note This is a test source file in the programming language Frank. note Layout in Frank is really dumb. Each left-anchored line begins a new top-level block, containing all the tokens until the next left-anchored line. Other spacing is unimportant. A block beginning "note" is a comment. note Frank's type system relates three notions (1) value types, of things which *are* (2) computation types, of things which *do* (3) effect signatures, which specify what one *can* note Some perfectly ordinary datatypes follow. List is parametrized. data Nat = zero | suc Nat data List X = nil | X :: (List X) note Type constructors are always prefix and capitalized. Type variables are always capitalized. Value constructors are uncapitalized and form *templates* with places given by the things which are types. So :: is infix. note Here are some perfectly ordinary functions. Nat + Nat [] Nat zero + y = y suc x + y = suc (x + y) (List X) ++ (List X) [] List X nil ++ ys = ys (x :: xs) ++ ys = x :: (xs ++ ys) note These definitions declare a function template, where the types show the places for inputs. The [] (pronounced "returns") marks the end of the template and the beginning of the output type. You can drop [] (), if the output is the unit type. dull Nat dull zero = () dull (suc n) = dull n note An effect signature is also prefix and capitialized. It describes a bunch of commands. Again [] means "returns" and you can drop [] (). sig State S = get [] S | set S note Here's how to describe a way to run a stateful process. The type [State S ? X] is the type of *requests* from stateful processes. A request is either [x] ("return x", where x is an X) or [command ? continuation]. Frank's ? construct allows a function from a request type to *handle* a process. state S [State S ? X] [] X state s [x] = x state s [get ? k] = state s ? k s state _ [set s ? k] = state s ? k () note Unlike eff, Frank does not automatically compose the handler to the continuation. Ultimately, there's no great difference in expressivity, but this way is a little more first-order, and it's easier for the handler to evolve. Here, for example, we handle the continuation for set s using a suitably updated handler. note Here's the Abort effect signature and one way to run it. Frank currently does not allow polymorphic commands, so let's use the empty type, {}. sig Abort = aborting [] {} data Maybe X = yes X | no catch [Abort ? X] [] Maybe X catch [x] = yes x catch [aborting ? k] = no note To invoke a command with no arguments, use a postfix "!". Without arguments, a function symbol stands for the function itself, not the result of invoking it. f is pure, but (f !) may not be. Our aborting command has no arguments, so needs a !. It returns an element of {}, which can be mapped to any type by the postfix {} operator, pronounced "bunk". abort [Abort] X abort = aborting! {} note Nonempty {..}, pronounced "thunk", make a value type from a computation type. You can think of a thunk as a "suspended computation", and the fact that "suspenders" is American for "braces" is handily mnemonic. Frank distinguishes value type X (of X values) from value type {[] X} of suspended computations that return X values. That distinction allows us to write control operators. note Bool is built in, as if data Bool = tt | ff if Bool then {[] X} else {[] X} [] X if tt then t else e = t! if ff then t else e = e! note The above if-then-else chooses which thunk to invoke. To construct thunks, write expressions in {..}, so it looks suspiciously like C. We may observe that catch ? if tt then {zero} else {abort!} = yes zero Contrast with the conditional function. cond Bool X X [] X cond tt t f = t cond ff t f = f note We'll find that catch ? cond tt zero (abort!) = no because the (abort!) is evaluated. note The reason [] is a bracket, not a :, is that it isn't always empty. It contains a bunch of signatures for effects the function is allowed to do. Here's safe subtraction, which we can write directly, thus. Nat - Nat [Abort] Nat x - zero = x zero - suc y = abort! suc x - suc y = x - y note You can invoke subtraction only where Abort is enabled, e.g., inside catch. Frank programs are checked with respect to an ambient bunch of signatures. The ? construct locally extends the ambient bunch of signatures. note Here's a little higher-order entertainment for you. A function type is a computation type, and can thus be thunked. Thunks are always pure, even if the function being thunked might perform some effects. The inner [] could indeed contain some signatures, and if it does, well, those signatures need to be enabled anywhere you *invoke* the function. map {A -> [] B} (List A) [] List B map f nil = nil map f (a :: as) = f a :: map f as note You are at liberty to suppress an empty [] in a computation type, but be aware! When you write a function type, each [sigs] it contains is really an *action* on the ambient signature, meaning "sigs extending the ambient signature". That's to say, the types are ever so slightly effect-polymorphic. For map, below, the meaning is that whatever effects are available when map is invoked may be used at each element, too. Our map is really Haskell's "mapM". The upshot is that you can write this: subs (List Nat) Nat [Abort] List Nat subs xs n = map {m -> m - n} xs note But there's a subtlety. Consider trees represented with functional branching. Each node packs a *pure* function from Bool. data Tree X = leaf X | node {Bool -> Tree X} note The following definition of tree mapping is disallowed tmap {A -> B} (Tree A) [] Tree B tmap f (leaf a) = leaf (f a) tmap f (node g) = node {b -> tmap f (g b)} The type of f, longhand, is {A -> [] B} meaning that f can do whatever the ambient effects are when tmap is invoked. But we use f inside a node, where the function must be pure, so the typechecker refuses. The following is, however, accepted. Here, the signature in f's type says {}, which as a signature is pronounced "pure". Its action on the ambient signature is to empty it. tmap {A -> [{}] B} (Tree A) [] Tree B tmap f (leaf a) = leaf (f a) tmap f (node g) = node {b -> tmap f (g b)} note You can't make a dangerous, nearly broken tree, like this. subt (Tree Nat) Nat [Abort] Tree Nat subt xt n = tmap {m -> m - n} xt note But safe mapping is ok. addt (Tree Nat) Nat [] Tree Nat addt xt n = tmap {m -> m + n} xt note Of course you can do something like. mkNode (Tree X) (Tree X) [] Tree X mkNode l r = node {tt -> l | ff -> r} tmapOk {A -> B} (Tree A) [] Tree B tmapOk f (leaf a) = leaf (f a) tmapOk f (node g) = mkNode (tmapOk f (g tt)) (tmapOk f (g ff)) note Here's a bit of stateful fun. The defined command "bong" returns the value of a Boolean state but flips it. not Bool [] Bool not tt = ff not ff = tt X but () [] X x but c = x bong [State Bool] Bool bong = get! but set (not (get!)) note So if we define pairing... data Pair A B = A & B note ...we get state ff ? bong! & bong! = ff & tt note Bits and Pieces for examples two [] Nat two = suc (suc zero) note I must allow the definition of non-functional values. note main [] Nat main = two! + two! note main [] Maybe Nat main = catch ? if tt then {zero} else {abort!} note main [Abort] List Nat main = subs (two ! :: (two ! :: nil)) (suc zero) main [Console] Char main = inch!