{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, OverloadedStrings #-}

Module      : Geocoder
Description : Module to convert an address into coordinates.
Copyright   : 
License     : GPL-3
Maintainer  : hahn@geoinfo.tuwien.ac.at
Stability   : experimental

Requests the <http://geocoder.opencagedata.com> geocoding service to get  latitude and longitude values from an address. Uses Aeson to convert the response from JSON to Haskell types.
module Geocoder  (QueryParameters(..)
  ,Bounds (..)) where

import qualified Data.Text as T (Text,pack,unpack)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Aeson  hiding (Result) 
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>))
import Data.ByteString.Char8 as Bs (ByteString) 

import HTTPWrapper

-- * Request Type

-- | data type including all possible parameters OpenCage API offers
data QueryParameters = QueryParameters {
  para_q::T.Text, -- ^ Text to query
  para_key::T.Text, -- ^ OpenCage key
  para_language:: Maybe T.Text, -- ^ language for the result: IETF format language code 
  para_pretty::Maybe T.Text, -- ^ should the result be pretty printed ?
  para_bounds::Maybe T.Text, -- ^ rectangle hint: southwest corner, northeast corner
  para_country::Maybe T.Text, -- ^ country hint:  ISO 3166-1 Alpha 3
  para_fields::Maybe T.Text -- ^ comma separated list
}deriving (Show)

-- | minimal example of QueryParameters
-- can be used to create your own parameters
defaultParams :: QueryParameters
defaultParams = QueryParameters {
  para_language=Just "en",

type TokenToGeocode = T.Text
type GeoCageDeveloperKey = T.Text

-- * Request functions

-- | Minimalistic version to geocode a token returning the whole Response
getAPIResponse :: TokenToGeocode -- ^ token to geocode
                -> GeoCageDeveloperKey -- ^ OpenCage key
                -> IO (Maybe ResponseBody) -- ^ if the geocoding was successful there is a ResultBody full of data returned
getAPIResponse tokenToGeocode developerKey = 
  getAPIResponseWith parameters
  where parameters = defaultParams {para_q= tokenToGeocode,para_key=developerKey}

-- | main geocode function, called by all other functions, deals with errors 
getAPIResponseWith :: QueryParameters -- ^ parameters included into the request
                    -> IO (Maybe ResponseBody) -- ^ if the geocoding was successful there is a ResultBody full of data returned
getAPIResponseWith parameters =do
  reqSuccesfull <-requestGeocage parameters
  case reqSuccesfull of
    Left err -> do   putStrLn "exception at OpenCage request, issue:"
                     print err
                     return Nothing
    Right response -> case eitherDecodeStrict response of
                             Left exception -> do putStrLn
                                                    "exception at ByteString to JSON conversion, issue:"
                                                  print exception
                                                  return Nothing
                             Right resultBody -> return $ Just resultBody
 where requestGeocage :: QueryParameters -> IO (Either String ByteString)
       requestGeocage params = download geocageUrl para
        where geocageUrl = "http://api.opencagedata.com/geocode/v1/json?" 
              para = convertQParamstoOptionsList params
-- | converts QueryParameters to a list of tupels needed by the HTTPWrapper module 
convertQParamstoOptionsList :: QueryParameters -- ^ data type including all request parameters 
                            -> [(String,String)] -- ^ list of tupels containing all request parameters
convertQParamstoOptionsList (QueryParameters q key lang pre boun cou fields)= [] ++
 [("q",T.unpack q),("key",T.unpack key)]
 ++ toParameter "language" lang 
 ++ toParameter "pretty" pre 
 ++ toParameter "bounds" boun
 ++ toParameter "country" cou
 ++ toParameter "fields" fields
 where toParameter :: String -> Maybe T.Text -> [(String,String)]
       toParameter param mValue = case mValue of
                                   Nothing -> []
                                   Just val -> [(param,T.unpack val)]

-- | geocodes the token and returns a list of results
geocode :: TokenToGeocode -- ^ token to geocode, empty if an error occured
         -> GeoCageDeveloperKey -- ^ OpenCage key
         -> IO [Result] -- ^ list of results
geocode tokentoGeocode developerKey = geocodeWith params
  where params = defaultParams {para_q=tokentoGeocode,para_key=developerKey}

-- | geocodes the token included into the QueryParameters respecting all values set in the QueryParameters 
-- returns an empty list if an exception occured or the result was empty
geocodeWith :: QueryParameters -- ^ parameters included into the request
             ->  IO [Result] -- ^ list of results, empty if an error occured
geocodeWith params = do 
  resp <- getAPIResponseWith params 
  case resp of
   Nothing -> return []
   Just r -> return $ results r

-- | geocodes a list of tokens and prints the results
geocodeGeoTokensList :: [TokenToGeocode] -- ^ list of tokens to geocode
                      -> GeoCageDeveloperKey -- ^ OpenCage key
                      -> IO() -- ^ prints the result
geocodeGeoTokensList geoTokens developerKey = do
 let geocodeparams = defaultParams {para_key=developerKey,
                                               para_language= Just$ T.pack  "en",
                                               para_country = Just $ T.pack "DEU"}
 let params =  createGeocoderParams geocodeparams geoTokens
 res <-  mapM geocodeWith params
 print res

-- | packs tokens into QueryParameters and returns this as a list
-- if you want to specify your own parameters use this function
createGeocoderParams :: QueryParameters -- ^ parameters that should be used for all tokens in the list
                      -> [TokenToGeocode] -- ^ list of tokens to geocode
                      -> [QueryParameters] -- ^ list of parameters, for every token one QueryParameter entry is included
createGeocoderParams params geoTokens = zipWith (\p t -> p {para_q=t}) 
                   (replicate (length geoTokens) params) 

-- * data types for the geocoding result

-- | data type respecting OpenCage response encoded as JSON 
data ResponseBody = ResponseBody { 
  licenses :: [License], 
  rate :: Rate,
  results :: [Result],
  status :: Status,
  thanks :: T.Text,
  timestamp :: Timestamp,
  total_results :: Integer,
  we_are_hiring :: T.Text 
} deriving (Show,Generic)
instance FromJSON ResponseBody
data License = License { 
  name :: T.Text, 
  url :: T.Text
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON License 

data Rate = Rate {
  limit :: Integer, 
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Rate

data Result = Result { 
  bounds :: Bounds, 
  components:: Components, 
  confidence:: Integer, 
  formatted::  T.Text , 
  geometry:: Location
} deriving (Show,Generic)

instance FromJSON Result where
  parseJSON (Object v) = Result    <$>
                         v .: "bounds" <*>
                         v .: "components"<*>
                         v .: "confidence"<*>
                         (v .:? "formatted" .!= "") <*> 
                         v .: "geometry"
  parseJSON _ = undefined

data Status = Status { 
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Status

data Timestamp = Timestamp { 
  created_unix:: Integer
} deriving (Show,Generic)
instance FromJSON Timestamp

data Bounds = Bounds { 
  northeast:: Location, 
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Bounds

data Location = Location { 
  lng :: Double
} deriving (Show, Generic)
instance FromJSON Location

data Components = Components { 
  country ::  T.Text, 
  country_code::  T.Text,
  county::  T.Text,
  state:: T.Text,
  city::  T.Text,
  road ::  T.Text
} deriving (Show,Generic)

-- | not all components are included into the response, if so there is an empty string as default value
instance FromJSON Components where 
  parseJSON (Object v) = Components    <$>
                         (v .:? "country" .!= "") <*>
                         (v .:? "country_code" .!= "") <*>
                         (v .:? "county" .!= "") <*>
                         (v .:? "state" .!= "") <*>
                         (v .:? "city" .!= "") <*>
                         (v .:? "road" .!= "")
  parseJSON _ = undefined