HXQ: A Compiler from XQuery to Haskell


HXQ is a fast and space-efficient translator from XQuery to embedded Haskell code (the translation is based on GHC templates). It takes full advantage of Haskell's lazy evaluation to keep in memory only those parts of XML data needed at each point of evaluation, thus performing stream-based evaluation. This results to an implementation that is as fast and space-efficient as any stream-based implementation based on SAX filters or finite state machines. Furthermore, the coding is far simpler and extensible since its based on XML trees, rather than SAX events. For example, the XQuery below against the DBLP XML database (420MB) runs in 1.5 minutes on my laptop. My high-performance Java implementation of XQuery, called XQPull, which is stream-based (based on a StAX events), took about the same time.

HXQ uses the HXML parser for XML (developed by Joe English), which is included in the source. I have also tried hexpat, but I found it too slow for large documents. I haven't tried HaXML.

Installation Instructions

If you haven't done so, install the Glasgow Haskell Compiler, ghc, and the parser generator for Haskell, happy. For example, in Fedora Linux, you install both using:

yum install ghc happy
Then download HXQ and untar it. You can either use cabal or make to build it. Then run xquery to test drive it.

Current Status

HXQ supports most essential XQuery features, although some system functions are missing (but are easy to add). It does not have static typechecking; it leaves all checking to Haskell. This means that it distinguishes regular predicates from indexing at run time: if an XPath predicate returns an integer at run time, it is indexing and this index is checked against the current node position. The most important omission is backward step axes, such as /.. (parent). Some, but not all, parent axis steps are removed using optimization rules, all others cause a compilation error.

Using the Compiler

HXQ represents XML data as rose trees:

type Tag = String

type AttList = [(String,String)]

data XTree =  XElem Tag AttList [XTree]
           |  XText String
           |  XInt Int
           |  XFloat Float

type XSeq = [XTree]
which basically means that one cannot implement backward navigation steps directly. The main functions for embedding XQueries in Haskell are: where query is a string value (a Haskell expression that evaluates to a string at compile-time), They both translate the query into Haskell code, which is compiled and optimized into machine code directly. The code that xe generates has type XSeq (a sequence of XML trees) while the code that xq generates has type (IO XSeq). If the query reads at least one document (using doc(...)), then you should use xq since it requires IO. To define constant XML data or a function body, it is better to use xe. You can use the value of a Haskell variable v inside a query using $v as long as v has type XSeq. To use a function in a query, it should be defined in Haskell with type (XSeq,...,XSeq) -> XSeq.

Here is an example of a main program:

f(x,y) = $(xe "<article><first>{$x}</first><second>{$y}</second></article>")

main = do a <- $(xq ("<result>{                                                        "
                 ++"     for $x in doc('data/dblp.xml')//inproceedings at $i           "
                 ++"     where $x/author = 'Leonidas Fegaras'                          "
                 ++"     orderby $x/year descending                                    "
                 ++"     return <paper>{ $i, ') ', $x/booktitle/text(),                "
                 ++"                     ': ', $x/title/text()                         "
                 ++"            }</paper>                                              "
                 ++"  }</result>                                                       "))
          putStrLn (show a)
          b <- $(xq " f( $a/paper[10], $a/paper[8] ) ")
          putStrLn (show b)
Another example, can be found in Test1.hs.

Using the Interpreter

The HXQ interpreter is far more slower than the compiler; use it only if you need to evaluate ad-hoc XQueries read from input or from files. The main functions are:

The HXQ interpreter doesn't recognize Haskell variables and functions. The main HXQ program, called xquery, evaluates an XQuery in a file using the interpreter. For example:
xquery data/q1.xq
Without an argument, it reads the XQuery from input.

Extending HXQ

If you want to extend HXQ, you need to read about Template Haskell. Use make ghci to do various translation tests in ghci. You can look at the Abstract Syntax Trees and the generated code from a query by evaluating cq query.

Last modified: 03/23/08 by Leonidas Fegaras