Name: Chart-tests Version: 1.9.4 License: BSD3 License-file: LICENSE Copyright: Tim Docker, 2006-2014 Author: Tim Docker Maintainer: Tim Docker Homepage: Synopsis: Tests of the Charts library. Description: Tests of the Charts library. Category: Graphics Cabal-Version: >= 1.10 Build-Type: Simple source-repository head type: git location: Executable chart-harness Build-Depends: base >= 3 && < 5, old-locale, array, time, mtl, colour >= 2.2.1 && < 2.4, lens >= 3.9 && < 5.3, data-default-class < 0.2, bytestring >= 0.9 && < 1.0, svg-builder >= 0.1 && < 0.2, random >= 1.0, containers >= 0.4 && <0.7, old-time >= 1.0, Chart >= 1.9 && < 1.10, Chart-cairo >= 1.9 && < 1.10, Chart-gtk >= 1.9 && < 1.10, Chart-diagrams >= 1.9 && < 1.10, gtk >= 0.9.11, cairo >= 0.9.11, diagrams-cairo >= 1.3 && < 1.5, diagrams-svg >= 1.4 && < 1.5, diagrams-postscript >= 0.7 && < 1.6, diagrams-lib >= 1.2 && < 1.5, diagrams-core >= 1.3 && < 1.6, vector >= 0.9 && < 0.13, QuickCheck >= 2.10 && < 2.15 Main-is: Main.hs Hs-Source-Dirs: tests Ghc-Options: -threaded default-language: Haskell2010 other-modules: CompareFonts DiagramsCairo DiagramsEPS DiagramsSVG Drawing.Cairo Drawing.DiagramsCairo Drawing.Tests ExampleStocks GtkTestPicking Prices Test1 Test2 Test3 Test4 Test5 Test7 Test8 Test9 Test14a Test14 Test15 Test17 Test19 Test20 TestParametric Tests TestSparkLines Utils test-suite doctests type: exitcode-stdio-1.0 main-is: Doctests.hs build-depends: base >= 4.7 && < 5 , doctest >= 0.8 default-language: Haskell2010 Hs-Source-Dirs: tests