module Draw ( draw, glStyle, board2screen ) where import Chess import Font import GameLogic (Move(..), visibleSquares) import Geometry import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, guard, unless, when) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Map ((!)) import FRP.Peakachu.Backend.GLUT (Image(..)) import Graphics.UI.GLUT piecePix :: DefendFont -> PieceType -> Pix piecePix font x = font ! map toLower (show x) board2screen :: BoardPos -> DrawPos board2screen (bx, by) = (r bx, r by) where r ba = (fromIntegral ba - 3.5) / 4 glStyle :: Image glStyle = Image $ do cursor $= None lineSmooth $= Enabled polygonSmooth $= Enabled hint LineSmooth $= Nicest hint PolygonSmooth $= Nicest blend $= Enabled draw :: DefendFont -> Board -> Move -> DrawPos -> Maybe PieceSide -> Integer -> Image draw font board drag (cx, cy) me gameIter = Image $ do blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) lighting $= Enabled light (Light 0) $= Enabled position (Light 0) $= Vertex4 0 0 (-1) 0 cullFace $= Just Front drawBoard mapM_ drawPiece . filter ((`elem` vis) . piecePos) $ boardPieces board when srcFirst . drawCursor . moveSrc $ drag drawCursor . moveDst $ drag unless srcFirst . drawCursor . moveSrc $ drag where srcFirst = cursorDist (moveSrc drag) < cursorDist (moveDst drag) cursorDist = cursorDist' . board2screen cursorDist' (x, y) = (cx-x)^(2::Int) + (cy-y)^(2::Int) headingUp = normal $ Normal3 0 0 (-1 :: GLfloat) drawPiece piece = do let pix = piecePix font (pieceType piece) (px, py) = piecePos piece (sx, sy) = board2screen (px, py) white :: Color4 GLfloat white = Color4 1 1 1 1 black = Color4 0 0 0 1 (bodyCol, outlineCol) | pieceSide piece == White = (white, black) | otherwise = (black, white) vert m (vx, vy) = vertex $ Vertex4 (sx + m*vx) (sy + m*vy) 0 1 headingUp materialDiffuse Front $= bodyCol renderPrimitive Triangles . forM (pixBody pix) . mapM $ vert (pieceSize * 0.125) materialDiffuse Front $= outlineCol renderPrimitive Quads . forM (pixOutline pix) $ \outline -> forM (polygonEdges (zip outline (expandPolygon (-0.06) outline))) $ \((a, b), (c, d)) -> forM [c, d, b, a] . vert $ pieceSize * 0.125 pieceSize = 0.9 vis = maybe allBoard (`visibleSquares` board) me allBoard = [(x, y) | x <- [0..7], y <- [0..7]] drawBoard = forM_ vis $ \(bx, by) -> do let col = 0.3 + 0.1 * fromIntegral ((bx + by) `mod` 2) r ba va = 0.125*((fromIntegral ba*2+va)-7) materialDiffuse Front $= Color4 col col col 1 headingUp renderPrimitive Quads . forM square $ \(vx, vy) -> vertex $ Vertex4 (r bx vx) (r by vy) 0 1 drawCursor boardPos = do cullFace $= Just Back drawCursor' boardPos cullFace $= Just Front drawCursor' boardPos drawCursor' boardPos = renderPrimitive Triangles . forM_ curPix $ \part -> forM_ (polygonEdges part) $ \((ax, ay), (bx, by)) -> do let (rx, ry) = board2screen boardPos points = [[0.9*cx, 0.9*cy, 0.9] ,[rx + 0.125*ax, ry + 0.125*ay, 1] ,[rx + 0.125*bx, ry + 0.125*by, 1] ] norml = faceNormal points [nx, ny, nz] | last norml < 0 = norml | otherwise = map negate norml normal $ Normal3 nx ny nz materialDiffuse Front $= case pieceUnderCursor of Nothing -> Color4 1 1 0 0.5 _ -> cursorColor 1 forM_ (take 1 points) $ \[px, py, pz] -> vertex $ Vertex4 px py 0 pz materialDiffuse Front $= case pieceUnderCursor of Nothing -> Color4 1 1 0 0 _ -> cursorColor 0.5 forM_ (tail points) $ \[px, py, pz] -> vertex $ Vertex4 px py 0 pz cursorColor | gameIter >= moveIter drag = Color4 0 1 0 | otherwise = Color4 1 0 0 pieceUnderCursor = do r <- pieceAt board . moveSrc $ drag guard . not . (== Just False) . (<$> me) . (==) . pieceSide $ r return r curPix = case pieceUnderCursor of Nothing -> [square] Just p -> map (map t) . pixOutline . piecePix font $ pieceType p where t (x, y) = (pieceSize*x, pieceSize*y) square = [((-1), (-1)), ((-1), 1), (1, 1), (1, (-1))]