{- source partly taken from http://wewantarock.wordpress.com/tag/cabal/ -} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-} module Main (main) where import Distribution.Simple import Distribution.Simple.Setup import Distribution.Simple.Utils (rawSystemStdInOut, withTempFile) import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo import Distribution.Simple.Program import Distribution.Simple.Program.Types import Distribution.Verbosity import Distribution.PackageDescription import Distribution.System import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Directory import System.IO (hClose, hPutStr) import System.IO.Error (catchIOError) import Data.Maybe (fromJust) import Foreign (sizeOf) import Control.Monad (when) import Control.Applicative --import Control.Monad.State --import Control.Monad.Trans.Class (lift) main :: IO () main = defaultMainWithHooks $ simpleUserHooks { confHook = myConfHook , buildHook = myBuildHook } myConfHook pkg_descr flags = do let verbosity = fromFlag (configVerbosity flags) lbi <- confHook simpleUserHooks pkg_descr flags cfg <- (case buildOS of Windows -> configureWindows OSX -> configureOSX _ -> configureUnix) verbosity let info = emptyBuildInfo { ccOptions = confFlags cfg , extraLibs = confLibs cfg } descr = updatePackageDescription (Just info, []) (localPkgDescr lbi) return $ lbi { localPkgDescr = descr } myBuildHook pkg_descr local_bld_info user_hooks bld_flags = do let lib = fromJust (library pkg_descr) lib_bi = libBuildInfo lib custom_bi = customFieldsBI lib_bi case lookup "x-cc-name" custom_bi of Nothing -> buildHook simpleUserHooks pkg_descr local_bld_info user_hooks bld_flags Just cpp_name -> do let cpp_name = fromJust (lookup "x-cc-name" custom_bi) c_srcs = cSources lib_bi mbits = 8 * sizeOf (undefined :: Int) cc_opts = ("-m" ++ show mbits) : "-S" : ccOptions lib_bi inc_dirs = includeDirs lib_bi lib_dirs = extraLibDirs lib_bi bld_dir = buildDir local_bld_info prog = simpleConfiguredProgram cpp_name (FoundOnSystem { locationPath = cpp_name }) -- Compile C/C++ sources putStrLn $ "invoking my compile phase " ++ cpp_name objs <- mapM (compileCxx prog cc_opts inc_dirs bld_dir) c_srcs -- Remove C/C++ source code from the hooked build (don't change libs) let lib_bi' = lib_bi { cSources = map replaceWithAsm c_srcs } lib' = lib { libBuildInfo = lib_bi' } pkg_descr' = pkg_descr { library = Just lib' } -- The following line invokes the standard build behaviour putStrLn "Invoke default build hook" buildHook simpleUserHooks pkg_descr' local_bld_info user_hooks bld_flags compileCxx :: ConfiguredProgram -- ^ C/C++ compiler (gcc) -> [String] -- ^ Compile options from Cabal and wxConfig -> [String] -- ^ Include paths from Cabal and wxConfig -> FilePath -- ^ Base output directory -> FilePath -- ^ Path to source file -> IO FilePath -- ^ Path to generated object code compileCxx gcc opts incls out_path cxx_src = do let includes = map ("-I" ++) incls -- out_path' = normalisePath out_path -- cxx_src' = normalisePath cxx_src -- out_file = out_path dropFileName cxx_src -- replaceExtension (takeFileName cxx_src) ".o" out_file = replaceWithAsm cxx_src out = ["-c", cxx_src, "-o", out_file] -- opts = opts ++ osCompileOpts do_it = True -- needsCompiling cxx_src out_file when do_it $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dropFileName out_file) >> runProgram verbose gcc (includes ++ opts ++ out) return out_file replaceWithAsm p = replaceExtension p ".s" type Flags = [String] type Libs = [String] data ConfState = ConfState { confFlags :: Flags, confLibs :: Libs } emptyCfg = ConfState [] [] addFlag :: String -> StateT ConfState IO () addFlag flag = modify $ \(ConfState fs ls) -> ConfState (flag:fs) ls addLib :: String -> StateT ConfState IO () addLib lib = modify $ \(ConfState fs ls) -> ConfState fs (lib:ls) configureWindows :: Verbosity -> IO ConfState configureWindows verbosity = return emptyCfg configureOSX :: Verbosity -> IO ConfState configureOSX verbosity = return emptyCfg configureUnix :: Verbosity -> IO ConfState configureUnix verbosity = do cfg <- execStateT configureUnix' $ ConfState [] [] when (verbosity > normal) $ putStrLn $ unlines $ map unwords [ "Flags:" : confFlags cfg, "Libs:" : confLibs cfg ] return cfg where check' test = check verbosity (performTest verbosity test) configureUnix' :: StateT ConfState IO () configureUnix' = do checkLibDir "/usr/X11" `orelse` checkLibDir "/usr/X11R7" `orelse` checkLibDir "/usr/X11R6" `orelse` checkLibDir "/usr/X11R5" `orelse` checkLibDir "/opt/X11R6" `orelse` checkLibDir "/usr/X" check' progXrandr "Xrandr" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_XRANDR"] ["Xrandr"] `orelse` check' progVidMode "VidMode" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_XF86VIDMODE"] ["Xxf86vm", "Xext"] check' progGlXGetProcAddress "glXGetProcAddress" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_GLXGETPROCADDRESS"] [] `orelse` check' progGlXGetProcAddressARB "glXGetProcAddressARB" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_GLXGETPROCADDRESSARB"] [] `orelse` check' progGlXGetProcAddressEXT "glXGetProcAddressEXT" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_GLXGETPROCADDRESSEXT"] [] `orelse` check' progDlOpen "dlopen" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_DLOPEN"] [] check' progSysConf "sysconf" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_SYSCONF"] [] check' progSysCtl "sysctl" ["-D_GLFW_HAS_SYSCTL"] [] return () f `orelse` g = f >>= \b -> if b then return b else g checkLibDir :: String -> StateT ConfState IO Bool checkLibDir dir = do result <- lift $ doesDirectoryExist (dir ++ "/lib") when (result) $ addFlag ("-I" ++ dir ++ "/include") return result check :: Verbosity -> (Flags -> IO Bool) -> String -> Flags -> Libs -> StateT ConfState IO Bool check verbosity performCheck name flags libs = do when (verbosity >= normal) $ lift . putStr $ "Checking for " ++ name ++ " support..." success <- get >>= lift . performCheck . confFlags when (verbosity >= normal) $ lift . putStrLn $ if success then "yes" else "no" when success $ mapM_ addFlag flags >> mapM_ addLib libs return success performTest :: Verbosity -> String -> Flags -> IO Bool performTest verbosity contents flags = do tmpDir <- getTemporaryDirectory withTempFile tmpDir "glfw-test.c" $ \path inHandle -> withTempFile tmpDir "glfw-test.o" $ \objPath outHandle -> do hClose outHandle hPutStr inHandle contents hClose inHandle let cc = simpleProgramInvocation "cc" (["-c", path, "-o", objPath] ++ flags) -- (out, err, exitCode) <- rawSystemStdInOut verbosity "cc" Nothing Nothing Nothing False catchIOError (getProgramInvocationOutput verbosity cc >> return True) (\_ -> return False) progXrandr = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"int main() {return 0;}" ] progVidMode = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#if defined(__APPLE_CC__)" ,"#error Not supported under Mac OS X" ,"#endif" ,"int main() {return 0;}" ] progGlXGetProcAddress = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#include " ,"int main() {void *ptr=(void*)glXGetProcAddress(\"glFun\"); return 0;}" ] progGlXGetProcAddressARB = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#include " ,"int main() {void *ptr=(void*)glXGetProcAddressARB(\"glFun\"); return 0;}" ] progGlXGetProcAddressEXT = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#include " ,"int main() {void *ptr=(void*)glXGetProcAddressEXT(\"glFun\"); return 0;}" ] progDlOpen = unlines ["#include " ,"int main() {void *l=dlopen(\"libGL.so\",RTLD_LAZY|RTLD_GLOBAL); return 0;}" ] progSysConf = unlines ["#include " ,"#ifndef _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN" ,"#ifndef _SC_NPROC_ONLN" ,"#error Neither _SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN nor _SC_NPROC_ONLN available" ,"#endif" ,"#endif" ,"int main() {long x=sysconf(_SC_ARG_MAX); return 0; }" ] progSysCtl = unlines ["#include " ,"#include " ,"#ifdef CTL_HW" ,"#ifndef HW_NCPU" ," error;" ,"#endif" ,"#endif" ,"int main() { return 0; }" ] -- Since we cannot specify that only Setup.hs depends on mtl, we include StateT here. newtype StateT s m a = StateT { runStateT :: s -> m (a,s) } execStateT m s = fmap snd $ runStateT m s class (Monad m) => MonadState s m | m -> s where get :: m s put :: s -> m () class MonadTrans t where lift :: Monad m => m a -> t m a modify f = get >>= put . f instance (Functor m) => Functor (StateT s m) where fmap f m = StateT $ fmap (\(x, s) -> (f x, s)) . runStateT m instance (Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (StateT s m) where pure a = StateT $ \s -> return (a, s) f <*> x = StateT $ \s -> do ~(f', s') <- runStateT f s ~(x', s'') <- runStateT x s' return (f' x', s'') instance (Monad m) => Monad (StateT s m) where return = return m >>= k = StateT $ \s -> do ~(a, s') <- runStateT m s runStateT (k a) s' fail str = StateT $ \_ -> fail str instance MonadTrans (StateT s) where lift m = StateT $ \s -> do a <- m return (a, s) instance (Monad m) => MonadState s (StateT s m) where get = StateT $ \s -> return (s, s) put s = StateT $ \_ -> return ((), s)