
startEndLocIncComments::(SYB.Data t) => [PosToken] -> t -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
startEndLocIncComments toks t = startEndLocIncComments' toks (getStartEndLoc t)

startEndLocIncComments' :: [PosToken] -> (SimpPos,SimpPos) -> (SimpPos,SimpPos)
startEndLocIncComments' toks (startLoc,endLoc) =
    (begin,middle,end) = splitToks (startLoc,endLoc) toks

    notIgnored tt = not (isWhiteSpaceOrIgnored tt)

    (leadinr,leadr) = break notIgnored $ reverse begin
    leadr' = filter (\t -> not (isEmpty t)) leadr
    prevLine  = if (emptyList leadr') then 0 else (tokenRow $ ghead "startEndLocIncComments'1" leadr')
    firstLine = if (emptyList middle) then 0 else (tokenRow $ ghead "startEndLocIncComments'1" middle)
    (_nonleadComments,leadComments') = divideComments prevLine firstLine $ reverse leadinr
    leadComments = dropWhile (\tt -> (isEmpty tt)) leadComments'

    (trail,trailrest) = break notWhiteSpace end
    trail' = filter (\t -> not (isEmpty t)) trail
    lastLine = if (emptyList middle)
        then      0
        else (tokenRow $ glast "startEndLocIncComments'2" middle)
    nextLine = if (emptyList trailrest)
        then 100000
        else (tokenRow $ ghead "startEndLocIncComments'2" trailrest)
    (trailComments,_) =  divideComments lastLine nextLine trail'

    middle' = leadComments ++ middle ++ trailComments
    if (emptyList middle')
      then ((0,0),(0,0))
      else ((tokenPos $ ghead "startEndLocIncComments 4" middle'),(tokenPosEnd $ last middle'))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Split a set of comment tokens into the ones that belong with the startLine
-- and those that belong with the endLine
divideComments :: Int -> Int -> [PosToken] -> ([PosToken],[PosToken])
divideComments startLine endLine toks = (first,second)
    groups = groupBy groupByAdjacent toks
    groupLines = map (\ts -> ((tokenRow $ ghead "divideComments" ts,tokenRow $ glast "divideComments" ts),ts)) groups
    groupLines' = [((startLine,startLine),[])] ++ groupLines ++ [((endLine,endLine),[])]
    groupGaps = go [] groupLines'
    -- groupGaps is now a list of gaps followed by the tokens. The
    -- last gap has an empty token list, since there is one more gap
    -- than token groups

    -- e.g [(0,[comments1]),(3,[comments2]),(1,[]) captures
    --  ---------------------
    --      b + bar -- ^trailing comment
    -- -- leading comment
    -- foo x y =
    -- ----------------------

    biggest = maximum $ map fst groupGaps

    (firsts,seconds) = break (\(g,_) -> g >= biggest) groupGaps

    first = concatMap snd firsts
    second = concatMap snd seconds

    -- Helpers
    groupByAdjacent :: PosToken -> PosToken -> Bool
    groupByAdjacent a b = 1 + tokenRow a == tokenRow b

    go :: [(Int,[PosToken])] -> [((Int,Int),[PosToken])] -> [(Int,[PosToken])]
    go acc []  = acc
    go acc [_x] = acc
    go acc (((_s1,e1),_t1):b@((s2,_e2),t2):xs) = go (acc ++ [((s2 - e1),t2)] ) (b:xs)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

isWhiteSpace :: PosToken -> Bool
isWhiteSpace tok = isComment tok || isEmpty tok
notWhiteSpace :: PosToken -> Bool
notWhiteSpace tok = not (isWhiteSpace tok)

-- Tokens that are ignored when allocating tokens to a SrcSpan
isIgnored :: PosToken -> Bool
isIgnored tok = isThen tok || isElse tok || isIn tok || isDo tok
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

isDoubleColon :: PosToken -> Bool
isDoubleColon ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdcolon)), "::") = True
isDoubleColon _                                = False

isEmpty :: PosToken -> Bool
isEmpty ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITsemi)),    "") = True
isEmpty ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITvocurly)), "") = True
isEmpty ((GHC.L _ _),               "") = True
isEmpty _                               = False
-- isWhereOrLet :: PosToken -> Bool
-- isWhereOrLet t = isWhere t || isLet t

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- This section is horrible because there is no Eq instance for
-- GHC.Token

{-                       _           -> False
isWhere :: PosToken -> Bool
isWhere ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITwhere -> True

isLet :: PosToken -> Bool
isLet   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITlet -> True
                       _         -> False

isElse :: PosToken -> Bool
isElse   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITelse -> True
                       _         -> False

isThen :: PosToken -> Bool
isThen   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITthen -> True
                       _         -> False

isOf :: PosToken -> Bool
isOf   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITof -> True
                       _        -> False

isDo :: PosToken -> Bool
isDo   ((GHC.L _ t),_s) =  case t of
                       GHC.ITdo -> True
                       _        -> False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Get the first SrcSpan found, in top down traversal
getSrcSpan::(SYB.Data t) => t -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
getSrcSpan t = res t
    res = somethingStaged SYB.Renamer Nothing
                    `SYB.mkQ`  bind
                    `SYB.extQ` sig
                    `SYB.extQ` pnt
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInExp
                    `SYB.extQ` literalInPat
                    `SYB.extQ` importDecl
                    `SYB.extQ` ty

    bind :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan (GHC.HsBind GHC.Name) -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    bind (GHC.L l _)              = Just l

    sig :: (GHC.LSig GHC.Name) -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    sig (GHC.L l _)              = Just l

    ty :: (GHC.LHsType GHC.Name) -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    ty (GHC.L l _) = Just l

    pnt :: GHC.GenLocated GHC.SrcSpan GHC.Name -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    pnt (GHC.L l _)              = Just l

    literalInExp :: GHC.LHsExpr GHC.Name -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    literalInExp (GHC.L l _) = Just l

    literalInPat :: GHC.LPat GHC.Name -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    literalInPat (GHC.L l _) = Just l

    importDecl :: GHC.LImportDecl GHC.Name -> Maybe GHC.SrcSpan
    importDecl (GHC.L l _) = Just l

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Get the indent of the line before, taking into account in-line
-- 'where', 'let', 'in' and 'do' tokens
getIndentOffset :: [PosToken] -> SimpPos -> Int
getIndentOffset [] _pos     = 1
getIndentOffset _toks (0,0) = 1
getIndentOffset toks pos
  = let (ts1, ts2) = break (\t->tokenPos t >= pos) toks
    in if (emptyList ts2)
         then error "HaRe error: position does not exist in the token stream!"
         else let (sl,_) = splitOnNewLn $ reverse ts1
                -- sl is the reversed tokens of the previous line
                  (sls,_) = break isWhereOrLet $ filter (\t -> tokenLen t > 0) sl
                  firstTok = (glast "getIndentOffset" sls)
              in if startLayout firstTok
                  then if (length sls > 1)
                          then tokenOffset (last $ init sls)
                          else 4 + tokenOffset firstTok
                  else tokenOffset firstTok

        tokenOffset t = (tokenCol t) - 1

        startLayout ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITdo)),_)    = True
        startLayout ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITin)),_)    = True
        startLayout ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITlet)),_)   = True
        startLayout ((GHC.L _ (GHC.ITwhere)),_) = True
        startLayout _  = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

splitOnNewLn :: [PosToken] -> ([PosToken],[PosToken])
splitOnNewLn toks = go [] toks
  -- ++AZ++ : TODO: is this simpler? : (toks1,toks2)=break (\x' -> tokenRow x /= tokenRow x') rtoks

    go [] [] = ([],[])
    go ss [] = (ss,[])
    go [] xs = go [head xs] (tail xs)
    go ss xs
      | onSameLn (glast "splitOnNewLn" ss) (head xs) = go (ss ++ [head xs]) (tail xs)
      | otherwise = (ss,xs)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
tokenLen :: PosToken -> Int
tokenLen (_,s)     = length s   --check this again! need to handle the tab key.
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
newLnToken :: PosToken -> PosToken
newLnToken tok = newLinesToken 1 tok

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

newLinesToken :: Int -> PosToken -> PosToken
newLinesToken jump (GHC.L l _,_) = (GHC.L l' GHC.ITvocurly,"")
   l' =  case l of
     GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
         loc = GHC.mkSrcLoc (GHC.srcSpanFile ss) (jump + GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss) 1
         GHC.mkSrcSpan loc loc
     _ -> l
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- groupTokensByLine :: [PosToken] -> [[PosToken]]
-- groupTokensByLine xs = groupBy toksOnSameLine xs

toksOnSameLine :: PosToken -> PosToken -> Bool
toksOnSameLine t1 t2 = tokenRow t1 == tokenRow t2

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | sort out line numbering so that they are always monotonically
-- increasing.
monotonicLineToks :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
monotonicLineToks toks = goMonotonicLineToks (0,0) toks

goMonotonicLineToks :: SimpPos -> [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
goMonotonicLineToks _ [] = []
goMonotonicLineToks _ [t] = [t]
goMonotonicLineToks (orow,ocol) (t1:t2:ts)
  = t1:goMonotonicLineToks offset' (t2':ts)
    offset' = if (tokenRow t1 - orow) > (tokenRow t2)
               then (orow + (tokenRow t1) - tokenRow t2 + 1, ocol)
               else (orow,ocol)

    -- t1' = increaseSrcSpan (orow,ocol) t1
    t2' = increaseSrcSpan offset'     t2
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

-- |Adjust token stream to cater for changes in token length due to
-- token renaming
reSequenceToks :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
reSequenceToks toks = toks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Compose a new token using the given arguments.
mkToken::GHC.Token -> SimpPos -> String -> PosToken
mkToken t (row,col) c = ((GHC.L l t),c)
    filename = (GHC.mkFastString "f")
    l = GHC.mkSrcSpan (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename row col) (GHC.mkSrcLoc filename row (col + (length c) ))
mkZeroToken :: PosToken
mkZeroToken = mkToken GHC.ITsemi (0,0) ""
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
onSameLn :: PosToken -> PosToken -> Bool
onSameLn (GHC.L l1 _,_) (GHC.L l2 _,_) = r1 == r2
    (r1,_) = getGhcLoc l1
    (r2,_) = getGhcLoc l2
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- |Used as a marker in the filename part of the SrcSpan on modified
-- tokens, to trigger re-alignment when retrieving the tokens.
tokenFileMark :: GHC.FastString
tokenFileMark = GHC.mkFastString "HaRe"

-- |Mark a token so that it can be use to trigger layout checking
-- later when the toks are retrieved
markToken :: PosToken -> PosToken
markToken tok = tok'
      (GHC.L l t,s) = tok
      tok' = (GHC.L (GHC.RealSrcSpan l') t,s)

      l' = case l of
            GHC.RealSrcSpan ss ->
                      (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc tokenFileMark (GHC.srcSpanStartLine ss)  (GHC.srcSpanStartCol ss))
                      (GHC.mkRealSrcLoc tokenFileMark (GHC.srcSpanEndLine ss)  (GHC.srcSpanEndCol ss))

            _ -> error $ "markToken: expecting a real SrcSpan, got" -- ++ (showGhc l)

-- |Does a token have the file mark in it
isMarked :: PosToken -> Bool
isMarked (GHC.L l _,_) =
  case l of
    GHC.RealSrcSpan ss -> GHC.srcSpanFile ss == tokenFileMark
    _                  -> False
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

rmOffsetFromToks :: [PosToken] -> [PosToken]
rmOffsetFromToks [] = []
rmOffsetFromToks toks = toks'
    ro' = tokenRow $ head toks
    co' = tokenCol $ head toks
    -- (ro,co) = srcPosToSimpPos (tokenRow $ head toks, tokenCol $ head toks)
    toks' = addOffsetToToks (-ro',-co') toks

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------