-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- $Revision: 967 $ $Date: 2010-06-15 22:43:50 +0200 (Tue, 15 Jun 2010) $ -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- -- Module : Exec.Encode.Main -- Copyright : Otakar Smrz 2005-2010 -- License : GPL -- -- Maintainer : otakar.smrz mff.cuni.cz -- Stability : provisional -- Portability : portable -- -- "Encode.Arabic" "Encode.Mapper" "Encode.Unicode" module Main where import Encode import Encode.Arabic import Encode.Unicode import System.Environment import System.Console.GetOpt import System.IO import Data.Char import Data.List import Version version = Encode.version data Opts = DisplayUsage | PrintVersion | LineOriented | Prefix String | Suffix String deriving (Eq, Ord) options :: [OptDescr Opts] options = [ Option ['h'] ["help"] (NoArg DisplayUsage) "show usage information", Option ['l'] ["lines"] (NoArg LineOriented) "use line-oriented mode", Option ['p'] ["prefix"] (ReqArg Prefix "text") "prefix input with text", Option ['s'] ["suffix"] (ReqArg Suffix "text") "suffix input with text", Option ['v'] ["version"] (NoArg PrintVersion) "show program's version" ] copyleft = unlines ["Encode Arabic (C) 2010-2005 Otakar Smrz", "GNU General Public License http://www.gnu.org/licenses/"] synopsis = unlines [copyleft, " http://sourceforge.net/projects/encode-arabic/", " http://quest.ms.mff.cuni.cz/encode/", " ", "", "encode [--OPTIONS] [ENCODING]"] main = do argv <- getArgs let (opts, nons, errs) = getOpt Permute options argv if null errs then case (sort . nub) opts of DisplayUsage : _ -> tell (usageInfo synopsis options) PrintVersion : _ -> tell (unlines [copyleft, unwords ["Encode Arabic", showVersion Main.version, "June 2010"]]) LineOriented : _ -> execute True (tail opts) nons _ -> execute False opts nons else warn (usageInfo synopsis options) tell = hPutStr stdout warn = hPutStr stderr execute l opts nons = case opts of [Prefix p] -> interactPlus l e (p ++) [Prefix p, Suffix s] -> interactPlus l e ((p ++) . (++ s)) [Suffix s] -> interactPlus l e (++ s) _ -> interactPlus l e id where e = case nons of [] -> "" _ -> head nons interactPlus :: Bool -> String -> (String -> String) -> IO () interactPlus l e f = interact (if l then unlines . map decodes . lines else decodes) where decodes = encodes . decode UTF . f encodes = case map toLower e of "arabtex" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode ArabTeX "lagally" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode Lagally "tex" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode TeX "zdmg" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode ZDMG "arabtex_zdmg" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode ArabTeX_ZDMG "arabtex-zdmg" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode ArabTeX_ZDMG "buckwalter" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode Buckwalter "tim" -> encode UTF . decode UCS . encode Tim "winarabic" -> encode WinArabic "cp1256" -> encode CP1256 "windows_1256" -> encode Windows_1256 "windows-1256" -> encode Windows_1256 "isoarabic" -> encode ISOArabic "iso_8859_6" -> encode ISO_8859_6 "iso-8859-6" -> encode ISO_8859_6 "macarabic" -> encode MacArabic "macfarsi" -> encode MacFarsi "dosarabic" -> encode DOSArabic "cp864" -> encode CP864 "dosfarsi" -> encode DOSFarsi "cp1006" -> encode CP1006 "asmo449" -> encode ASMO449 "isiri3342" -> encode ISIRI3342 _ -> encode UTF