{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-| Module : FiniteCategories Description : Adjoint functors. Copyright : Guillaume Sabbagh 2022 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : guillaumesabbagh@protonmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Adjunctions are all over the place in mathematics. Note that 'leftAdjoint' and 'rightAdjoint' are slow because we enumerate a lot of morphisms to find the universal morphisms. Prefer using your own construction of an adjoint if known. -} module Math.Functors.Adjunction ( leftAdjoint, rightAdjoint, ) where import Data.WeakSet (Set) import qualified Data.WeakSet as Set import Data.WeakSet.Safe import Data.WeakMap (Map) import qualified Data.WeakMap as Map import Data.WeakMap.Safe import Math.FiniteCategory import Math.Categories.FunctorCategory import Math.Categories.CommaCategory -- | Returns the left adjoint of a functor, if the left adjoint does not exist, returns a partial Diagram being the best ajoint we could construct. -- -- Note that 'leftAdjoint' and 'rightAdjoint' are slow because we enumerate a lot of morphisms to find the universal morphisms. Prefer using your own construction of an adjoint if known. leftAdjoint :: (FiniteCategory c1 m1 o1, Morphism m1 o1, Eq m1, Eq o1, FiniteCategory c2 m2 o2, Morphism m2 o2, Eq m2, Eq o2) => Diagram c1 m1 o1 c2 m2 o2 -> Diagram c2 m2 o2 c1 m1 o1 leftAdjoint g = Diagram { src = tgt g, tgt = src g, omap = om, mmap = weakMapFromSet [(m, anElement (binding m)) | m <- arrows (tgt g), Map.member (source m) om && Map.member (target m) om && not (Set.null (binding m))] } where universalMorphisms y = initialObjects (CommaCategory {rightDiagram = g, leftDiagram = (selectObject (tgt g) y)}) yToUniversalMorphism = weakMapFromSet [(y, anElement.universalMorphisms $ y) | y <- ob (tgt g), not (Set.null (universalMorphisms y))] om = Map.map indexTarget yToUniversalMorphism yToEta = Map.map selectedArrow yToUniversalMorphism binding m = [a | a <- ar (src g) (om |!| (source m)) (om |!| (target m)), ((yToEta |!| target m) @ m) == (g ->£ a) @ (yToEta |!| source m)] -- | Returns the right adjoint of a functor, if the right adjoint does not exist, returns a partial Diagram being the best ajoint we could construct. -- -- Note that 'leftAdjoint' and 'rightAdjoint' are slow because we enumerate a lot of morphisms to find the universal morphisms. Prefer using your own construction of an adjoint if known. rightAdjoint :: (FiniteCategory c1 m1 o1, Morphism m1 o1, Eq m1, Eq o1, FiniteCategory c2 m2 o2, Morphism m2 o2, Eq m2, Eq o2) => Diagram c2 m2 o2 c1 m1 o1 -> Diagram c1 m1 o1 c2 m2 o2 rightAdjoint f = Diagram { src = tgt f, tgt = src f, omap = om, mmap = weakMapFromSet [(m, anElement (binding m)) | m <- arrows (tgt f), (Map.member (source m) om) && (Map.member (target m) om) && not (Set.null (binding m))] } where universalMorphisms x = terminalObjects (CommaCategory {leftDiagram = f, rightDiagram = (selectObject (tgt f) x)}) xToUniversalMorphism = weakMapFromSet [(x, anElement.universalMorphisms $ x) | x <- ob (tgt f), not (Set.null (universalMorphisms x))] om = Map.map indexSource xToUniversalMorphism xToEps = Map.map selectedArrow xToUniversalMorphism binding m = [a | a <- ar (src f) (om |!| (source m)) (om |!| (target m)), ((xToEps |!| target m) @ (f ->£ a)) == (m @ (xToEps |!| source m))]