-- Parser Combinators Library
--        (Utrecht University style) 
-- Code Included in the Lecture Notes on
--      Language Processing (with a functional flavour)             
-- copyright João Saraiva
--           Department of Computer Science,
--           University of Minho, 
--           Braga, Portugal
--           jas@di.uminho.pt
--           2001

module Language.HaLex.Parser where

import Prelude hiding ((<$>), (<*>))

infixl 3 <|> ; infixl 4 <*>

-- The type of a (sub) Parser Function

type Parser s r = [s] -> [(r,[s])]

-- Elementary Parser Combinators

symbol :: Eq a => a -> Parser a a 
symbol _ []                 = []
symbol s (x:xs) | x == s    = [(s,xs)]
                | otherwise = []

satisfy :: (s -> Bool) -> Parser s s
satisfy p []                 = []
satisfy p (x:xs) | p x       = [(x,xs)]
                 | otherwise = []

token :: Eq s => [s] -> Parser s [s]
token k xs | k == take n xs = [(k,drop n xs)]
           | otherwise       = []
 where n = length k

succeed :: a -> Parser s a
succeed r xs = [(r,xs)]

-- Basic Parser Combinators

(<|>) :: Parser s a -> Parser s a -> Parser s a
(p <|> q) xs = p xs ++ q xs

(p <*> q) xs = [ ( f z , zs )
               | ( f   , ys ) <- p xs
               , (   z , zs ) <- q ys 

(f <$> p) xs = [(f y, ys) | (y,ys) <- p xs ]

--  More combinators

oneOrMore  :: Parser s a -> Parser s [a]
oneOrMore p =   f <$>  p <*> oneOrMore p
           <|>  g <$>  p
   where f a as = a:as
         g a    = [a]