-- This source file is part of HGamer3D
-- (A project to enable 3D game development in Haskell)
-- For the latest info, see http://www.hgamer3d.org
-- (c) 2011 - 2015 Peter Althainz
-- Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-- you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-- You may obtain a copy of the License at
--     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
-- Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-- distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-- See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-- limitations under the License.
-- HGamer3D

-- | Main module, to include API
module HGamer3D

    module Fresco,
    module HGamer3D.Data,
    module HGamer3D.Util,
    module HGamer3D.Graphics3D,
    module HGamer3D.Input,
    module HGamer3D.GUI,
    module HGamer3D.Audio,



--    ctParent,
    EntityTree (..),




import Fresco hiding (newE)
import qualified Fresco as F (newE) 
import HGamer3D.Data
import HGamer3D.Util
import HGamer3D.Graphics3D
import HGamer3D.Input
import HGamer3D.GUI
import HGamer3D.Audio

import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Data.IORef

import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Word
import Data.Maybe

-- Opaque Value to denote some game-loop data
data HG3D = HG3D ObjectLibSystem CallbackSystem (Var Bool)

-- runHG3D runs the engine in the main loop (for Mac) and executes game logic
type GameLogicFunction = HG3D -> IO ()

-- runGame, runs the game in the main loop, creates threads for GameLogicFunctions
runGame :: Graphics3DConfig -> GameLogicFunction -> GameTime -> IO ()
runGame conf glf loopSleepTime = do

    ols <- createOLS
    cbs <- createCBS
    varExit <- makeVar False

    let hg3d = HG3D ols cbs varExit

    forkIO $ do

        -- create graphics system
        eG3D <- newE hg3d [
            ctGraphics3DConfig #: conf,
            ctGraphics3DCommand #: NoCmd

        eih <- newE hg3d [
            ctInputEventHandler #: DefaultEventHandler,
            ctExitRequestedEvent #: ExitRequestedEvent

        -- create callback loop, handle windows exit command
        forkIO $ do
            registerReceiverCBS cbs eih ctExitRequestedEvent (\_ -> writeVar varExit True >> return ())
            forever $ (stepCBS cbs)

        -- create game logic loop
        forkIO $ glf hg3d

        -- create game step loop
        let gameStep = do
            setC eG3D ctGraphics3DCommand Step
            sleepFor loopSleepTime

        forkIO $ gameStep

        return ()

    -- enter into endless game loop
    let loopGame = do
        stepOLS ols
        ex <- readVar varExit
        if ex
            then return ()
            else loopGame


isExitHG3D (HG3D ols cbs varExit) = do
    ise <- readVar varExit
    return ise

resetExitHG3D (HG3D ols cbs varExit) = writeVar varExit False

exitHG3D (HG3D ols cbs varExit) = do
    writeVar varExit True >> return ()

registerCallback (HG3D ols cbs varExit) e ct f = do
    registerReceiverCBS cbs e ct f

newE (HG3D ols cbs varExit) creationList = do
    e <- F.newE creationList
    addEntityOLS ols e
    return e

data EntityTree = ETNode (Maybe String) [(Word64, Component)]
        | ETChild (Maybe String) [(Word64, Component)] [EntityTree]
        | ETList [EntityTree]

createET ::  HG3D -> EntityTree -> Maybe Entity -> IO [(String, Entity)]

createET hg3d (ETNode label clist) parent = do
  clist' <- case parent of
              Just p -> idE p >>= \id -> return ((ctParent #: id) : filter (\(ct, c) -> (ComponentType ct) /= ctParent) clist)
              Nothing -> return clist
  e <- newE hg3d clist'
  case label of
    Just l -> return [(l, e)]
    Nothing -> return []

createET hg3d (ETList tlist) parent = do
  l <- mapM (\et -> createET hg3d et parent) tlist
  return (Prelude.concat l)

createET hg3d (ETChild label clist tlist) parent = do
  [(_, e1)] <- createET hg3d (ETNode (Just "label") clist) parent
  let l1 = case label of
            Just l -> [(l, e1)]
            Nothing -> [] 
  l2 <- createET hg3d (ETList tlist) (Just e1)
  return (l1 ++ l2)

newET :: HG3D -> [EntityTree] -> IO (M.Map String Entity)
newET hg3d et = createET hg3d (ETList et) Nothing >>= \l -> return (M.fromList l)

(<:) :: String -> [(Word64, Component)] -> EntityTree
label <: clist = ETNode (Just label) clist

(<|) :: String -> ([(Word64, Component)], [EntityTree]) -> EntityTree
label <| (clist, tlist) = ETChild (Just label) clist tlist

(-:) :: () -> [(Word64, Component)] -> EntityTree
() -: clist = ETNode Nothing clist

(-|) :: () -> ([(Word64, Component)], [EntityTree]) -> EntityTree
() -| (clist, tlist) = ETChild Nothing clist tlist

(#) :: (M.Map String Entity) -> String -> Entity
m # s = fromJust $ M.lookup s m