The Cabal library package ========================= Installation instructions for the DSTM library =============================================== Installing as a user (no root or administer access) --------------------------------------------------- ghc --make Setup ./Setup configure --user ./Setup build ./Setup install Note the use of the `--user` flag at the configure step. Compiling Setup rather than using `runghc Setup` is much faster and works on Windows. For all packages other than Cabal itself it is fine to use `runghc`. This will install into `$HOME/.cabal/` on unix and into `$Documents and Settings\$User\Application Data\cabal\` on Windows If you want to install elsewhere use the `--prefix=` flag at the configure step. Installing as root / Administrator ---------------------------------- ghc --make Setup ./Setup configure ./Setup build sudo ./Setup install Compiling Setup rather than using `runghc Setup` is much faster and works on Windows. For all packages other than Cabal itself it is fine to use `runghc`. This will install into `/usr/local` on unix and on Windows it will install into `$ProgramFiles/Haskell`. If you want to install elsewhere use the `--prefix=` flag at the configure step. User«s Manual ============== Please see DSTMManual.pdf in the DSTM directory. Bugs ======= Please report bugs and wish-list items to: Your Help --------- To help us in the next round of development work it would be enormously helpful to know from our users what their user experience is.