#! env perl # ###################################################################### Otakar Smrz, 2006/11/13 # # Building Encode ############################################################################## # $Id: Setup.PL 748 2008-11-07 22:31:28Z smrz $ our $VERSION = do { q $Revision: 748 $ =~ /(\d+)/; sprintf "%4.2f", $1 / 100 }; use File::Spec; use File::Copy; sub path ($) { return File::Spec->join(split ' ', $_[0]); } $DdotsEncodeExecbin = path "... Encode bin"; $Ddots = path "..."; $Dbin = path ". bin"; $Ddoc = path ". doc"; $fLICENSE = path ". LICENSE"; $fSOURCE = path ". SOURCE"; $\ = "\n"; $file = path ". Encode.cabal"; open C, '<', $file or die "Cannot open " . $file . "!\n"; while () { $ver = $1 if /^\s* version \s* : \s* ([^\s]+) \s*$/ix; $url = $1 if /^\s* package-url \s* : \s* ([^\s]+) \s*$/ix; $author = $1 if /^\s* author \s* : \s* ([^\s]+\ [^\s]+)\s*$/ix; $maintainer = $1 if /^\s* maintainer \s* : \s* ([^\s]+\ [^\s]+)\s*$/ix; $homepage = $1 if /^\s* homepage \s* : \s* ([^\s]+) \s*$/ix; $copyright = $1 if /^\s* copyright \s* : \s* ([^\s]+) \s*$/ix; } close C; die "Version not recognized!\n" unless $ver; die "Package-URL not recognized!\n" unless $url; die "Author not recognized!\n" unless $author; die "Maintainer not recognized!\n" unless $maintainer; die "Homepage not recognized!\n" unless $homepage; die "Copyright not recognized!\n" unless $copyright; mkdir "dist" unless -d "dist"; print "Changing directory: dist"; chdir "dist"; print "Removing ..."; foreach $file ((glob path "Encode doc decode *"), (glob path "Encode doc encode *"), (glob path "Encode doc *"), (glob path "Encode bin *"), (glob path "Encode *")) { print ' <- ' . $file; unlink $file; } rmdir path "Encode doc decode"; rmdir path "Encode doc encode"; rmdir path "Encode doc"; rmdir path "Encode bin"; rmdir path "Encode"; die "Remove the " . ( path "dist Encode" ). " directory first!\n" if -d "Encode"; mkdir path "Encode"; mkdir path "Encode bin"; mkdir path "Encode doc"; mkdir path "Encode doc encode"; mkdir path "Encode doc decode"; print "Changing directory: .."; chdir ".."; @param = @ARGV ? @ARGV : $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? "--global" : "--user --prefix $ENV{'HOME'}/.cabal"; print "Configuring with parameters: @param"; system "runhaskell Setup.hs configure @param"; system "runhaskell Setup.hs build"; system "runhaskell Setup.hs haddock --executables"; system "runhaskell Setup.hs install"; system "runhaskell Setup.hs sdist"; print "Changing directory: dist"; chdir "dist"; $path = path "Encode bin"; print $path; @execs = $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? (path "build encode encode.exe", path "build decode decode.exe") : (path "build encode encode", path "build decode decode"); foreach $file (@execs) { print ' <- ' . $file; copy $file, $path; } $path = path "Encode doc encode"; print $path; foreach $file (glob path "doc html Encode encode *") { print ' <- ' . $file; move $file, $path; } $path = path "Encode doc decode"; print $path; foreach $file (glob path "doc html Encode decode *") { print ' <- ' . $file; move $file, $path; } copy path ".. LICENSE", path "Encode"; open S, '>', path "Encode SOURCE"; print S << "SOURCE"; This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License in $fLICENSE. The source code for this software can be downloaded from the following address: $url If experiencing problems, please contact the maintainer of the software: $author <$maintainer> $homepage Copyright (C) $copyright $author SOURCE close S; open I, '>', path "Encode INSTALL"; print I << "INSTALL"; This package includes the $^O-built executables of the "Encode-$ver" library: $url Before using the programs in the $Dbin directory, please read the license terms in $fLICENSE and $fSOURCE. The HTML documentation is in the $Ddoc directories. In order to run the programs, unpack the contents of the distribution package and then: either execute the programs from within the $Dbin directory or copy the contents of the $Dbin directory to some other directory that is already included in the PATH environment variable or extend the setting of the PATH variable with $DdotsEncodeExecbin, where $Ddots stands for the actual path to the unpacked distribution If experiencing problems, please contact the maintainer of the software: $author <$maintainer> $homepage Copyright (C) $copyright $author INSTALL close I; $name = "Encode-Exec-" . $ver . "-built-" . $^O; system "tar -cf " . $name . ".tar" . " Encode"; system "gzip -9 " . $name . ".tar"; print "Done with " . $name . ".tar.gz"; system "zip -r " . $name . ".zip" . " Encode"; print "Done with " . $name . ".zip";