-- GenI surface realiser
-- Copyright (C) 2009 Eric Kow
-- Copyright (C) 2005 Carlos Areces
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-- of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307, USA.

{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns         #-}
-- | Gory details for 'NLP.GenI.GeniVal'
module NLP.GenI.GeniVal.Internal where

import           Control.Applicative ((<$>))
import           Control.Arrow       (first, second, (***))
import           Control.DeepSeq
import           Control.Monad.Error
import           Data.Binary
import           Data.Generics       (Data)
import           Data.List
import qualified Data.Map            as Map
import           Data.Maybe          (fromMaybe, isNothing)
import           Data.Text           (Text)
import qualified Data.Text           as T
import           Data.Typeable       (Typeable)

import           Data.FullList       (FullList, Listable (..), fromFL, sortNub)
import           NLP.GenI.ErrorIO    ()
import           NLP.GenI.General    (buckets, geniBug, maybeQuoteText)
import           NLP.GenI.GeniShow
import           NLP.GenI.Pretty

-- import Debug.Trace -- for test stuff

-- | * constant : no label, just constraints
--   * variable : label, with or without constraints
--   * anonymous : no label, no constraints
data GeniVal = GeniVal
    { -- | Optional label (@?X@ would have @Just "X"@)
      gLabel       :: Maybe Text
    , -- | Optional values/constraints
      --   Must have at least one if at all
      --   Though it may seem a bit redudant, this is not quite the same
      --   as having '[Text]' because @Nothing@ means no constraints;
      --   whereas @Just []@ (impossible here) would mean bottom.
      gConstraints :: Maybe (FullList Text)
  deriving (Eq,Ord, Data, Typeable)

-- | 'mkGConst' @x :! []@ creates a single constant.  'mkGConst' @x :! xs@
--   creates an atomic disjunction.  It makes no difference which of the values
--   you supply for @x@ and @xs@ as they will be sorted and nubed anyway.
mkGConst :: FullList Text -- ^ non-empty list
         -> GeniVal
mkGConst cs_ = GeniVal Nothing (Just cs)
  cs = sortNub cs_

-- | Create a singleton constant (no disjunction here)
mkGConstNone :: Text -> GeniVal
mkGConstNone x = mkGConst (x !: [])

-- | Create a variable
mkGVar :: Text                  -- ^ label
       -> Maybe (FullList Text) -- ^ constraints
       -> GeniVal
mkGVar x mxs  = GeniVal (Just x) (sortNub `fmap` mxs)

-- | Create a variable with no constraints
mkGVarNone :: Text -> GeniVal
mkGVarNone x  = mkGVar x Nothing

-- | Create an anonymous value
mkGAnon :: GeniVal
mkGAnon       = GeniVal Nothing Nothing

instance Show GeniVal where
  show = T.unpack . prettyGeniVal

instance Pretty GeniVal where
    pretty = geniShowText

instance GeniShow GeniVal where
    geniShowText gv =
        case gv of
            GeniVal Nothing Nothing    -> showLabel "_"
            GeniVal Nothing (Just cs)  -> showConstraints cs
            GeniVal (Just l) Nothing   -> showLabel l
            GeniVal (Just l) (Just cs) ->
                showLabel l `T.append` "/" `T.append` showConstraints cs
        showLabel l = '?' `T.cons` l
        showConstraints = T.intercalate "|" . map maybeQuoteText . fromFL -- FIXME push down

-- | If @v@ has exactly one value/constraint, returns it
singletonVal :: GeniVal -> Maybe Text
singletonVal v =
 case fmap fromFL (gConstraints v) of
    Just [o] -> Just o
    _        -> Nothing

-- | An anonymous 'GeniVal' (@_@ or @?_@) has no labels/constraints
isAnon :: GeniVal -> Bool
isAnon (GeniVal Nothing Nothing) = True
isAnon _     = False

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Helper types
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A variable substitution map.
--   GenI unification works by rewriting variables
type Subst = Map.Map Text GeniVal

-- | For debugging
prettySubst :: Subst -> Text
prettySubst =
    T.unwords . map sho . Map.toList
    sho (v,s) = v `T.append` "<-" `T.append` pretty s

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Unification and subsumption
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

class (MonadPlus m, MonadError Text m, Monad m, Functor m) => MonadUnify m where

instance MonadUnify (Either Text) where

-- | 'unify' performs unification on two lists of 'GeniVal'.  If
--   unification succeeds, it returns @Just (r,s)@ where @r@ is
--   the result of unification and \verb!s! is a list of substitutions that
--   this unification results in.
unify :: MonadUnify m => [GeniVal] -> [GeniVal] -> m ([GeniVal], Subst)
unify = unifyHelper unifyOne

-- | @l1 `allSubsume` l2@ returns the result of @l1 `unify` l2@ if
--   doing a simultaneous traversal of both lists, each item in
--   @l1@ subsumes the corresponding item in @l2@
allSubsume :: MonadUnify m => [GeniVal] -> [GeniVal] -> m ([GeniVal], Subst)
allSubsume = unifyHelper subsumeOne

-- | @unifyHelper unf gs1 gs2@ zips two lists with some unification function.
--   It's meant to serve as a helper to 'unify' and 'allSubsume'
unifyHelper :: (MonadError Text m, Monad m)
            => (GeniVal -> GeniVal -> UnificationResult)
            -> [GeniVal]
            -> [GeniVal]
            -> m ([GeniVal], Subst)
unifyHelper f ll1 ll2 = repropagate `liftM` helper ll1 ll2
  repropagate (xs, sub) = (replace sub xs, sub)
  helper [] l2 = return (l2, Map.empty)
  helper l1 [] = return (l1, Map.empty)
  helper (h1:t1) (h2:t2) =
    case f h1 h2 of
    Failure -> throwError . T.unwords $
                   [ "unification failure between"
                   , pretty h1, "and"
                   , pretty h2
    SuccessRep v g -> prepend `liftM` helper t1b t2b
                       s   = (v,g)
                       t1b = replaceOne s t1
                       t2b = replaceOne s t2
                       prepend = (g:) *** prependToSubst s
    SuccessRep2 v1 v2 g -> prepend `liftM` helper t1b t2b
                       s1  = (v1,g)
                       s2  = (v2,g)
                       t1b = replaceOne s2 . replaceOne s1 $ t1
                       t2b = replaceOne s2 . replaceOne s1 $ t2
                       prepend = (g:) *** (prependToSubst s1 . prependToSubst s2)
    SuccessSans g  -> first (g:) `liftM` helper t1 t2

-- | Note that the first Subst is assumed to come chronologically
--   before the second one; so merging @{ X -> Y }@ and @{ Y -> 3 }@
--   should give us @{ X -> 3; Y -> 3 }@;
--   See 'prependToSubst' for a warning!
appendSubst :: Subst -> Subst -> Subst
appendSubst sm1 sm2 = Map.foldrWithKey (curry prependToSubst) sm2 sm1

-- | Add to variable replacement to a 'Subst' that logical comes before
--   the other stuff in it.  So for example, if we have @Y -> foo@
--   and we want to insert @X -> Y@, we notice that, in fact, @Y@ has
--   already been replaced by @foo@, so we add @X -> foo@ instead
--   Note that it is undefined if you try to append something like
--   @Y -> foo@ to @Y -> bar@, because that would mean that unification
--   is broken
prependToSubst :: (Text,GeniVal) -> Subst -> Subst
prependToSubst (v, gr@(GeniVal (Just r) _)) sm =
  case Map.lookup v sm of
    Just v2 -> geniBug . unlines $
                [ "prependToSubst: GenI just tried to prepend the substitution"
                , "  " ++ prettyStr (mkGVar v Nothing) ++ " -> " ++ prettyStr gr
                , "to one where where "
                , "  " ++ prettyStr (mkGVar v Nothing) ++ " -> " ++ prettyStr v2
                , "is slated to occur afterwards."
                , ""
                , "This could mean that either"
                , " (a) the core unification algorithm is broken"
                , " (b) we failed to propagate a value somewhere or"
                , " (c) we are attempting unification without renaming."
    Nothing -> Map.insert v gr2 sm
  where gr2 = fromMaybe gr $ Map.lookup r sm
prependToSubst (v, gr) sm = Map.insert v gr sm

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Core unification
-- TODO: would continuation passing style make this more efficient?
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Unification can either…
data UnificationResult =
      SuccessSans GeniVal      -- ^ succeed for free (no substitutions),
    | SuccessRep  Text GeniVal -- ^ succeed with a one-way substitution,
    | SuccessRep2 Text Text GeniVal -- ^ succeed w both vars needing substitution
                                    --   (constraint intersection),
    | Failure                       -- ^ or fail

-- | See source code for details
--   Note that we assume that it's acceptable to generate new
--   variable names by appending an 'x' to them; this assumption
--   is only safe if the variables have gone through the function
--   'finaliseVarsById' or have been pre-processed and rewritten
--   with some kind of common suffix to avoid an accidental match
unifyOne :: GeniVal -> GeniVal -> UnificationResult
unifyOne (GeniVal Nothing Nothing) g = SuccessSans g
unifyOne g (GeniVal Nothing Nothing) = SuccessSans g
unifyOne g1 g2 =
    maybe Failure constrSuccess (intersectConstraints gc1 gc2)
    gc1 = gConstraints g1
    gc2 = gConstraints g2
    constrSuccess cs =
        case (gLabel g1, gLabel g2) of
            (Nothing, Nothing) -> SuccessSans  (GeniVal Nothing cs)
            (Nothing, Just v)  -> SuccessRep v (GeniVal Nothing cs)
            (Just v, Nothing)  -> SuccessRep v (GeniVal Nothing cs)
            (Just v1, Just v2) -> bothLabeled cs v1 v2
    bothLabeled cs v1 v2
        | v1 == v2 && gc1 /= gc2 = geniBug constraintBug
        | v1 == v2               = SuccessSans g1
        | gc1 == gc2             = successSameConstraints cs v1 v2
        | otherwise              = successDiffConstraints cs v1 v2
    successSameConstraints cs v1 v2 =
        SuccessRep (min v1 v2) $ GeniVal (Just (max v1 v2)) cs
    successDiffConstraints cs v1 v2 =
        -- min/max stuff for symmetry
        SuccessRep2 (min v1 v2) (max v1 v2) $
        GeniVal (Just (max v1 v2 `T.append` "-g")) cs
    constraintBug = unwords
        [ "I just tried to unify variable with itself,"
        , "but it has mismatching constraints:"
        , prettyStr g1,  "vs."
        , prettyStr g2

-- | @intersectConstraints (Just cs1) (Just cs2)@ returns the intersection of
--   @cs1@ and @cs2@ if non-empty (or 'Nothing' if there's nothing in common)
--   If any of the arguments is unconstrained (@Nothing@), we simply return
--   the other.
intersectConstraints :: Eq a => Maybe (FullList a) -> Maybe (FullList a) -> Maybe (Maybe (FullList a))
intersectConstraints Nothing cs = Just cs
intersectConstraints cs Nothing = Just cs
intersectConstraints (Just v1) (Just v2) =
  case fromFL v1 `intersect` fromFL v2 of
    []     -> Nothing
    (x:xs) -> Just (Just (x !: xs))

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Core subsumption
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | 'subsumeOne' @x y@ returns the same result as @unifyOne x y@ if @x@
--   subsumes @y@ or 'Failure' otherwise
subsumeOne :: GeniVal -> GeniVal -> UnificationResult
subsumeOne g1@(GeniVal _ (Just cs1)) g2@ (GeniVal _ (Just cs2)) =
   if fromFL cs1 `subset` fromFL cs2 then unifyOne g1 g2 else Failure
   subset x y = all (`elem` y) x
subsumeOne (GeniVal _ (Just _)) (GeniVal _ Nothing) = Failure
subsumeOne g1@(GeniVal _ Nothing) g2 = unifyOne g1 g2

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Variable substitution
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Apply variable substitutions
replace :: DescendGeniVal a => Subst -> a -> a
replace m | Map.null m = id
replace m = descendGeniVal (replaceMapG m)

-- | Apply a single variable substitution
replaceOne :: DescendGeniVal a => (Text, GeniVal) -> a -> a
replaceOne = descendGeniVal . replaceOneG

-- | Here it is safe to say (X -> Y; Y -> Z) because this would be crushed
--   down into a final value of (X -> Z; Y -> Z)
replaceList :: DescendGeniVal a => [(Text,GeniVal)] -> a -> a
replaceList = replace . foldl' update Map.empty
   update m (s1,s2) = Map.insert s1 s2 $ Map.map (replaceOne (s1,s2)) m

-- | Core implementation for 'replace'
--   For use by the Uniplate-esq 'descendGeniVal'
replaceMapG :: Subst -> GeniVal -> GeniVal
replaceMapG m v@(GeniVal (Just v_) _) = Map.findWithDefault v v_ m
replaceMapG _ v = v

-- | Core implementation for 'replaceOne'
--   For use by the Uniplate-esq 'descendGeniVal'
replaceOneG :: (Text, GeniVal) -> GeniVal -> GeniVal
replaceOneG (s1, s2) (GeniVal (Just v_) _) | v_ == s1 = s2
replaceOneG _ v = v

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Variable collection and renaming
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A variable label and its constraints
type CollectedVar = (Text, Maybe (FullList Text))

-- | A 'Collectable' is something which can return its variables as a
--   map from the variable to the number of times that variable occurs
--   in it.
--   Important invariant: if the variable does not occur, then it does
--   not appear in the map (ie. all counts must be >= 1 or the item
--   does not occur at all)
--   By variables, what I most had in mind was the GVar values in a
--   GeniVal.  This notion is probably not very useful outside the context of
--   alpha-conversion task, but it seems general enough that I'll keep it
--   around for a good bit, until either some use for it creeps up, or I find
--   a more general notion that I can transform this into.
class Collectable a where
  -- | @collect x m@ increments our count for any variables in @x@
  --   (adds not-yet-seen variables as needed)
  collect :: a -> Map.Map CollectedVar Int -> Map.Map CollectedVar Int

instance Collectable a => Collectable (Maybe a) where
  collect Nothing  s = s
  collect (Just x) s = collect x s

instance (Collectable a => Collectable [a]) where
  collect l s = foldr collect s l

instance Collectable GeniVal where
  collect (GeniVal (Just v) cs) s = Map.insertWith' (+) (v,cs) 1 s
  collect (GeniVal Nothing _)   s = s

-- | An Idable is something that can be mapped to a unique id.
--   You might consider using this to implement Ord, but I won't.
--   Note that the only use I have for this so far (20 dec 2005)
--  is in alpha-conversion.
class Idable a where
  idOf :: a -> Integer -- ^ the unique id

-- | Anonymise any variable that occurs only once in the object
anonymiseSingletons :: (Collectable a, DescendGeniVal a) => a -> a
anonymiseSingletons x =
   descendGeniVal anonymiseIfLonely x
   anonymiseIfLonely v =
       case gLabel v of
           Just l | l `elem` lonely -> anonymise v
           _                        -> v
   anonymise v = v { gLabel = Nothing }
   lonely = Map.keys
          . Map.filter (== 1)
          -- merge counts for same var, different constraints
          . Map.fromListWith (+) . map (first fst) . Map.toList
          $ collect x Map.empty

-- | 'finaliseVarsById' appends a unique suffix to all variables in
-- an object.  This avoids us having to alpha convert all the time
-- and relies on the assumption finding that a unique suffix is
-- possible.
finaliseVarsById :: (Collectable a, DescendGeniVal a, Idable a) => a -> a
finaliseVarsById x = finaliseVars ('-' `T.cons` (T.pack . show $ idOf x)) x

-- | 'finaliseVars' does the following:
--   * (if suffix is non-null) appends a suffix to all variable names
--     to ensure global uniqueness
--   * intersects constraints for for all variables within the same
--     object
finaliseVars :: (Collectable a, DescendGeniVal a) => Text -> a -> a
finaliseVars suffix x = {-# SCC "finaliseVars" #-}
    replace subst x
    subst :: Subst
    subst = Map.mapWithKey convert vars
    vars  = Map.fromList
          $ map (second isect) . buckets fst
          $ Map.keys (collect x Map.empty)
    -- TODO: ugh: this is maybe not ideal: if a variable has impossible
    -- constraints (eg. ?X/cat cannot unify with ?X/dog, but it can
    -- unify with ?X/cat vs ?X/dog|cat => ?X/cat), we hardcode it to a
    -- value that should not be able to unify with anything
    isect :: [CollectedVar] -> Maybe (FullList Text)
    isect (map snd -> xs) =
       fromMaybe (Just (impossibleC xs)) $
          foldM intersectConstraints Nothing xs
    convert v = GeniVal (Just (v `T.append` suffix))
    -- try to generate something uniquely identifying for constraint
    -- clashes
    impossibleC xs = (!: []) $ T.intercalate "_" $
        : concatMap (maybe [] fromFL) xs ++ [suffix]

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Fancy disjunction
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A schema value is a disjunction of GenI values.  It allows us to express
--   “fancy” disjunctions in tree schemata, ie. disjunctions over variables
--   and not just atoms (@?X;?Y@).
--   Our rule is that that when a tree schema is instantiated, any fancy
--   disjunctions must be “crushed” into a single 'GeniVal' lest it be
--   rejected (see 'crushOne')
--   Note that this is still not recursive; we don't have disjunction over
--   schema values, nor can schema values refer to schema values.  It just
--   allows us to express the idea that in tree schemata, you can have
--   either variable @?X@ or @?Y@.
newtype SchemaVal = SchemaVal [GeniVal]
  deriving (Eq, Ord)

instance Collectable SchemaVal where
    collect (SchemaVal xs) = collect xs

instance DescendGeniVal SchemaVal where
    descendGeniVal f (SchemaVal xs) = SchemaVal (descendGeniVal f xs)

instance GeniShow SchemaVal where
    geniShowText (SchemaVal xs) = T.intercalate ";" (map geniShowText xs)

-- | Convert a fancy disjunction (allowing disjunction over variables) value
--   into a plain old atomic disjunction. The idea is to support a limited
--   notion of fancy disjunction by requiring that there be a single point
--   where this disjunction can be converted into a plain old variable.
--   Note that we currently convert these to constants only.
crushOne :: SchemaVal -> Maybe GeniVal
crushOne (SchemaVal [])   = Nothing
crushOne (SchemaVal [gs]) = Just gs
crushOne (SchemaVal gs)   =
  if any isNothing gcs
     then Nothing
     else case concat [ fromFL c | Just c <- gcs ] of
            []     -> Nothing
            (c:cs) -> Just (mkGConst (c !: cs))
   gcs = map gConstraints gs

-- | Convert a list of fancy disjunctions
crushList :: [SchemaVal] -> Maybe [GeniVal]
crushList = mapM crushOne

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- * Genericity
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | A structure that can be traversed with a 'GeniVal'-replacing
--   function (typical use case: substitution after unification)
--   Approach suggested by Neil Mitchell after I found that Uniplate
--   seemed to hurt GenI performance a bit.
class DescendGeniVal a where
  -- | @descendGeniVal f x@ applies @f@ to all 'GeniVal' in @x@
  descendGeniVal :: (GeniVal -> GeniVal) -> a -> a

instance DescendGeniVal GeniVal where
  descendGeniVal f = f

instance (Functor f, DescendGeniVal a) => DescendGeniVal (f a) where
  descendGeniVal = fmap . descendGeniVal

instance NFData GeniVal where
  rnf (GeniVal x y) = rnf x `seq` rnf y

instance NFData SchemaVal where
    rnf (SchemaVal x) = rnf x

instance Binary GeniVal where
  put (GeniVal a b) = put a >> put b
  get = get >>= \a -> get >>= \b -> return (GeniVal a b)

instance Binary SchemaVal where
    put (SchemaVal x) = put x
    get = SchemaVal <$> get