{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} {-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-} {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-} {-| Module : FiniteCategories Description : A 'CommaCategory' is intuitively a category where objects are selected morphisms of another category /C/ and morphisms are selected commutative squares in /C/. Copyright : Guillaume Sabbagh 2022 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : guillaumesabbagh@protonmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : portable Each 'Category' has an opposite one where morphisms are reversed. A 'CommaCategory' is intuitively a category where objects are selected morphisms of another category /C/ and morphisms are selected commutative squares in /C/. More precisely, given two 'Diagram's @/T/ : /E/ -> /C/@ and @/S/ : /D/ -> /C/@, a `CommaObject` in the `CommaCategory` (/T/|/S/) is a triplet \ where @f : /T/(e) -> /S/(d)@. A `CommaMorphism` from \ to \ in the `CommaCategory` (/T/|/S/) is a couple \ where @/T/(k) : /T/(e1) -> /T/(e2)@, @/S/(h) : /S/(d1) -> /S/(d2)@ such that @f2 \@ /T/(k) = /S/(h) \@ f1@. See /Categories for the working mathematician/, Saunders Mac Lane, P.46. If the category /C/ is a 'FiniteCategory', then the 'CommaCategory' of /C/ is also a 'FiniteCategory'. Otherwise it is only a 'Category'. -} module Math.Categories.CommaCategory ( -- * Comma object CommaObject, -- ** Getters indexSource, indexTarget, selectedArrow, -- ** Smart constructors commaObject, unsafeCommaObject, -- * Comma morphism CommaMorphism, -- ** Getters indexFirstArrow, indexSecondArrow, -- ** Smart constructors commaMorphism, unsafeCommaMorphism, CommaCategory(..), sliceCategory, cosliceCategory, arrowCategory, ) where import qualified Data.WeakSet as Set import Data.WeakSet (Set) import Data.WeakSet.Safe import qualified Data.WeakMap as Map import Data.WeakMap (Map) import Data.WeakMap.Safe import Data.Simplifiable import Math.Category import Math.FiniteCategory import Math.Categories.FinCat import Math.Categories.FunctorCategory import Math.FiniteCategories.One import Math.IO.PrettyPrint import GHC.Generics -- | A `CommaObject` in the `CommaCategory` (/T/|/S/) is a triplet \ where @f : /T/(e) -> /S/(d)@. -- -- See "Categories for the working mathematician", Saunders Mac Lane, P.46. -- -- The 'CommaObject' constructor is private, use the smart constructor 'commaObject' or the unsafe one 'unsafeCommaObject'. data CommaObject o1 o2 m3 = CommaObject { indexSource :: o1 -- ^ e, the indexing object of the source of the 'selectedArrow'. , indexTarget :: o2 -- ^ d, the indexing object of the target of the 'selectedArrow'. , selectedArrow :: m3 -- ^ f, the selected arrow of the target category. } deriving (Eq, Generic, Simplifiable) instance (PrettyPrint o1, PrettyPrint o2, PrettyPrint m3) => PrettyPrint (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) where pprint 0 _ = "..." pprint v CommaObject{indexSource=e, indexTarget=d, selectedArrow=f} = "<"++pprint (v-1) e++", "++pprint (v-1) d++", "++pprint (v-1) f++">" -- pprintWithIndentations 0 ov indent _ = indentation ov indent ++ "...\n" -- pprintWithIndentations cv ov indent CommaObject{indexSource=e, indexTarget=d, selectedArrow=f} = indentation (ov - cv) indent ++ "<"++pprint (cv-1) e++", "++pprint (cv-1) d++", "++pprint (cv-1) f++">\n" instance (Show o1, Show o2, Show m3) => Show (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) where show CommaObject{indexSource=e, indexTarget=d, selectedArrow=f} = "(unsafeCommaObject ("++ show e ++ ") (" ++ show d ++ ") (" ++ show f ++ "))" -- | Smart constructor of 'CommaObject' which checks the structure of the 'CommaObject'. commaObject :: (Morphism m3 o3, Eq o1, Eq o2, Eq o3) => Diagram c1 m1 o1 c3 m3 o3 -> Diagram c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3 -> o1 -> o2 -> m3 -> Maybe (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) commaObject d1 d2 iS iT arr | d1 ->$ iS == (source arr) && d2 ->$ iT == (target arr) = Just CommaObject{indexSource=iS, indexTarget=iT,selectedArrow=arr} | otherwise = Nothing -- | Unsafe way of constructing a 'CommaObject' : the structure of the 'CommaObject' unsafeCommaObject :: o1 -> o2 -> m3 -> CommaObject o1 o2 m3 unsafeCommaObject iS iT arr = CommaObject{indexSource=iS, indexTarget=iT,selectedArrow=arr} -- | A `CommaMorphism` from \ to \ in the `CommaCategory` (/T/|/S/) is a couple \ where @/T/(k) : /T/(e1) -> /T/(e2)@, @/S/(h) : /S/(d1) -> /S/(d2)@ such that @f2 \@ /T/(k) = /S/(h) \@ f1@. -- -- See "Categories for the working mathematician", Saunders Mac Lane, P.46. data CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3 = CommaMorphism {srcCM :: (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -- ^ The source `CommaObject` (private, use 'source' instead). , tgtCM :: (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -- ^ The target `CommaObject`, (private, use 'target' instead). , indexFirstArrow :: m1 -- ^ k, the indexing arrow of the first functor. , indexSecondArrow :: m2} -- ^ h, the indexing arrow of the second functor. deriving (Eq, Generic, Simplifiable) -- | Smart constructor of 'CommaMorphism', checks the structure of the 'CommaMorphism' at construction. commaMorphism :: (Category c1 m1 o1, Morphism m1 o1, Category c2 m2 o2, Morphism m2 o2, Morphism m3 o3, Eq o1, Eq o2, Eq o3, Eq m1, Eq m2, Eq m3) => Diagram c1 m1 o1 c3 m3 o3 -> Diagram c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3 -> (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -> (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -> m1 -> m2 -> Maybe (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) commaMorphism d1 d2 s t firstArr secondArr | null m1 || null m2 || m1 /= m2 = Nothing | otherwise = Just CommaMorphism{srcCM=s, tgtCM=t, indexFirstArrow=firstArr, indexSecondArrow=secondArr} where m1 = (selectedArrow t) @? (d1 ->£ firstArr) m2 = (d2 ->£ secondArr) @? (selectedArrow s) -- | Unsafe constructor of 'CommaMorphism', does not check the structure of the 'CommaMorphism'. unsafeCommaMorphism :: (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -> (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) -> m1 -> m2 -> CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3 unsafeCommaMorphism s t firstArr secondArr = CommaMorphism{srcCM=s, tgtCM=t, indexFirstArrow=firstArr, indexSecondArrow=secondArr} instance (Show o1, Show o2, Show m1, Show m2, Show m3) => Show (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) where show CommaMorphism{srcCM=s, tgtCM =t, indexFirstArrow=k, indexSecondArrow=h} = "(unsafeCommaMorphism ("++show s++") ("++show t++") ("++show k++") ("++show h++"))" instance (PrettyPrint m1, PrettyPrint m2, PrettyPrint o1, PrettyPrint o2, PrettyPrint m3) => PrettyPrint (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) where pprint 0 _ = "..." pprint v CommaMorphism{srcCM=_, tgtCM =_, indexFirstArrow=k, indexSecondArrow=h} = "<"++pprint (v-1) k++", "++pprint (v-1) h++">" -- pprintWithIndentations 0 ov indent _ = indentation ov indent ++ "...\n" -- pprintWithIndentations cv ov indent CommaMorphism{srcCM=_, tgtCM =_, indexFirstArrow=k, indexSecondArrow=h} = indentation (ov - cv) indent ++ "<"++pprint (cv-1) k++", "++pprint (cv-1) h++">\n" instance (Morphism m1 o1, Morphism m2 o2, Eq o1, Eq o2, Eq m3) => Morphism (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) where source = srcCM target = tgtCM (@?) CommaMorphism{srcCM=s2,tgtCM=t2,indexFirstArrow=k2,indexSecondArrow=h2} CommaMorphism{srcCM=s1,tgtCM=t1,indexFirstArrow=k1,indexSecondArrow=h1} | t1 /= s2 = Nothing | null compoK = Nothing | null compoH = Nothing | otherwise = Just CommaMorphism{srcCM=s1,tgtCM=t2,indexFirstArrow=k,indexSecondArrow=h} where compoK = k2 @? k1 Just k = compoK compoH = h2 @? h1 Just h = compoH (@) CommaMorphism{srcCM=s2,tgtCM=t2,indexFirstArrow=k2,indexSecondArrow=h2} CommaMorphism{srcCM=s1,tgtCM=t1,indexFirstArrow=k1,indexSecondArrow=h1} = CommaMorphism{srcCM=s1,tgtCM=t2,indexFirstArrow = k2 @ k1,indexSecondArrow = h2 @ h1} -- | A `CommaCategory` is a couple (/T/|/S/) with /T/ and /S/ two diagrams with the same target. -- -- See "Categories for the working mathematician", Saunders Mac Lane, P.46. data CommaCategory c1 m1 o1 c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3 = CommaCategory {leftDiagram :: Diagram c1 m1 o1 c3 m3 o3 -- ^ /T/ , rightDiagram :: Diagram c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3} -- ^ /S/ deriving (Eq, Show, Generic, PrettyPrint, Simplifiable) instance (Category c1 m1 o1, Morphism m1 o1, Eq m1, Eq o1, Category c2 m2 o2, Morphism m2 o2, Eq m2, Eq o2, Category c3 m3 o3, Morphism m3 o3, Eq m3, Eq o3) => Category (CommaCategory c1 m1 o1 c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3) (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) where identity cc co = CommaMorphism{srcCM = co, tgtCM = co, indexFirstArrow = ((identity.src.leftDiagram $ cc) (indexSource co)), indexSecondArrow = ((identity.src.rightDiagram $ cc) (indexTarget co))} ar CommaCategory{leftDiagram = t, rightDiagram = s} obj1@CommaObject{indexSource=e1,indexTarget=d1,selectedArrow=f1} obj2@CommaObject{indexSource=e2,indexTarget=d2,selectedArrow=f2} = [CommaMorphism{srcCM=obj1,tgtCM=obj2,indexFirstArrow=k,indexSecondArrow=h}| k <- ar (src t) e1 e2, h <- ar (src s) d1 d2, f2 @ (t ->£ k) == (s ->£ h) @ f1] genAr CommaCategory{leftDiagram = t, rightDiagram = s} obj1@CommaObject{indexSource=e1,indexTarget=d1,selectedArrow=f1} obj2@CommaObject{indexSource=e2,indexTarget=d2,selectedArrow=f2} | d1 == d2 = [CommaMorphism{srcCM=obj1,tgtCM=obj2,indexFirstArrow=k,indexSecondArrow=identity (src s) d1}| k <- genAr (src t) e1 e2, f2 @ (t ->£ k) == f1] | e1 == e2 = [CommaMorphism{srcCM=obj1,tgtCM=obj2,indexFirstArrow=identity (src t) e1,indexSecondArrow=h}| h <- genAr (src s) d1 d2, f2 == (s ->£ h) @ f1] | otherwise = set [] decompose cc cm | length hyp == 1 = hyp | otherwise = filter (isNotIdentity cc) hyp where hyp = decomposeHelper cc cm decomposeHelper cc@CommaCategory{leftDiagram = t, rightDiagram = s} cm@CommaMorphism{srcCM=xfy,tgtCM=x'gy',indexFirstArrow=h,indexSecondArrow=i} | xfy == x'gy' = [identity cc xfy] | indexTarget xfy == indexTarget x'gy' = resultT:(decompose cc (unsafeCommaMorphism xfy (source resultT) composeAboveH (identity (src s) (indexTarget xfy)))) | indexSource xfy == indexSource x'gy' = (decompose cc (unsafeCommaMorphism (target resultI) (target cm) (identity (src t) (indexSource xfy)) composeBelowI))++[resultI] | otherwise = decompose cc (unsafeCommaMorphism (unsafeCommaObject (indexSource xfy) (indexTarget x'gy') (s ->£ i @ (selectedArrow xfy))) x'gy' h (identity (src s) (indexTarget x'gy'))) ++ decompose cc (unsafeCommaMorphism xfy (unsafeCommaObject (indexSource xfy) (indexTarget x'gy') (s ->£ i @ selectedArrow xfy)) (identity (src t) (indexSource xfy)) i) where decompH = decompose (src t) h ++ [identity (src t) (indexSource xfy)] genH = head decompH composeAboveH = compose.tail $ decompH resultT = unsafeCommaMorphism (unsafeCommaObject (source genH) (indexTarget xfy) ((selectedArrow x'gy') @ (t ->£ genH))) x'gy' genH (identity (src s) (indexTarget xfy)) decompI = [identity (src s) (indexTarget x'gy')] ++ decompose (src s) i genI = last decompI composeBelowI = compose.init $ decompI resultI = unsafeCommaMorphism xfy (unsafeCommaObject (indexSource xfy) (target genI) ((s ->£ genI) @ (selectedArrow xfy))) (identity (src t) (indexSource xfy)) genI instance (FiniteCategory c1 m1 o1, Morphism m1 o1, Eq m1, Eq o1, FiniteCategory c2 m2 o2, Morphism m2 o2, Eq m2, Eq o2, FiniteCategory c3 m3 o3, Morphism m3 o3, Eq m3, Eq o3) => FiniteCategory (CommaCategory c1 m1 o1 c2 m2 o2 c3 m3 o3) (CommaMorphism o1 o2 m1 m2 m3) (CommaObject o1 o2 m3) where ob CommaCategory{leftDiagram = t, rightDiagram = s} = [CommaObject{indexSource=e,indexTarget=d,selectedArrow=f}| e <- (ob (src t)), d <- (ob (src s)), f <- ar (tgt t) (t ->$ e) (s ->$ d)] -- | Construct the slice category of a category /C/ over an object /o/. -- -- Return Nothing if the object is not in the category. sliceCategory :: (FiniteCategory c m o, Morphism m o, Eq c, Eq m, Eq o) => c -> o -> Maybe (CommaCategory c m o One One One c m o) sliceCategory c o | o `isIn` ob c = Just CommaCategory{leftDiagram=identity FinCat c, rightDiagram=selectObject c o} | otherwise = Nothing -- | Construct the coslice category of a category /C/ under an object /o/. -- Return Nothing if the object is not in the category. cosliceCategory :: (FiniteCategory c m o, Morphism m o, Eq c, Eq m, Eq o) => c -> o -> Maybe (CommaCategory One One One c m o c m o) cosliceCategory c o | o `isIn` ob c = Just CommaCategory{leftDiagram=selectObject c o, rightDiagram=identity FinCat c} | otherwise = Nothing -- | Construct the arrow category of a category /C/. arrowCategory :: (FiniteCategory c m o, Morphism m o, Eq c, Eq m, Eq o) => c -> CommaCategory c m o c m o c m o arrowCategory c = CommaCategory{leftDiagram=identity FinCat c, rightDiagram=identity FinCat c}