module Distribution.PackageDescription.PrettyPrint (
) where
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(mempty))
import Distribution.PackageDescription
( Benchmark(..), BenchmarkInterface(..), benchmarkType
, TestSuite(..), TestSuiteInterface(..), testType
, SourceRepo(..),
customFieldsBI, CondTree(..), Condition(..),
FlagName(..), ConfVar(..), Executable(..), Library(..),
Flag(..), PackageDescription(..),
import Text.PrettyPrint
(hsep, parens, char, nest, empty, isEmpty, ($$), (<+>),
colon, (<>), text, vcat, ($+$), Doc, render)
import Distribution.Simple.Utils (writeUTF8File)
import Distribution.ParseUtils (showFreeText, FieldDescr(..), indentWith, ppField, ppFields)
import Distribution.PackageDescription.Parse (pkgDescrFieldDescrs,binfoFieldDescrs,libFieldDescrs,
import Distribution.Package (Dependency(..))
import Distribution.Text (Text(..))
import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust, isNothing)
simplifiedPrinting :: Bool
simplifiedPrinting = False
writeGenericPackageDescription :: FilePath -> GenericPackageDescription -> IO ()
writeGenericPackageDescription fpath pkg = writeUTF8File fpath (showGenericPackageDescription pkg)
showGenericPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> String
showGenericPackageDescription = render . ppGenericPackageDescription
ppGenericPackageDescription :: GenericPackageDescription -> Doc
ppGenericPackageDescription gpd =
ppPackageDescription (packageDescription gpd)
$+$ ppGenPackageFlags (genPackageFlags gpd)
$+$ ppLibrary (condLibrary gpd)
$+$ ppExecutables (condExecutables gpd)
$+$ ppTestSuites (condTestSuites gpd)
$+$ ppBenchmarks (condBenchmarks gpd)
ppPackageDescription :: PackageDescription -> Doc
ppPackageDescription pd = ppFields pkgDescrFieldDescrs pd
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsPD pd)
$+$ ppSourceRepos (sourceRepos pd)
ppSourceRepos :: [SourceRepo] -> Doc
ppSourceRepos [] = empty
ppSourceRepos (hd:tl) = ppSourceRepo hd $+$ ppSourceRepos tl
ppSourceRepo :: SourceRepo -> Doc
ppSourceRepo repo =
emptyLine $ text "source-repository" <+> disp (repoKind repo) $+$
(nest indentWith (ppFields sourceRepoFieldDescrs' repo))
sourceRepoFieldDescrs' = [fd | fd <- sourceRepoFieldDescrs, fieldName fd /= "kind"]
ppFieldsFiltered :: [(String, String)] -> [FieldDescr a] -> a -> Doc
ppFieldsFiltered removable fields x = ppFields (filter nondefault fields) x
nondefault (FieldDescr name getter _) =
maybe True (render (getter x) /=) (lookup name removable)
binfoDefaults :: [(String, String)]
binfoDefaults = [("buildable", "True")]
libDefaults :: [(String, String)]
libDefaults = ("exposed", "True") : binfoDefaults
flagDefaults :: [(String, String)]
flagDefaults = [("default", "True"), ("manual", "False")]
ppDiffFields :: [FieldDescr a] -> a -> a -> Doc
ppDiffFields fields x y =
vcat [ ppField name (getter x)
| FieldDescr name getter _ <- fields
, render (getter x) /= render (getter y)
ppCustomFields :: [(String,String)] -> Doc
ppCustomFields flds = vcat [ppCustomField f | f <- flds]
ppCustomField :: (String,String) -> Doc
ppCustomField (name,val) = text name <> colon <+> showFreeText val
ppGenPackageFlags :: [Flag] -> Doc
ppGenPackageFlags flds = vcat [ppFlag f | f <- flds]
ppFlag :: Flag -> Doc
ppFlag flag@(MkFlag name _ _ _) =
emptyLine $ text "flag" <+> ppFlagName name $+$ nest indentWith fields
fields = ppFieldsFiltered flagDefaults flagFieldDescrs flag
ppLibrary :: (Maybe (CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Library)) -> Doc
ppLibrary Nothing = empty
ppLibrary (Just condTree) =
emptyLine $ text "library" $+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppLib)
ppLib lib Nothing = ppFieldsFiltered libDefaults libFieldDescrs lib
$$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI (libBuildInfo lib))
ppLib lib (Just plib) = ppDiffFields libFieldDescrs lib plib
$$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI (libBuildInfo lib))
ppExecutables :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Executable)] -> Doc
ppExecutables exes =
vcat [emptyLine $ text ("executable " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppExe)| (n,condTree) <- exes]
ppExe (Executable _ modulePath' buildInfo') Nothing =
(if modulePath' == "" then empty else text "main-is:" <+> text modulePath')
$+$ ppFieldsFiltered binfoDefaults binfoFieldDescrs buildInfo'
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI buildInfo')
ppExe (Executable _ modulePath' buildInfo')
(Just (Executable _ modulePath2 buildInfo2)) =
(if modulePath' == "" || modulePath' == modulePath2
then empty else text "main-is:" <+> text modulePath')
$+$ ppDiffFields binfoFieldDescrs buildInfo' buildInfo2
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI buildInfo')
ppTestSuites :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] TestSuite)] -> Doc
ppTestSuites suites =
emptyLine $ vcat [ text ("test-suite " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppTestSuite)
| (n,condTree) <- suites]
ppTestSuite testsuite Nothing =
maybe empty (\t -> text "type:" <+> disp t)
$+$ maybe empty (\f -> text "main-is:" <+> text f)
(testSuiteMainIs testsuite)
$+$ maybe empty (\m -> text "test-module:" <+> disp m)
(testSuiteModule testsuite)
$+$ ppFieldsFiltered binfoDefaults binfoFieldDescrs (testBuildInfo testsuite)
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI (testBuildInfo testsuite))
maybeTestType | testInterface testsuite == mempty = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (testType testsuite)
ppTestSuite (TestSuite _ _ buildInfo' _)
(Just (TestSuite _ _ buildInfo2 _)) =
ppDiffFields binfoFieldDescrs buildInfo' buildInfo2
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI buildInfo')
testSuiteMainIs test = case testInterface test of
TestSuiteExeV10 _ f -> Just f
_ -> Nothing
testSuiteModule test = case testInterface test of
TestSuiteLibV09 _ m -> Just m
_ -> Nothing
ppBenchmarks :: [(String, CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] Benchmark)] -> Doc
ppBenchmarks suites =
emptyLine $ vcat [ text ("benchmark " ++ n)
$+$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree condTree Nothing ppBenchmark)
| (n,condTree) <- suites]
ppBenchmark benchmark Nothing =
maybe empty (\t -> text "type:" <+> disp t)
$+$ maybe empty (\f -> text "main-is:" <+> text f)
(benchmarkMainIs benchmark)
$+$ ppFieldsFiltered binfoDefaults binfoFieldDescrs (benchmarkBuildInfo benchmark)
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI (benchmarkBuildInfo benchmark))
maybeBenchmarkType | benchmarkInterface benchmark == mempty = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (benchmarkType benchmark)
ppBenchmark (Benchmark _ _ buildInfo' _)
(Just (Benchmark _ _ buildInfo2 _)) =
ppDiffFields binfoFieldDescrs buildInfo' buildInfo2
$+$ ppCustomFields (customFieldsBI buildInfo')
benchmarkMainIs benchmark = case benchmarkInterface benchmark of
BenchmarkExeV10 _ f -> Just f
_ -> Nothing
ppCondition :: Condition ConfVar -> Doc
ppCondition (Var x) = ppConfVar x
ppCondition (Lit b) = text (show b)
ppCondition (CNot c) = char '!' <> (ppCondition c)
ppCondition (COr c1 c2) = parens (hsep [ppCondition c1, text "||"
<+> ppCondition c2])
ppCondition (CAnd c1 c2) = parens (hsep [ppCondition c1, text "&&"
<+> ppCondition c2])
ppConfVar :: ConfVar -> Doc
ppConfVar (OS os) = text "os" <> parens (disp os)
ppConfVar (Arch arch) = text "arch" <> parens (disp arch)
ppConfVar (Flag name) = text "flag" <> parens (ppFlagName name)
ppConfVar (Impl c v) = text "impl" <> parens (disp c <+> disp v)
ppFlagName :: FlagName -> Doc
ppFlagName (FlagName name) = text name
ppCondTree :: CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a -> Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe a -> Doc) -> Doc
ppCondTree ct@(CondNode it _ ifs) mbIt ppIt =
let res = (vcat $ map ppIf ifs)
$+$ ppIt it mbIt
in if isJust mbIt && isEmpty res
then ppCondTree ct Nothing ppIt
else res
ppIf (c,thenTree,mElseTree) =
((emptyLine $ text "if" <+> ppCondition c) $$
nest indentWith (ppCondTree thenTree
(if simplifiedPrinting then (Just it) else Nothing) ppIt))
$+$ (if isNothing mElseTree
then empty
else text "else"
$$ nest indentWith (ppCondTree (fromJust mElseTree)
(if simplifiedPrinting then (Just it) else Nothing) ppIt))
emptyLine :: Doc -> Doc
emptyLine d = text "" $+$ d