-- |
-- Copyright   : (c) 2006-2016, alpheccar.org
-- License     : BSD-style
-- Maintainer  : misc@NOSPAMalpheccar.org
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable
-- Low level functions for hyphenation
-- #hide
module Graphics.PDF.Hyphenate.LowLevel (
 , mkExceptions
 , mkPatterns
 , mkCustomLanguage
import qualified Graphics.PDF.Data.Trie as T
import  Graphics.PDF.Data.Trie(MapString)
import Data.Char(isDigit)
import Data.List(unfoldr)

-- | Hyphenation databases
data HyphenationDatabase = English (Maybe (MapString [Int]))
                         | CustomLanguage (MapString [Int]) (MapString [Int])

mkExceptions :: [String] -> T.MapString [Int]
mkExceptions = T.fromList . map createException
    createException x = (removeHyphen x,exceptionPoints x)
mkPatterns :: [String] -> T.MapString [Int]
mkPatterns = T.fromList . map convertPattern

-- | Create a custom language for hyphenation
mkCustomLanguage :: [String] -- ^ Exceptions
                 -> [String] -- ^ Patterns
                 -> HyphenationDatabase
mkCustomLanguage e p = CustomLanguage (mkExceptions e) (mkPatterns p)

-- | Is it a char used in hyphenation pattern
isChar :: Char -> Bool
isChar = not . isDigit

-- | Get numerical value for a char
fromDigit :: Char -> Int
fromDigit c = fromEnum c - fromEnum '0'

-- | Convert a char from an hyphenation pattern to a number
toNumber :: Char -> Int
toNumber x = if isChar x then 0 else fromDigit x

-- | Remove 0 contained between numbers
simplify :: [Int] -> [Int]
simplify (a:b:c:l) | a /= 0 && b == 0 && c /= 0 = a:simplify (c:l)
                   | otherwise = a:simplify (b:c:l)
simplify a = a                
-- | Split a patterns into a list of numbers                    
split :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> [Int]
split f = simplify . map toNumber . unfoldr (split' f)

split' :: (Char -> Bool) -> String -> Maybe (Char, String)
split' f l | null l = Nothing
           | otherwise = if null h then Just (' ', drop 1 t) else Just (head h, t)
    where (h, t) = span f l
-- | Convert a pattern into a list of number and a normal word
convertPattern :: String -> (String,[Int])
convertPattern s = 
  let s' = filter isChar s
      p =  split isDigit s
-- | Remove hyphens from an excepyion word
removeHyphen :: String -> String
removeHyphen = filter ((/=) '-')

-- | Get exception points
exceptionPoints :: String -> [Int]
exceptionPoints s = 0 : map onlyHyphen s
    onlyHyphen '-' = 1
    onlyHyphen _ = 0