- The XQuery Interpreter
- Programmer: Leonidas Fegaras
- Email: fegaras@cse.uta.edu
- Web: http://lambda.uta.edu/
- Creation: 03/22/08, last update: 06/14/09
- Copyright (c) 2008 by Leonidas Fegaras, the University of Texas at Arlington. All rights reserved.
- This material is provided as is, with absolutely no warranty expressed or implied.
- Any use is at your own risk. Permission is hereby granted to use or copy this program
- for any purpose, provided the above notices are retained on all copies.

module Text.XML.HXQ.Interpreter
    ( xquery, xqueryDB, xfileDB, evalInput, xqueryE ) where

import Text.XML.HXQ.Parser
import Text.XML.HXQ.XTree
import Text.XML.HXQ.OptionalDB
import Control.Monad
import List(sortBy)
import Data.List(foldl')
import Char(isSpace)
import XMLParse(parseDocument)
import Text.XML.HXQ.Optimizer
import Text.XML.HXQ.Functions
import Text.XML.HXQ.Compiler
import Text.XML.HXQ.Types
import System.Console.Haskeline
import System.Console.Haskeline.History
import Control.Monad.Trans(liftIO)
import Control.Monad.State.Class

-- run-time bindings of FLOWR variables
type Environment = [(String,XSeq)]

-- a user-defined function is (fname,parameters,body)
type Functions = [(String,[String],Ast)]

undefv1 = error "Undefined XQuery context (.)"
undefv2 = error "Undefined position()"
undefv3 = error "Undefined last()"

-- Each XPath predicate must calculate position() and last() from its input XSeq
-- if last() is used, then the evaluation is blocking (need to store the whole input XSeq)
applyPredicates :: [Ast] -> XSeq -> Environment -> Functions -> XSeq
applyPredicates preds xs env fncs
    = foldl' (\s p -> applyPred s p True) xs preds
      where applyPred [] _ _ = []
            applyPred xs (Aint n) _           -- shortcut that improves laziness
                = index xs (n-1)
            applyPred xs (Ast "call" [Avar "last"]) _
                = [ last xs ]
            applyPred xs pred True            -- top-k like
                | pos > 0
                = applyPred (take pos xs) pred False
                  where pos = maxPosition pathPosition pred
            applyPred xs pred _
                | containsLast pred           -- blocking: use only when last() is used in the predicate
                = let last = length xs
                  in foldir (\x i r -> case eval pred x i last "" env fncs of
                                         [XInt k] -> if k == i then x:r else r               -- indexing
                                         b -> if conditionTest b then x:r else r) [] xs 1
            applyPred xs pred _
                = foldir (\x i r -> case eval pred x i undefv3 "" env fncs of
                                      [XInt k] -> if k == i then x:r else r                  -- indexing
                                      b -> if conditionTest b then x:r else r) [] xs 1

-- The XQuery interpreter
-- context: context node (XPath .)
-- position: the element position in the parent sequence (XPath position())
-- last: the length of the parent sequence (XPath last())
-- effective_axis: the XPath axis in /axis::tag(exp)
--        eg, the effective axis of //(A | B) is descendant
-- env: contains FLOWR variable bindings
-- fncs: user-defined functions
eval :: Ast -> XTree -> Int -> Int -> String -> Environment -> Functions -> XSeq
eval e context position last effective_axis env fncs
  = case e of
      Avar "." -> [ context ]
      Avar v -> findV v env
      Aint n -> [ XInt n ]
      Afloat n -> [ XFloat n ]
      Astring s -> [ XText s ]
      Ast "context" [v,Astring dp,body]
          -> foldr (\x r -> (eval body x position last dp env fncs)++r)
                   [] (eval v context position last effective_axis env fncs)
      Ast "call" [Avar "position"] -> [XInt position]
      Ast "call" [Avar "last"] -> [XInt last]
      Ast "step" (Avar "child":tag:Avar ".":preds)
          | effective_axis /= ""
          -> eval (Ast "step" (Avar effective_axis:tag:Avar ".":preds)) context position last "" env fncs
      Ast "step" (Avar "descendant_any":Ast "tags" tags:e:preds)
          -> let ts = map (\(Avar tag) -> tag) tags
                 v = eval e context position last effective_axis env fncs
             in if v==[XNull]
                then v
                else foldr (\x r -> (applyPredicates preds (descendant_any_with_tagged_children ts x) env fncs)++r) [] v
      Ast "step" (Avar step:Astring tag:e:preds)
          -> let step_fnc = findV step pathFunctions
                 v = eval e context position last effective_axis env fncs
             in if v==[XNull]
                then v
                else foldr (\x r -> (applyPredicates preds (step_fnc tag x) env fncs)++r) [] v
      Ast "filter" (e:preds)
          -> applyPredicates preds (eval e context position last effective_axis env fncs) env fncs
      Ast "predicate" [condition,body]
          -> if conditionTest (eval condition undefv1 undefv2 undefv3 "" env fncs)
             then eval body context position last effective_axis env fncs
             else []
      Ast "append" args
          -> appendText (map (\x -> eval x context position last effective_axis env fncs) args)
      Ast "if" [c,t,e]
          -> if conditionTest (eval c context position last effective_axis env fncs)
             then eval t context position last effective_axis env fncs
             else eval e context position last effective_axis env fncs
      Ast f _
          | elem f ["insert","delete","replace"]
          -> error "Updates must be over XML data stored in databases"
      Ast "call" (v@(Avar fname):args)
          -> let vs = map (\x -> eval x context position last effective_axis env fncs) args
             in case filter (\(n,_,_,_) -> n == fname || ("fn:"++n) == fname) systemFunctions of
                  [] -> if isBuildInType fname  && length vs == 1
                        then castAs (head vs) v
                        else error "External function calls must be within the IO monad"
                  fs -> case filter (\(_,len,_,_) -> len < 0 || length args == len) fs of
                          [] -> error ("wrong number of arguments in function call: " ++ fname)
                          (_,_,f,_):_ -> f vs
      Ast "construction" [tag,id,parent,Ast "attributes" al,body]
             -> let ct = eval tag context position last effective_axis env fncs
                    bc = eval body context position last effective_axis env fncs
                    (as,bs) = span (\x -> case x of XAttr _ _ -> True; _ -> False) bc
                    alc = concatMap (\(Ast "pair" [a,v])
                                     -> let ac = eval a context position last effective_axis env fncs
                                            vc = eval v context position last effective_axis env fncs
                                        in if vc==[XNull] then [] else [(qName ac,showXS vc)]) al
                          ++ [ (n,v) | XAttr n v <- as ]
                    vid = case eval id context position last effective_axis env fncs of
                            [XText vid] -> (read vid)::Int
                            _ -> 0
                    vparent = eval parent context position last effective_axis env fncs
                in [ XElem (qName ct) alc vid (if null vparent then parent_error else head vparent) bs ]
      Ast "attribute_construction" [name,value]
          -> let ns = eval name context position last effective_axis env fncs
                 vs = eval value context position last effective_axis env fncs
             in [ XAttr (qName ns) (showXS vs) ]
      Ast "let" [Avar var,source,body]
          -> eval body context position last effective_axis
                  ((var,eval source context position last effective_axis env fncs):env) fncs
      Ast "for" [Avar var,Avar "$",source,body]      -- a for-loop without an index
          -> foldr (\a r -> (eval body a undefv2 undefv3 "" ((var,[a]):env) fncs)++r)
                   [] (eval source context position last effective_axis env fncs)
      Ast "for" [Avar var,Avar ivar,source,body]     -- a for-loop with an index
          -> let p = maxPosition (Avar ivar) body
                 ns = if p > 0              -- there is a top-k like restriction
                      then Ast "step" [source,Ast "call" [Avar "<=",pathPosition,Aint p]]
                      else source 
             in foldir (\a i r -> (eval body a i undefv3 "" ((var,[a]):(ivar,[XInt i]):env) fncs)++r)
                       [] (eval ns context position last effective_axis env fncs) 1
      Ast "sortTuple" (exp:orderBys)             -- prepare each FLWOR tuple for sorting
          -> let ee = eval exp context position last effective_axis env fncs
             in [ XElem "" [] 0 parent_error
                     (foldl (\r a -> r++[XElem "" [] 0 parent_error (toData (eval a context position last effective_axis env fncs))])
                            [XElem "" [] 0 parent_error ee] orderBys) ]
      Ast "sort" (exp:ordList)                   -- blocking
          -> let ce = map (\(XElem _ _ _ _ xs) -> map (\(XElem _ _ _ _ ys) -> ys) xs)
                          (eval exp context position last effective_axis env fncs)
                 ordering = foldr (\(Avar ord) r (x:xs) (y:ys)
                                       -> case compareXSeqs (ord == "ascending") x y of
                                            EQ -> r xs ys
                                            o -> o)
                                  (\xs ys -> EQ) ordList
             in concatMap head (sortBy (\(_:xs) (_:ys) -> ordering xs ys) ce)
      Ast "type" [tp]
          -> [ XType tp ]
      _ -> error ("Illegal XQuery: "++(show e))

type Statements = [(String,Statement)]

-- The monadic applyPredicates that propagates IO state
applyPredicatesM :: [Ast] -> XSeq -> Environment -> Functions -> Connection -> Statements -> IO XSeq
applyPredicatesM preds xs env fncs db stmts
    = foldl' (\s p -> s >>= \r -> applyPred r p True) (return xs) preds
      where applyPred [] _ _ = return []
            applyPred xs (Aint n) _           -- shortcut that improves laziness
                = return $! index xs (n-1)
            applyPred xs (Ast "call" [Avar "last"]) _
                = return $! [ last xs ]
            applyPred xs pred True            -- top-k like
                | pos > 0
                = applyPred (take pos xs) pred False
                  where pos = maxPosition pathPosition pred
            applyPred xs pred _
                | containsLast pred           -- blocking: use only when last() is used in the predicate
                = let last = length xs
                  in foldir (\x i r -> do vs <- evalM pred x i last "" env fncs db stmts
                                          s <- r
                                          return $! (if case vs of
                                                          [XInt k] -> k == i            -- indexing
                                                          b -> conditionTest b
                                                     then x:s else s))
                            (return []) xs 1
            applyPred xs pred _
                = foldir (\x i r -> do vs <- evalM pred x i undefv3 "" env fncs db stmts
                                       s <- r
                                       return $! (if case vs of
                                                       [XInt k] -> k == i               -- indexing
                                                       b -> conditionTest b
                                                  then x:s else s))
                         (return []) xs 1

-- The monadic XQuery interpreter; it is like eval but has plumbing to propagate IO state
evalM :: Ast -> XTree -> Int -> Int -> String -> Environment -> Functions -> Connection -> Statements -> IO XSeq
evalM e context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
  = case e of
      Avar "." -> return $! [ context ]
      Avar v -> return $! (findV v env)
      Aint n -> return $! [ XInt n ]
      Afloat n -> return $! [ XFloat n ]
      Astring s -> return $! [ XText s ]
      -- for non-IO XQuery, use the regular eval
      Ast "nonIO" [u] -> return $! (eval u context position last effective_axis env fncs)
      Ast "context" [v,Astring dp,body]
          -> do vs <- evalM v context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                foldr (\x r -> (liftM2 (++)) (evalM body x position last dp env fncs db stmts) r)
                      (return []) vs
      Ast "call" [Avar "position"] -> return $! [XInt position]
      Ast "call" [Avar "last"] -> return $! [XInt last]
      Ast "call" [Avar f,Astring file]
          | elem f ["doc","fn:doc"]
          -> do doc <- downloadFile file
                return $! [materialize False (parseDocument doc)]
      Ast "call" [Avar "debug",c]
          -> do ec <- evalM c context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                debugSession ec env fncs [] db
      Ast "call" [Avar "eval",x]
          -> do xc <- evalM x context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                case xc of
                  [ XText q ] -> do (res,_,_,_) <- evalQueryM (parse (scan q)) env fncs [] db False
                                    return res
                  _ -> error $ "The eval argument must be a string: " ++ show xc
      Ast "step" (Avar "child":tag:Avar ".":preds)
          | effective_axis /= ""
          -> evalM (Ast "step" (Avar effective_axis:tag:Avar ".":preds)) context position last "" env fncs db stmts
      Ast "step" (Avar "descendant_any":Ast "tags" tags:e:preds)
          -> do vs <- evalM e context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                let ts = map (\(Avar tag) -> tag) tags
                if vs==[XNull]
                      then return vs
                      else foldr (\x r -> (liftM2 (++)) (applyPredicatesM preds (descendant_any_with_tagged_children ts x)
                                                                          env fncs db stmts) r)
                                 (return []) vs
      Ast "step" (Avar step:Astring tag:e:preds)
          -> let step_fnc = findV step pathFunctions
             in do vs <- evalM e context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   if vs==[XNull]
                      then return vs
                      else foldr (\x r -> (liftM2 (++)) (applyPredicatesM preds (step_fnc tag x)
                                                                          env fncs db stmts) r)
                                 (return []) vs
      Ast "filter" (e:preds)
          -> do vs <- evalM e context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                applyPredicatesM preds vs env fncs db stmts
      Ast "predicate" [condition,body]
          -> do eb <- evalM condition undefv1 undefv2 undefv3 "" env fncs db stmts
                if conditionTest eb
                   then evalM body context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   else return []
      Ast "executeSQL" [Avar var,args]
          -> do as <- evalM args context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                executeSQL (findV var stmts) as
      Ast "append" args
          -> (liftM appendText) (mapM (\x -> evalM x context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts) args)
      Ast "if" [c,t,e]     -- this is the only lazy function
          -> do ce <- evalM c context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                evalM (if conditionTest ce then t else e) context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
      Ast "insert" [e1,e2]
          -> do v1 <- evalM e1 context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                v2 <- evalM e2 context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                insertDB db v1 v2
      Ast "delete" [e]
          -> do v <- evalM e context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                deleteDB db v
      Ast "replace" [e1,e2]
          -> do v1 <- evalM e1 context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                v2 <- evalM e2 context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                replaceDB db v1 v2
      Ast "call" (v@(Avar fname):args)        -- Note: strict function application
          -> case filter (\(n,_,_,_) -> n == fname || ("fn:"++n) == fname) systemFunctions of
               [] -> do vs <- mapM (\a -> evalM a context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts) args
                        if isBuildInType fname  && length vs == 1
                           then return $! castAs (head vs) v
                           else case filter (\(n,_,_) -> n == fname) fncs of
                                      -> if (length params) == (length args)
                                         then let is = show $ length env
                                                  nparams = map (\p -> p++"_"++is) params
                                                  nbody = foldr (\p r -> subst p (Avar (p++"_"++is)) r) body params
                                              in evalM nbody context undefv2 undefv3 ""    -- alpha coercion
                                                    ((zip nparams vs)++env) fncs db stmts
                                         else error ("Wrong number of arguments in function call: "++fname)
                                  _ -> error ("Undefined function: "++fname)
               fs -> case filter (\(_,len,_,_) -> len < 0 || length args == len) fs of
                       [] -> error ("wrong number of arguments in function call: " ++ fname)
                       (_,_,f,_):_ -> do vs <- mapM (\x -> evalM x context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts) args
                                         return $ f vs
      Ast "construction" [tag,id,parent,Ast "attributes" al,body]
             -> do ct <- evalM tag context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   bc <- evalM body context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   let (as,bs) = span (\x -> case x of XAttr _ _ -> True; _ -> False) bc
                   alc <- foldM (\r (Ast "pair" [a,v])
                                     -> do ac <- evalM a context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                                           vc <- evalM v context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                                           if vc==[XNull] then return r else return $! (qName ac,showXS vc):r) [] al
                   vidm <- evalM id context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   let vid = case vidm of
                               [XText vid] -> (read vid)::Int
                               _ -> 0
                   vparent <- evalM parent context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                   return $! [ XElem (qName ct) (alc ++ [ (n,v) | XAttr n v <- as ])
                                         vid (if null vparent then parent_error else head vparent) bs ]
      Ast "attribute_construction" [name,value]
          -> do n <- evalM name context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                v <- evalM value context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                return $! [ XAttr (qName n) (showXS v) ]
      Ast "let" [Avar var,source,body]
          -> do s <- evalM source context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                evalM body context position last effective_axis ((var,s):env) fncs db stmts
      Ast "for" [Avar var,Avar "$",source,body]      -- a for-loop without an index
          -> do vs <- evalM source context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                foldr (\a r -> (liftM2 (++)) (evalM body a undefv2 undefv3 "" ((var,[a]):env) fncs db stmts) r)
                      (return []) vs
      Ast "for" [Avar var,Avar ivar,source,body]     -- a for-loop with an index
          -> do let p = maxPosition (Avar ivar) body
                    ns = if p > 0              -- there is a top-k like restriction
                            then Ast "step" [source,Ast "call" [Avar "<=",pathPosition,Aint p]]
                            else source 
                vs <- evalM ns context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                foldir (\a i r -> (liftM2 (++)) (evalM body a i undefv3 "" ((var,[a]):(ivar,[XInt i]):env) fncs db stmts) r)
                       (return []) vs 1
      Ast "sortTuple" (exp:orderBys)             -- prepare each FLWOR tuple for sorting
          -> do vs <- evalM exp context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                os <- mapM (\a -> evalM a context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts) orderBys
                return $! [ XElem "" [] 0 parent_error (foldl (\r a -> r++[XElem "" [] 0 parent_error (toData a)])
                                                              [XElem "" [] 0 parent_error vs] os) ]
      Ast "sort" (exp:ordList)                   -- blocking
          -> do vs <- evalM exp context position last effective_axis env fncs db stmts
                let ce = map (\(XElem _ _ _ _ xs) -> map (\(XElem _ _ _ _ ys) -> ys) xs) vs
                    ordering = foldr (\(Avar ord) r (x:xs) (y:ys)
                                       -> case compareXSeqs (ord == "ascending") x y of
                                            EQ -> r xs ys
                                            o -> o)
                                  (\xs ys -> EQ) ordList
                return $! (concatMap head (sortBy (\(_:xs) (_:ys) -> ordering xs ys) ce))
      Ast "type" [tp]
          -> return [ XType tp ]
      _ -> error ("Illegal XQuery: "++(show e))

-- Haskeline settings
interactionSettings = defaultSettings { autoAddHistory = False }

-- evaluate from input continuously
evalInput :: (String -> Environment -> Functions -> Functions -> IO (Environment,Functions,Functions))
                 -> Environment -> Functions -> Functions -> String -> XSeq -> IO XSeq
evalInput eval es fs vs prompt dvalue
    = runInputT interactionSettings $ loop es fs vs
      where bracs s = (length $ filter (== '{') s) - (length $ filter (== '}') s)
            oneline prompt = do line <- System.Console.Haskeline.catch
                                              (withInterrupt (getInputLine prompt))
                                              (\Interrupt -> return $ Just "")
                                case line of
                                  Nothing -> return ("quit",0)
                                  Just t -> if t == ""
                                            then oneline prompt
                                            else return $! (t,bracs t)
            readlines x c = do (line,bs) <- oneline ": "
                               if last line == '}' && bs+c == 0
                                  then return $! (x++" "++(init line),0)
                                  else if line == "quit"
                                       then return $! (line,0)
                                       else readlines (x++" "++line) (bs+c)
            loop es fs vs
                = do (line,c) <- oneline prompt
                     (stmt,_) <- if head line == '{'
                                 then if last line == '}' && c==0
                                      then return $! (init (tail line),0)
                                      else readlines (tail line) c
                                 else return $! (line,0)
                     if stmt == "quit"
                        then do outputStrLn $ if prompt == "> " then "Bye!" else ""
                                return dvalue
                        else if all isSpace stmt
                             then loop es fs vs
                             else if take 7 stmt == "return "
                                  then do (result,_,_,_) <- liftIO $ handleInterrupt
                                                                        (xqueryE (drop 7 stmt) es fs vs
                                                                            (error "Cannot use database operations here") False)
                                                                        (return ([],es,fs,vs))
                                          return result
                                  else do h <- get
                                          put $ addHistory stmt h
                                          (nes,nfs,nvs) <- liftIO $ eval stmt es fs vs
                                          loop nes nfs nvs

debugSession :: XSeq -> Environment -> Functions -> Functions -> Connection -> IO XSeq
debugSession e env fncs views db
    = do let se = show e
         putStrLn $ "*** HXQ debugger: " ++ if null(index se 20) then se else (take 20 se) ++ " ..."
         putStr $ "Local variables:"
         mapM putStr (distinct $ map (\(v,_) -> " $"++v) env)
         putStrLn "\nYou may evaluate any XQuery. Type ctr-D to exit and return the argument; type 'return exp' to exit and return exp."
         evalInput (\s es fs vs -> do (result,evs,nfs,nvs) <- xqueryE s es fs vs db False
                                      putXSeq result
                                      return $ (evs,nfs,nvs)) env fncs views "debug> " e

evalQueryM :: [Ast] -> Environment -> Functions -> Functions -> Connection -> Bool -> IO (XSeq,Environment,Functions,Functions)
evalQueryM [] variables functions views db verbose
    = return $! ([],variables,functions,views)
evalQueryM (query:xs) variables functions views db verbose
    = case query of
        Ast "function" ((Avar f):body:args)
            -> do let opt = optimize (expandViews views body)
                  if verbose
                     then do putStrLn "Abstract Syntax Tree (AST):"
                             putStrLn (ppAst body)
                             putStrLn "Optimized AST:"
                             putStrLn (ppAst opt)
                     else return ()
                  evalQueryM xs variables ((f,map (\(Avar v) -> v) args,opt):functions) views db verbose
        Ast "view" ((Avar f):body:args)
            -> evalQueryM xs variables functions ((f,map (\(Avar v) -> v) args,body):views) db verbose
        Ast "variable" [Avar v,u]
            -> do uv <- evalM (optimize u) undefv1 undefv2 undefv3 "" variables functions db []
                  evalQueryM xs ((v,uv):variables) functions views db verbose
        _ -> do let opt = optimize (expandViews views query)
                    (ast,ns) = liftIOSources opt
                if verbose
                   then do putStrLn "Abstract Syntax Tree (AST):"
                           putStrLn (ppAst query)
                           putStrLn "Optimized AST:"
                           putStrLn (ppAst (foldl (\r (n,_,e) -> Ast "let" [Avar n,case e of Astring _ -> Ast "doc" [e]; _ -> e,r]) ast ns))
                           putStrLn "Result:"
                   else return ()
                env <- foldr (\(n,b,s) r -> case s of
                                              Avar m
                                                  -> do env <- r
                                                        return $! ((n,findV m env):env)
                                              Astring file
                                                  -> do doc <- downloadFile file
                                                        env <- r
                                                        return $! ((n,[materialize b (parseDocument doc)]):env)
                                              _ -> r)
                             (return []) ns
                stmts <- foldr (\(n,_,s) r -> case s of
                                                Ast "prepareSQL" [Astring sql]
                                                    -> do stmts <- r
                                                          t <- prepareSQL db sql
                                                          return $! ((n,t):stmts)
                                                _ -> r)
                               (return []) ns
                result <- evalM ast undefv1 undefv2 undefv3 "" (env++variables) functions db stmts
                (rest,renv,rfuns,rviews) <- evalQueryM xs variables functions views db verbose
                return $! (result++rest,renv,rfuns,rviews)

xqueryE :: String -> Environment -> Functions -> Functions -> Connection -> Bool
                -> IO (XSeq,Environment,Functions,Functions)
xqueryE query variables functions views db verbose
    = evalQueryM (parse (scan query)) variables functions views db verbose

-- | Evaluate the XQuery using the interpreter.
xquery :: String -> IO XSeq
xquery query = do (u,_,_,_) <- xqueryE query [] [] [] (error "No database connectivity") False
                  return $! u

-- | Evaluate the XQuery with database connectivity using the interpreter.
xqueryDB :: String -> Connection -> IO XSeq
xqueryDB query db = do (u,_,_,_) <- xqueryE query [] [] [] db False
                       return $! u

-- | Read an XQuery with database connectivity from a file and run it using the interpreter.
xfileDB :: String -> Connection -> IO XSeq
xfileDB file db = do query <- readFile file
                     xqueryDB query db